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The CITY STAR team wishes all our Valued Customers, Friends

& Families a Merry Christmas & a Prosperous 2020


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Item Code:

Item Code:



Rev Dr Immanuel Reuben (3rd from left) with members at the Wesley’s Methodist Church in Lautoka after their Sunday morning service.
Photo: Sanjay Goundar

Zareena Bi our children families need to prepare for children’s bags, books, uni-
forms and hostel fees.”
A senior Methodist Church of Fiji Minister has urged all citizens of Fiji The Reverend challenged and urged all the Christians to keep Christ-
to embrace the true essence of Christmas. mas as a religious function.
Reverend Dr Immanuel Reuben reminded all Christians that Christmas “In religion there is no alcohol, in worship there is no alcohol, in wor-
is about the joy, the hope and the peace of the birth of the savior, Christ ship is the time you spend around the meaning of the birth of Christ.
in this world. “This Christmas many families will be hurt because of the robberies in Item Code :

their homes. Christmas is not about stealing and you do not rob someone
“Christmas is not a time of feasting , it is not the time of drinking AVAILABLE IN SELECTED DESIGNS
alcohol, it is not about shopping. It is the time to give the gift of our lives to celebrate Christmas.”
to Christ. “In the world today peace is not there because on Christmas Dr Reuben has also urged the youths to set their targets, choose right
Eve, Christmas day we start drinking alcohol, we get aggravated, we start companions and do not follow what people do but follow God’s call as NADI - 8936858
fighting, we start taking revenge, Christmas is a time of worship they have a long way in life. “So this Christmas stay home, stay around NAMAKA - 8983024
“Today the whole world is gripped in a commercial world, Christmas your parents, join in and do some planting to benefit your families and NABUA - 9927741
is a time of savings too as despite the fact that there is free education for also show the environmental concern.” check in store for more details

Parental support vital for student success

Zareena Bi

Celebrating her recent success in the year

13 examination Lautoka Central College 2019
Dux Kajal Prasad acknowledged the tremen-
dous support of her parents in her milestone
academic achievements in the last two years
of her external examinations.
Kajal maintained her external exams results
total of 359 in Fiji School Leaving Certificate
with only a one mark decrease in Fiji Seventh
Form Examination with total of 358.
While receiving her Dux award for her var-
ious achievements as well highest marks in
Accounting Economics and Computer in the
year 12 external exams Kajal informed that
she is dedicating her award to her parents.
“I hope that I have made my parents proud
as they have always been my biggest support-
ers and this really has made an impact on my
life as a student.
“I have plans of becoming a Chartered Ac-
countant and wish to purse Accounting and
Finance at the University of the South Pacific
from next year.
“My father is the Divisional Legal Officer
Western in the Police Force and he wanted me
to pursue that career as well but my interest
is in Accounting so I wanted to stick to what I
can do best.”
The Dux further revealed that she is also
grateful for the support from the school teach-
Kajal Prasad with her parents and school principal receiving her top honours as the 2019 Dux of Central College Lautoka from Assistant
ers as after every internal exams they coached-
Minister for Education Joseph Nitya Nand (first right). Photo: Sanjay Goundar
her on how to best improve.
“Being the Head of the students Council is how I managed my final year at school.” is a very disciplined person who takes studies child Avnil Prasad has also done well for him-
was challenging and crucial adding to year According to Kajol’s father Assistant Super- at heart and at home she is very humble. self and is now working at the Fiji Sugar Cor-
13 studies but I had my own revision plan and intendent of Police Anil Prasad she has been “I have seen from childhood until now that poration as a IT Programmer.
ensured that I followed the timetable strictly working hard, studying for long hours and is a she is very eager to learn and spends a lot of “This is indeed a very proud moment for me
at home. very obedient child. time in studies. and my entire family.”
“Being dedicated towards revision at home “ We are proud to have a child like her as she “She is our youngest child and my elder

SHAGUN Location: 77 Vitogo Parade, Lautoka

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Students are effective agents of change

Lautoka Clean Schools Competition Urban Category winners Arya Samaj Primary School with Consecutive winner in the Rural Schools Category Shri Sathya Sai School posing with their
Special Administrator Lautoka / Ba Dipti Sharma (middle) LCC CEO Jone Nakauvadra and spoils with the LCC senior executives
Director Health Gyneshwar Rao. Photos: Sanjay Goundar
families and friends in their various communities to adopt the habits and sustainable solutions, it’s pleasing to note an in-
Zareena Bi good environment friendly practices. creasing number of schools taking part in this program.
Our school students are effective agents of change and the “Teachers also play an important role especially school heads “We anticipate 100 % participation from all schools next
rules and policies they follow on discharging waste, take prac- as their support is usually indicative of successful initiatives year and thank students for their hard work in practicing the
tical measures on theoretical concepts of how to better treat the evident in respective schools. 3R concepts. “You’ve all shown us what an environmentally
environment and reuse products sets the stage for future. “And while teachers lead, it is students that also play a piv- conscious future they will build and we celebrate your great
Speaking at the Lautoka Clean Schools Program Awards Day otal role in harnessing passion towards conservation and sus- efforts today.”
at the Lautoka City Council chambers recently Special Admin- tainability, and we urge their parents to also support these as- Meanwhile, this year, total of 37 schools participated in the
istrator Lautoka Dipti Sharma advised that the Clean Schools pirations.” She added that although the program was initially program which was same last year, including 15 rural and 17
Program is an excellent way to develop students into envi- incepted in urban schools since 2013 rural schools have par- urban schools. Lautoka Arya Samaj once again retained their
ronmentally-conscious adults. “It is anticipated that children ticipated and this year has seen 37 from 50 schools in Lautoka title as the overall winners in the Urban Schools category while
as our future leaders can easily grasp this new phenomenon participating. Shri Sathya Sai School also clinched their title in the rural
regarding 3R’s initiative and at the same time influence their “As we rear a generation of children that will foster clean schools division.


All business operators operating business within the boundaries of Lautoka City Council are reminded
that "Business License Fees" for the year 2020 is due for payment from January 1, 2020.

Kindly contact council's Town Ranger Department on Telephone 6660433, Extension 126 & 145, to get
the correct amount payable by your business and ensure that the following documents are submitted
with your fees:

1) Clearance from National Fire Authority (N.F.A)

2) Clearance from Occupational Health & Safety Services (O.H.S)


Wellness Partnership with FRIEND

Lautoka City Council health department officials with FRIEND and Uni Fiji officers during the wellness program in Tuvu. Photo: Supplied

Lautoka City Council in partnership with Foundation for and NGOs attended the session who were later hosted to an tries and will be exploring other wellness and NCD friendly
Rural Integrated Enterprises & Development organized a suc- unique organic and diabetes lunch at authentic Tukuni Restau- initiatives within the council.
cessful wellness session with ultimate goal of establishing rant at FRIENDS, Tuvu. Council will also be identifying some residents (4 in Lautoka
healthy workplaces within Lautoka city. At the conclusion of the session, all representatives present city and 2 squatters) where FRIENDS is willing to assist step
Dr Sakiusa from University of Fiji Umanand Prasad School took pledge towards taking baby steps in implementing NCD up model back yard gardens using innovative methods.
of Medicine presented on inspirational issues relating to friendly workplaces. Council acknowledges the kind gesture from FRIENDS in
NCDs. The session was from 12.00 pm - 2.00 pm, on Thursday, Council has already taken a step forward by giving oppor- trying to establish healthy promoting workplaces and commu-
November 28, 2019. tunity of one hour wellness session for all employees every nities in Lautoka city.
About thirty representatives from business/corporate sector Tuesday afternoon like practiced by other government minis-



