Leyte Normal University

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Leyte Normal University

College of Education
P. Paterno St., Tacloban City

Final Output in

Submitted to:

Dr. Perlita M. Vivero

Submitted by:

Lance C. Cajarop

Submitted on:

December 7, 2019
Ever since I was in primary school, I have always been fascinated with the teaching
profession as I am part of a family of teachers. I thought to myself, as I watch my Lola hang out
in our veranda and being greeted by her former students, that I want to be a teacher someday
because I want to be respected and looked up to by everyone in our community, just like her. I
thought, teaching was confined in that sense, where you just have to talk constantly in front of
students and receive a high salary, not recognizing that teaching in fact, is beyond those. Now,
as I pursue my dream of becoming a full-pledged, licensed teacher, I realized that indeed teaching
is a very encompassing profession for it not only focuses on pedagogies or on strategies on how
you are going to teach effectively, but we must also look into a diverse spectrum of philosophies,
ethical standards, and codes of conduct for us to become teachers with high professional integrity,
competence and a lofty dignity. As I encounter this subject, I was able to learn on what it is like
to become a teacher, aside from all the lesson plans, TOS, and Assessment tools that we have to
make, I was able to see the teaching profession in its purest form. I witnessed its very essence
which emanates from the philosophies we will be using as teachers, and the ethical and
professional standards that we should follow when we become a teacher someday. With the
knowledge and experience that I was blessed enough to acquire from this subject, I was able to
grow fond with the prospect of becoming a teacher as I was able to view our truest worth as a
teacher - that we are not just teachers, we are beyond the stereotypes that the society has set.
We are beyond from making lesson plans, and checking the papers. We are the steerers of destiny
of all nations. We are the ones who cultivates every nation’s flowers for them to bloom with beauty
and glory, and we are the ones who catalyzes the fire of progress. These words constantly echoes
in my mind, and that just pushes me to do the very best to finish my degree on education and
become the best teacher that I could be. With that being said, I am eternally grateful to have been
able to undergo this course as I have been exposed not just to teaching, but to the art of teaching.
I will forever take all the lessons to my heart as I embarked on my life-long quest of becoming a
highly distinguished educator.
Title: The Global Teacher Status Report
Task No. 2: Answer the following questions based on the
GTSIndex report
1. What message do these data convey: 2/3 of the countries judged the professional
status of teachers most similar to social works? Explain your answer
 It just saddens me to know that teachers are not being seen as teachers. However,
the message of this is that, the teachers are the ones who truly looked for the
welfare of the students to the point that some of the teachers act like they are
parents, and really help the students grow holistically by addressing their needs
as students, and paving the way for their realization of their overall potentials by
providing them the adequate care and support which are beyond to the boundaries
of teaching itself where teacher are just supposed to teach, nothing more and
nothing less.
2. In most European countries, more respondents believe that pupil disrespected
teachers than respected them. Is this situation true to the Philippine setting?
 It is embedded in our souls as Filipinos to respect people of authority, especially
the teachers. The students, especially in our locality, really have that high level of
respect as seen through greeting the teachers and recognizing them as an
authority, and this things are already part of our values as Filipinos. We tend to
have many celebration for them such as the teachers day for us to honor, and pay
our respect to our teachers in pursuant to R.A. 10743, An Act Declaring the Fifth
Day of October of Every Year as the National Teachers’ Day. Also here in the
Country, the teachers are protected specifically in the RA 4670, or the Magna Carta
for Public School Teachers and also in the Article 14, Section 5, and paragraph 4 of
the 1987 constitution which proves that the state and its people really recognize
the importance of teachers and thereby, respect and protect them.
3. Fifty percent of parent in China would encourage their children to become teachers.
Would you do the same to your younger sister or brother? Why? Why not?
 I would definitely encourage my nephews and nieces to become teachers for the
fact that this profession has a high employability rate since it is an in-demand
profession in the country, and it also has a relatively high salary and security of
tenure as cited in a study of Mirko Lukas and Darko Samardzic on Impact of
Teacher’s Income on Student's Educational Achievements, teaching profession is
more popular as incomes increase and therefore attracts more motivated and
skilled individuals. Not only that, they would be able to become part of the nation-
building process as they are the ones who mainly develop the children to become
individuals our country is hoping for and enjoy the respect and that sense of
authority that they would acquire as teachers.
4. Do you agree with the survey results that teachers should be paid according to student
performance? Yes or No? Why? Why not?
 I strongly feel that teachers should be paid according to their qualifications and not
to student’s performance because, student performance itself is encompassing, and
teachers are just one of the factors that merely contribute to student achievement
as according to Irfan MushtaqĮ Shabana and Nawaz Khanı in their study, Factors
Affecting Students’ Academic Performance, communication, learning facilities,
proper guidance and family stress are the factors that affect the student
performance. With that light, it would be unfair for the teachers if it would reflect
on their salaries and would eventually affect their motivation to teach. Instead, I
suggest that the salaries for teachers should be increased so that the teachers in
the field would feel motivated to do their best in the field hence improving the
student performance. As cited by Arain, Amjad & Jafri, Iftikhar & Ali, Hyder (2014)
in the reaserch Evaluating the Impact of Teachers' Remuneration on the
Performance of Students: Evidence from PISA, there is a positive impact of teacher
remuneration on students' performance. Also, according to Mirko Lukas and Darko
Samardzic, that students have significantly better educational achievements and
exam results in countries where salaries are significantly above 50,000 $ (except in
Denmark and Spain where salaries are only slightly above 50,000 $).
5. Teachers in the 21 countries surveyed have positive trust ratings. Do you think Filipino
teachers are also trusted? Yes or no? Explain
 Yes, the teachers here in the Philippines are trusted because otherwise, the people
specifically the parents will have an antagonistic view towards the teachers that will
negatively affect the teacher-student relationship. If the teachers are not trusted,
the students here in the country would have already disrespected the teachers and
take them for granted. We will not have any policies that protects the teachers nor
have celebrations that are aimed to honor and respect them.


1.1.2 Use research-based 1.2.1 Demonstrate an
Knowledge understanding of research-
based knowledge and
principles of teaching and
Knowledge, Skills and
1.2.3 Understand 4.3.1 Demonstrate
how to implement the knowledge in the
curriculum implementation of
relevant and responsive
learning programs. Design alternative 2.3.1 Demonstrate
classroom arrangements knowledge of managing
that enable creative and classroom structure that
dynamic learning engages learners,
individually or in groups, in
meaningful exploration,
discovery and hands-on
activities within the
Learning Environment available physical learning

2.2.3 Create a positive 2.2.1 Demonstrate

and caring learning space understanding of learning
environments that
promote fairness, respect
and care to encourage
2.1.1 Identify my students’ 3.1.1 Demonstrate
needs and strengths to knowledge and
help them learn better understanding of
Diversity of Learners differentiated teaching to
suit the learners’ gender,
needs, strengths, interests
and experiences.
2.1.3 Value what makes 3.2.1 Implement teaching
my students unique strategies that are
responsive to the learners’
linguistic, cultural, socio-
economic, and religious
4.2.2 Inspire my students 7.2.1 Demonstrate
and colleagues by setting behaviors that uphold the
my best example dignity of teaching as a
profession by exhibiting
qualities such as caring
attitude, respect and
4.1.1 Continue to grow by 7.4.1 Demonstrate an
knowing myself more understanding of how
professional reflection and
learning can be used to
improve practice.

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