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Today where I am with my experiences of life and could I have analyzed the
world, it is and can desectionised trilateral. First’obvious, covered.secondly’and
third deep covered. According to mythical term-Bhowtic (materialistic), sookshm
(spiritual), and kaaran (supernatural)

There are certainly the souls of every creature, gosts effect and affect of certain
old –science-methods of using the different matters of the nature with the
chanting of certain mantras which is called in my great India –Tantra; a
scientifically mingled things as objects, mantras; the will power of the Tntric
(scientist) and certain procedure of it’s implementation.

So for as the Yogis are concerned, they are actually more than great. They are
master of every thing; richest of their sankalp (mental power). All beyond this;
they are very holy by their heart; very pure having command upon trio-standard
of the universe. They can proceed everywhere by their ‘sookshm’ body –a
crystalled body where the air can reach; to air and sound proof place by their
kaaran –shareer, a body built from lesser like rays.

My great Guru explains- the sookshm shareer is built of photon type particles;
and the kaaran shareer can pierce everywhere like our thoughts, imagination.
Moreover it can reach even there where our thoughts cannot. Because our mind
can perceive only that which might have been experienced by obvious and
unobvious means.

Now, I begin with a brief description of my childhood .I am still in feelings of
loveful atmosphere surrounding me. Being the first offspring (out of seven
brothers and two sisters) of my parents I was greatly beloved of my family
members. I was a beautiful child with good health. As I gradually grown up, I felt
the responsibilities on my part. Since I cherished an ambitious future I felt not
sufficient economic status, to fulfill my ambitions on part of mine and mine family.

I conceived my family a prosperous and well-established and renowned one.

And than it was the time when I completed my education from 6th to 11th standard
in Government Model School Mandla having lived at my maternal uncle’s home.
My Nanaji (my mother’s father) was a great scholar of Sanskrit language,
Astronomy, Yagyna-karma (Yagyna science- an old science of making contact to
certain deity to fulfil a certain demand relating to materialistic world. He was
leading a saintly livelihood.

He passage remarkable content non- violence, generously and concise speech

in daily life. He used to be conferred a lot of respect not only by the common
people but renowned personalities and A class officials even from other districts
and sometimes other states as well. I had been growing up under his kind-full
and enlightened direction and my elder maternal uncle’s observant one.


My mother’s father (my Nanaji) expired on 8th June maternal aunt (my
Mami ji) who was married to my elder mama ji Shri V. N. Dubey was a very nice
lady by nature and her behavior. Everybody who came in contact to her was very
very impressed with her and praised her on each occasion it came to be
discussed whenever. Her name (short) was ‘Siddhi’; means a pious and sacred
achievement through a ‘Sasdana’ or a particular process of achievement some
certain might and goal in worldly life. And she was quite true to her name. She
used to win one’s heart whosever came in contact to her. She accomplished her
life in perhaps 16th August 1975.After her death I left my mamaji’s home, which
was now badly vacant, charm less, broken hearted, of all dwellers. Now the
circumstances were not favorable for me to complete my farther studies by
staying there. So, at last; I left.

Then I regularized my college education in Mandla Degree College by living at

one or another hired rooms.
It was also the time my family experienced a very bad duration of time. I was an
unemployed fellow. My family had swallowed badly without the proper source of
income, depending on only husbandry entirely .so, as I have described
previously, that I was a very sensitive and emotional youth; would feel this devoid
ness very deeply.

It was 1979. I would seek asylums to get rid of this bad condition of my family life
at the feet of the great deity “Durga”-the might of Lord Shiva.

It was the time when my family faced every type of disastrous aspects of life. A
great drought had fallen in my district so there was starvation like situation and
my family also experienced this. Each member of my family was in the grip of
worry of managing for food and fulfilling the other requirements. In the same year
my younger sister was married to, so the all storage of grain and saving of the
money had been consumed for the event almostly. So the result was total devoid
ness and struggle for earning by any means possible. The government relief
work had been opened to deal with this drought-hit situation. Like me other
families of my village was struggling to meet the hard written circumstances.

The youth as well as older were compelled to work on any trivial and petty work-
provided by the government. The drought was the matter of discussion and
contemplation to get rid of that time. Everybody would think of this natural

So, It was with my family as well not only this, the relatives were tight lipped and
crossed finger to help us; accept two relatives- one, Shri Omprakash Badgaiyan
from mandla; he was the saviour of my family certainly and second, Shri
ShakarLal Shukla from Nayeganw (kudwan) –my Fufa ji –my father’s son-in-low;
my father’s sister was married to him. My father was ‘Mama’ (maternal uncle of
Sri Omprakash Badgainya). Except them both, nobody was to help us and
instead would try only to ratting us down. We were the prey of social
condemnation for one or other region by other relatives for nothing as has been
proven by the time now.


Start Of Religious Life

As usual I always was seeking shelter of Goddess ‘Durga’ to get rid of this black
period of my life. I would worship her with deep fervour and would experience the
mysterious manifestation to deal with the problems and come out of them. My
mother as I still remember was ill for a long time. The medical treatment gave a
temporary relief from the disease and she would further fall ill. I would suppose it
was for the reason mental unrest and anxiety of the time- related circumstances.
I was in the continuous asylum of goddess Durga on my part.

