Creative Writing Multigenre Project

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and Hopes
Where do they go?
There is one divorce in America every 13 seconds. This is equal to 6,646
divorces per day, which then adds up to 46,523 divorces per week. In the past years,
75% of the time the wife has been the one to file a divorce. In the United States, 43% of
children are being raised without their fathers. This then leads to the problem of people
thinking it’s the wife’s fault that them and their significant other ended their relationship.
Not only that, but people may say it’s also the wife’s fault that the child (if any) has to
live without their father in many cases. But who’s fault is it really?

Obviously, it’s the guys fault that they end up in a situation of divorce, and that
children are being left without a father figure. Fathers are less likely to live with their
children if they have a daughter versus if they have a son. This shows that many fathers
decide not to be in their kids lives because of their gender. They assume that because
they have a daughter, she will grow up to be like her mother and that she won’t follow
him because boys and girls are very different. The truth is, daughters desire to have a
father. They grow up their whole lives wondering why their father left, and remain
heartbroken from the fact that one of the people they thought would have always been
there for them is no longer in their life. All around the world, 90% of mothers have
custody of their children. This shows us that throughout different countries, mothers
raise their children by themselves, or with another man that is not related to the kid.
Children in situations where their parents had been involved in multiple divorces earn
lower grades than their peers and their peers rated them as less pleasant to be around.
This is the father's fault because if they would have done right in the relationship, the
children would not be left in a broken home. This shows in the fact that children who do
not live with their biological father have not seen him during the past 12 months and
more than half of them have never been in his home. 26 percent of those fathers live in
a different state than their children. This affects the way the child acts and thinks. They
underestimate themselves because one of the people that created them, does not want
them so they turn out to think that they are a burden. Not only that, but since they bottle
up their emotions and are very personal, they turn out to have a bad attitude because of
lack of attention and many other things. All in all, disappearing fathers make girls act the
way they do today and are the reason for single mothers.

Many Children Suffer Without Support From Their


Denver, Co - As you may know, many fathers don’t stay in their first child(s) life. Before you
are old enough to understand, they leave. Without thinking how it will impact you, they go
out and start a new life with another family. Today we interviewed 32 year old Bryan, father
of 2. “I had a kid with my first love, Brianna.” he started. He hesitated as he added on “We
had a girl, and one night I just got tired of her always whining and crying. I would wake up
tired for work and there were many times throughout the day where I just felt like passing
out. One day I got fed up, so I told Brianna that I was going to go get our daughter some
milk. Leaving everything behind, including my phone, I drove to California. When I got here,
I stayed with some of my cousins until later I found another person to love. I then moved in
with her and we had a kid, Josh. To this day, I do not know anything about my daughter or
ex wife. Sometimes I even forget I have a daughter.” With a lot of research, we found out
who the daughter and the ex wife were. Without consent, we did surveys and asked many
questions about 14 year old Chloe, the daughter. In school, we found that she wasn’t very
pleasant to be around and many of her class grades were low. We asked her friends a little
bit about her. They told us that she doesn’t trust boys and that her dad was the first guy to
ever break her heart. They also explained that she gets sad when other kids talk about
having fun and spending time with their dads, and that she wonders what it would have
been like having a father. “Why did he leave? Was I really that disappointing?” is a question
that many school students wonder. What should be said is “You know what? I'm glad that he
isn’t in my life because it shows me that I don’t ever need a guy to keep moving forward.”

Without a dad
Not having a dad really changes you
There are many things you have to get through
Some days you feel really blue
And you wonder things that could be true

You have learned how to tie your shoe

And you have noticed that you grew
You know you always have to pursue
To all the things you wish to do

There are many things you wish you could undo

And many things you wish you could do
Like putting your family back together with glue
And being close like the animals at the zoo

Dads are stupid and always leave

Some even disappear on Christmas Eve
Having kids is something they always achieve
A father's love is something these kids will never receive

A man always seems to mess up

But they don’t really give a f***
For many this really sucks
Because they leave you in the dust

To The Father I Never Had

Dear Dad,
I hate you. I hate you and all the people that are my
‘relatives’ because of you with every part of me. How could a
kid hate their own father? I hate you, not because you try to
protect me, not because you’ve ever tried to control me, and
not because you don’t let me go out and do the things I want.
I hate you because you’ve never done any of that for me. I
never got to feel the love of a father. I’ve always wondered
what a father daughter dance would be like. I’ve never gotten
a talk from you about how I should stay away from boys. I
needed a man to tell me that a boy I liked wasn’t good
enough for me. I needed protection after my first heartbreak.
I needed a man as a defender. Instead, I got all that from my
mom. Including the talk about staying away from boys, and I
understand her because she wants me to meet a person that
would be like you. How could you get a woman pregnant, and
leave without hesitation? Your leaving a part of you, that you
could have helped grow but you decided not to. It’s like the
sun leaving a flower, with no light to grow. If we passed each
other on the street, you probably wouldn’t recognize me. And
if you did, I wouldn’t waste my time talking to you. Me and
my sister have been suffering a horrible pain for 12 years,
wondering why the person a couple of little girls’ need the
most, left. Yet during all these years, you decide to start a
new family and have more kids. What did we ever do to you?
Calling you our “father” brings us intense pain and keeps us
wondering why we weren’t good enough for you. But it’s ok
though because we all have become strong and independent.
You have taught us not to love a guy like you. I will never care
for your presence in my life.

The Hurt You Left Me With

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