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Section 6 2.

Expressly not impliedly (if you do not mention the

word disinherit, omit, deprive, you just forgot to
write the name of one of the compulsory heirs, and
Art. 915. A compulsory heir may, in he also does not receive anything by way of donation
consequence of disinheritance, be deprived of or legacy = preterition yun.)
his legitime, for causes expressly stated by 3. Legal Cause
law. 4. True Cause (must not be based on opinions, belief or
5. Existing Cause ( X = If my son will kill me in the
Disinheritance – is the process or act, thru a
future, I will disinherit my son.)
testamentary disposition, of depriving in a will any
6. Total or Complete (you cannot just say partially
compulsory heir of his legitime for true and lawful
unworthy lang sya, it must be total or none.)

Disinheritance refers only to: You cannot just disinherit from legitime but he is still
entitled to get the free portion.
1. Compulsory heirs
2. Through testamentary disposition (will)
7. Causes stated in the will
Purpose: not vengeance but retribution; to 8. Heir disinherited must be clearly identified
moderate the system of legitime which restricts 9. Will in which disinheritance is stated must not have
freedom of disposition. been revoked (in so far as the disinheritance is
Ways of depriving the compluslory heir of his
Art. 917. The burden of proving the truth of
1. Disinheritance (Art. 915) the cause for disinheritance shall rest upon
2. Repudiation the other heirs of the testator, if the
3. Incapacity by reason of unworthiness disinherited heir should deny it. (850)
4. Predecease (including legal absence or presumptive
death) If nobody contests the disinheritance then no
5. Loss of estate problem, the heir does not have to prove the truth
6. Debt or charges are equal to or more than the value of the cause.
of estate
Art. 918. Disinheritance without a
specification of the cause, or for a cause the
truth of which, if contradicted, s not proved,
Art. 916. Disinheritance can be effected only or which is not one of those set forth in this
through a will wherein the legal cause Code, shall annul the institution of heirs
therefore shall be specified. (849) insofar as it may prejudice the person
disinherited; but the devises and legacies and
Requisites for a valid disinheritance: other testamentary dispositions shall be valid
to such extent as will not impair the legitime.
1. Valid will, also by: (851a)
a. Codicil
b. In a separate will
Instances wherein there is ineffective
c. Incorporation by Reference ( a will which is void but
not void as to form tapos magre-execute ka ng
another will and the re-execution is merely by 1. No cause given
means of incorporation by reference)

2. Cause denied by the heir and not proved by the gets only his legitime because the institution has not
other heirs impaired the legitime.
3. Cause not given in law
Art. 919. The following shall be sufficient
Results of ineffective disinheritance: causes for the disinheritance of children and
descendants, legitimate as well as illegitimate:
1. Disinherited will get back legitime
2. Institution annulled in so far as only for the purpose 1. When a child or descendant has been found
of completing the legitime of the compulsory heir. guilty of an attempt against the life of the
3. Legacies and devises should be respected as long as testator, his or her spouse, descendants, or
the legitime of the disinherited heir is given. ascendants;
2. When a child or descendant has accused the
testator of a crime for which the law
Preterition vs. Disinheritance prescribed imprisonment for six years or
more, if the accusation has been found
Preterition Disinheritance groundless;
Omission may be Always intentional 3. When a child or descendant has been
intentional or convicted of adultery or concubinage with the
unintentional spouse of the testator;
With or without Cause must be 4. When a child or descendant by fraud,
cause provided by law (Art. violence, intimidation, or undue influence
920 and 921) causes the testator to make a will or to change
Annuls the institution Disinherited heir one already made;
inherits nothing from 5. A refusal without justifiable cause to support
legitime and the free the parent or ascendant who disinherits such
portion child or descendant;
With or without a will With will 6. Maltreatment of the testator by word or deed,
Institution is always Institution will be by the child or descendant;
void followed 7. When a child or descendant leads a
dishonorable or disgraceful life;
8. Conviction of a crime which carries with it the
Preterition vs. Ineffective Disinheritance penalty of civil interdiction. (756, 853, 674a)

Institution Institution remains

completely annulled valid, but must be 1. When a child or descendant has been found guilty of
reduced insofar as an attempt against the life of the testator, his or her
the legitime has been spouse, descendants, or ascendants.
impaired.  There has to be conviction or final judgment.
 There must be an intent to kill not because of
Example: negligence or recklessness.
 The law only contemplates principal and
Estate P800T; Legitime P400T FP P400T accomplices.
A – instituted
B – Preterited 2. When a child or descendant has accused the testator
C – Validly Disinherited of a crime for which the law prescribed
D – Imperfectly Disinherited imprisonment for six years or more, if the accusation
has been found groundless.
*If there had been no preterition, A alone will get
the FP since the imperfectly disinherited heir (D)  Crime with at least the penalty of prision mayor.

