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Kate Brown, Governor

Oregon Strawberry Commission
4845 B SW Dresden Ave.
Corvallis, OR. 97333
Fax 758-4553


Date: December 4, 2019
From: Dana Branson, Administrator for OSC Research Committee
Cc: Russ Karow, ARF
Attachments: OSC Research Priorities, Research Proposal Cover Page, ARF Submission Guidelines - all files are
available at

1) DEADLINE FOR REPORTS Friday, January 10, 2020

Progress Reports for FY 2019-20 Funded Projects
Progress Reports are due for all research funded by the ORBC in the previous FY (see list under #6 on next

Electronic Copies:
A. Please E-mail Reports in MS Word format to the commission office:
B. Submit in PDF format to ARF - see ARF submission guidelines (at the above web address) for details.

Please Note: All researchers who received funding in the previous FY will be required to attend the Annual
Grower’s Meeting and provide a progress report. See #5 & #6 on next page.

2) DEADLINE FOR PROPOSALS Friday, January 10, 2020

Research Proposals for FY 2020-21
Research Proposals are now being accepted for 2020-21. Proposals will be rated based on the attached
priorities. Also, please see the next page for instructions on preparing your proposals.

Electronic Copies:
A. Please E-mail your Proposal in MS Word format, and Research Proposal Cover Page1 to the commission

B. Submit in PDF format to ARF - see ARF submission guidelines (at the above web address) for details.

Signature Copy – OSU Researchers:

See ARF submission guidelines for details.

For questions on OSU submission process contact the Ag Research Foundation:

Russ Karow (<Dec 31) or Dan Arp (>Jan 1) or

The Research Proposal Cover Page is an Electronic Form found at the above web address.
3) Instructions for Preparing Your Research Proposals
Please include the following categories for your proposal:

Title: Title of project

Principal Name, institution, department, address, phone, fax, e-mail
Cooperators: Name, institution, department
Rationale: Briefly state the reason for doing the research or educational project. Describe how the
project results will benefit Oregon berries.
Objectives: State what will be achieved.
Progress: Describe results of past research on the problem. If the project is new, describe any
preliminary results you may have obtained.
Proposed Project: Outline the methods or procedures you plan to use in the project. Proposals should not
exceed three pages unless it cannot be adequately conveyed within that limit. Proposals
should be concise and convey all expected elements.
Duration of Each proposal should be made for a specific period of time, e.g., three years. If project is
Project: in progress, show the year of this proposal, e.g., year 2 of 3.
Summary Page: Up to one-page in reader-friendly non-scientist/layperson language.

Budget: If you received funding last year, please show the amount received from each source.
For your current proposed budget, also include the names of other sources and the
amounts of funds received or requested.

Please Note: Graduate student tuition cannot be included in your budget. Also, no
Indirect Costs are allowed.

4) Research Priorities
Included are the current research priorities developed by the OSC Research Committee. These will be
used as part of the criteria for rating proposals.

5) Annual Research/Grower Meeting Dates

The OSC will be holding their Annual Growers Meeting on February 12, 2020 at the North Willamette
Research & Extension Center. All researchers who received funding in the previous FY will be required to
attend and provide a progress report.

6) Previous FY Funded Researchers

Development of New Strawberry Cultivars for the Pacific Northwest ....................................... Pat Moore
Cooperative Breeding Program - Strawberries .................................................. Bernadine Strik/Chad Finn
Evaluation of processing quality of advanced strawberry breeding selections ...................... Zak Wiegand
Funding of part-time FTE to overlap with Food Science hire ...................................................Brian Yorgey
Needs assessment & current state of OR conventional & organic strawberry industry…..Javier Fernandez-
................................................................................................................................................... Salvador

If you have any questions, please contact us. Thanks.

Kate Brown, Governor
Oregon Strawberry Commission
4845 B SW Dresden Ave.
Corvallis, OR. 97333
Fax 758-4553

Oregon Strawberry Commission

2019 Research Priorities for 2020-21 FY Research Projects
Updated December 2019

Please note that the priorities are not in ranked order. They are equal in value.

• Variety Development
• Pesticide Tracking and Registration
• Pest Control
o Botrytis
o Brown Marmorated Stink Bug
o Charcoal Rot
o Cyclamen Mite
o Leaf Diseases
o Lygus
o Magnolia Flea Beetle
o Root Weevil
o Slugs
o Soil Diseases
o Spider Mite
o Spotted Wing Drosophila
o Symphylans
o Thrips
o Voles
o Weed Control
• Production Systems
o Alternate production systems for economic efficiency (e.g. harvest efficiency), increased yield and
cultivar management
o Fresh market production systems
o Nutrient Management
o Fertigation
o Irrigation
o Organic


• Preparation
o Create your report as a Word document and then save as a PDF - 10 MB
maximum size. Do not include page numbers.
o Use the “save as” function in Word and save directly as a PDF.
o Review the PDF before submitting to be sure it is in acceptable format.
o Please use this naming convention when saving your proposal as a PDF–
LASTNAME_OSC_ 2019-20_report. If you have two or more reports, after the
word “proposal,” add a one word descriptor such as _fertility, _genetics, etc.

• Submission deadline – January 10, 2020

• Submission to the Agricultural Research Foundation (ARF)

o Go to
o Enter your first and last name and email address
o Upload your PDF report file

• Please also submit your report to the OSC office in Word format at


All proposals for commodity commission research and extension projects submitted to the
Agricultural Research Foundation (ARF) do not have to be routed through the OSU Research
Office prior to submission to ARF.

• Preparation
o Follow the proposal format provided by the OSC. Use the signature and budget
page formats shown below. Include the Research Proposal Cover Page form
provided by the OSC.
o Create your proposal as a Word document and then save as a PDF - 10 MB
maximum size. Do not include page numbers.
o Include the signature page as the first page in your PDF but please note that
signatures are not required on your electronic submission.
o Use the “save as” function in Word and save directly as a PDF.
o Review the PDF before submitting to be sure it is in acceptable format.
o Please use this naming convention when saving your proposal as a PDF–
LASTNAME_OSC_ 2020-21_proposal. If you have two or more proposals, after
the word “proposal,” add a one word descriptor such as _fertility, _genetics, etc.

• Submission deadline – January 10, 2020

• Submission to the Agricultural Research Foundation (ARF)

o Go to
o Enter your first and last name and email address
o Upload your PDF proposal file

• Signature copy – we will be using the OSU DocuSign system to secure needed signatures
on proposals. ARF personnel will route proposals for signatures. You do not need to
print a hard copy of the proposal and route for signatures. You will receive an email
asking for you to electronically sign your proposal and will later receive a fully signed
copy of your proposal from the DocuSign system.

• Please also submit your proposal in Word format to the OSC office at
Signature Page

Proposal Submitted to the Agricultural Research Foundation for the Oregon Strawberry
Commission - 2020-21 Funding


Principal Investigator:

Amount Requested:

Signature of PI Date

Signature of Co-PIs (if any) Date

Signature of Unit Leader (Department Head/Station Director) Date

Signature of College Date


Graduate Research Assistantship
Graduate Student Hourly wages
Other students
Other Labor (specify type)

Other Payroll Expenses (OPE):

Graduate Student
Other students
Other Labor



Domestic (in state)

Domestic (out of state)
Foreign (conferences, etc)

Services and Supplies:


The OSC does not allow indirect costs or graduate student tuition and fees.

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