One day my father was uprooting the grass near the back gate of my home.
Through a kind of plough. That was the time of great festival of Dipawali. As he
struck on the earth .a some how broken cup containing ill omen materials as a
small lock of hair, koyla (carbon piece), small black bangles etc. came out of the
pit which was certainly used in Tantrik use to harm us secretly; as I know well
about this type of Tantrik’s experiment. But with the sudden removal of the cup
almost all the bad events recurring in previous and up to now banished except
the prints of the previously occurred ones.

After some time it so happened that I went to mandla for some work, as I was
returning my home on the bank of Narmada river at the Kilaghat I was suddenly
called by a Yogi, perhaps ‘Anantdev Awadhoot’, a bangali personality. It was
nearly 5.30PM.The sun was to set. The water of the river was shining reddish.
The Yogi asked me as to why I was perturbed. I told him all about me. I
encouraged me to come out of the circumstances using my willpower after
making strong. I asked him to guide me to make my will power strong. He told
me a particular technique of Yoga, demonstrating it and then letting me repeat. I
came back my home and practiced the first step of Yoga, but certainly I am in
stage to claim that, that was a great achievement for me.

Certainly my will power was gradually increasing to be strong. I could devout

myself to work for long time tireless.

Pilot Baba Ji
It was the year perhaps 1983, when a great Himalayan Yogi- Pilot Baba, came to
Mandla performed 10 days Yagna on the bank of holy river Narmada at Rangrej
Ghat. He demonstrated 7days ‘Jal Samadhi’.

He remained into water for 7days continuously without coming out even for a
second. He kept his body completely into water. The water had been flowing for
7days over his body containing it throughout for 7days. Thousands spectators
were eyewitness of this thrilling event.

That was the matter of discussion among the people that time with unbelievable
astonishment. I also heard about that and tried to see that but unfortunately was
unable to reach there even for a day, because of my torturous bicycle, which
became punctured on the way on the day 9 was going to. So, I returned home
without visiting my destination. The time passed. The Baba ji left mandla.

Turning Point
Time passed. After 3or4 years my mother fall ill so seriously that she had to be
admitted into hospital. After some 4or5 days the doctor exempted her to be out of
hospital. But to be kept in his constant check –up in the gap of 2-3 days. So, I did
not carry her to my village Diwara, just 15kms. From Mandla but I stayed her at
my Bua’s home in Mandla itself. I had to give her medicine regularly even at late
night, Quite occasionally. I found the book “Himalay Kah Rahaa Hai”. Written by
‘Pilot Baba’ to pass my night hours. As I had been going through the book, one
night I read an unusual massage in a paragraph on some 458th page of the book.
Although this is the book that contains peculiarity and strangeness since the first
paragraph of it. But that massage was a turning point of my life.

In that massage the great Baba ji has written a particular technique of Yog, to
make contact to him doesn’t matter where he is in the world. He had written there
that he would catch the mental waves of one within three days if one contacted
him through that technique, and would purify one’s Sanskar as early as possible
by coming in one’s sleep.

After coming home-Diwara, with my mother healthy, I would practice Yog and
Gayatri Mantra through ‘Yajurvedeey-Sandhya’ process- a process guided in
Yajurved- prescribed by honourable Shri Chhotelal Jyotishi- a religious and
devotee personality. Also I followed the technique to make contact to Shri Pilot
Babaji whose real name is Shri Somnath Giri or Maharshi Kapil Adwet.

It so happened that one day approximately at 11am I felt a sound sleep. Although
it was not a time to go to bad, neither I had taken bath, for my brother-in-law’s
younger brother Shri Veerendra Dhar Dwivedi, had visited my home and I had
been accompanying him constantly. But it was a deep feeling for me to go to bad
as early as possible. So I retired to bad at last.

Great strange! There was ‘Pilot Babaji’ in my dream with other four saints smiling
on me. The Baba ji questioned me as to what I wanted to.

Since I was not ready for this event in my consciousness; I could not reply him
meaningful. He laughed at me and banished from my dreaming vein. After
awakening I repentanced for loosing that great opportunity to decorate my
fortune. But since then I had been calling him through that technique for many
times, and The Babaji visited so many times through the same pattern and
directed me according to my problems either spirituals or worldly.

Date- 14/04/2001

Mystery Of ‘Baba Ji’

Of course! There was a special thing at the arrival of Babaji that whenever he
came, first of all a serpentine was to be seen and then that snake converted into
Babaji. That was thinkable to me as how I saw the serpentine and how and why it
converted into Babaji.
And then after thorough contemplation I was able to solve the mystery as since
the Babaji is a Shiv Yogi and the snake is deeply associated with Lord Shiv. It is
an ornament of Lord Shiv; this is why a serpentine is a previous phase of a Shiv
Yogi. For when a Shiv Yogi goes into ‘Samadhi’ to go anywhere through his
‘Sookshm-Sareer’ he might have to contemplate Lord Shiv as his ‘Dharna’-an
early stage to go into ‘Samadhi’.
It is must to clear that I was not a devotee of Lord Shiv. The Lord Shiv was not
the subject of my contemplation. Instead, ‘Goddess-Durga’ was the subject of my
So, certainly that vision was not my psychological result; as may be thought in
general by whom who has not kept even a single step on the path of sadhana.