EDITORIAL COMMENT SI’s friendship link literacy program

Festive season and personal goals
2019 has been like a rollercoaster ride. There has been
ups and downs in people’s lives. But all this are forgot-
ten when we enter the month of December.
People brush away their troubles and join in the cel-
ebration of Christmas and then to welcome the New
On Wednesday December 25 people in Fiji and around
the globe will celebrate the festival of Christmas, many
of them in the company of family and close friends.
Those with Christian belief will be marking the birth
of Jesus.
Many others will enjoy friendship, food and drink,
crackers, decorations and lights, and all the other es-
sential features of the festive season because to do so
is ingrained in the culture of all sorts of communities,
some of them with no tradition of Christian observance.
And with the turn of a new year come personal resolu-
tions. Exercise more, eat better, save. But in business,
as important as what you change is how you change.
As January rolls around these goals revolve around get-
ting fit or overhauling our diet. Research have shown
that 55 percent of resolutions are health-related. But by
the time February hits, studies show most of us have
abandoned the changes we were so excited about just a
few weeks before. All that’s left is a sense of failure as
we go back to our old ways — and a chance to repeat
it all again next year. Students of Amichandra Memorial Primary School receiving awards for their best book summaries with Chief Guest Zareena Bi.
It’s normal to feel frustrated when goals don’t go ac- Photos: Sanjay Goundar
cording to plan and you find yourself failing at keep-
ing resolutions again and again. Failure is a part of the
Zareena Bi
Despite the progress that has been made worldwide literacy challenges still persist in the uneven distribution of quality education
We don’t beat our self-up. Change is a process. Go for and learning opportunities throughout people’s lives which is also a target of United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal 4.
little gains. The great thing about tomorrow is it’s a International Literacy Day which is celebrated on September 8 annually gives an opportunity for Governments, civil society
new day with no mistakes, and so you can start again. and stakeholders an opportunity to promote literacy and this year again Soroptimist International (SI) Lautoka Club started their
You can always restart your life. New Year is the right literacy program at two of the primary schools in Lautoka. In collaboration with the sister club in Australia, SI ACT & Monaro,
time to start a new life. The right time could be any- SI Lautoka presented story books to Lautoka Ahmadiyya Primary and Amichandra Memorial during the month of September to
time, any day. Make a fresh start today! The new be- promote reading.
ginning in life will help you create more opportunities During the presentation at both the schools the Lautoka club members encouraged the students to read and submit summaries
and overcome obstacles to bring more happiness and which will be judged and rewarded during their annual prize giving day.
success. According to SI Lautoka President Vinesh Prasad the club has ensured that the books will cater for students from year one to eight
As we prepare to bid farewell to another year we can so it gives all the students an equal opportunity to read and submit their summaries by October 30.
only hope that the 2020 will be more to our liking than “The first set of books was presented on September 23rd to the student of Ahmadiyya Primary while the second set was presented
the previous year. to students of Amichandra Primary on September 30.
We, at the City Star Newspaper whole heartedly ac- “This project will benefit more than 600 students at both the schools and this is a sustainable project since the books will remain
knowledge the contribution of our clients who have at the respective school libraries to benefit current and future students at the schools.
without hesitation offered support and advertised with “SI Lautoka has been working closely with the allocated teachers at the schools to ensure that the summaries are received in a
us. timely manner.”
We extend Christmas greetings and seasonal good Meanwhile, SI ACT & Monaro has provided the funding for the story books as well as the prizes which was awarded to five
students each from both the schools who submitted the best summaries.
wishes to all our readers and all who share or care
about our much-blessed community.

Maika Kasami


PH: 9960 129

PH: 9189 779

9322 621



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SI Lautoka members with students of Lautoka Ahmadiyya Primary school during the story book presentation for the literacy
Printed by: Universal Print program.



SI Lautoka club scoops awards

Zareena Bi

Awards are important motivation tools as it is the recognition

of hard work and perseverance and SI Lautoka proved that to-
gether with these attributes good team work produces excellent
The club scooped four awards out of the eight awards up for
grabs in the eight program areas as well as the best practice
award during the Soroptimist International Fiji Awards night at
the Civic Centre in Ba on November 23.
Chief guest at the event National Project Coordinator UN
Markets for Change Fiji Mouna Peters informed that UN wom-
en works in collaboration with the governments and civil so-
ciety organizations in the region to address gender inequality
empower women and build more inclusive societies.
“Within the Pacific there is a growing recognition that em-
powering women fills economies and spurs productivity and
“Investing in women and girls makes sense and good busi-
ness sense as after all they are fifty percent of the population
and this is why progress towards gender equality is important.
“Notable achievement in the Pacific include the fact that
there are now more girls than ever enrolled in schools. More
women are taking up senior professional roles and we now
have new legislations that offers redress for survivors of do-
mestic violence.”
Peters added that despite these gains there is still much work Chief Guest Mouna Peters presenting the Best Practice Award to SI Lautoka members during the SI Fiji awards night.
ahead and at UN women one of the four main areas that the in- Photos: Sanjay Goundar
vestment of resources is in women’s economic empowerment.
She further added that participating in economic activities the year and also thanked all the project partners, donors and Relief, Mitigation and Resilience) as well as the overall best
allows women to make positive changes in their own lives and well wishers for their continuous support. practice award. The other winning clubs were SI Ba for objec-
in their communities that they live and work in. SI Lautoka won awards for their projects in objective 2 tive 1 (Education) and objective 3 (Economic Empowerment)
Meanwhile, SI Lautoka President Vinesh Prasad acknowl- (Elimination of Violence), objective 5 (Health care), Objective and SI Nadi for objective 4 (Food Security) and objective 6
edged the effort of the club members in the notable projects for 7 (Conflict Resolution/Peace Promotion), objective 8 (Disaster (Environmental Sustainability/Water/Sanitation).

SI Lautoka President Vinesh Prasad (3rd left) with SI Lautoka members proudly displaying SI Fiji members launching the 16 Days of Activism against gender violence advocacy
their spoils. during the awards night at the Ba Civic Centre.

