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As a general rule, notice and hearing,

Corona v. United Harbor PIlots Association as the fundamental requirements
ofprocedural due process, are essential
G.R. No. 111953 | 1997-12-12
only when an administrative
Subject: DueProcess, Right to Exercise bodyexercises its quasi-judicial
Profession, License function. In the performance of
itsexecutive or legislative functions, such
Facts: as issuing rules and regulations,
The Philippine Ports Authority (PPA)issued an anadministrative body need not comply
Administrative Order which provided that that with the requirements of notice
all appointments for harborpilots made by the andhearing.
PPA will have to be renewed every year, and that Right to Exercise Profession
theexisting appointments made will only be valid
until December 1991. Thus,respondents sought 5. Pilotage,just like other professions,
to have the implementation of this order may be practiced only by duly
suspended. In the meantime, the PPA issued the licensedindividuals. Licensure is ?the
guidelines for the issuance of new granting of license especially to
appointments.These issuances were thus practicea profession.? It is also ?the
brought before the courts by the respondents on system of granting licenses (as for
thequestion of their constitutionality based on professionalpractice) in accordance with
violation of their right to exercise their established standards.?
profession and on due process grounds.
6. Beforeharbor pilots can earn a
ISSUE: WON PPA-AO-04-92 IS CONSTITUTIONAL license to practice their profession, they
literallyhave to pass through the
Held: proverbial eye of a needle by taking, not
one but fiveexaminations, each followed
Due Process by actual training and practice.
1. In order to fall within the aegis of 7. However,pre-evaluation
thedue process provision, two cancellation is constitutionally infirm
conditions must concur, namely, that and unreasonable, andconstitutes as
there is adeprivation and that such deprivation of property without due
deprivation is done without proper process of law.
observance of due process.
2. When one speaks of due process of
law, however, a distinction must 8. Alicense is a right or permission
bemade between matters of procedure granted by some competent authority to
and matters of substance. carryon a business or do an act which,
without such license, would be illegal.
3. In essence, procedural due process
?refers to the method or manner
bywhich the law is enforced,? while
substantive due process ?requires that
thelaw itself, not merely the procedures
by which the law would be enforced,
isfair, reasonable, and just.?

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