So, since when I came under the blessing of the great Pilot Babaji, I had been
seeking the direct meeting-opportunity with Babaji and rightly to say I had
accepted him my Guru (master to guide and conservator for theosophical or
spiritual path).
I would like to describe here the event, which had enthralled me, and I hope will
do so to you and which I have omitted to describe previously by chance. It so
happened that when I was practicing first step of my Yog-sadhana directed by
the Bangali guru, I was at the same time also the devotee of Goddess-Durga,
after some time, a ghost started to visit me every now and then at nights.
Although my Bangali guru had instructed me to be faced with such an events
because when a shadhak (Yog-practicener) comes to that level of sadhana,
when he is able to make contact to ‘sookshm jagat’ (mysterious world), these
ghost like spirits and some ‘saints’ spirits are attracted by the sadhak; since the
evil spirits are great in number, they easily come in to contact. That was my
Bangali guru’s caution and my experience later on as well. So, that visiting ghost
little in size, indeed it was a boy’s spirit but wicked by nature, would jump upon
me, no sooner would I be in the grip of sleep; and that would be the start of my
sufferings for a long time in continuity. I would struggle with him with my full inner
force, sometimes by chanting Gayatri-mantra, sometimes the name of my ‘Ist’
(goal of spiritual path) Goddess Durga.
That happening continued for almost a month. I was most desperate and vigour
less. One day I came from my friend’s home, about 11pm and as soon as I came
into the nap before asleep, that spirit visited again to me and rushed upon my
body climbing on. I indulged again into struggle again to get rid of him. It
continued for a long time and as soon I got rid of him I fell into weeping having
been totally exhausted and desperate.

I sat upon my bad and started to complaint Goddess Durga saying she was not
giving her patronage to me and if she would not gourd me then who would be to
gourd me so on. And I just then fell asleep and saw a strange seen. That was the
temple of the Goddess Durga situated at the south outskirt of my village. I was
there and I was there and idol of the Goddess Durga was at the point of my sight.
It came into red colour just then and a stroke of ‘chabuk’; like the horse-driving
string; moved into air with full force falling on that spirit, a loud cry was in air
clearly heard by me. I woke up suddenly feeling a sweet solace into my heart.
And that was the last day of that spirit’s visit. Since then that spirit never came to
my experience. And also that was a proof to me of the existence of Goddess
Durga in my reverence. I was deeply faithfull to her.
Since then I was in greater and deeper devotion to Goddess Durga. After
sometimes Shri Chhote lal ji jyotishi called me one day and suggested me to
perform the Gayatri-Sadhana through Yagurvedeey sandhya method, which is a
particular method based on mantra vigyan (Hindi-Mantra science –a science of
sound-very effective to nature to gain every thing wanted in the world).
The Gayatri Sadhana was being performed along with the first step of Yog learnt
by the Bangali guru (master). After accomplishing the sadhana chanting the
mantra up to one million times, a stage came when I found me unable to chant
the mantra further more, after a bit in the duration of chanting the mantra, it
would banish from my consciousness; I would become mindless and so
thoughtless. So when there was no mind then who would chant the mantra. In
that situation I was totally directionless towards further sadhana. Then, after
sometimes I made contact to Mr. Nokhelal Basant, a Yog practicenor, a resident
of village Sukatra-Kanhari, about five kms far from my village Diwara.


He was an upper division teacher in Higher-Secondary School Madhopur. I was

a teacher in middle school Madhopur. So he was almost in regular touch of mine.
These are now the after events being described here leaving and breaking the
link with the events of omitted events description at previous.
However! He suggested me to leave chanting Gayatri Mantra and to practice
Yog; since Yog sadhana is an Ajapa Gayatri i.e. the gain of Gayatri sadhana is
achieved automatically through the Yog sadhana. So now I started Yog sadhana
with more speed leaving all the other things of worshiping God. In that course of
time, the great Pilot Baba ji had been pouring his blessings upon me. He would
come into my dream every now and then. As I recall still, once my family was in
great suffering related to economical sphere of life, I called the Babaji through a
particular technique of making contact with Babaji like Yogis or enlightened
spirits, he came into my vision, in my dormanted stage in night and suggested
me to perform some certain religious rituals commonly prevalent in the Hindu-
religious world; and after this I found my family out of that suffering after some
time gradually.

An another event I would like also to describe, once I was sleeping in courtyard
on my bed in a night north southward. My younger brother Kamlendra Jyotishi in
the direction of my feet on his bed of purely made of wood called locally or in
India Takhat; there was place to sit for a man comfortably on the pillow side even
after lying a man on the Takhat, for the Takhat was longer than required to a man
for sleeping on it. That was the time some 4AM of coming morning. I was in sleep
not sound but half-slept; this state of dormancy is called-‘Tandraavastha’-in Yog
vocabulary, which also comes in meditation after sometimes of sitting.
I saw a man coming from the sky towards me. At first that object was semi-
visualized and came to be visualized clearly, afterwards gradually as it came
near to me increasing in shape and size, and I was able to identify it as a man
with long scattered hair, open upper part of his body and a white coloured cloth
round his waist upto only his knees, and a rosary was round his neck.
Unexpected I saw myself in two bodies, one was lying on the bad and second
was getting up from laid one, rightly in the same shape and size. I was another
one ditto. Indeed, it was my sookshma sareer. And then I was just in front of that
man a ‘Sadhu’ like (saintly) person sited on the Takhat on the side of my brother,
Kamlendra’s head, sleeping on the Takhat.