 Accusations as to: these carries with it the accessory penalty of Civil
a. Form of filing a case interdiction.
b. Falsely testifying against the testator
Art. 920. The following shall be sufficient
c. Refusing to testify in favor of the testator when the
causes for the disinheritance of parents or
testimony would have been material to the acquittal
ascendants, whether legitimate or
of the testator illegitimate:
1. When the parents have abandoned their
3. When a child or descendant has been convicted of children or induced their daughters to live
adultery or concubinage with the spouse of the a corrupt or immoral life, or attempted
testator. against their virtue;
2. When the parent or ascendant has been
 Affair with stepparent or parent convicted of an attempt against the life of
the testator, his or her spouse,
4. When a child or descendant by fraud, violence, descendants, or ascendants;
intimidation, or undue influence causes the testator 3. When the parent or ascendant has
to make a will or to change one already made. accused the testator of a crime for which
the law prescribes imprisonment for six
years or more, if the accusation has been
5. A refusal without justifiable cause to support the
found to be false;
parent or ascendant who disinherits such child or 4. When the parent or ascendant has been
descendant; convicted of adultery or concubinage with
the spouse of the testator;
You have the means and your parents or ascendants 5. When the parent or ascendant by fraud,
nedd support but without reason you refused to give violence, intimidation, or undue influence
support. causes the testator to make a will or to
change one already made;
6. Maltreatment of the testator by word or deed, by the 6. The loss of parental authority for causes
child or descendant; specified in this Code;
7. The refusal to support the children or
descendants without justifiable cause;
It is because it is unusual for a child na bunalan iyang
8. An attempt by one of the parents against
ginikanan. Dili normal na imuhang disiplinahon
the life of the other, unless there has been
imung parents. Duh. a reconciliation between them. (756, 854,
7. When a child or descendant leads a dishonorable or
disgraceful life;
1. When the parents have abandoned their children or
The act must not be isolated or single act. It has to induced their daughters to live a corrupt or immoral
be continuous, it has to be a way of life (being life, or attempted against their virtue;
practiced, habitual, a way of living). So if one night
lang ka prostitute, that is an isolated act.  Abandonment whether physical, educational or
moral as long as you neglected your child or as long
Applies either to a female or male descendant. as the child is deprived of the basic support.

8. Conviction of a crime which carries with it the Intentional or unintentional or by negligence or

penalty of civil interdiction. carelessness.

Generally, crimes which are punishable by death  Induced daughters, granddaughters, and sons (by
penalty, reclusion perpetua and temporal, all of analogy) to prostitution, escort service, etc.
2. When the spouse has accused the testator of
 Attempted against virtue by rape, seduction, etc. a crime for which the law prescribes
imprisonment for six years or more, and the
6. The loss of parental authority for causes specified in accusation has been found to be false;
this Code; 3. When the spouse ascendant by fraud,
Provided under 228, 230, 231, 232, 330 and 332 of violence, intimidation, or undue influence
causes the testator to make a will or to change
Family Code. Those grounds that refer to the FAULT
one already made;
4. When the spouse has given cause for legal
Art. 330. The father and in proper case the 5. When the spouse has given grounds for the
mother, shall lose authprity over their loss of parental authority;
children: 6. Unjustifiable refusal to support the children or
1. When by final judgment in a criminal case the other spouse. (756, 855, 674a)
the penalty of deprivation of said
authprity is imposed upon him or her;
2. When by a final judgement in legal 4. When the spouse has given cause for legal
separation proceedings such loss of separation;
authority declared.
Art. 332. The courts may deprive the  No decree of legal separation needed but only the
parents of their authority or suspend the occurrence of the cause provided in Art. 55 of FC.
exercise of the same if they should treat  If there is already a decree, disinheritance is not
their children with excessive harshness or needed because inheritance is revoked by operation
should give them corrupting orders, of law.
counsels, or examples, or should make
them beg or abandon them. In these Art. 922. A subsequent reconciliation between
cases, the court may also deprive the the offender and the offended person
parents, in whole or in part, of the deprives the latter of the right to disinherit,
usufruct over the child’s property, or and renders ineffectual any disinheritance
adopt such measures as they may deem that may have been made. (856)
advisable in the interest of justice.
Reconciliation – the mutual restoration of feeling to
8.An attempt by one of the parents against the life
the status quo. It should be a bilateral act.
of the other, unless there has been a reconciliation
between them. General pardon – if the testator says he forgives
tanan nakasala sa iyaha. There is no reconciliation
 Meaning, a husband attempted aganst the life of the here because it is the unilateral act of the testator.
wife or vise versa or the child by the act of one of the
How disinheritance is revoked:
 No conviction needed, just a attempt is sufficient. 1. Subsequent reconciliation
 If you are talking of the lola or lolo, go back to 2. Making the disinherited an instituted heir
ground #2, because the law says ascendants. This 3. Revocation f the will containing disinheritance
case needs conviction. 4. Disallowance of a will containing the disinheritance
 the will was denied probate
Art. 921. The following shall be sufficient
causes for disinheriting a spouse: Article 923. The children and descendants of
1. When the spouse has been convicted of an the person disinherited shall take his or her
attempt against the life of the testator, his or place and shall preserve the rights of
her descendants, or ascendants; compulsory heirs with respect to the legitime;
but the disinherited parent shall not have the
usufruct or administration of the property LEGACY – gift of personal or movable, intangibles
which constitutes the legitime. (857) and incorporeal rights

Things CANNOT be bequeathed or devised:

Right of representation of the heirs of the
disinherited heir but only with respect to the 1. RES COMMUNES – belongs to all or to the
legitime of the latter. community (sunlight, air, ocean)
2. PROPERTY OF PUBLIC DOMINION – canals, bridge,
 The fault of an heir should not be imputed against roads
his heirs. 3. PROPERTY OF PUBLIC USE – (Art. 421)
 Applies only to the DESCENDING AND DIRECT LINE 4. RES NULLIUS – belongs to no one (fishes in the
 Takes place ONLY WITH RESPECT TO THE LEGITIME ocean, wild animals)
 If the heirs of the disinherited are minor or 5. ILLICIT THINGS – illegal or prohibited by law
USUFRUCT OR ADMINISTRATION OF THE PROPERTY. like right to cohabit and support
 If there is indirect disposition like “I hereby disinherit
B because he has maltreated me,” then the Legasises or devises:
inheritance of A is through intestate succession.  Cannot burden the legitime
Right of representation of heirs of B in this case is  Covers things, rights and obligations
not only to the extent of the legitime but already
with the entire estate Article 925. A testator may charge with
legacies and devises not only his compulsory
heirs but also the legatees and devisees.