SI Lautoka members receiving the award for one of the SI Lautoka members enjoying their moment of glory with SI Sigatoka member Shanti Kumar garlanding the chief guest
objective areas from the Special Administrator Lautoka/Ba chief guest Mouna Peters -Mouna Peters at the awards night
Dipti Sharma




Arts galore at FNU Lautoka Campus


For All Your Office &

School Stationary
FNU trainee teacher Shayal Devi displaying her extraordinary art with FNU Natabua
Campus Head of School Satish Chand (1st left) and Lecturer Perry Gabriel during the art
exhibition at the Natabua Campus. Photo: Sanjay Goundar
Requirements Stockiest of Books &
Sanjay Goundar Computer Consumable
The annual arts exhibition at the Fiji National University Natabua Campus in Lautoka brings
out the best creativity skills of the trainee teachers. All of our products are of the best quality and directly
FNU Natabua Campus was a hive of activities on November 22 as the excellent art display by imported from the suppliers from New Zealand and Australia
the students attracted numerous art enthusiastic.
Chief Guest at the occasion Head of School for the FNU Natabua Campus Satish Chand Collins 2020 Diaries now available
stressed that the exhibition EDU675 Indigenous Art Practice and Appreciation 2019 is a daz-
zling showcase of art forms and the immense creativity and skills of the students enrolled in
Check instore
this unit.
Mr Chand pointed out that the art exhibition clearly marks an opportunity for the students to
display their performances over a number of months this trimester.
“The displays are a ground breaking collection of expression that confidently says I am who I
am. This theme is a reflection of your beauty and inner self. It’s the expression of your cognitive
processes. It is a bold statement expressing your commitment to arts
“This unit ED675 enables you to look into your own practices while at the same time appre-
ciating indigenous art and your own identity.
“Fiji’s rich environment provides a variety of natural resources and while we may not have
too many funds to equip us with the necessities of art our environment provides us enough to
showcase the best,” he emphasized. He however, pointed out that while arts education is part of MANY
the curriculum in schools, the effort by the teachers due to exam pressure is not enough to get more
the creativity from the students. Chand highlighted that there are many students whose skills are
still not made visible due to the nature of commitment by their teachers. P. O. Box 2426, Tukani St, Lautoka Ph/Fax: 666 5661
He urged the trainee teachers to put the learning through this course in their classrooms and Mobile: 932 5661 Email:
let the students express and enjoy the beauty around.

Made to Measure Garments
Specialised in: Office and School uniforms, Sulu Chamba,
Shirts, Blouses, Salwaar Kameez, etc.
We wish all our Customers, friends & families a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year

15 Tukani Street, Lautoka (Opposite Lautoka Bus Station Upstairs).

Phone: 9388 436/ 921 5593



Measles vaccination spreads throughout the country

Source: MOH People aged 40 and over are not a target group. They are likely to have had measles as a
child (before the vaccine was introduced) and therefore have life-long immunity.
The Ministry of Health and Medical Services has expanded the measles immunisation cam- The campaign will continue in Central Division and started in Western and Eastern Divi-
paign across Fiji. sions on Friday 13 December. It will start in Northern Division on Monday 16 December.
Since the outbreak was declared on Thursday November 7, 2019, around 200,000 people in Meanwhile, since the last update on December 10 2019 there are now 21 confirmed cases
Fiji have been immunised against measles. of measles. The latest confirmed cases are a 13 year old from Nasilai Village in Nakelo Rewa,
The national campaign will continue to target people who are most at risk of being infected and a 27 year old from Saumakia Village in Naitasiri.
by measles and spreading the disease. Both new cases are contacts of previously confirmed measles cases in those villages. The
Measles target group are all children aged 6 months to 5 years Rewa and Naitasiri outbreak response teams have carried out the necessary interventions in-
• All people born between 1980 and 2000 (19 to 39 year olds who should have ID available cluding isolation of cases, quarantine and vaccination of contacts and at risk communities as
if asked) appropriate.
• Any child in Fiji who has not received 2 doses of a measles vaccine according to the national The 9 month old child from Davuilevu in Rewa (who also stayed at Saumakia Settlement in
immunisation schedule Naitasiri), reported as a confirmed case in the last update, is still admitted under isolation at
• Any child in Fiji aged 12 and 18 months in Fiji who are due their routine measles immunisa- CWM Hospital in a stable condition.
tion according to the national immunisation schedule The 21 cases to date are from the following areas in the Central Division:
• Any person in Fiji travelling overseas (evidence of travel must be provided i.e. a travel itin- 12 cases from the Serua/Namosi Subdivision (Wailali, Wainadoi, Navunikabi, and Makosoi
erary or ticket) Deuba)
• All health care workers 4 cases from Suva Subdivision (Samabula, Vatuwaqa, Tacirua, Wailekutu).
• All airport and port-of-entry workers, and hotel staff 4 cases from Rewa Subdivision (Koronivia, Nasilai Village Nakelo, Davuilevu).
The only exceptions to those in the above groups are pregnant women, children under the 1 case from Naitasiri Subdivision (Saumakia Village)
age of 6 months, those with compromised immune systems (including those on immunosup- Measles is a highly contagious disease; therefore, non-essential travel to Saumakia Village in
pressive medication/treatment), and those with a known allergy to the vaccine. These people Naitasiri, Serua/Namosi, and Nasilai Village in Nakelo Rewa is strongly discouraged.
should not be vaccinated.

Natabua High school student crowned Miss Farmers Nadi

It was a very proud moment for the Natabua High School have made my mum proud,” she said.
family as their 18-year-old pupil Isha Nadan was recently “Keep moving forward because you didn’t come this far just
crowned Miss Nadi Farmers Carnival Queen 2019. to come this far. This has helped me reach places and achieve
After her crowning an elated Miss Nadan only wished that dreams which I thought was impossible. After my dad’s death
her late father was alive to witness a proud moment for the it was my towering rage that whatever I do I have to make him
family. proud.”
Her dad, Vishwa Nadan, passed away in 2009 at the age of The main reason she took part in the pageant was because it
48 due to Kidney failure then her mum Roshni Kanta took care was a big platform to advocate on major issues with the theme
of them. for this year’s carnival ‘Farmers and climate change’.
“Tonight, I got to know how much my family actually loves
me and that made me realise I’m special to them. I don’t have An elated Miss Nadi Farmers 2019 Isha Nadan with her
my dad and I live only with my mum and so today I know I family members: Photo: Waisea Nasokia/ Fiji Sun

We wish all our Customers, Friends & Families a Merry Christmas & a
Prosperous New Year

Merry Christmas & a Prosperous

New Year to all our Customer, Friends
& Families





Orange the world; Activism against gender violence for communities

Women and Children of the Delai Saweni community who attended the 16 Days of Awareness against Gender Violence program organized by SI Lautoka.. Photo: Sanjay Goundar

Zareena Bi According to the United Nations database children since they are on school holidays and mindsets of males regarding domestic vio-
on violence against women Fiji’s rates of vio- have the danger of being vulnerable if they are lence and rape and they are intensifying male
The 16 Days of Activism from November lence against women are among the very high- unsupervised by parents and guardians. inclusive programs in this regard.
25 to December 10 provides an opportunity to est in the world and the Fiji Women’s Crisis The club invited speakers from the Fiji Meanwhile, Sergeant Meena Kumari
the civil society to take a strong stand against Centre reports that 64% of women who have Women’s crisis centre (FWCC) and the Fiji stressed on the need to use social media safely
gender violence by intensifying awareness ac- been in intimate relationships have experi- Police force who provided the hard hitting and for parents to be mindful and vigilant with
tivities through various platforms. enced physical or sexual violence from their facts and figures prevalent in the country and regards to their children in this matter.
The horror stories around the world regard- partner, including 61% who were physically offered advice on personal protection and She added that social media sites like face-
ing the nature of crimes against women and attacked and 34% who were sexually abused. protection of children. FWCC representative book is also used by perpetrators who indulge
children is an eye opener in this age and time Soroptimist International Lautoka club used Reshmi Singh pointed out that there is no ex- in human trafficking. SI Lautoka also gave
and perhaps it is the advent of social media the opportunity to take the awareness to two of cuse for rape and it is alarming to note that opportunities to young speakers to voice out
which has brought much of the hidden stories the communities Field Forty and Delai Sawe- even babies and elderly women are not spared. their concerns and participants were presented
in the limelight. ni, targeting families and specially the school She stressed that there is a need to change with certificates to mark this awareness.