I questioned him as to who was he. He replied -“Pilot Baba”. I was not in state of
conversation with him on any certain topic, for that time he was uninvited. So I
could not set my mind to say any thing more. And already in that state of mind,
only preset thoughts can exist into mind. Just then the Babaji got up and went
ahead for a bit and sat on a low –height wall surrounding the courtyard. On the
other side of the wall there are still a pit to collect used water of washing mouth,
feet etc. as it is customary in villages for, any outsider is not allowed to enter in
the parts of home that is used by ladies only to maintain their privacy.
However! As my Babaji sat on the wall, I saw a spirit of a boy aged some 10
years holding a small size pitcher like water- pot made of bronze. He was pouring
water into the hands of Babaji, which were well arranged to gather the water with
tight fixed fingers of both the palms. The Babaji was drinking the water. Then I
sudden decided to touch the sacred feet Babaji to pay my reverence and
homage and receive his blessing, so I got down the bed and went on towards
Babaji that boy’s ghost paved the way for me by dislocating himself one side.
Sothat I could teach to Babaji without touching him.
As soon as I was to touch the Babaji’s feet, the Babaji looked at me and I was on
my bed without touching the feet. I felt, as I would have been thrown on the bed. I
would like to tell here that the sookshm –sareer is very energetic, full of electricity
like energy and Yogi’s sookshm –sareer is many more times full of that energy
than of a common man. So, I would be dangerous for me if I could have touched
his that body that was why the ghost of the boy also evaded himself from me and
so did the Babaji by not permitted to me to touch his feet.

Then he sat again on the Takhat and questioned to me –“ Speak! What do you
Till then I could have set my mind some how to converse to him. I said –“Baba!
Please purify my Sanskaars”(seeds of deeds performed in my previous life and
birth which happen to very responsible to gain or loss, for blissful or miserable life
in future).
Babaji replied –“This is my duty for those who really desire to purify themselves
or walk on the path of ‘Parmaatma’ (supper soul, God, all pervasive). And I have
already been doing so for you also”; “may I go now?”
I prayed him by coupling my hands, he smile and banished. I heard the call of the
milkman who came daily at the time for churning our cows’ milk. Now I was fully
awakened, my mother opened the door for him and I was thinking and thinking
over the event by lying on the bed.

Date- 04/06/2001
Still, I had not seen the Babaji with my these eyes, I had seen him oftenly by my
Yog-medium during either meditation or dream, but obviously these phenomena
were not merely my imaginary vision. As one can speculate due to one’s logical
attitudinal fashion for, it is very customary now-a-days, in studious world. These
feelings are regarded as superstition; by them certainly due to their (studious-
persons) unknowing. Rather, if they are agree to analyze these phenomena; they
regard these ones as merely mental speculations or belief converted into dream.
But it is an experience by those who practice Yog and had been succeeded in
making their Agnaa chakra (sixth center of energy force of body) creative. That
persons are able to see the things or objects hidden for other common men; it
does not matter these Yogi are in dormancy or awakened. As per my experience
the ghosts ate seen in white shape like smoke in the dark and black-spotted in
daylight. The great and enlightened glow of dense light scattering its rays around,
towards all the hands.
It was some 1988. I faced a severe accident having serious wounds on my left
arm and knee. I could not fold my leg and felt a severe pain for several days. The
medical treatment was being taken but heeling was very dull and slow. I was in
great trouble I was unable even sit as usual.
One day; after a weak, I could prepare and adjust my body to sit for meditation
and make contact to Babaji. I anyhow, with trouble sat in a particular posture for
meditation, set my eyes in a particular of body, to make contact and call to
Babaji. Hardly ten minutes about passed. An object descended from the sky and
as it came, closer to me I could recognize it as a body in a particular posture and
few seconds this body could be identified as of the great Pilot Babaji. The figure
of Babaji stayed of my Agnachakra for a bit and then he asked to me –“why have
you called me?” “I told him –Babaji! Why it happened to me, I am in great trouble;
please pour your blessing to cure me.” He replied –“All will be ok soon.” And then
he raised his right arm directing to me with open its palm towards me, gathering
all five fingers Straightwards. A golden colour light-beam generated from the
palm and fell on my whole body. He banished then. I came out of my meditative
state feeling solace into my heart.

I became cured within a week; without having any further infection into my
wounds. It was daylight event at the time of about 11AM. There are so many
experiences of mine with Babaji. Up to now I had accepted him my ‘Guru’ (a
spiritual master and saviour; without any formal ritual called -Deeksha).

Now! The great Pilot Babaji, whose real name was L.P.Thakur in the family
before he became recognized saint by the world of saints; and afterwards having
Sanyaas –A formal declaration of being saint through a particular ritual for the
event, he, after gaining a certain height of Yog was named as Maharshi Kapil
Adwet. The title Maharshi is conferred to a perfect Yogi only. So, he gained it.
The great great Baba guru Gorakhanath, who accomplished Pilot Babaji tedious
stage of Yog named him as ‘Somnath Giri’. Since Pilot Babaji was a pilot in air
force of India he, could be famous as Pilot Baba. Vijaya Raje Sindhiya, the her-
highness of Gwalior state called him first as Pilot Baba, as she knew her from his
student life and about his service in air force as a pilot. He would visit her
residence in his previous life as he was from a noble family of Bihar state and
Madhoraw Sindhiya was contemporary to him at his student life; as Babaji has
written in his book –“Himalay Kah Raha Hai”.


One night Pilot Babaji came again in my mental vision. It so happened that a big
snake came to me and followed me. I was crying loudly and running to and fro to
evade myself from that deadly creature. Just then that snake transformed into a
saint and I could recognize him as Pilot Babaji. For up to then the Babaji had
became quite familiar to me. I got up not by my own will as I could have felt into
my vein but by that of any other. I reached to a backside room of my home along
with the Babaji. I saw there two another person sitting comfortably one was male
mate and other female. The male character was quite solemn having heavenly;
glow on his face with semi opened eyes, and mysterious ray of smile mingled
with love and affection on his lips. The female character was full charged with
energy; well claded with red sari, somehow unfair complex and shining eyes. It
seemed that there was frequent flow of electricity throughout her body. Her eyes
were twinkling as if the light with shining was flowing out of her eyes.