The latter shall be liable for the charge only to

the extent of the value of the legacy or the
devise received by them. The compulsory
Example: Estate = P500T, Legitime = P250T heirs shall not be liable for the charge beyond
the amount of the free portion given them.
(disinherited) A B


Share of B = P250T/2= P125T, PER CAPITA, In his own 1. a legacy within a legacy,
right 2. a legacy within a devise
3. a devise within a devise
Each share of C and D = P125T/2= P62,500, PER 4. a devise within a legacy
STIRPES, In their right or representation
SECTION 7 GEN: the estate
LEGACIES AND DEVISES XPN: if the testator charges his heirs with legacy and
Article 924. All things and rights which are devise in proportion to their shares but to extent of
within the commerce of man be bequeathed FP only
or devised. (865a) XPN TO XPN: Specific heir or legatee or devisee is
charged but should not exceed the amount of share
DEVISE – gift of real or immovable from free portion
KINDS OF LEGACY: Presupposes that the testator knows that he is not
the full owner that can be proved by the will itself or
1. LEGACY PROPER – estate has the duty to give the
by the evidence aliunde (outside the will).
2. PRE-LEGACY – same but the legacy is made specific GEN RULE: testator cannot devise or bequeath
or determinate like a car something that he does not own.
3. SUB-LEGACY / SUB-DEVISE – what is discussed in Art.
XPN: if the testator EXPRESSLY declares that he gives
the thing in its entirety.
Article 926. When the testator charges one of
 In this case, the estate has the obligation to acquire
the heirs with a legacy or devise, he alone shall
be bound. the other portions from the other owners
 If the owners refused, the estate will give only the
Should he not charge anyone in particular, all just value of the thing.
shall be liable in the same proportion in which
Article 930. The legacy or devise of a thing
they may inherit. (859)
belonging to another person is void, if the
testator erroneously believed that the thing
Article 927. If two or more heirs take pertained to him. But if the thing bequeathed,
possession of the estate, they shall be though not belonging to the testator when he
solidarily liable for the loss or destruction of a made the will, afterwards becomes his, by
thing devised or bequeathed, even though whatever title, the disposition shall take
only one of them should have been negligent. effect. (862a)
(n) GEN RULE: Devise or legacy only covers properties
existing or owned by testator at the time of the
execution of the will.
This article only talks about negligence.
XPN: if previously not owned but subsequently
Article 928. The heir who is bound to deliver owned, the disposition shall take effect.
the legacy or devise shall be liable in case of
eviction, if the thing is indeterminate and is Article 931. If the testator orders that a thing
indicated only by its kind. (860) belonging to another be acquired in order that
it be given to a legatee or devisee, the heir
upon whom the obligation is imposed or the
If INDETERMINATE OR GENERIC, the heir bound to estate must acquire it and give the same to
deliver is LIABLE FOR EVICTION. the legatee or devisee; but if the owner of the
thing refuses to alienate the same, or
If SPECIFIC, the heir is NOT LIABLE because his duty
demands an excessive price therefor, the heir
is merely to deliver what the testator has chosen.
or the estate shall only be obliged to give the
Article 929. If the testator, heir, or legatee just value of the thing. (861a)
owns only a part of, or an interest in the thing
bequeathed, the legacy or devise shall be
Article 932. The legacy or devise of a thing
understood limited to such part or interest,
which at the time of the execution of the will
unless the testator expressly declares that he
already belonged to the legatee or devisee
gives the thing in its entirety. (864a)
shall be ineffective, even though another
person may have some interest therein.
Refers to properties which the testator partly
owned. If the testator expressly orders that the thing
be freed from such interest or encumbrance,

the legacy or devise shall be valid to that Meanwhile, the estate has no duty of freeing the
extent. (866a) property from the usufruct, lease or easement.
If the legatee/devisee owns the legacy/devise at the Same as property bond as stated in the 3rd
time of execution of the will, the disposition is void, paragraph.
even though another may have some interest
therein. Article 935. The legacy of a credit against a third
person or of the remission or release of a debt of
The order to be freed from that interest is valid. the legatee shall be effective only as regards that
part of the credit or debt existing at the time of
Article 933. If the thing bequeathed belonged the death of the testator.
to the legatee or devisee at the time of the
execution of the will, the legacy or devise shall In the first case, the estate shall comply with the
be without effect, even though it may have legacy by assigning to the legatee all rights of
subsequently alienated by him. action it may have against the debtor. In the
second case, by giving the legatee an
If the legatee or devisee acquires it acquittance, should he request one.
gratuitously after such time, he can claim
nothing by virtue of the legacy or devise; but In both cases, the legacy shall comprise all
if it has been acquired by onerous title he can interests on the credit or debt which may be due
demand reimbursement from the heir or the the testator at the time of his death. (870a)
estate. (878a)

If the legatee/devisee only owns the legacy/devise
at the time of death of the testator BY VIRTUE OF - Utang sa testator
ONEROUS TITLE, the estate would have to - another exception to the rule on after-
reimburse. acquired properties.
- Not the value at the execution of will but at
ADEMPTION – the process of giving effect inter vivos the time of death
to a disposition mortis causa. It was given effect - Including all rights pertaining to the credit
during the lifetime of the testator. like pledge or mortgage
Article 934. If the testator should bequeath or - There is no warranty on the part of testator
devise something pledged or mortgaged to as to the existence or legality of credit or as
secure a recoverable debt before the to solvency of debtor.
execution of the will, the estate is obliged to
pay the debt, unless the contrary intention
appears. - Legacy/devise given to the debtor
- Not the value at the execution of will but at
The same rule applies when the thing is the time of death
pledged or mortgaged after the execution of
- Considered as donation mortis causa so it
the will.
should be collated
- Legacy/devise upto extent of Free Portion
Any other charge, perpetual or temporary,
with which the thing bequeathed is burdened, only.
passes with it to the legatee or devisee. (867a) - If he unknowingly pays the debt, it is already
in form of solution indebiti.

