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1. What are the major goals of OGSA?

o Identify the use cases that can drive the OGSA platform components.
o Identify and define the core OGSA platform components.
o Define hosting and platform specific bindings.
o Define resource models and resource profiles with interoperable solutions.

2. What are the more specific goals of OGSA?

o Facilitating distributed resource management across heterogeneous platforms
o Providing seamless quantity of service delivery.
o Providing common infrastructure building blocks to avoid “Stove pipe solutions towers”.
o Open and published interfaces and messages.

3. What are the main purposes of use case defined by OGSA?

o To identify and define core OGSA platform functionalities.
o To define core platform components based on the functionality requirements.
o To define the high level requirements on those core components and identify their

4. List out the categories of OGSA services?

o Infrastructure Services
o Execution Management Services
o Data Management Services
o Resource Management Services
o Security Services
o Information Services
o Self-Management Services

5.what are the benefits of OGSI standard ?

o Increased effective computing capacity.
o Interoperability of resources.
o Speed of application development.

6.What are The objectives of OGSA ?

o Manage resources across distributed heterogeneous platforms.
o Support QoS-oriented Service Level Agreements (SLAs).
o It is critical that the grid provide robust services such as authorization, access control, and
o Provide a common base for autonomic management.
o Define open, published interfaces and protocols for the interoperability of diverse resources.
OGSA is an open standard managed by a standards body.

7. what are two fundamental requirements for describing Web services based on the OGSI?
The ability to describe interface inheritance—a basic concept with most of the distributed
object systems.The ability to describe additional information elements with the interface

8.what is a Grid Service Instance

A grid service instance is a (potentially transient) service that conforms to a set of
conventions, expressed as WSDL interfaces, extensions, and behaviors, for such purposes as
lifetime management, discovery of characteristics,and notification.

9.what is grid service description?

A grid service description describes how a client interacts with service instances.This
description is independent of any particular instance. Within a WSDL document, the grid service
description is embodied in the most derived portType of the
instance, along with its associated portTypes,bindings, messages, and types definitions. the few use cases of OGSA?

o National fusion collaboration
o IT infrastructure and management
o Commercial data centers
o Service-based distributed query processing
o Severe storm prediction
o Online media and entertainment

11. what are the Basic Functionality Requirements of OGSA/Grids?

o Discovery and brokering.
o Metering and accounting.
o Data sharing.
o Deployment
o Virtual organizations (VOs).
o Monitoring.
o Policy.

12.what are the Grids security requirements ?

o Multiple security infrastructures.
o Perimeter security solutions
o Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting.
o Encryption.
o Application and Network-Level Firewalls..
o Certification. the few Resource Management Requirements?

o Provisioning.
o Resource virtualization.
o Transport management
o Access
o Management and monitoring
o Load balancing

14.what are the System Properties Requirements?

o Fault tolerance
o Disaster recovery.
o Strong monitoring
o Legacy application management.

15. what are the Four Grid Families Identified in the Great Global Grid (GGG)?
o Computational Grids or Data Grids
o Information Grids or Knowledge Grids
o Business Grids
o P2P/Volunteer Grids

16.mention the few Grid Data Access Models?

o Monadic model.
o Hierarchical model.
o Federation model.
o Hybrid model.

17. Name some representational use cases from OGSA architecture working group?
o Commercial Data Center (Commercial grid)
o National Fusion Collaboratory (Science grid)
o Online Media and Entertainment (Commercial grid)

18. What are the layers available in OGSA architectural organizations?

o Native platform services and transport mechanisms.
o OGSA hosting environment.
o OGSA transport and security.
o OGSA infrastructure (OGSI).
o OGSA basic services (meta-OS and domain services)

19. What are the OGSA basic services?

o Common Management Model (CMM)
o Service domains
o Distributed data access and replication.
o Policy, security
o Provisioning and resource management.

20.what is meant by CPU scavenging.

The concept of creating a “grid” from the unused resources in a network of computers is known
as CPU scavenging.

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