欢 迎 你 来 学 汉 语
ADMISSION Learn Chinese at USP Lautoka Campus
INFORMATION The Confucius Classroom at USP Lautoka Campus is offering various levels
of Mandarin Chinese courses in 2020, and will meet different demands from

individuals, businesses, schools, government departments and NGOs. Different
levels of credit courses (CN101/CN201/CN301/CN302) and social courses are
here for your selection. The credit courses will focus not only on the conversational
skills of Chinese, but also on linguistic structure and Chinese character writing.

The social courses will improve your social communication skills in Chinese,
especially in listening and speaking. It includes pronunciation and the most
practical communication tasks needed in daily life. We also provide distinctive

cultural workshops for students, such as Tea Ceremony, Chinese Calligraphy and
Chinese dancing during the semester.

Elective Course for USP Students

(Commencing date and fees will be referred to the USP Calendar 2020)
Applications are invited from individuals who wish Code Course Target students Standard Venue
to study or resume studies at USP in Semester I, CN101 Chinese Language I Beginners HSK 1 USP Lautoka
CN101 Chinese Language I Beginners HSK 1 Online
1. New Applicants To USP Online (Online)
CN201 Chinese Language II Have completed HSK 2 USP Lautoka
CN101 or a similar Campus
Persons who have never studied at USP and wish to level
undertake studies in Semester I, 2020 are invited to apply CN201 Chinese Language II Have completed HSK 2 Online
Online (Online) CN101 or a similar
online for admission through and level
they may access the list of available programmes at www. CN301 Chinese Language III Have completed HSK 3 USP Lautoka
CN201 or a similar Campus level
CN302 Chinese Language IV Have completed HSK 4 USP Lautoka
Application Closing Date: 17 January 2020 (except for PhD (Business Chinese) CN201 or similar level Campus
& PTAFE Applications) Excellent students can be nominated for the Chinese Bridge Competition in
a. Applications received after the above date until 29 Chinese Social Course for the General Public
January 2020 will incur a financial penalty. Course Type Day Time Venue
b. Please refer to the USP 2020 Academic Dates for PTAFE Beginner I Saturday 11am – 1pm USP Lautoka Campus

Admissions timelines. Beginner II– Class 1 Saturday 9am – 11am USP Lautoka Campus
Beginner II – Class 2 Monday 6pm – 8pm USP Lautoka Campus

2. Students Who Wish to Resume Studies Beginner III Thursday 6pm – 8pm USP Lautoka Campus
Intermediate I Wednesday 6pm – 8pm USP Lautoka Campus
Note: USP changed the resumption of studies Reading & Writing I Friday 6pm – 8pm USP Lautoka Campus
procedures from Semester I, 2020 and students Reading & Writing II Tuesday 6pm – 8pm USP Lautoka Campus

are asked to read the information below and action Course Length: 8 February to 23 May 2020 (15 weeks).
accordingly. Course Rate: FJD200
Application Due date: 7 February 2020 (First come first served)
Students wishing to resume studies in the same Please Note:
undergraduate or postgraduate programme by coursework 1. The time provided above is for reference only. After registration, we will make
adjustments according to the actual situation of the applicant.
in a particular semester or trimester may apply through 2. A certificate indicating the level of Chinese language you have reached will provided that be issued upon your successful completion of the corresponding course.
3. Application forms can be obtained from the front desk, or Confucius
they were last registered not more than 5 Classroom Office at USP Lautoka Campus.
semester(s) or trimester(s) ago. Otherwise students will need
In-house Training Course for Hotels and Companies
to reapply for admission at and the
We can offer an in-house training of Chinese language course for Fijian
current programme regulations will apply. companies with a business relationship to China and Chinese. The program
aims to introduce the learners to Chinese language, culture and some customs,
Students who wish to apply for admission to a new and/ helping them solve the problems that may occur in work. It will not only introduce
learners to basic Chinese conversations and culture, but also improve listening
or higher undergraduate or postgraduate programme will and speaking skills of Chinese language in work scenarios.
need to apply for admission online at By the end of this program, the learners will be able to: • Consolidate the language knowledge in the last training course.

• Improve Chinese listening and speaking skills especially in work scenarios.
• Have a better understanding of Chinese culture and customs.
Application Closing Date: 17 January 2020.
For further enquiries: Ms. Teresa Ali, tel: 6666800;
email: or
For further clarification please contact USP Lautoka
Ms. Yanmei Li, tel: 6666800-1221; email: or
Campus on tel: 6666800 or email: website:
Facebook: Confucius Institute at The University of the South Pacific



14 X-Mas Recipes DECEMBER, 2019

Christmas Trifle
TOTAL TIME: Prep: 40 min. + chilling
MAKES: 12 servings

• 2 cups cubed sponge cake
• 5 macaroon cookies, crumbled
• 2 tablespoons sherry or orange juice
• 2 tablespoons brandy or orange juice
• 3 cups heavy whipping cream, divided
• 4 egg yolks
• 2 tablespoons sugar
• 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
• 1 cup fresh raspberries (use fresh local fruit or canned mix fruit)
• 1 cup sliced fresh strawberries(use fresh local fruit or canned mix fruit)
• 1 cup sliced peeled fresh or frozen peaches, thawed
• 1/2 cup sliced almonds, toasted

1. Place cake cubes and crumbled cookies in a 3-qt. glass bowl. Drizzle with sherry and brandy.
2. In a small saucepan, heat 1-3/4 cups cream until bubbles form around sides of pan. In a small bowl, whisk egg yolks
and sugar. Remove cream from the heat; stir a small amount of hot cream into egg mixture. Return all to the pan,
stirring constantly. Cook and stir until mixture is thickened and coats the back of a spoon; stir in vanilla.
3. Layer the raspberries, strawberries and peaches over crumbled cookies; spoon custard over fruit. Cover and refriger
ate for at least 1 hour.
4. In a large bowl, beat remaining cream until stiff peaks form. Pipe over custard; sprinkle with almonds. Yield: 12
servings (1 cup each).

Classic roast chicken KOKODA

& gravy (Fijian Spicy Fish)