Example is the legacy/devisee has been subjected as Article 936. The legacy referred to in the
collateral to a loan, the estate has the burden to pay preceding article shall lapse if the testator, after
off the debt. Kay para makuha ni legatee/devisee. having made it, should bring an action against

the debtor for the payment of his debt, even if written. If as regards a specified debt more than
such payment should not have been effected at the amount thereof is ordered paid, the excess is
the time of his death. not due, unless a contrary intention appears.

The legacy to the debtor of the thing pledged by The foregoing provisions are without prejudice
him is under to the fulfillment of natural obligations. (n)

stood to discharge only the right of pledge. (871)

Article 940. In alternative legacies or devises, the
choice is presumed to be left to the heir upon
If the testator subsequently files an action for whom the obligation to give the legacy or devise
collection, the legacy is considered to have been may be imposed, or the executor or
revoked, even if payment has not been effected administrator of the estate if no particular heir is
until testator’s death. so obliged.

Same as legacy of credit. If the heir, legatee or devisee, who may have
been given the choice, dies before making it, this
It must be a judicial action, not merely a demand
right shall pass to the respective heirs.

If pledge lang binigay kay debtor, of course, pledge Once made, the choice is irrevocable.
lang ang matanggal. Nandyan pa rin ang utang.
In the alternative legacies or devises, except as
Article 937. A generic legacy of release or herein provided, the provisions of this Code
remission of debts comprises those existing at the regulating obligations of the same kind shall be
time of the execution of the will, but not observed, save such modifications as may appear
subsequent ones. (872) from the intention expressed by the testator.

Article 938. A legacy or devise made to a creditor

shall not be applied to his credit, unless the RIGHT OF CHOICE
testator so expressly declares.
 Not a personal right but a Transmissible
In the latter case, the creditor shall have the right
right to collect the excess, if any, of the credit or  Once exercised, that choice becomes
of the legacy or devise. (837a) irrevocable. Even though it is made in a will
and was subsequently revoked.

Legacy given to a creditor is not considered payment Order of priority as to the RIGHT OF CHOICE:
of the debt.
1. The designated heir with the duty of giving
XPN: if the testator EXPRESSLY DECLARES. However, the legacy/devise.
rule on dacion en pago must be applied (creditor 2. The estate
must accept).
Article 941. A legacy of generic personal
The creditor/legatee must give or may collect the property shall be valid even if there be no things
excess on credit. This is if the creditor accepts the of the same kind in the estate.
legacy as payment of his credit.
A devise of indeterminate real property shall be
Article 939. If the testator orders the payment of valid only if there be immovable property of its
what he believes he owes but does not in fact kind in the estate.
owe, the disposition shall be considered as not

The right of choice shall belong to the executor professional, vocational or general course,
or administrator who shall comply with the provided he pursues his course diligently.
legacy by the delivery of a thing which is neither
of inferior nor of superior quality. (875a) A legacy for support lasts during the lifetime of
the legatee, if the testator has not otherwise
This should be reckoned at the time of death of the
testator because the law says estate meaning the If the testator has not fixed the amount of such
testator already died. legacies, it shall be fixed in accordance with the
social standing and the circumstances of the
 If it is generic personal property, but there
legatee and the value of the estate.
nothing in the estate and the testator knows
it, still valid.
If the testator or during his lifetime used to give
 If it is generic real property, but there the legatee a certain sum of money or other
nothing in the estate and the testator knows things by way of support, the same amount shall
it, it is void. be deemed bequeathed, unless it be markedly
 If it is specific real property, but there disproportionate to the value of the estate.
nothing in the estate and the testator knows (879a)
it, still valid. Apply Art. 931.

Article 942. Whenever the testator expressly Article 945. If a periodical pension, or a certain
leaves the right of choice to the heir, or to the annual, monthly, or weekly amount is
legatee or devisee, the former may give or the bequeathed, the legatee may petition the court
latter may choose whichever he may prefer. for the first installment upon the death of the
(876a) testator, and for the following ones which shall be
Legatee or devisee can either choose superior or due at the beginning of each period; such
inferior quality. payment shall not be returned, even though the
legatee should die before the expiration of the
Article 943. If the heir, legatee or devisee cannot period which has commenced. (880a)
make the choice, in case it has been granted him, PROCEDURE FOR PETITION:
his right shall pass to his heirs; but a choice once
made shall be irrevocable. (877a) 1. Admission of the will to probate
Choice is irrevocable. 2. Debts and taxes of the estate should be paid
The right to choose by the legatee or devisee can be
passed to his heirs. Article 946. If the thing bequeathed should be
subject to a usufruct, the legatee or devisee shall
LIMITATIONS OF THE RIGHT OF CHOICE: respect such right until it is legally extinguished.
1. Limited to things alternatively the object of (868a)
The legatee or devisee should wait until the usufruct
legacy/device (if generic legacy of car, only
is extinguished.
a car)
2. Not illegal or impossible or not have been Article 947. The legatee or devisee acquires a
intended by Testator right to the pure and simple legacies or devises
3. No right of choice when only one alternative from the death of the testator, and transmits it to
is practicable his heirs. (881a)
If the legacy or devise is subject to condition and
Article 944. A legacy for education lasts until the once the condition is fulfilled, the right retroacts to
legatee is of age, or beyond the age of majority
the death of the testator.
in order that the legatee may finish some
Same with resolutory or suspensive term.
(2) Legacies or devises declared by the testator
to be preferential;
ARTICLE 948. If the legacy or devise is of a
specific and determinate thing pertaining to the (3) Legacies for support;
testator, the legatee or devisee acquires the
ownership thereof upon the death of the (4) Legacies for education;
testator, as well as any growing fruits, or unborn
offspring of animals, or uncollected income; but
(5) Legacies or devises of a specific, determinate
not the income which was due and unpaid
thing which forms a part of the estate;
before the latter’s death.
(6) All others pro rata. (887a)
From the moment of the testator’s death, the
thing bequeathed shall be at the risk of the
legatee or devisee, who shall, therefore, bear its Art. 911 applies when there is/are compulsory heirs
loss or deterioration, and shall be benefited by and/or donation inter vivos
its increase or improvement, without prejudice
to the responsibility of the executor or Art. 950 applies when there are ONLY legatees and
administrator. (882a) devisees. If there are compulsory heirs and their
After-acquired – properties acquired after the legitimes are not impaired, this art. Can also be
execution of the will applied.
- As if the testator had possessed it at the Remuneratory Legacies/Devises – given by testator
time of making of the will as remuneration or compensation or as award.
- Related to Art. 793 and 781

