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Interview Assessment #1

Nurse - Barbara Wright

Profession - Registered Nurse

Location - Presbyterian Hospital - 8200 Walnut Hill Ln, Dallas, TX 75231

Date - October 10, 2019

Time - 12:00 Pm


Presbyterian Hospital is a well renowned hospital in dallas and are one of the leaders for

interventional cardiology, and have been for a long time. My interview occurred with Ms.

Wright, a registered nurse that works for a subdivision of the cath lab at presybterian hospital

where Ms. Wright’s main responsibility is to oversee patient scheduling as well as prepare them

for any required testing whether its blood work and medication that they need to regularly take to

prepare them for the procedure. While Ms. Wright does not work as the cardiologist in her

department she is still well versed in all of the procedures that patients may undergo even those

that they do not perform as well as, the required education and steps to become successful in the

field of cardiology. While this was a minor inconvenience for a possible mentorship Ms. Wright

was not only able to address and answer any questions I had, but also connected me with

interventional cardiologist at Presbyterian Hospital.

Going into this interview I knew the possibility for a mentorship with Ms. Wright was not

a true priority as her role in the office was not fitting with my plan for a mentorship. Rather I was

looking for information that I could use in following interviews and any connection that Ms.

Wright could provide me which is exactly what happened. Throughout the interview Ms. Wright
was able to not only answer any questions I had pertaining to their two major procedures,

transcatheter aortic valve replacement and mitraclip, but also to educational steps as well as

setbacks she encountered and what steps she took to overcome those adversities. OVerall the

information I gained from this interview was highly beneficial, the insight she brought about

these procedures allowed me to address certain issues in the field and possible problems

associated with newer as well as current medical procedures which can be utilized in both my

final product and future interviews. Some of the information that Ms. Wright was able to expand

upon was how both of their main procedures function not only in the mechanical part of the

device in how the TAVR unit expands based on the human body heat or that overseas that

mitraclip is done differently in that they zipper the valve and not placing between 2-4. Ms.

Wright as well as her assistant that joined in the conversation Ms. Jennifer detailed their trek

through school both starting with an associates degree and then attaining a job in nursing before

finishing their bachelor's degree while working. What was surprising about both of their

experience was that they switched what type of nursing they were pursuing, Ms. Jennifer

transitioned from neonatal nursing into cardiology after discovering baby delivery and caring for

the children may not be that enjoyable. While Ms. Wright transitioned from a more high paced

trauma unit nurse to her current more relaxed position as the fast paced life was not going to fit

her lifestyle. The most exciting portion of the interview was how much time they spent with me

as it was positioned for a maximum twenty minute interview which turned into a near hour long

interview which included and amazing tour of the office as well as sending me home with a

multitude of brochures. Overall this interview was beyond useful for the amount of information i

walked away on cardiology and possible mentorships at the hospital and for settling my fear that

these interviews were going to be the worst thing I could experience.

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