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Description of Political Science


The major in Political Science leads to the Bachelor of Arts Degree. The study of
Political Science is of value in that all persons need an understanding of the political
system which governs their lives. The program explores democratic and non-democratic
systems of governance. While the most elementary goal of the program is to develop an
understanding of responsible democratic and global citizenship, it is also designed to
equip students to enter professions in which knowledge of government is essential or to
tackle advanced degrees. Moreover, Political Science has long been recognized as
sound undergraduate preparation for careers in law, business, politics, social work, and
public administration. Our program is designed to produce a graduate with a solid
understanding of the institutions of government; their relationship to politically active
non-governmental organizations; the articulation and implementation of public policy;
and the role of the informed global citizen in a liberal-democratic system.


First, the department provides students with a traditional liberal arts education. The
department's offering in the campus create an awareness and understanding of local,
national, regional, and international political processes.

Second, the department's professional and pre-professional programs in the field of

political science facilitate the development of talented and ethical leaders and

Third, the department's faculty and students study and assist in the resolution of political
and administrative problems in the local community.
The desired outcomes within the major of Political Science include the following:

1. Political science majors will possess the requisite knowledge of the various Political
system, including an understanding of the structure and process of the, state, national
government, and local governments, enabling them to become informed and
responsible citizens.

2. Political science majors will demonstrate knowledge of computer concepts and

terminology, enabling them to use at least two software tools, such as word processors,
spread sheets, database management systems, or statistical packages.

3. Political science majors will be skilled in inquiry, logical reasoning, and critical
analysis, enabling arguments, synthesize facts and information, and offer logical
arguments leading to creative solutions to problems

4. Political science majors will recognize and understand issues in applied ethics. They
will understand their own value systems in relation to other value systems.

5. The Major in Political Science will develop a set of critical and analytical skills about
public affairs. It will furnish students with an understanding of constitutions and the rule
of law, limited government, distributive justice, public interest groups, human rights,
economic development and the environment, conflict and conflict-resolution.
First, we furnish students a broad survey of the political world, focusing upon the ideas, institutions
and processes that shape modern politics. Our goal is to equip students with the analytical means
necessary to comprehend the larger issues which give meaning to the political community. Students
are able to select courses and work with faculty from all of the major sub-fields in Political Science.

Second, we are especially attentive to developing critical reasoning, effective communication,

coherent analytical writing, and ethical understanding in each of our students.

Above all, we strive to provide a student-centered program that focuses upon engaged, interactive
teaching and learning, individualized advising, and dedication to satisfying the unique needs of each
student in the program.
Goals and Learning Objectives

Students will acquire a working knowledge of the American political system. This will
include gaining an understanding of the nation’s political institutions, political culture,
and political ideologies, as well as how public policy is decided upon and implemented.

Students will come to understand that there are various types of political systems
around the world, and that these may differ from each other with regard to their
individual political institutions, political culture, political ideologies, and public policies.

Students will learn about the concepts, theories, and data needed to comprehend the
interactions of nations that constitute international relations, and the nature of such
global institutions as the United Nations, regional alliances, and international law.

Students will become aware of the crucial questions raised by classical and
contemporary political philosophers, and of some of the solutions proposed by them to
answer fundamental questions about the role of politics in human life.

Students will come to understand the means of inquiry in the social sciences generally,
and in political science in particular. This will include an understanding of how
knowledge about politics and government is generated by political scientists working
within their discipline.

Students will be prepared to take entry level jobs in the public or private sector or to
undertake graduate study, whether academic (e.g., master’s or doctoral programs in
political science) or professional (e.g., law or public administration).

Department Learning Objectives

The Cal Poly Political Science Department prepares students to become informed active
citizens. Undergraduate and graduate programs emphasize the comprehension of political
thinking, the application of communication and analytical skills, and the understanding of
cultural diversity.

The Political Science Department emphasizes these learning objectives:

Learning Objective 1
To Increase knowledge of the political science discipline; its principal theoretical
frameworks and applications, conceptual vocabulary, and methods of inquiry; its major
subfields of study; and its interrelationships with the other social science fields.
Achieved by: Students are required to take “Political Inquiry” (POLS 180), which
introduces them to the disciplines, concepts, and scientific methods of political science.
Majors take 17 units of elective coursework among the various subfields of the discipline
and they have a specific concentration composed of 28 units of coursework in the major
and disciplinary cognates. Students are required to take one course in "Research Design"
(POLS 359) and one course in "Quantitative Methodology."