Right of Ademption – (Lake vs. Harrington) the

process of giving effect inter vivos to a disposition ARTICLE 951. The thing bequeathed shall be
delivered with all its accessions and accessories
mortis causa
and in the condition in which it may be upon the
ARTICLE 949. If the bequest should not be of a death of the testator. (883a)
specific and determinate thing, but is generic or
of quantity, its fruits and interests from the time
ARTICLE 952. The heir, charged with a legacy or
of the death of the testator shall pertain to the
devise, or the executor or administrator of the
legatee or devisee if the testator has expressly so
estate, must deliver the very thing bequeathed if
ordered. (884a)
he is able to do so and cannot discharge this
GEN: right to fruit of generic legacy/devise does not
obligation by paying its value.
belong to legatee/devisee prior to selection and
even after death of testator Legacies of money must be paid in cash, even
XPN: if the testator expressly provided though the heir or the estate may not have any.

The expenses necessary for the delivery of the

thing bequeathed shall be for the account of the
ARTICLE 950. If the estate should not be heir or the estate, but without prejudice to the
sufficient to cover all the legacies or devises, legitime. (886a)
their payment shall be made in the following
If the legacy is money and there is no cash, the
charged should sell the properties. First, the
personal then the real properties, if not sufficient.
(1) Remuneratory legacies or devises;

ARTICLE 953. The legatee or devisee cannot take ARTICLE 956. If the legatee or devisee cannot or is
possession of the thing bequeathed upon his own unwilling to accept the legacy or devise, or if the
authority, but shall request its delivery and legacy or devise for any reason should become
possession of the heir charged with the legacy or ineffective, it shall be merged into the mass of the
devise, or of the executor or administrator of the estate, except in cases of substitution and of the
estate should he be authorized by the court to right of accretion. (888a)
deliver it. (885a) I-institution

ARTICLE 954. The legatee or devisee cannot
accept a part of the legacy or devise and R-representation
repudiate the other, if the latter be onerous. A-accretion

Should he die before having accepted the legacy I-intestacy

or devise, leaving several heirs, some of the
latter may accept and the others may repudiate
the share respectively belonging to them in the ARTICLE 957. The legacy or devise shall be
legacy or devise. (889a) without effect:
The legatee/devisee cannot reject the onerous then
accept the gratuitous part. He must accept (1) If the testator transforms the thing
everything. bequeathed in such a manner that it does not
retain either the form or the denomination it
There is no prohibition to accept the onerous and
reject the gratuitous part.

However, the one of the heirs may reject the (2) If the testator by any title or for any cause
onerous, provided, other heirs accept the ENTIRE alienates the thing bequeathed or any part
devise. thereof, it being understood that in the latter
case the legacy or devise shall be without effect
only with respect to the part thus alienated. If
after the alienation the thing should again
ARTICLE 955. The legatee or devisee of two belong to the testator, even if it be by reason of
legacies or devises, one of which is onerous, nullity of the contract, the legacy or devise shall
cannot renounce the onerous one and accept not thereafter be valid, unless the reacquisition
the other. If both are onerous or gratuitous, he shall have been effected by virtue of the exercise
shall be free to accept or renounce both, or to of the right of repurchase;
renounce either. But if the testator intended that
the two legacies or devises should be (3) If the thing bequeathed is totally lost during
inseparable from each other, the legatee or the lifetime of the testator, or after his death
devisee must either accept or renounce both. without the heir’s fault. Nevertheless, the person
obliged to pay the legacy or devise shall be liable
Any compulsory heir who is at the same time a for eviction if the thing bequeathed should not
legatee or devisee may waive the inheritance have been determinate as to its kind, in
and accept the legacy or devise, or renounce the accordance with the provisions of article 928.
latter and accept the former, or waive or accept (869a)
both. (890a) No revocation if way of reacquisition by testator
This does not apply to compulsory heirs who are also shall have been effected by way of right of
legatees or devisees. repurchase. it means the testator really has the
intention to take back the property and give it to the

legatee or devisee. Same when disposition by the (3) If the suspensive condition attached to the
testator is involuntary. institution of heir does not happen or is not
fulfilled, or if the heir dies before the testator, or
If alienated to legatee or devisee itself by virtue of repudiates the inheritance, there being no
sale, the right at the death of testator is substitution, and no right of accretion takes
reimbursement. place;
If alienated to legatee or devisee itself by virtue of
(4) When the heir instituted is incapable of
donation, the legacy or devise is revoked.
succeeding, except in cases provided in this
Code. (912a)

