E-Mail FAX To White House Counsel Bob Bauer, Esq

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Edward Yatsko

From: William D Peterson [paengineers@juno.com]

Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2010 3:23 PM
Cc: whitehousecounsel@who.eop.gov
Subject: Fw: FAX to White House Counsel Bob Bauer, Esq., proposing President intervene in
10-1007, see attachment.
Attachments: Not-Dec $ DEFICIT 4-14-19.pdf; clip_image001.wmz; clip_image003.wmz;
clip_image001.wmz; clip_image003.wmz

Tim Frazier, April 20, 2010

Blue Ribbon Commission on Nuclear Power
Here is my Email to General Motors asking for their intervention into Court of Appeal Case No. 10-1007.
I will ask the same of Ford and Chrysler. In this Court, SNF disposal, so nuclear power, energy, the economy,
and the environment can be helped to be fixed. The Congress has shown that cannot do this. The President
might be able to, I am hopeing that he would support this. I talked to Nick with Bob Bauer at White House this
morning and was told this would be put to the President's Counsel Bob Bauer. I am hopeing that by his
Councel the President will intervene into 10-1007. Can the Commission, and would the Blue Ribbon
Commission also interven into this Case 10-1007 Court matter?
Sincerely, William (Bill) D. Peterson

To: randy.c.arickx@gm.com
Cc: mary.j.stockton@gm.com
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 12:25:11 -0600
Subject: Fw: FAX to White House Counsel Bob Bauer, Esq., proposing President intervene in 10-1007, see

Hi again,
Its taken awhile, but I have all of the issues in the right court now, set for decision without objection.
Imbalance of trade and deficit with other nations is unconstitutional. America must produce as much as it
consumes. In otherwords, GM, Ford, and Chrysler must make all of our cars where imports are limited to
nulmbers of U.S. car exports. If we don't fix this now, I don't see how our nation can survive. Join with me in
the U.S. Court of Appeals matter. The survival of your business is at stake here!
Sincerely, William (Bill) D. Peterson

To: whitehousecounsel@who.eop.gov
Cc: Stephanie.Liaw@nrc.gov
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 07:42:22 -0600
Subject: FAX to White House Counsel Bob Bauer, Esq., proposing President intervene in 10-1007, see

FAX to: 6 sheets, including this cover page.


Care of
Bob Bauer, Esq.
Phone: 202-456-1258 Facsimile: 202-456-3340 April 20, 2010
FAX from:

William (Bill) D. Peterson, with

300-Year SNF Disposal &
3-Year Recovery Plan,
413 Vine Street,
Clearfield, Utah 84015,
Tel 801-825-3123, Email paengineers@juno.com

As we talked this morning on the phone:

In the United States District Court Of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit, in Case No. 10-
1007, I am seeking review of rejections in of my attempt to intervene into DOE v NRC, Hearing
Docket No. 63-001-HLW, (being withdrawn)

I seek resurrection of the Court’s July 9th 2004 order in Case No. 01-1258, ordering that EPA
with NAS (by a directive of the Congress) is responsible to determine how spent nuclear fuel is to be
disposed of, that the Congress has delegated that responsibility to EPA.

I ask for a finding that Yucca Mountain will not work for SNF disposal, where my 300-year
solution will.

I ask for a finding that the U.S. economic deficit is a consequence of the U.S. imbalance of
trade, oil being the single largest item, then cars, electronics, and on and on . . . I ask that the Court
find the “deficit” is unconstitutional.

I ask the Court find for my 3-year plan to get oil independent, with 50 new nuclear power plants
making electricity-hydrogen to power 10% of U.S. vehicles, require switching 40% of the U.S.
automotive to CNG – compressed natural gas, and temporarily require powering the remaining 50%
of U.S. vehicles with U.S. produced oil.

I request that President Obama intervene into the Case No. 10-1007 with me to fix end-of-oil, the U.S.
deficit, and reduce CO2 emissions to slow climate change.

Sincerely yours,

William (Bill) D. Peterson

WDP file: C:/old*/P/Nuc/L/Apl-DCcircuit09/FAX for Obama 4-20-10.doc

William (Bill) D. Peterson, with

300-Year SNF Disposal &
3-Year Fuel & Deficit Recovery Plan,
413 Vine Street,
Clearfield, Utah 84015,
Tel 801-825-3123, Email paengineers@juno.com
-------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
333 Constitution Avenue, NW, Room 5523
Washington, DC 20001-2866
Phone: 202-216-7290 Facsimile: 202-219-8530
-------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
William (Bill) D. Peterson, Engineer for
300-Year SNF Disposal Solution & NOTICE FOR DECISION
3-year Fuel and Economy Recovery Plan,
vs. Case No. ___10-1007_____

United States of America

Nuclear Regulatory Commission, et al.*
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board
-------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
* Spent Nuclear Fuel plan Defendant – Appellee parties are: NRC - Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
DOE - Department of Energy, EPA - Environmental Protection Agency, NAS - National Academies of
Science, and NEI - Nuclear Energy Institute.
* Fuel and Economic recovery plan Defendant – Appellee parties are: DOC - Department of
Commerce, DOL - Department of Labor, DOT - Department of the Treasury, FTC -Federal Trade
Commission, and the TPCC - Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee
* Other Federal Administrative parties of interest are: Former Nuclear Waste Negotiator, Idaho
Congressman Richard Stallings, and President Barack Obama.