Learning Objective 2
To increase understanding of basic facts and concepts about the American political
system, including its history, philosophical, constitutional and legal foundations, leading
political values and ideas, governing institutions, and policymaking processes.

Achieved by: Students are required to take specific courses in American government,
public law, and political theory. Additionally, students fulfill their major requirements by
taking a variety of courses that address the functions and processes of government and
politics at the international, national, and state levels.

Learning Objective 3
To increase knowledge of diverse political systems around the world, including empirical
area-based knowledge; broader theoretical understanding of different political systems,
institutions and processes; and the changing domestic and global contexts within which
they operate.

Achieved by: Students are required to take “International Relations” (POLS 225) and
“Introduction to Comparative Politics” (POLS 229). Students may also elect to declare the
Global Politics concentration. A number of students participate in the Model United
Nations program where they study and discuss matters of international importance, and
role-play with groups from other institutions and selected countries in mock U.N.

Learning Objective 4
To increase knowledge of the history of classical and modern political thought; of the
fundamental values and ethical issues contested in politics over time; and of alternative
moral and ethical frameworks for interpreting and evaluating contemporary political

Achieved by: Students are required to take “Basic Concepts of Political Thought” (POLS
230), which addresses the enduring political theories and questions of political life and
values. Majors are exposed to many of these issues in the required courses they take in
philosophy, and they may opt to take additional political science courses that emphasize
modern and American political thought. In all POLS courses, basic questions of equality,
liberty, power, and ethics are addressed, since they are fundamental to any
understanding of political behavior.

Learning Objective 5
To increase recognition of the major problems, the leading policies, and the legal issues
confronting contemporary political systems, particularly in the U.S.

Achieved by: These issues are addressed in required and elective courses taken by
political science majors. Other specific courses focus on current events and crises, and on
significant problems that pose controversy in how governments should respond to them.

Learning Objective 6
To increase acquisition of citizenship skills, ethical values, and the ability to understand
and appreciate human diversity; and to engage in community life as active citizens.

Achieved by: Each POLS course teaches these skills as they are central to understanding
politics and political behavior in our past and current environment. Students also may
participate in internships at the local, state and national levels of government in order to
acquire and apply these skills.

Learning Objective 7
To increase understanding of political science research and analytical skills, including the
ability to think critically; to construct logical arguments; to collect, analyze, and
interpret evidence and data; and to formulate reasoned conclusions.

Achieved by: Required courses in political science, such as “Political Inquiry” (POLS 180),
“Political Thought” (POLS 230), "Research Design" (POLS 359) and "Quantitative
Methodology" ensure students have the opportunity to apply their research skills in their
senior projects (POLS 461/462). Writing is an integral aspect of all POLS courses—students
demonstrate their communication, research, and analytical skills in these assignments
and in their senior projects.
Learning Objective 8
To increase development of writing skills through research papers, essay exams, senior
projects in political science topics, and collaborative research/writing opportunities with

Achieved by: As indicated above, undergraduate students engage in a variety of analytical

assignments designed to strengthen their critical thinking skills, their communication
abilities, and their problem-solving ingenuity in required and elective coursework. Faculty
members have paired with selected students and are actively involved in collaborative
research that has resulted in published articles and in presentations at professional

Learning Objective 9
To provide opportunities to undergraduate and graduate students to link theory and
practice and to apply political science knowledge and skills to actual problem-solving and
community service.

Achieved by: Required and elective courses, senior seminar, senior project, collaborative
student-faculty research, internship opportunities, and service learning.

Learning Objective 10
To increase awareness of career options available with an undergraduate degree in
political science; its utility in the public and private sectors; and its value as entry into a
range of graduate programs, teaching positions, and legal education.

Achieved by: Discussions in courses (such as the senior seminar) disseminate information
on career opportunities for political science majors. Students also have the opportunity to
participate in intensive government and legal internships for course credit. The
Department's Political Science Club offers special sessions on employment opportunities.
The Department maintains an updated list of employment opportunities in the political
arena (local, state, national, international) on the Department website. Because
responses to the Department's alumni newsletter evidence the versatility that political
science graduates have with their degrees, alumni are engaged in discussions with
students about the options provided by a B.A. in Political Science.

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