ARTICLE 958. A mistake as to the name of the

thing bequeathed or devised, is of no ARTICLE 961. In default of testamentary heirs, the
consequence, if it is possible to identify the thing law vests the inheritance, in accordance with the
which the testator intended to bequeath or rules hereinafter set forth, in the legitimate and
devise. (n) illegitimate relatives of the deceased, in the
surviving spouse, and in the State. (913a)
There is no disinheritance in legal succession
ARTICLE 959. A disposition made in general terms because it occurs only when there is a will.
in favor of the testator’s relatives shall be
understood to be in favor of those nearest in Exclusion – legal heirs who are not compulsory heirs
degree. (751) who are not given anything in the will.
Relatives within the 5th civil degree, the nearer
excludes the farther. No preference as to line, either
descendants or ascendants, direct or collateral. ARTICLE 962. In every inheritance, the relative
nearest in degree excludes the more distant
When there are no relatives up to the 5th degree, the
ones, saving the right of representation when it
State becomes the owner by virtue of Escheat properly takes place.
Relatives in the same degree shall inherit in
equal shares, subject to the provisions of article
CHAPTER 3 1006 with respect to relatives of the full and half
blood, and of article 987, paragraph 2,
LEGAL OR INTESTATE SUCCESSION concerning division between the paternal and
SECTION 1 – GENERAL PROVISIONS maternal lines. (921a)
Rule of Proximity – the nearer excludes the farther
ARTICLE 960. Legal or intestate succession takes
place: By virtue of right of representation, the
representative is by the same level with those the
(1) If a person dies without a will, or with a void representative concurs. (Pag anak si A, B and C tapos
will, or one which has subsequently lost its anak ni A si X and Y. Namatay si A, X and Y will
validity; represent A with the same level with B and C, gets?
But each share of X and Y will only up to the extent
(2) When the will does not institute an heir to, or of supposed share of A)
dispose of all the property belonging to the
testator. In such case, legal succession shall take
place only with respect to the property of which
the testator has not disposed;

SUBSECTION 1 ARTICLE 967. Full blood relationship is that
existing between persons who have the same
RELATIONSHIP father and the same mother.

Half blood relationship is that existing between

ARTICLE 963. Proximity of relationship is persons who have the same father, but not the
determined by the number of generations. Each same mother, or the same mother, but not the
generation forms a degree. (915) same father. (920a)

ARTICLE 964. A series of degrees forms a line, ARTICLE 968. If there are several relatives of the
which may be either direct or collateral. same degree, and one or some of them are
unwilling or incapacitated to succeed, his portion
A direct line is that constituted by the series of shall accrue to the others of the same degree,
degrees among ascendants and descendants. save the right of representation when it should
take place. (922)
A collateral line is that constituted by the series Per stirpes – inheritance of those who represent the
of degrees among persons who are not persons who predeceased or disinherited.
ascendants and descendants, but who come
from a common ancestor. (916a) Per capita – those who inherit not as
representatives but in their own right

ARTICLE 965. The direct line is either descending ARTICLE 969. If the inheritance should be
or ascending. repudiated by the nearest relative, should there
be one only, or by all the nearest relatives called
The former unites the head of the family with by law to succeed, should there be several, those
those who descend from him. of the following degree shall inherit in their own
right and cannot represent the person or persons
The latter binds a person with those from whom repudiating the inheritance. (923)
he descends. (917) The person who repudiates CANNOT BE

ARTICLE 966. In the line, as many degrees are But, if all repudiates, their heirs will get the
counted as there are generations or persons, inheritance in their OWN RIGHT.
excluding the progenitor.

In the direct line, ascent is made to the common SUBSECTION 2

ancestor. Thus, the child is one degree removed
from the parent, two from the grandfather, and RIGHT OF REPRESENTATION
three from the great-grandparent.
ARTICLE 970. Representation is a right created by
fiction of law, by virtue of which the
In the collateral line, ascent is made to the
representative is raised to the place and the
common ancestor and then descent is made to
degree of the person represented, and acquires
the person with whom the computation is to be
the rights which the latter would have if he were
made. Thus, a person is two degrees removed
living or if he could have inherited. (924a)
from his brother, three from his uncle, who is
Definition of Right of Representation
the brother of his father, four from his first
cousin, and so forth. (918a)  Occurs in both testate and intestate
succession except on disinheritance
(because having a will is a requirement).

ARTICLE 973. In order that representation may
 Covers not only the properties but also the take place, it is necessary that the representative
transmissible rights and obligations. himself be capable of succeeding the decedent.
 An adoptee CANNOT REPRESENT the A – B – C (descending)
adopter because there is no legal Even though disinherited by B, as long as not
relationship between him and the parents incapacitated, C can still represent B.
of the adopter.
The determination is as to C’s capacity to succeed
 The child of the adoptee CANNOT from A and not from B.
REPRESENT the adoptee from the estate of
adopter because the law is specific that the
relationship created is between the EE and ARTICLE 974. Whenever there is succession by
ER. representation, the division of the estate shall be
made per stirpes, in such manner that the
INSTANCES OF RIGHT OF REPRESENTATION representative or representatives shall not inherit
a. Predecease more than what the person they represent would
inherit, if he were living or could inherit. (926a)
b. Incapacity (e.g. becomes unworthy)
Per stirpes – inheritance by group all those within
c. Disinheritance
the group inheriting in equal shares.
Testate Succession – covers only the legitime, there
is no right of representation in FP.
ARTICLE 975. When children of one or more
Legal Succession – right of representation covers
brothers or sisters of the deceased survive, they
shall inherit from the latter by representation, if
they survive with their uncles or aunts. But if they
alone survive, they shall inherit in equal portions.
ARTICLE 971. The representative is called to the (927)
succession by the law and not by the person Estate: P300T (A, B and C are brothers)
represented. The representative does not
succeed the person represented but the one A–B–C
whom the person represented would have
succeeded. (n)
If C predeceased A, the sharing would be:

