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Vishal Kattoju

Period 7

A problem happening all over the world.
All black are good at sports
All Asians are smart
All blonde girls are dumb
All Americans are fat
But are these really facts or just opinions.
Take us for example the young generation
What do you think people say about us
Trust me its not good information
We’re all lazy
We’re all rebels
We’re the cause of the crime that surrounds us
We walk around in hoodies and show no respect
These assumptions are countless and continue to grow at a skyrocketing level
And the positive image we have left on the world will disappear as if it was never there
But what can we do to stop this.
How can we make this go away automatically
Because after all we are all the same
The same way Cristians are homophobic
The same way Jews are money hungry
They same way Asians always eat rice
No matter what your race or religion is your character is what matters.
Because a blonde girl can be smart
A white man can run fast
An asian can love burgers and fries just as much as how young people are trustworthy
and respectful.
Because at the end of the day we are all different in a some way.
Vishal Kattoju
Period 7

A problem happening all over the world.
All black are good at sports
All Asians are smart
All blonde girls are dumb
All Americans are fat
But are these really facts or just opinions.
Take us for example the young generation
What do you think people say about us
Trust me its not good information
We’re all lazy
We’re all rebels
We’re the cause of the crime that surrounds us
We walk around in hoodies and show no respect
These assumptions are countless and continue to grow at a skyrocketing level
And the positive image we have left on the world will disappear as if it was never there
But what can we do to stop this.
How can we make this go away automatically
Because after all we are all the same
The same way Cristians are homophobic
The same way Jews are money hungry
They same way Asians always eat rice
No matter what your race or religion is your character is what matters.
Because a blonde girl can be smart
A white man can run fast
An asian can love burgers and fries just as much as how young people are trustworthy
and respectful.
Because at the end of the day we are all different in some way.

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