Ingredients This fish dish is a Fijian favorite and utilizes common ingredients of the islands. It is the Fiji ver-
1 onion, roughly chopped sion of ceviche. Serve it with a fresh fruit salad.
2 carrots, roughly chopped
1 free range chicken, about 1½ kg/3lb 5oz • 4 large fillets of white fish such as
1 lemon, halved mahi-mahi
Small bunch thyme (optional) • Juice of 3 large limes
For the gravy • ½ teaspoon salt
1 tbsp plain flour • 1cup fresh coconut cream
250ml chicken stock (a cube is fine) • 1 large onion, minced
• 1 small green chile, such as ser
Method rano, seeds and stem removed,
1. Heat oven to 190C/fan 170C/gas 5. Have a shelf ready in the middle of the oven without minced.
any shelves above it. Scatter the vegetables over the base of a roasting tin that fits the chick- • 2 medium tomatoes, diced
en, but doesn’t swamp it. Season the cavity of the chicken liberally with salt and pepper, then • 1 bell pepper, seeds and stem re
stuff with the lemon halves and thyme, if using. Sit the chicken on the vegetables, smother moved, diced
the breast and legs all over with the butter, then season the outside with salt and pepper. Place Cut the fish into bite-size pieces. In
in the oven and leave, undisturbed, for 1 hr 20 mins – this will give you a perfectly roasted a non-reactive bowl, combine the fish, lime
chicken. To check, pierce the thigh with a skewer and the juices should run clear. Remove juice, and salt. Marinate overnight in the refrigerator.
the tin from the oven and, using a pair of tongs, lift the chicken to a dish or board to rest for Remove from the refrigerator, add
15-20 mins. As you lift the dish, let any juices from the chicken pour out of the cavity into the coconut cream, chopped onion, and chile
the roasting tin. just before serving. Sprinkle the tomatoes and
bell pepper over the top. Serve on a bed of lettuce
2. While the chicken is resting, make the gravy. Place the roasting tin over a low flame, in coconut bilos (half coconut shells).
then stir in the flour and sizzle until you have a light brown, sandy paste. Gradually pour in Yield: 6 to 8 servings
the stock, stirring all the time, until you have a thickened sauce. Simmer for 2 mins, using Heat Scale: Mild
a wooden spoon to stir, scraping any sticky bits from the tin. Strain the gravy into a small
saucepan, then simmer and season to taste.

Chocolate Chip Cookies Ingredients:

Ingredients 1. Dalo leaves

Original recipe makes 4 dozen 2. Coconut Cream
1 cup butter, softened 3. Tinned mutton
1 cup white sugar 4. Tamrin
1 cup packed brown sugar 5. Roasted jeera
2 eggs 6. Garlic
2 teaspoons vanilla extract 7. Ginger
3 cups all-purpose flour 8. Salt
1 teaspoon baking soda 9. Chillies
2 teaspoons hot water 10. Foil to wrap.
1/2 teaspoon salt Method:
2 cups semisweet chocolate chips Pour all ingredients in a bowl except the
1 cup chopped walnuts dalo leaves and foil, mix well and make a
Directions Dissolve baking soda in paste . Put 3 leaves on a piece of foil ( size
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 hot water. Add to batter along with should be large enough to wrap) and pour
degrees C). salt. Stir in flour, chocolate chips, and about 5 tbsp of paste on the leaves and fold
2. Cream together the butter, white nuts. Drop by large spoonfuls onto the mixture in the leaves. Wrap these in
sugar, and brown sugar until smooth. ungreased pans. foil. Roast this in kitchen oven or an earth
Beat in the eggs one at a time, then stir in 3. Bake for about 10 minutes in the oven called lovo for approximately 20 to
the vanilla.. preheated oven, or until edges are are 30 minutes in medium heat.
nicely browned.



Tigers hold awards night

Maika Kasami

Newly formed soccer club Saunaka Tigers

FC held its first ever awards night on Decem-
ber 7 in Nadi.
The club this year made its debut in the PS
Nagra Best Fiji & Chips sponsored Nadi Foot-
ball Association Local League in the Premier
Division and immediately made an impact by
winning the best team parade award.
They have two-matches remaining and
stand a good chance of making the semi-finals.
For their fine effort so far, the players, of-
ficials, life members and sponsors were rec-
ognised with certificates and trophies followed
by a grand feast.
Following a successful 2019 season, Sauna-
ka Tigers FC have set big plans for 2020.
They are planning to rope in former Ken-
nedy Football Club striker Jainesh Kumar as
There are also plans to boost its current
squad by bringing in more youth reps.
Chief guest Avinesh Verma congratulated
the officials for taking a bold step in forming
a club.
Club founder and President Mohammed
Hanif was pleased with their performance this
season and is predicting a better season next
year. Saunaka Tigers FC manager/player Peter Narayan (left), Ushra Khan, president and founder Mohammed Hanif and veteran player Mohammed
“We knew it won’t be easy to run a club but Nadeem along with other club members during its first ever awards night on December 7. Photo Supplied.
I’m happy with what we’ve done to get the Team manager and player Peter Narayan award presidents choice is the only female Ariz, Best player presidents choice- Varseel
club running,” Hanif said. was overwhelmed with the dedication and club official in the Nadi FA Local League. Kumar, Best player people’s choice -
“I thank all those that have helped us this commitment shown by the small Saunaka Awards- Dedicated player - Shelvin Chand, Mohammed Nadeem, Best official presidents
season and may the Almighty Lord bless them community towards the club. Versatile player - Shivesh Prakash, People’s choice - Ushra Khan, Best official players’
and their families. We want young players in Narayan said their main focus is to attract choice best Captain - Varseel Kumar, Disci- choice - Ushra Khan, Best Manager 2019 - Pe-
Saunaka and nearby areas to come forward more sponsors to help the club reach greater pline player -Peter Narayan, Goalkeeper of the ter Narayan.
and join the club as we want them to engage heights. year - Avnil Prasad, Veteran player - Moham-
themselves in sports rather than doing wrong Ushra Khan who received the best official med Rafeek, Best support 2019 - Mohammed
things in our society. ”

Chand back in form

The winners of the Switchboard Makers sponsored tournament with sponsor

Mohammed Imtiyaz centre at Lautoka Golf Club on December 14.
Photo- Maika Kasami

Maika Kasami

Veteran golfer Prem Chand was back to his very best clinching the Switchboard Makers
sponsored Pre-Season Closing golf tournament on December 14 at Lautoka Golf Club.
Chand carded 69 to take out the A-grade title. Senitiki Cakau won the B-grade while
Sanjay Raj claimed the C-grade title.
Dinesh Narayan finished second in the B-grade, Gaffar Ali third in the B-grade while
Manuel Ajay settled for third in the A-grade.
LGC executive Raymond Singh thanked Mohammed Imtiyaz for the kind sponsorship
that brought together close to 30 golfers.
Singh said Imtiyaz has been a regular supporter of LGC notably also sponsoring a tour-
nament earlier this year in memory of his late dad Mohammed Khalim.
“Mohammed Khalim was also an ardent golfer and I would like to thank Imtiyaz for
sponsoring the pre-season closing tournament and also the other previous tournaments,”
said Singh.
He said 2019 has been a success but has requested for more support from its financial
members in the up keeping of the course.
“Lautoka Golf Club is the only club in Fiji that belongs to the members. It organises
tournaments every week and for this we request members to be actively involved in the
maintenance of the golf course.
“Very soon we are going to close the course as we draw the curtains on yet another year
but be rest assured that there are bigger things planned for the new season,” Singh added.
Other results- NTP 2nd hole- Navi Vakaruru, Longest Drive 3rd hole- Senitiki Cakau,
NTP 9th hole- Raymond Singh.