ARTICLE 972. The right of representation takes B – P150T

place in the direct descending line, but never in
the ascending. Y – P75T

Z – P75T
In the collateral line, it takes place only in favor
of the children of brothers or sisters, whether
they be of the full or half blood. (925)
Under the law on succession, the love always If B and C predeceased A:
descends. It never goes up; it always goes down. X, Y and Z share: P100T each
In collateral line, hanggang sa anak lang ng kapatid They inherit per stirpes/capita.
the right of representation is applicable.

ARTICLE 976. A person may represent him whose representation, and if any one of them should
inheritance he has renounced. (928a) have died, leaving several heirs, the portion
pertaining to him shall be divided among the
latter in equal portions. (933)
ARTICLE 977. Heirs who repudiate their share may
not be represented. (929a)
A renouncer may represent but may not be ARTICLE 983. If illegitimate children survive with
represented. Because renouncing is voluntary. legitimate children, the shares of the former shall
be in the proportions prescribed by article 895. (n)

SECTION 2 ARTICLE 984. In case of the death of an adopted

ORDER OF INTESTATE SUCCESSION child, leaving no children or descendants, his
parents and relatives by consanguinity and not by
SUBSECTION 1 – DESCENDING DIRECT LINE adoption, shall be his legal heirs. (n)

ARTICLE 978. Succession pertains, in the first

place, to the descending direct line. (930) SUBSECTION 2
Direct line preferred over collateral line.
Descending line preferred over ascending line.
ARTICLE 985. In default of legitimate children and
ARTICLE 979. Legitimate children and their descendants of the deceased, his parents and
descendants succeed the parents and other ascendants shall inherit from him, to the
ascendants, without distinction as to sex or age, exclusion of collateral relatives. (935a)
and even if they should come from different Descendants and ascendants exclude collateral
marriages. relatives. But if it is spouse only, the spouse can
concur with collateral relatives.
An adopted child succeeds to the property of the
adopting parents in the same manner as a ARTICLE 986. The father and mother, if living,
legitimate child. (931a) shall inherit in equal shares.
Under the Domestic Adoption Act, adopted children
has the same successional rights as legitimate Should one only of them survive, he or she shall
children. succeed to the entire estate of the child. (936)

ARTICLE 980. The children of the deceased shall

always inherit from him in their own right, ARTICLE 987. In default of the father and
dividing the inheritance in equal shares. (932) mother, the ascendants nearest in degree shall

ARTICLE 981. Should children of the deceased and Should there be more than one of equal degree
descendants of other children who are dead, belonging to the same line they shall divide the
survive, the former shall inherit in their own right, inheritance per capita; should they be of
and the latter by right of representation. (934a) different lines but of equal degree, one-half shall
All children are dead; grandchildren inherit by right go to the paternal and the other half to the
of representation. maternal ascendants. In each line the division
shall be made per capita. (937)
All children repudiate; grandchildren inherit in their
own right.

ARTICLE 982. The grandchildren and other

descendants shall inherit by right of
SUBSECTION 3 and relatives of his father or mother; nor shall
such children or relatives inherit in the same
ILLEGITIMATE CHILDREN manner from the illegitimate child. (943a)
ARTICLE 988. In the absence of legitimate Iron-Clad Barrier/Iron-Bar Rule - Principle of
descendants or ascendants, the illegitimate Absolute Separation between the legitimate and
children shall succeed to the entire estate of the illegitimate family.
deceased. (939a)
Applies only in legal succession

 Person to be represented is
ARTICLE 989. If, together with illegitimate
illegitimate – can be represented by
children, there should survive descendants of
another illegitimate child who is dead, the former Legit and Illegit child
shall succeed in their own right and the latter by  Person to be represented is
right of representation. (940a) legitimate – can ONLY be
represented by Legit child

Illegitimate child of a decedent can be represented

by a legitimate or illegitimate child.
ARTICLE 993. If an illegitimate child should die
ARTICLE 990. The hereditary rights granted by the without issue, either legitimate or illegitimate, his
two preceding articles to illegitimate children father or mother shall succeed to his entire
shall be transmitted upon their death to their estate; and if the child’s filiation is duly proved as
descendants, who shall inheArticle 996. If a to both parents, who are both living, they shall
widow or widower and legitimate children or inherit from him share and share alike. (944a)
descendants are left, the surviving spouse has
in the succession the same share as that of
each of the children. (834a)rit by right of ARTICLE 994. In default of the father or mother,
representation from their deceased grandparent. an illegitimate child shall be succeeded by his or
(941a) her surviving spouse, who shall be entitled to the
entire estate.

