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I love to cook

ตตตตตตตตต Tom yum kung / ตตตตตต Pat Thai / ตตตตตตต Kang Ped /
ตตตตตตตตตตตตตตตต Kaow Neaw Ma Muang

How to cook Tom yum kung

1. What do i need? Formatted: No bullets or numbering

Formatted: Font color: Black
Picture Eng Thai Pronounce

water nam

Fish sauce Napla

kaffir lime leaves Bı makrūd

lemongrass Takhịr̂
Crushed garlic Kratheīym k̄holk

salt Kelụ̄x

pepper Phrikthịy

shrimp Kûng

scallions H̄ạw h̄xm

Lime juice N̂ả manāw

cilantro P̄hạkchī

Thai chili pepper Phrik thị

2. How to cook tom yum kung Formatted: Font: Bold

Formatted: No bullets or numbering
English Thai Pronounce Formatted: Font color: Black

Bring the water or stock, fish sauce, lime Nả n̂ả h̄rụ̄x s̄t̆ xk n̂ảplā bı manāw takhịr̂
leaves, lemongrass, galangal, garlic, salt
and pepper to a boil in a large pot over k̄h̀ ā kratheīym kelụ̄x læa phrikthịy mā
medium flame. Reduce heat to low and
simmer for 15 to 20 minutes.
t̂m nı h̄m̂x bı h̄ıỵ̀ d̂wy fị pānklāng ld
khwām r̂ xn t̀ ả læa kheī̀yw pĕn welā 15
t̄hụng 20 nāthī

Remove from heat and set aside for another Lb cāk khwām r̂ xn læa tậng s̄ảrxng xīk 10
10 minutes to steep. Strain through a fine-
meshed sieve and discard solids. nāthī pheụ̄̀x s̄ūng chạn krxng p̄h̀ ān
takærng laxeīyd læa thîng k̄hxngk̄hæ̆ng
Return the stock to a simmer over medium- Khụ̄n s̄t̆ xk pị thī̀ h̄ln d̂wy khwām r̂ xn
low heat. Add the shrimp, scallions and
mushrooms and continue to simmer over pānklāng t̀ ả pheìm kûng, h̄ạw h̄xm læa h̄ĕd
medium-low heat until shrimp is cooked læa dảnein kār t̀ x pị kheī̀yw p̄h̀ ān khwām
through, 5 to 6 minutes.
r̂ xn pānklāng t̀ ả cn kûng s̄uk p̄h̀ ān 5 t̄hụng
6 nāthī

Stir in the lime juice, cilantro and P̄hạd nı n̂ả manāw p̄hạkchī læa phrik
chilies, adjust seasoning and serve.
prạbprung rs̄ læa h̄ı̂ brikār

How to cook Phad Thai

What do i need?

Picture English Thai pronounce

Rice noodles Ǩwyteī̌yw k̄ĥāw

Lime juice N̂ả manāw

Brown sugar N̂ảtāl thrāy

Fish sauce Napla

Soy sauce Sīxíw

cayenne pepper Phrik p̀n

Vegetable oil N̂ảmạn phụ̄ch

pepper Phrikthịy

garlic Kratheīym

shrimp Kûng
Green onion H̄ạw h̄xm s̄ī k̄heīyw

peanuts T̄hạ̀w lis̄ng

How to cook?

English Thai pronounce

Formatted: Font color: Black

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