Krishna wins 6th Lautoka Open

Maika Kasami

HFC Bank officer James Krishna fought tooth and nail

to claim his sixth Lautoka Open Championship title this
The 2019 edition of the 88th Geotech Drilling/Islands
Electric sponsored 18-holes Pro-Am was played on No-
vember 23 with a total of 84 golfers gracing the Lautoka
Golf Club course.
It was a battle royal between two former Lautoka Open
golf champions Krishna and national rep Olaf Allen Ju-
nior in the playoffs.
The pair were tied after the regulation 18-holes with
identical scores of 70 with the LGC Captain and veteran
golfer Krishna emerging victorious after a 3-hole play-
off to edge out two-time champion Allen Jnr by a single
According to Krishna this was his second playoff win
in the history of the Lautoka Open.
“I had also won a playoff in my earlier win against the
likes of Zoheer Ahmed and a few more some years back
and this is also a special win for me as age is catching
up,” the 53-year old golfer said.
In other results, young Jay Meghji continued his fine
form to claim the overall nett title on 61.
Olaf Allen Jnr was declared the A-grade gross cham-
pion on 70, with Lautoka businessman Wella Pillay con- Geotech Drilling boss Gary Barnett flanked by professional category winner Roneel Prakash (left) and 2019 Lautoka Open
vincingly taking out the B-grade title on 76. Price water champion James Krishna. Photo- Maika Kasami.
house managing partner Ratu Wiliki Takiveikata emerged
as the C-grade champion on a solid 83. Goundar. Natadola golfer Avinesh Datt easily accounted $450.00, Tomasi Tuivuna, Vikrant Chandra, Feroz Khan,
Chandar Shekar took out top honours for the A-grade for the C-grade on 67, YB Pillay settled for second on 68 Mahmood Buksh and Nemani Ratumaiyale received
nett on 67, followed by Prem Chand on 68 and Shiva and Sanjay Raj third on 70. $400.00 each.
Rajan on 69. In the professional category, Roneel Prakash shot a LGC executive, Raymond Singh thanked Gary Barnett
Lawrence John accounted for the B-grade nett on 69 on brilliant 6 under 63 to walk away with the top cash prize of Geotech Drilling for the fabulous sponsorship along-
a count-back from Dinesh Narayan and Ramesh of $1,500.00, followed by Amitesh Chandra on 67 for side the popular giveaways to every participant.
$800.00, Waisake Vati on 69 for $500.00, Zoheer Ahmed

USA to host 2020 Pacific Cup

nals this year after recording some good wins
in their first two-matches.
Three-teams from Fiji, Lautoka, Nadi and
Labasa made it through to the semis while
Suva missed out.
The AIFFA side from Australia was the
fourth team that featured in the knockout stage
General Groceries, Frozen Food, Islamic Requirements .etc.... that went down to the Babasiga Lions 1-0.
The Northerners from Vanua Levu were

Dates Imported fromArriving Soonfor this Ramadhan probably the only side that did not recruit any
Saudi Arabia foreign players.
Coach Ronil Lal kept faith in his own play-
Different Variety of Dates Available ers in their Pacific Cup campaign and nearly
made it three wins in a row after earlier claim-
ing the Inkk Mobile Battle of the Giants and
the Courts IDC.
Meanwhile, stand-in coach Josaia Bukalidi
was pleased with how the players reacted to
his coaching expertise.
Bukalidi was brought in to assist the rookie
coach Amit Prakash and the pair did wonders.
The Ovalau man took the job on his chin
and played out his cards right recoding only
one loss from the six matches. “It’s a dream
come true to coach a team like Lautoka. I’ve
coached Ba when I came over to Fiji but this
Lautoka soccer captain Samuela Drudru (left)
was totally a different experience because I

and Poasa Bainivalu with the Pacific Cup
had not played for Lautoka as a player so the
trophy. Photo- Sanjay Goundar.
demand for success was high but we did it as a
team,” the former pint sized striker said.
Maika Kasami “I thank the Lautoka FA executives for hav-
ing faith in me to be part of their 2019 Pacific
Team USA has been given the right to host Cup campaign and winning it,” he added.
New arrival Happies Diapers the 2020 Pacific Cup. The Blues become the only team apart from
SAPPE Aloe Vera
Drink The tournament has been held on a rota- Nadi to record back to back wins.
tional basis with New Zealand, Australia and Meanwhile, goalkeepers Nicholas Lawrence
Mogu Mogu juice Fiji playing hosts since 2012, but for next year and Beniamino Mateinaqara reunited after
Solely Imported & USA will have their tournament played in Fiji. 14-years for Lautoka at the Pacific Cup.
Distributed in Fiji by Fiji FA president Rajesh Patel confirmed Both players had last featured together in
78692 Halaal Supermarket next year’s tournament will be brought to Fiji 2005 in the Blues win over Ba in the IDC final
with Churchill Park in Lautoka expected to be at Churchill Park. Lawrence was called into
Location: Opposite Lautoka Multi Purpose Court the likely venue. action after Mateinaqara was not hundred per-
USA under the guidance of coach Gurjit cent fit to take the field in the semi-finals.
Location: Opposite Lautoka 925 4428
Multi Purpose Court Phone: 925 4428
Singh were unlucky not to make the semi-fi-



Blues triumph in NZ
Maika Kasami

‘Shop N Save’ Lautoka became the second

only team to win back to back victory at the
2019 Pacific Cup at Bill McKinley Park on
December 1 in Auckland, New Zealand.
The Blues beat fellow Fijian side Labasa 1-0
in the final thanks to a second half goal by for-
ward Samuela Gavo.
The Sugar City side successfully defended
the title they had won in Sydney in 2018.
Enroute to the final, the Josaia Bukalidi
coached side came from behind to defeat four-
time champs Nadi (Fiji) 3-1 while Labasa had
to rely on a Siotame Kubu extra-time header to
oust the stubborn AIFFA side from Australia.
The two –finalists had lost a game each in
the pool stages on their way to the final.
Lautoka though scoring first let loose their
guard to lose 1-2 to the AIFFA side while the
Babasiga Lions after registering two good
wins went down to Nadi 0-1 via a goal to
Horace James.
Lautoka FA Head Shalendra Prasad said he
was proud of the performance of the team after
failing to win a title back in Fiji. Prasad said to
retain the title was a great achievement by the
team considering they were up against some The Shop N Save Lautoka soccer team arrive at Nadi International Airport with the Pacific Cup trophy. The Blues beat Labasa 1-0 in the
good teams. final to pocket $NZ10, 000. Photo Sanjay Goundar.
“Pacific Cup competition is a very tough
tournament to play in and our players stood Lautoka players share prize-money
the test. All throughout the tournament the
standard of soccer was very high.
Maika Kasami Samuela Drudru who was one of the standout players for the side scor-
“Our foreign players that joined the team in ing goals and assisting others throughout the five-day tournament.
The Lautoka soccer players were handsomely rewarded for their
NZ gelled in well and they also did us proud The Blues fan club in New Zealand has been the main driving force
tireless effort in winning the 2019 Pacific Cup in Auckland, New Zea-
by playing from their heart for Lautoka and for the team to perform well as fans and supporters went out of their
equally contributing to the success of the way to provide for the team. After the final, the players were presented
Out of the four teams from Fiji, Lautoka, Nadi and Labasa made
team,” Prasad added. Lautoka collected a cool with their gifts and cash prizes with each player collecting $1500. Fiji
the knockout stage. Suva with their big names failed to win their first
$NZ10, 000 for their win plus the Pacific Cup FA president Rajesh Patel confirmed USA will play host to the 2020
three matches despite playing some great football only registering
trophy which returns to their cabinet. Pacific Cup that will be staged in Fiji.
their lone win in their final pool fixture. Lautoka was captained by


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Hussein, Prakash,
Cho triumph at
Maika Kasami