Legitimate or illegitimate children of an illegitimate If the widow or widower should survive with
child inherit by right of representation. Meaning, brothers and sisters, nephews and nieces, she or
they inherit up to the extent of supposed share of he shall inherit one-half of the estate, and the
the inherited. latter the other half. (945a)

ARTICLE 991. If legitimate ascendants are left, the

illegitimate children shall divide the inheritance
with them, taking one-half of the estate,
whatever be the number of the ascendants or of
the illegitimate children. (942, 841a) SURVIVING SPOUSE

Article 995. In the absence of legitimate

If partial testate and intestacy, first give effect to the descendants and ascendants, and illegitimate
will charging it from the illegitimate children’s share children and their descendants, whether
of ½ but to the extent only of the legitime of the legitimate or illegitimate, the surviving spouse
shall inherit the entire estate, without prejudice
illegitimate children in testate succession which is ¼.
to the rights of brothers and sisters, nephews
If not enough, the legacy shall have the burden. and nieces, should there be any, under article
1001. (946a)
ARTICLE 992. An illegitimate child has no right to
inherit ab intestato from the legitimate children

Article 996. If a widow or widower and Brothers and sisters ½
legitimate children or descendants are left, the
surviving spouse has in the succession the
same share as that of each of the children. The presence of the adopted child does not exclude
the legitimate parent or ascendant. The adopted
gets the rights of an acknowledged natural child
Article 997. When the widow or widower (illegitimate). Kasi mae-exclude and legit parents
survives with legitimate parents or ascendants, pag ganun. (Del Rosario vs Conanan)
the surviving spouse shall be entitled to one-half
of the estate, and the legitimate parents or Article 1001. Should brothers and sisters or
ascendants to the other half. (836a) their children survive with the widow or widower,
the latter shall be entitled to one-half of the
inheritance and the brothers and sisters or their
Article 998. If a widow or widower survives children to the other half. (953, 837a)
with illegitimate children, such widow or
widower shall be entitled to one-half of the
inheritance, and the illegitimate children or their Article 1002. In case of a legal separation, if the
descendants, whether legitimate or illegitimate, surviving spouse gave cause for the separation,
to the other half. (n) he or she shall not have any of the rights granted
in the preceding articles. (n)

Article 999. When the widow or widower

survives with legitimate children or their If there is partial intestacy, you charge the
descendants and illegitimate children or their legacy/devise to the share of the spouse because in
descendants, whether legitimate or illegitimate,
testate, the share of the SP with the parent is ¼ but
such widow or widower shall be entitled to the
same share as that of a legitimate child. (n) in intestacy ½ . As long as the legitime of the spouse
which is ¼ is not impaired.

Article 1000. If legitimate ascendants, the

surviving spouse, and illegitimate children are
left, the ascendants shall be entitled to one-half SUBSECTION 5. COLLATERAL RELATIVES
of the inheritance, and the other half shall be
Article 1003. If there are no descendants,
divided between the surviving spouse and the
ascendants, illegitimate children, or a surviving
illegitimate children so that such widow or
spouse, the collateral relatives shall succeed to
widower shall have one-fourth of the estate, and
the entire estate of the deceased in accordance
the illegitimate children the other fourth. (841a)
with the following articles. (946a)

SP Same with each child

Article 1004. Should the only survivors be
Legitimate brothers and sisters of the full blood, they shall
descendants inherit in equal shares. (947)
SP ½
Legitimate ascendants ½
SP ½ Article 1005. Should brothers and sisters
Illegitimate ascendants ½ survive together with nephews and nieces, who
are the children of the descendant's brothers
SP Same with each legit
and sisters of the full blood, the former shall
Legit descendants child inherit per capita, and the latter per stirpes.
Illegit ascendants ½ of legit child (948)
SP ¼
Legit ascendants ½
Illegit children ¼ Full blood brothers and Inherit per capita (in
SP ½ sisters their own right)

Nephews and nieces in Inherit per stirpes (right Article 1013. After the payment of debts and
full blood deceased of representation) charges, the personal property shall be
bros and sis assigned to the municipality or city where the
deceased last resided in the Philippines, and
the real estate to the municipalities or cities,
Article 1006. Should brother and sisters of the respectively, in which the same is situated.
full blood survive together with brothers and
sisters of the half blood, the former shall be If the deceased never resided in the
entitled to a share double that of the latter. (949) Philippines, the whole estate shall be assigned
to the respective municipalities or cities where
the same is located.
Article 1007. In case brothers and sisters of the
half blood, some on the father's and some on Such estate shall be for the benefit of public
the mother's side, are the only survivors, all shall schools, and public charitable institutions and
inherit in equal shares without distinction as to centers, in such municipalities or cities. The
the origin of the property. (950) court shall distribute the estate as the
respective needs of each beneficiary may
Article 1008. Children of brothers and sisters of
the half blood shall succeed per capita or per The court, at the instance of an interested
stirpes, in accordance with the rules laid down party, or on its own motion, may order the
for brothers and sisters of the full blood. (915) establishment of a permanent trust, so that
only the income from the property shall be
used. (956a)
Article 1009. Should there be neither brothers
nor sisters nor children of brothers or sisters,
the other collateral relatives shall succeed to Article 1014. If a person legally entitled to the
the estate. estate of the deceased appears and files a claim
thereto with the court within five years from the
The latter shall succeed without distinction of date the property was delivered to the State,
lines or preference among them by reason of such person shall be entitled to the possession
relationship by the whole blood. (954a) of the same, or if sold, the municipality or city
shall be accountable to him for such part of the
proceeds as may not have been lawfully spent.
Article 1010. The right to inherit ab intestato (n)
shall not extend beyond the fifth degree of
relationship in the collateral line. (955a)

Collateral Relatives – brothers and sisters, nephews

and nieces and uncles and aunts, cousins


Article 1011. In default of persons entitled to

succeed in accordance with the provisions of
the preceding Sections, the State shall inherit
the whole estate. (956a)

Article 1012. In order that the State may take

possession of the property mentioned in the
preceding article, the pertinent provisions of the
Rules of Court must be observed. (958a)


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