I sat down beside her and Babaji sat down in front of that male person talking
about me as both these persons would look on me having listened to Babaji with
irregular gap of time; but I was quite unable to follow them; as it my listening
capacity had been stopped by them. They continued for sometime and then
glared at me as searching something; told something to Babaji and banished
from the scene. Babaji smiled on me, raised his right hand to bless me and
decomposed his body systematically leaving me alone. I was now out of my
sleep thinking about the dream.

Still, I am unable to recognize the two persons who were with the Babaji. But
certainly I sometimes dare to speculate, lest, they may be Lord Shiv and the
great goddess Durga.
The Agni Samadhi (Ashwatthama)
That was a hot summer noon. Mostly in India people who don’t go to office, court
or elsewhere on their job, spend their time resting in their home to evade
themselves from scorching summer noon. So I did. When I was in sleep at my
village Diwara, about 10 years ago, I saw a strange dream. I found myself in
graveyard of maharajpur. There was a pyre burning with high flames. I was going
on towards the pyre; just then a young woman aging some 25 years prohibited
me to go on that side saying as I should not go there for, it was never proper to
attend such an event. But I tolerated her and went on there with deep curiosity. I
stopped at some distance from the pyre. Suddenly Pilot Babaji came there and
stood near the pyre, looking at it and then he entered into the burning –flamed
pyre. I was wonder stroked thinking about the Babaji as why he had immolated
himself, and then more wonder stroked I was when I saw a man coming out of
the pyre; quite a different person, dark black in complexion, latter then Babaji;
younger in age, long curled hair, having a white strip on forehead covering it,
uncovered upto waist, only a white cloth was worn around the waist upto thighs
He was a bare footed man who had generated from the pyre. His eyes were,
reddish in uncommonly large size. When he departed from the spot towards one
side, I imagine as if it was a baby elephant that walks somehow briskly but
hanging left and right. And the scene banished. I woke up having the prints of the
dream into my mind. It was a daylight dream so, I forgate it soon being busy in
other activities. After taking tea I was ready to go outwards planning to go to the
ground to play volleyball, as I was fond of playing volleyball and was I good
player of that of the older batch. And when I would go to play in the ground the
present batch player pay respect to me and pave the way for me.
As I came at the gate of my house, that black person having strop on his
forehead and same identification as I have described previously passed on. Our
both’s eyes met with each other but as if my mind was sessioned at ones, I could
not recall the dream events, so I could not recognized him. Some 10 minutes
afterwards when he passed on forward I came into my consciousness and I ran
after searching him hither-and-thither but in vain. As if he had banished himself,
from the village. That event is still a mystery for me to be analyzed to find facts.
Sometimes I think the Babaji may have converted into another body as a perfect
yogi is capable to do so and he wanted to tell me that the all yogi’s are one by
soul and so were the Babaji and “Aswatthama”. (As the gesture of the second
person was described into the Babaji book-“Himalay Kah Raha Hai.”)
Aswatthama was also a matter to be thought over by me as I had listened that
Aswatthama, one of the chief characters of ‘Mahabharat’ is still alive. Or, that
second person was Aswatthama in real and since Pilot Babaji was blended with
my consciousness, I saw the Babaji at first and that was my instinct to see
everybody as Babaji and that was my telepathy to catch the advent of
aswatthama and so, I could see him in real in my awakening state.
Date- 14/06/2001

One thing I would like to clear here that some so-called intellectuals may regard
the events occurred in my dreams or Tandrawastha (semi awakened state) as
psychological feelings of mine merely. And if they do so, it is but natural for they
don’t have these types of experiences that occur in meditative state of mind. Of
course! I can proclaim here that there is quite difference between the feelings of
mere dream and that of meditation.

No doubt! Both the feelings or experiences are related to psyche but dream-
feelings are the perceptions of the impressions on the mind regarded to one’s
daily life, past life and moreover, previous births. Those are perceived in the form
of any other symbols or events. But the meditative perceptions are either real
one of the present visions as I have been describing so far or sometimes are fore
feelings of the events of future. For, in sleep the conscience happens in its
dormancy while in meditative state the conscience happens in its awakened
state. And its potentiality depends upon the energy flow in the practitioner’s
Sushumna Nadi according to his saadhana. (In general the Sushumna Nadi is
translated into the spinal card situated in within the vertebral column like a thread
in a garland, but in Yogshastras- the authentic books on Yogvidya- the
Sushumna Nadi is described as situated within the Brahma Nadi- indeed, the
spinal card and an another Nadi called as Chitra Nadi is within the Brahma Nadi.)

So, the energy flow runs within the sushumna nadi of a meditation-practitioner
twenty-four hours if his intestines are not chocked with food material. It happens
with a progressed one. In actual he doesn’t dream. When so ever he dreams, he
experiences his conscience feelings. So, I urge to the advocates of psychology to
differentiate both the feelings in separation. And these must not be regarded as
superstition. If somebody is keen to understand well, he must practice Yog to
reach the state of feelings as such.