1) Peterson works to do 300-year disposal of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) to enable building of a

nuclear-electricity-hydrogen industry to replace use of oil, to provide a solution for end-of-oil, U.S.

economic deficit, and imbalance of trade that is the cause of deficit, and to reduce CO2 emissions. 2)

The EPA, DOE, and NRC Department of the U.S. Government have wrongly been requiring SNF

disposal by deep geological storage in Yucca Mountain (YM), which Peterson asserts is not a realistic

and achievable SNF disposal solution. 2) Secretary of Energy Chu now concurs. 3) Peterson moves

the Court so find this.

4) Peterson asserts that EPA with input from NAS has failed to rightly recommend an SNF

disposal solution of the 300-year type proposed by Peterson, or any other type of solution which

would include processing of the SNF, which could have been done, and should have been done

according to a July 9th, 2004, order of this court in a matter of NEI v EPA, Court Case No. 01-1258,

which was wrongly neglected and not implemented by the EPA. 5) Peterson moves that the

defendant U.S. Government has admitted this. . Peterson moves the Court so find this.

6) Peterson asserts that to keep the United States economically liquid, the Congress has

created an independent U.S. governmental department of the FED, which has the U.S. Government

wrongly and unconstitutionally borrowing money from foreign nations, which activity has no provision

to be done by the U.S. Constitution. . 7) Peterson moves the Court so find this.

8)The U.S. was initially established as a independent sovereign nation with provisions of internal
taxation for funding the operations of its government. Borrowing from outside of the independent
sovereign nation takes away its independence from foreign nations, so such borrowing would be
unconstitutional. Peterson moves the Court so find this.
9) The Congress has allowed the whole of the United States constituency to:

“maximize Americans' freedom of choice in product selection", ... "Finally, 11) the Congress does
not support restraints on capital flows in and out of the United States. 12) The Congress does not
control balance of payments, 13) current accounts, 14) or even regulate the U.S. continued industrial
development which is depending on freedom of capital flows across boundaries."

15) Such commerce is irresponsible and has unconstitutionally put the sovereign independent

U.S. into irresponsible debt and bondage to the rest of the World. 16) The Congressional allowed

imbalance of trade and its associated deficit spending is not a constitutional activity. 17) In the U.S.

Congress’s allowing this it has failed to govern the U.S., which failure of the Congress has put all of

the citizens of U.S. into to unconstitutional dependence and bondage to the rest of the world. 18)

Peterson moves the Court so find this.

19) The Congress has within the U.S. Government created internal Departments including the

EPA, DOE, NRC, and also the DOC, DOL, DOT, FTC, TPCC, and the FED to do the will mandated

by the Congress, and to provide input back to the Congress to advance to the governing of the U.S.

20) It turns out that citizen Peterson work to dispose of SNF is a fix for energy, the economy,

the environment, and the Global Nuclear Energy Policy. 21) The Congress is trying to deal with these

issues individually. 22) It is not realistic to expect the Congress to be scientifically capable to handle

the details of these issues. 23) Such details need to be dealt with by expertise that can be brought into

the various Departments indicated, who can bring in help from the likes of NAS and nation’s many


24) Peterson moves the Court find for his 300-year SNF disposal solution and his 3-year plan

for energy and economy independence.

25) Dated this 14th Day of April, 2010.

William (Bill) D. Peterson


26) I certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing PLEADING was sent to NRC Counsel Stephanie
Liaw electronically sent by Email on __Wedensday__April 14, 2010___ , and 27) to NRC Clerk’s office
c/o Emile Julian, 28) and them and the Clerk of the Appellate Court by U.S. Mail, first Class, mailed
Monday, April 19, 2010.
William (Bill) D. Peterson

29) Peak oil is here. Here are the facts . . .

30) Peak oil is a global event. 31) It's happening on a globe where approximately 85,000,000
(85 million) barrels of oil are consumed each day. 32) Annually, that works out to over
31,000,000,000 (31 billion) barrels.

The United States consumes 19,500,000 (19.5 million) barrels per day
33) 34) or
7,117,500,000 (7.12 billion) barrels per year.

Now let's look at the maximum — the maximum, not the estimated recoverable oil —
amount of reserves in these locales:

 36) ANWR - 21 billion barrels

 37) U.S. Offshore - 16 billion barrels

38) So we're looking at roughly 37 billion barrels at most. 39) With a yearly consumption rate
of 7.12 billion barrels, 40) that gives us enough oil for just over five years... 41) It's enough to
supply the world for only one year.

42) You see the problem here?

43) This Peak oil information is from Energy and Capital, April 14, 2010 Copyright © 2010


45) When U.S. commerce with foreign nations gets much out of balance, it deficits all U.S.
citizens. 46) It puts all of us into great bondage for each one’s share of the national debt. 47) The
individual share of debt burden takes away individual freedom and makes us subject to uncontrolled
and extreme taxation, 48) which we or fore fathers fought to escape from, it must be unconstitutional.

49) U. S. $ (dollar) Circulation

50) U.S. Commerce $ (money) Circulation is Impossible Economics

51)U.S. trade must balance. The U.S. exports its operating $ (dollars) in exchange for Imported
foreign goods, then borrows $ back for operating capital.

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