Table 10 and 11

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Table 10

As displayed in Table 10, the firm’s Democratic Management effect towards

personal growth. It shows that millennial employees of DBP strongly agreed to improve

their career under the Democratic Management style.

It shows that the most effective way to improve a career as employee is to train

them by the company and being promoted and have a fair opportunity to progress and

develop can be effective too as the millennial employees of DBP agreed that both are

effective to improve their career.

Personal development through training impose by the company manifests to be

more of a concern to the respondents because such abilities honed by the guidance of

a reputable company is dealt with much more importance in achieving both personal

growth and climbing the career ladder for own self rather than leadership development,

that may only lead to certain managerial positions, and fair opportunity to progress and

develop that should be guaranteed to all employees of the company.

Table 11

Based on Table 11, the firm’s Democratic Management develop their employee’s

self esteem by being appreciated by their supervisors, rewarded for performing well for

the firm and being recognized for their good working.

It shows that being recognized by their supervisors maintaining high morale and

being recognized significantly contributes to build self-esteem and being competence

are more likely to build their self esteem and employee relation and being rewarded can
be develop too as the millennial employees of DBP agreed that Democratic

Management builds employee relation and self-esteem.


5. The level of democratic management style in personal growth to the millennial

employee’s performance concluded that:

5.1 Millennial employees need to be motivated to improve their career.

5.2 Millennial employees need to be recognized in order to build employee relation and



1. Explore and elevate the standard toward recognizing and awarding the

employees good deed.

2. Further observation on how to achieve the Millennial employees be flexible on

how they work.

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