Date- 02/09/2001
Today after a long gape I am again to pen my thought. This time-hurdle is
mightily, which can discontinue anybody’s workflow. This time is called ‘kaal’. In
the Hindu philosophy and regarded as ultimate might which can dominate any of
the other mights or powers of the universe. Kaal must eat every thing at last, is
said. That means everything in the world is destined to be destroyed and this
event is termed as death. So, the other name of the kaal is death as well.
I am seeing around me all the things moving on to the direction of the kaal.
Indeed nothing is separate with the kaal. It is all-pervasive and everything of the
universe is within it; Just like all the things of water is within the water having their
own existence for their life duration and at last vanish into their pre-existence
state from where they have came in their existence visible. This pre-existence
state is called Soul. That never destroys, simple transforms into various forms
time to time, according to Hindu establishment philosophy. This is why a Hindu
fully developed personality declares himself immortal. And preach not to be
afraid of death for, it is merely a change of a state of ones eternal journey, called
This time, led me afterwards to stand me face to face with Pilot Babaji at Sironge;
a town in district of Vidisha, M.P. in 1996 when I saw him physically. I got
Deeksha from him there. I stayed with him for 15 days. He is a charming
personality, gentle in behavior but disciplined in his routine, quite open minded in
He is a very mysterious personality; although he never shows himself or makes a
pose to be mysterious; his company makes one feel this. When we reached
Sironge at about 5 o’clock afternoon on the day; we had been stayed at a
dharamshala, a big building where the travelers are stayed at very low rent. The
trivial rent is taken only to spend on building’s maintenance and to fulfill
government’s facilities charges. These dharamshalas are constructed by rich
religious persons, who want to serve people in this way. We were 14. We were
served food in evening; free of cost, according to the Babaji’s will; as was told us
that the guests would be treated like guests only. So our stay and food and two
time tea was free of cost.
However! After having our dinner at about 7P.M. on the very day we then
decided to have Darshan (Pious look) of Babaji. We were told that Babaji was
staying at a rest house some 5km far from there. We left for Babaji and made our
journey on foot. When we reached there, we were surprised having known that
Babaji was waiting for us sitting arrangement was proper to facilitate us. At the
gate of the rest house one person questioned us whether we were from Mandla,
we replied positive and he led us to Babaji. He had told us that he was there to
wait for us as Babaji had deputed him to guide us.
However! That was not the time to argue as how Babaji knew our arrival at
Sironge as there were thousands of persons there who had come and had been
coming to participate in the Yagna performed by Babaji.
The Babaji was sitting on the chair and in front of him a long-wide carpet was led
down on which we seated. We touched the Babaji’s feet with great respect and
reverence. He blessed us and made formal chat.

At the same time a Babaji’s disciple Krishnanand informed Babaji about the
telephone call from the then Prime Minister of India Mr. Narshingha Rao, as we
also had listened to the ring; Babaji refused to attend the call saying he would
talk some VIPs. Again the call was there from the same person and that disciple
again approached to the Babaji to attend the call but the Babaji refused to talk
with the phone caller.

This seemed me somehow odd so I said to the Babaji and questioned as why
should he not talk to such a great personality like a Prime Minister of India.

The Babaji replied that we all were more important for him as we had
approached to him with the heart full of love, reverence and the search for God.
And those politicians remember him for their selfishness, or to get rid of any
unsolvable problem through spiritual therapy; and he did not pay need for such
persons much more.

And as he said that he was seeing the dust of journey on our hair and broken
skin layer of our lips caused by the dry atmosphere of journey-root.

Date- 28/10/2001
Tonight again I am panning my autobiography after a wide gape because of I
remained too much busy in other works-load so heavy that I could not remember
even to this job. I was busy even up to late night. I accomplished the great duty
of mine to make my sister’s marriage. My sister Rashmi; who married to a good
family. She is happy.
Now I started with linking up the description to the past one when the Babaji had
refused to talk to the politician. After joining the company of Babaji for some two
or three hours we withdrew to our abode having followed the order of Babaji.
Two days later the Yagna started of the graveyard-field, a big one, at the time of
Navaratri, the nine days long worship of the Goddess Durga, a great important
period of sadhana. Meantime, I was made recognized disciple, as I got
‘Deeksha’. It was a particular type of process of ritual. As I received the ‘Mantra’
in my ears and the Babaji took his palm on my head in a certain style and
rotation there was a unique experience for me. I saw my whole backbone lighted
as a charged rod of a tube light. And then I felt my sense banished for un-
estimated time, I remained in unconsciousness state with my eyes closed, then
gradually I became conscious having known that almost all the fellows of that
Deeksha chamber were with the same feeling. I remained there with my fellows
unto the lasting of the Yagna.
In the duration of the Yagna, Babaji demonstrated his Samadhi- called ‘Voomigat
Samadhi’ for three days. To prepare himself for the Samadhi, Babaji remained in
total fast leaving meal totally depending only on water and before a day going in
Samadhi he avoided even the water. I was consciously watching the whole
process of Samadhi. Then in previous night at 12, he called us come eager
persons to go on the Samadhi-Sthal, the prepared spot for Samadhi. There was
‘9’ cubic feet pit dug by us previously as per the direction of the Babaji. The
Babaji took bath at midnight and went there alongwith us. There was Taradatta
Shastri, a great scholar of Tantra; a retired professor of the Sanskrit college at a
hilly region of himalaya. He performed some worship and then also performed
some particular ritual upon the Babaji to descend a ‘devattwa’-a divine power
from the space to make Babaji’s body and soul spiritually powerful and pure.
The Babaji directed us to establish his sitting arrangement for his Samadhi; we
accomplished the task in the Samadhi pit and came out. The Babaji descended
into the pit and made protection line, invisible quite round his ‘Aasan’- the sitting
arrangement by chanting mantras pouring water current and told covering me
that whom so ever would enter the limit line for the protection, certain die if was a
living one or bear unbearable pain if was a invisible deity, ghost or something
else. He retuned to his room and then went to on silence for the period of coming
back from his Samadhi as could I have marked.
Next day on 1PM he descended in to the Samadhi pit in the presence of
thousands people who were applauding him with great and great fervour and

The pit was covered airtight for three days. The volunteers were deployed to
guard the spot as to no any untoward incident that could damage the site might
occur. Meanwhile the rituals of Yagna were continuing as per the direction of Shri
Taradatta Shastri.