Abid Hussein remains as the undisputed champ in the amateur divi-

sion in the country.
Along with his many victories in the past, the Nadi based golfer added
another feather to his victory cap claiming the Shop N Save sponsored
18-holes Pro-Am championship title that attracted the cream of top
The winners with sponsor’s special guest Anil Prasad and LGC president Chong Lee (middle) during the Shop N golfers at the Lautoka Golf Club course on December 8.
Save sponsored 18-holes Pro-Am championship at the Lautoka Golf Club course on December 8. The top ranked amateur golfer won the overall title on a fine 70.
Photos- Maika Kasami Young Rohit Chandra of Ba took out the A-grade net title on 67, fol-
lowed by Tevita Drauniniu on 70 and Manwal Kumar on 71.
Former Fiji FA referee Davendra Mudaliar was back to his best win-

Islands Electric Wholesalers

ning the B-grade on 68, Vikash Chand netted 70 for second place with
Anil Prasad third on 71 after a count-back from Lawrence Low.
LGC president Chong Lee grabbed the C-grade title on 69, Navi Va-
karuru was second on 70 and Daniel Kumar third on 72.
10 Marine Drive, P O Box 3317, Lautoka Fiji Denarau golfer Bella Cho won the ladies overall gross title on 75
Phone: (679) 6668188, 6668444 Fax: (679) 6668190 Email: while Sunny Kim took out the overall nett title on 76. Kimmi Kim was
declared the best junior golfer alongside Andy low.
DON’T BE FOOLED INTO BUYING CHEAP BRAND PRODUCTS WITH NO Roneel Prakash maintained his winning streak in the professional cat-
WARRANTY AND BACK UP SPARES egory on 68 followed by Suva professional Tomasi Tuivuna on 70 while
Olaf Allen Junior and Bill Suguturaga on 71.
TRY THE EXPERTS WITH QUALITY, RELIABILITY AND SERVICE Chief Guest Anil Prasad presented the prizes to the winners and
SEE OUR RANGE OF TOP BRAND QUALITY PRODUCTS thanked Shop N Save for the fabulous amateur prizes and the $1500
cash prize for the professionals.
LGC executive Raymond Singh commended the 40-plus participants
in the Pro-Am championship as well as Shop N Save for the grand part-
nership in having a very successful tournament.
Singh said they now look forward to the staging of the Season Clos-
ing tournament before drawing the curtains on another successful year.

Bussmann Fuses


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Businessmen deal…Ram Reddy (left), Chong Lee and Raymond Singh

at Lautoka Golf Club.




Quality, Reliability & Service is our Tradition Dr Zen Low and the female golfers from Denarau were in full swing at



Geotech promises bigger 2020 event

Maika Kasami

Geotech Drilling boss Gary Barnett has promised his company’s continued sponsorship to-
wards the Lautoka Open Championship after the successful staging of this year’s tournament.
The Suva based Drilling firm and Lautoka’s Islands Electric Wholesalers jointly staged the
hosting of the 88th edition of the Lautoka Open this year.
Barnett said his company was proud to be associated with the Lautoka Golf Club since 2016
with the main focus being to bring together the best golfers in Fiji and the development of the
junior golfers.
“It’s great to be back where it all started back in 2016,” Barnett said during the presentation.
“We have seen the tournament grow in heaps and bounds, and we would like to congratulate
the organisers for their efforts and hard work in maintaining the significance of the annual tour-
“Along with golf there are other sports that we financially support and we always want to see
that they prosper in their own fields,” Barnett said.
He assured they will make it five-year-in-a-row by again coming on board for the 2020 edition
of the Lautoka Open Championship.”
LGC executive Raymond Singh heaped praises on Barnett’s vision and acknowledged Geo-
tech Drilling’s continued sponsorship towards the Lautoka Open.
The winners of the Geotech Drilling/Islands Electric sponsored Lautoka Open with sponsor
Gary Barnett (third from left). Photo: Maika Kasami

Poor start in Dubai

Maika Kasami make it past the pool stages.

Baber said they were not ruthless enough and needed to tighten their defence and ball reten-
As 2016 Olympics champions and the 2018/2019 HSBC World Sevens series winners it was tion at kick-offs.
a disappointing start to the new season for the Fiji Airways Fiji 7s team. “It’s a pretty similar situation as last season, we did not react quickly in the first tournament.
Laced with the core of the team from last season, the national side has failed on the first It’s disappointing there were a couple of key areas namely our defence and our retention of
hurdle. restarts.
The Gareth Baber coached side failed to reach the Dubai Sevens quarterfinals for the first “The positives are that we can do something about it. Its part and parcel of the game, some-
time after losing out to France and Argentina on point’s difference. times you will have a disappointing performance and the reality of it is you need to get better.
As two-time champions in Dubai since it joined the World Series 20 years ago, Fiji defeated “We are hurting and we’ve been in this situation where we have bounced back,” the Welsh-
a stubborn Japanese side 24-17, lost to Argentina 24-21 after leading 21-12, then beat France man added.
24-14 which was not by enough in their last pool match.
Poor discipline has been a major concern for the team and was one of the reasons it did not

NCH RENTALS NCC put on hold

NCH Rentals has an excellent range of hire vehicles to
Maika Kasami
suit all budgets and needs
Our rental cars are modern, well-maintained and reasonably priced. Fiji Football Association has postponed all its events for December due to measles outbreak
in the country.
We Wish all our Customers, Friends & Families Merry X-Mas Fiji Football Association acting chief executive officer Amitesh Pal said Fiji FA has taken in
consideration the media release from Fiji National Sports Commission.
& a Prosperous New Year “Further to media release (Sporting Events – Measles Outbreak) from Fiji National Sports
Commission, and in view of the recent measles outbreak in the country, all the tournament and
events of Fiji FA scheduled to be held in December 2019 has been postponed till further notice,
“said Pal.
The annual Vodafone Club Championship has also been affected and will now be staged early
Nadi FA has confirmed that Gandhi FC and Kings Football Club have qualified from the
Neighbouring association Lautoka Football has Press FC and United Sangam while Ba will
be represented by Yalalevu FC and Young Brothers.
Nadi FA president Javed Ahmed said Gandhi FC will be one of their top bets having remained
undefeated this season in the PS Nagra sponsored Best Fiji and Chips Nadi FA Local League
He said it was a tough 2019 league this year with four-teams have equal chance heading for
the final round of competition in the Super Premier grade.
“The League this year was very competitive with four teams including Nalovo and Blues
FC having equal chance to qualify. And we are happy that we managed to finish our league on
time,” Ahmed said.
Meanwhile, Pal confirmed that the following events was supposed to be held this month.
“Vodafone National Club Championship 2019, Vodafone Women Senior League 2019 – Play-
off, Vodafone U19 Youth League 2019 – Playoff, Vodafone Girls U16 League 2019 – week-
ly matches, Vodafone Girls U19 League 2019 – Weekly Matches, Vodafone Women Senior
League 2019 – weekly matches, Vodafone U19 Youth League 2019 -Weekly Matches, Tongan
Boys U16 National Team Tour, Vodafone Futsal National League 2019 – weekly Matches all
have been called off.”
“Affiliated Associations who are still having their weekly local league competitions are also
urged to please take heed of the advisory from the authorities and also ensure to avoid any com-
petitions/events during the month of December 2019,” said Pal.
Meanwhile, The Vodafone National team captain and Fijian wonder-boy Roy Krishna was
awarded the Indian Super League (ISL) Hero of the Month for November.
Krishna started off the month of November on a high with a brace and an assist against Jam-
shedpur FC at the iconic Salt Lake Stadium before featuring against Odisha FC in a tough away
Mob: 992 1219 / 999 3731 Postal Address: P.O Box 584, Lautoka
draw. He then scored another goal in front of his home crowd that turned out to be vital for ATK
Email: / equalising almost with the last touch of the game with ATK trailing 2-1 against Mumbai City FC, making it 2-2.



