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“Infinite opportunities”

Gabriella Simanovsky, Eden Reubeni, Dennis Miropolsky, Jonathan Koven

A lifestyle advertisement used to stop smoking cigarettes

▰ Leading cause of lung cancer

▰ Ad uses scare tactics

▰ Loading bar looks like a cigarette

▰ Inspires smokers to change lifestyle

Mr. Koven 2
An advertisement that targets Maslow’s Need for Ego & Esteem

▰ A list of human needs required to motivate one to

keep moving forward.

▰ The needs on the first level must be met before

moving upward.

▰ Related to prestige and a feeling of accomplishment.

▰ Mercedes-Benz is advertising a car that is very similar

to a plane.

Ms. Simanovsky 3
A lifestyle advertisement to sell alcohol

▰ This Corona add is eye catching and consumer appealing

▰ The add has an appealing background that is tropical (the 2

beers in the air mimic dolphins)

▰ Corona beer is a good daytime alcoholic beverage because it

only has 5% alcohol

Ms. Reubeni 4
An advertisement that targets Maslow’s Physiological Needs

▰ Physiological needs include sleep, water, food.

▰ Genius Sleeping Aid helps people fall asleep.

▰ The ad talks about the health benefits of sleeping.

▰ The sleeping pill satisfy Maslow’s Physiological


Mr. Miropolsky 5
An article about excess demand for a product

▰ Demand is the quantity of product

consumers want to purchase

▰ Hugely popular children's toy “fidget


▰ Businesses couldn't keep up with demand

▰ Trend quickly ended after it began in 2017

Mr. Koven 6
An article about managing a business or organization

▰ Tim Cook is the new CEO of Apple.

▰ “Charismatic and thoughtful” manager.

▰ His managerial style has been focused on building

employee relationships.

▰ He has reduced his involvement in the development of


▰ This resulted in less micromanagement and many

accomplishments for Apple.

Ms. Simanovsky 7
An advertisement that targets Maslow’s need for belonging

▰ Salvation army is a thrift shop company

▰ They are trying to put an end to poverty and struggling human


▰ They provide children and adults the basic needs in life

▰ Also provide rehab centres for those who suffer from addictions

Ms. Reubeni 8
An informative advertisement

▰ The informative ad I choose compares to


▰ Ad focuses on facts not emotions.

▰ Influences consumers to purchase Miller


Mr. Miropolsky 9
An advertisement that targets maslow's need for safety

▰ Second on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

▰ Backpacks made for children's safety from

dangerous gun laws

▰ Makes parents feel reassured

▰ 300% increase in sales after shootings

Mr. Koven 10
A testimonial advertisement

▰ Testimonial advertisement uses a professional

to help sell the product.

▰ The advertisement is for Colgate toothpaste.

▰ “Number 1 toothpaste brand recommended

by dentists.”

▰ Colgate is one of the most popular toothpaste

brands in North America.

Ms. Simanovsky 11
An article about the EU

▰ Trump threatened to slap tariffs on as much as $7

billion EU imports.

▰ The WTO is set to release the specific amount of

trade that Washington will be targeting

▰ The list covers about $20 billion worth of U.S. exports

to the EU (aircraft, chemicals, food products, etc.)

Ms. Reubeni 12
An article about consumer deception

▰ They used the slogan for 20 years.

▰ Red Bull agrees to pay 13 million in fines.

▰ Benjamin Careathers sues Red Bull.

▰ Today they have 3 i’s in the slogan instead.

Mr. Miropolsky 13
An article about the events in a foreign country that will affect the
Canadian market or provide Canadians with an opportunity

▰ Many citizens of Hong Kong protesting

against new law
▰ Residents of Hong Kong are quickly moving to
▰ 500 thousand Chinese immigrants in
Vancouver alone
▰ Chinese immigration is causing Canadian real
estate market to expand

Mr. Koven 14
An article about a consumer complaint

▰ Consumer complaints are sent when a customer is not


▰ Apple received complaints about its repair policies.

▰ Apple will allow independent repair companies to own its


▰ Consumer complaints were sent in about third-party service


▰ Apple made a change that contributed to the satisfaction of

its customers.

Ms.Simanovsky 15
An article about the Canadian government economy

▰ The world is looking to see a change in our environment

▰ The world is forecasted to have a high demand and

continue using oil for the next 20 years.

▰ Should Canada provide the world with the oil they want to

▰ Or should we let another country enjoy the significant

economic benefits from that opportunity?

Ms. Reubeni 16
An advertisement that targets Maslow’s Needs for

▰ Last of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need.

▰ This ad promotes to be a part of the U.S Marines.

▰ The ad pushes people “ to become everything one

is capable of becoming.” (Maslow, 1967)

Mr. Miropolsky 17
“Infinite opportunities”

Thank you for listening

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