There was a big crowed of curious persons who wished to see as how a person
could alive without air to breath for three days. It was also surprising for me that
how the heat in the pit could be bearable for so long period as I myself had
experienced the heat of half covered pit for some 10 to 15 minutes at the time of
making the sitting arrangement for him.

It is worth mentioned here that there was a ban on Samadhi in M.P. for at the
very place, some years ago, a saint had died during his Samadhi demonstration,
so the S.D.O.P. had tried to prevent the Babaji to go for Samadhi but the Babaji
had assured him to come out safely and bear the whole responsibility in written
for any casualty.

Then he prayed for any idea to save him because the S.D.O.P. had been
ordered by the collector of Vidisha district to arrest the Babaji if he persisted to go
for Samadhi.

Then Babaji suggested him to come with police force at 2PM. As Babaji would
have gone into the Samadhi S.D.O.P. would not be guilty of disobedience and
the Samadhi would be accomplished as well. The officer left the place

Date-15/12/2001 at1.30 AM.

This night I write to continue again after a long interval. I have just finished
looking the movie-Amar Prem of hero Rajesh Khanna and heroine Sharmila
Tegore on TV set. There is unbroken silence here after switch off the TV; And I
provocated to pen up again in the silence, as I am always in mood either to write
or read in silence. My third baby ‘Princi’ is sleeping on my bed and my wife is in
sound sleep in her bad. I don’t know why I am more creative in loneliness; may
be possible due to my meditative habit and every mediator knows that in the
meditation the mind happens a very very creative.
As going on from the description in the lines previous to this above paragraph I
would continue to tell that the Babaji descended in Samadhi for 5 days being
seated in the pit packed air tightly. We had been guarding the place by changing
our duty. And he came out at the declared fixed time more fresh, smart,
energetic. Nobody was allowed to touch his body for 2 hours. Then he broke his
silence delivering a brief spiritual discourse from the pre-built high stage. After
coming down the stage the people were allowed to touch his body now. He broke
his almost 7 days total fast taking the lemon juice with some sugar at 4PM. And
then at 8PM, he took his meal in a little quantity- cooked rice and Dal.

Date-12/01/2002 at1.30 AM.

To night I write again after a long gap of time. I gave just closed my TV. Set,
which was telecasting a movie. It is total silence around me. Only the vehicles
are noise on the main road breaks the silence intermittently.
Above dated description of Babaji’s Samadhi at Anjaniya Yagna completed with
his completion of Samadhi accept only by saying that the Yagna finished 2days
later on the completion of Samadhi with ‘Purnaahuti’ and a big ‘Bhandara’-the
open and general feast.
On back journey the Babaji came to my abode. There was a great assembly of
ladies, gents and children here, it seemed, my room would be totally suffocated it
was jam-packed.
The Babaji returned to Nainital pouring upon me a special blessing. A special
blessing of a yogi keeps a certain meaning only by the two- the conferrer and
blessed. Two or three months later I again saw a miraculous event when o saw
the soul of my youngest baby ‘Deeksha’ (princi) who was yet to come in this
world. My wife was pregnant from 2 or 3 months.
One night at some 3 or 4 AM. My sookshm body went out on the backside slave
of my home. My real body (materialistic body) was lying on the bad as was
seeing. The Babaji then descended from the sky and set beside me.

I was a mute spectator there. After waiting for 1 or 2 minutes the Babaji raised
his right hand upwards and about after20to30 second’s I saw a conical shaped
burning flame coming towards us from Mandla side crossing over the Narmada
River; flowing in between Mandla city and Maharahpur where I live.

The flame came above our body. That was a yellow coloured conical shaped
flame, of which the pointed edge was upwards and flat one was downwards and
in between the flat edge some white structure in very small size was semi visible
to me.

The Babaji caught the flame into his right palm and within a second his right arm
prolonged up to my wife’s womb and that soul was planted in to my wife’s womb
by releasing from the clutch over her abdomen. After awaking I remembered the
description of soul in the great book-Geeta. I was glade to have a look of the soul
by Gurukrupa (mercy of Guroo.) Even if it was of other one, and not mine.

Date-20/01/2002 at11.45 PM.