Krishna stars for ATK


Maika Kasami

Fijian international footballer Roy Krishna was awarded the

ISL Hero of the Month for November after some scintillating
performances for his team ATK, reports Sports Star.
The striker saw off stiff competition from the likes of Jam-
shedpur FC’s Sergio Castel, Odisha FC’s Aridane Santana, FC
Goa’s Mourtada Fall and Bengaluru FC custodian Gurpreet
Singh Sandhu.
The 32-year-old, who has his roots in India, scored three
goals in as many games and also recorded an assist as ATK re-
mained unbeaten throughout the month of November. Krishna
becomes the second successive ATK player to win the Hero of
the Month award this season after strike-partner David Wil-
liams bagged the same title in October.
Krishna started the month in emphatic fashion with a brace
and an assist against Jamshedpur FC at the iconic Salt Lake
Stadium — also the home ground to ATK, before featuring in
a tough away draw with Odisha FC. He capped off November
with another goal in front of his home crowd that turned out to
be vital for ATK. Krishna equalised almost with the last touch
of the game with ATK trailing 2-1 against Mumbai City FC,
making it 2-2.
The former A-League top scorer with Wellington Phoe-
nix emerged as the fan favourite in the poll concluded by the
League. Krishna received the Hero of the Month award tro-
phy in ATK’s 3-0 win over North-East United FC in Guwahati
where he bagged a brace.
However, ATK recorded their second loss in as many games Fijian international footballer Roy Krishna with the Indian Super League Hero of the Month award for November after some
going down to FC Goa 1-2 as Ferran Corominas and Mourtada scintillating performances for his team ATK. Photo- Supplied.
Fall netted one each for the Gaurs on December 14 at the Jawa-
harlal Nehru stadium. The win took Goa on top of the points fans turning up to our homes games where over 30 thousand I’m happy to be the second and to continue the tradition for
table, replacing ATK. fans turn out to support you and push you to do your best. the club.” Fiji FA president Rajesh Patel acknowledged Krish-
“It’s an honour to be given so much love by the Indian Super “We have a great team, coach and management who created na for his contribution in the growth of the sport and also con-
League fans especially those who fan my club ATK including a warm and welcoming environment which helped me adapt gratulated him in his achievement so far with ATK.
everyone back home who stay up late to watch my games on- quickly. Krishna first joined professional football in 2008 for Waita-
line,” Krishna said. “In India, you also see it in the number of “I’m happy here and I hope to do much better in the coming kere United after a successful local football journey with La-
months “Last month my colleague David Williams won it and basa.

7s Discipline a concern
Maika Kasami The series resumes in Hamilton with the HSBC New Zealand Sevens series on 25-26
January, 2020 followed by the HSBC Sydney Sevens a week later.
The Fiji Airways Fiji 7s team continues to break the rules in the HSBC World Sevens Standings- NZ-41, South Africa-41, France-29, Argentina-24, England-24, Fiji-23,
series as they have now accumulated a total of 12-yellow cards in only ten-games. Samoa-19, Australia-18, USA-18 and Ireland-17.
This is the highest for any team competing in the 2019/2020 season at the end of the A total of eight tournaments now remain with Fiji winning four of them. The national
Dubai and Cape Town legs. side will be aiming to record their sixth win on the trot in Hong Kong, however the
The national side have been slow out of the blocks finishing 9th in Dubai and fourth latter tournament is in-doubt of taking place this year due to the political upheaval in
in Cape Town. the Asian state.
As a result the national side failed to defend its gold medal win in South Africa. Baber and his boys will need to bounce back very quickly beginning with the next
At the desert in Dubai, the national side were bundled out in pool play but beat Can- two-tournament close to home to stand a chance of successfully defending their World
ada to settle for ninth spot. Series title.
Six-yellow cards each were recorded at the two-tournaments. Meanwhile, the Black Ferns sevens were crowned the inaugural HSBC Cape Town
In Cape Town itself, cards were flashed to Isoa Tabu, Ratu Meli Derenalagi, Filimoni Sevens champions after beating long-time rivals Australia 17-7 in the final
Botitu, Waisea Nacuqu and a double to captain Paula Dranisinukula. The success, their 24th in 40 events since the HSBC World Rugby Sevens Series
Eventual winners New Zealand outclassed Fiji in the semi-finals in Cape Town win- began in 2012-13, follows hot on the heels of another historic victory in Dubai last
ning 24-7, a match in which the Gareth Baber side had two-players sit in the bin. weekend, when New Zealand became the first to win back-to-back titles in the desert.
The national side went on to lose to France in the third and fourth place playoffs 24- New Zealand had not been at their best in the tournament, stuttering past Fiji and
29. Fiji trailed 5-17 at the breather. Russia in the pool stages and needing sudden-death extra-time to beat England in quar-
Fijian Tavite Veredamu playing for the Blues clinched the winning try in extra time ter-finals, but found the performances when they needed to overcome Canada and then
sudden-death after Fiji had fought back to draw level terms 24-all at the end of normal Australia to win an inaugural event in a country for the sixth time out of 11.
time. The series champions had made the better start to the 16th Cup final meeting between
Baber had mentioned in a post-match interview after the dust had settled on the desert the two most successful women’s teams, Kelly Brazier stepping her way through the
that they needed to be ruthless in attack and defence, and needed to win the kick-offs. Australia defence to score the opening try and pass through the 500-point milestone in
He said the scenario was similar to last year when they made a slow start to the series. the process.
“It’s a pretty similar situation as last season, we did not react quickly in the first tour- Shannon Parry was then adjudged to have knocked on rather than blocked a Brazier
nament. It’s disappointing there were a couple of key areas namely our defence and our kick and New Zealand capitalised, a strong run by Alena Saili creating the opportunity
retention of restarts. for World Rugby Women’s Sevens Player of the Year 2019 Ruby Tui to score their sec-
“The positives are that we can do something about it. Its part and parcel of the game, ond try for a 12-0 half-time lead.
sometimes you will have a disappointing performance and the reality of it is you need Australia, without a title since their record-breaking victory in Sydney in 2018, got
to get better. back into the game within 40 seconds of play resuming, Ellia Green skipping past the
“We are hurting and we’ve been in this situation where we have bounced back,” the diving Niall Williams to sprint away for her 130th series try, quickly adding the conver-
Welshman added. sion herself to get her side back in the game.
NZ went on to avenge its Dubai final loss by defeating the Blitz Boks on their home Defeat ended the tournament for Russia, Fiji, USA and England with the teams being
turf with a narrow 7-5 win. ranked five to eight in terms of series points depending on their point differential. On
NZ and South Africa now share the lead at the top of the HSBC World Sevens series this basis, USA are ranked fifth ahead of Fiji, England and Russia.
standings with 41-points each.
France and Argentina follow with England and Fiji sitting on fifth and sixth respec-


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