In real music is also a kind of worship of God, I myself has experienced it, I am a
singer and people say I sing well, my voice is melodious; I have a good sense of
singing. By having praise from people I do believe it. I have learnt the basic
knowledge of Indian classic music from various masters through several
occasion I know several ‘Rags’ and ‘Tals’ based which the Indian classical music
is presented on.
I feel a peculiar feeling of enjoyment and peace in the heart in duration of singing
whether it is a Bhajan or Thumri or Gazal or Romantic song sung by me. It
doesn’t matter what sense they contains. Indeed I feel the vibration of sound
produced in my nerves as it is on chanting of mantras.
So, the main point is sound vibration, which marks the nerves of body, and one
feels enjoyment in within.
But, there is a basic distinction between chanting mantras and enjoying music.
The music provides merely enjoying to the listener and musician himself, mantra
chanting makes will power of mantra chanter strong and provides enjoyment not
only to mantric but to the person who comes in contact of mantric also when so
ever they meet each other.
The music is the matter of ‘Anahat-Chakra’ which is described in yog’s theory as
to be situated near chest in spinal card. Music, art, painting, feelings, pity, love
etc. are the chief characteristic of ‘Anahat-Chakra’. The quantity and expansion
of these things are in proportion to the opening of the chakra; unopened chakra
can be the cause of cruelty, miserness, prudencey, treachery and so on.
So, the music or to be a mantric of ‘Satwic Mantras’ (charitable mantras) are the
need of human. There are many mantras dangerous and harmful to mankind and
nature too, like atomic power or nuclear energy.
I have gained a powerful Shiv-Mantra from my Guru –Shri Pilot Babaji Maharaj at
the time of my Deeksha, which pours welfare on me and I may do so to others; if
I wish on the hard necessary situation. For to pour blessing or curse is harmful,
to the person who use it. It is in actual a reduction of energy; which is transmitted
to others by pouring it.
The great saints like Babaji never care for it, for; these are like the sun, which
contains the endless mass of energy.
So they always confer it for the welfare of others whether on demand or

Date- 14/02/2002
Life is synonyms of struggle whether the struggle is worldly or out worldly and to
face the struggle one has to do Karma- the activities to achieve destination.
Obviously I don’t mean here to evils although these are also karma yet are not
the topics for they carry us towards destruction and that is not our wanted aim of
life. We perform karma to achieve the certain destination which provides us
satisfaction and success in others views. In getting success and failure we feel
joy and sorrow respectively. Whatever we feed bind us into the chain of
Sanskaar-the seed of loss and gain in forthcoming life or in next incarnation.
Some Sanskaar, can be removed from our conscious by the use of our will power
or Sankalp-Shakti, are week but some are so powerful that cannot be removed
by any means. These Sanskar are known with other name as well“Bhagya”-
Destiny. Hence there are two concepts in this regard. One says there is nothing
as Bhagya and other says every thing is pre destined. These overpowered the
trivial Sanskar, advocate for the first and these who face powerful Sanskar
advocate the second.
But in my opinion both are right at their places in accordance of their

After a long time I write down again as my eyes are waiting for the sleep, which
has gone somewhere and has not come to soothe my eyelets.
Everywhere is silence and this silence stimulates me to fountain my thoughts
through the pen. My wife and youngest daughter are fast asleep. The ceiling fan
is in its course of rounding around its center point fanning us.
The pages of the calendar are flapping producing sound occasionally. The carpet
over inner door is flaring artistically. When I look on my baby, which is in a lovely
posture in her slept by my wife. I remember her prebirth event related to the
Babaji and again I recall my looking of her Atama, which I have described before

After a long time I am writing again. I am getting built home on at Maharajpur. I
don’t know why my wife is so much influenced with her maternal family that she
supports blindly even to rough and wrong suggestions from there if any.
I don’t know why she has started quarrel with me often. Of course I assume the
reason that she belongs to a family (maternal) that possess six sisters. Until now
my wife’s only one sister remains to be married; and efforts are being made to
get her married soon. With the time ripping my wife is going to be disrupted as
she is emerging out of the fear of being vilified for any ill manner, which might be
a drawback in her sister’s marriage Settlement. Every now and then she debates
me on even a tiny matters.
I wrote this very honestly with begging pardon from those who belongs to the
topic. They may ill thinking about me but I don’t mind. Because this diary is my
fast friend to which I cannot hide any thing. Whether it is bitter or sweet, but I
have written what I have experienced.

Date- 19/03/2002
I have written here above of my wife’s changing attitude towards me but now it
has changed again. Now neither she quarrels nor makes any even a tiny dispute
with me. Moreover, I feel wrong of the lines, which I have written in above
passages blaming her. Now my wife is so gentle in behavior as she was in
previous by nature. It seems that some how rough behavior of hers was an
unexpected scene of a drama. Now I think I should have not expressed these
views about her. Of course! My wife is quite innocent hearted lady and of
credulous mentality and this is why she confines herself within others views. That
was the reason of her changed behavior.

Now she is in sound sleep with innocent face, had nor made even a dispute for a
long time. Moreover, she avoids the topic if it emerges in any situation or

So, I am very sorry to write those lines that throw a clumsy shadow on her

Date-19/07/2003 at 1.00 AM.

What is life?

What is life? On the one hand every thing and nothing on the other. This
depends on one’s view.

Within short passes I see funeral procession following dead bodies passing
through the road in front of my abode. The ultimate true, of materialistic life. Then
I feel also my death coming near to me gradually.

One night perhaps in my meditative state of mind for we mediators, who have
succeeded to open our “Shushumna”, remain in meditative state in sleeping if our
abdomen is fit and light, heard a clear voice from my deep within that my life is
51 years only. I was sleeping then. Till then I was anxious; not for my death but
for the future of my children; for I had born and been put to death so many times.
I have 3 daughters only. They have neither a brother or mama’s (maternal uncle)
to take care of them. My brothers are also not in the position to take care of my
off springs properly. That is my great anxiety although every one has own fate;
none the less it is my worth right to think upon the matter.

••••• • • •


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