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The parties directly involved in the FWA administration are:
• Dean of Academic Operations- Dr. Maen Odeh
• Supervisor & Coordinator- ACS – Ms. Maya Hariri
• Assessment Officer – Ms. Harsha Abu
• Area Head – Assigned staff
• Head Invigilator – Assigned faculty/staff
• Invigilator – Assigned faculty/staff
• Exam Cover/Backup Invigilator – Assigned faculty/staff
• Floater – Assigned faculty/staff

Flow of work
DAO: Hands the exam material to the ACS representative for copying.
ACS Assessment Team: Prepares the required copies & Exam Envelope.

Exam Day
Area Head: Collects the exam material from the Assessment Officer at the Control Room.
Head Invigilator: Collects exam materials from the Area Head at the respective Collection Rooms.
The Head Invigilator/Invigilators: Administers the Exam.
The Focal Point of the Head Invigilator/invigilators for any concern is the Area Head who should be contacted thru Floaters
or by phone.
The Head Invigilator: Returns the exam materials to the Area Head at the Collection Rooms.
The Area Head: Returns the exam materials to the Assessment Officer at the Control Room.
PC/Designated Staff: Collects the Exam Materials from the Control Room for marking / Returns the Exam Materials after
marking to the Control Room.
Area Head Responsibility
Report to the Exam Control Room 1 hour before the Exam start time.
Report to the Collection Room 45 minutes before the Exam start time.
Count and verify the exam materials.
Make sure all the Exam Covers have reported / assign Exam Covers any necessary task.
Communicate any message passed on by the Head Invigilator to ACS.
After the exam, receive the exam materials back from the Head Invigilator, count and submit
it to the Exam Control Room.
Complete the Daily Exam Administration Report & Acknowledgment Forms.

Head Invigilator Responsibility
Report to the collection room 45 minutes before the exam start time. Sign the
Acknowledgement form and the Exam Materials.
Report to the exam room 30 minutes before the exam start time.
Ensure that students are not sitting in exam rooms prior to exam time or bring any
materials (mobile phones/smart watches/exam materials etc) into the exam room or there
are any materials in the exam room.
Make sure that the exam room has a clock and it is facing the students.
Ensure that all Invigilators have reported to the exam room.
Ensure that students are in proper dress code.
Open the Sealed Exam Envelope in the presence of at least one other Invigilator.
Ensure all students are signed in to the exam room using their HCT ID cards.
Ensure that students’ desk label matches their serial number on sign-in sheet. This does
not apply to exam venues running more than one exam at a time.
Head Invigilator Responsibility
Ensure that no students are allowed into the exam venue after the exam has started.
Ensure that floaters maintain a quite environment in the corridors.
Start and end the exam on time.
Ensure students’ HCT ID cards are on the students’ desks during the exam period.
Minimum time to spend on exams of duration of less than 2 hours is 30 mins and 60
mins for the exams of duration more than 2 hours.
Announce the time left during the last 15 minutes and 5 minutes.
After the exam complete all forms related to attendance and other reports.
Ensures exam room is ready for the next exam.
Submits exam papers to collection rooms within 30 minutes after the exam end time.

Invigilator Responsibility
Report to the exam room 30 minutes before the exam start time.
Ensure that no material related to exam content is posted on walls / bulletin boards.
Ensure that there is exact number of exam papers/desks prior to the exam time.
Assist the Head Invigilator in signing in the students and starting the exam and checking all
students HCT ID card before signing.
Ensure that students are in proper dress code.
Ensure that students’ desk labels match their serial number on sign-in sheet.
Engage in active invigilation-No reading books, checking phones, browsing internet etc.
Perform any duty assigned by the Head Invigilator.
Help the Head Invigilator start and end the exam on time.
Ensure that no students are allowed into the exam venue after the exam has started.
Maintain the proper seating arrangement.
Remain in the exam room until exam papers are collected, counted, and submitted to the
Head Invigilator. 7
Floaters Responsibility
Report to the exam rooms around 30 minutes before the exam registration time.
Report and sign on the acknowledgement form with the Area Heads and introduce themselves to
Head Invigilators and leave their mobile number before the start of the exam.
Note the mobile numbers of the Area Heads and the Head Invigilator.
Pass any information from the Head Invigilator to Area Head and vice versa as required.
Be stationed in the Floaters station in each wing.
Escort students to the washrooms.
Instruct the Late students to fill in the Appeal form with their dept. coordinator/Admin Asst.
In case invigilators are not available to inform Area Heads to find a replacement.
Ensures that no students are allowed into the exam venue after the exam has started.
Exam Cover responsibility
Report to the Area Heads at the Collection Room 30 minutes before exam start time. Sign
on the Acknowledgement Form. Should stay in the Collection Room for the first 30
minutes of the Exam Start Time.

Administer any duty assigned by the Area Head as deemed applicable.

To be stationed in the Collection Room throughout the duration of the exam.

If released they should leave their mobile number with the Area Head but should be available
at the campus during the entire exam duration of the exam.

Late Start
Exams should start at the stated time.
The total time allowed for the exam in the instructions must be adhered to.
Students should not be penalized for any extra administration time
Invigilators should record the ACTUAL Start Time and End Time in the exam envelope

Late Entry
Students are not allowed to enter the exam room, after the exam has commenced.
Students are NOT to enter the exam room if they are late or without a Student ID.

Online Exams
Students must use their own laptops / power cables for online exams.
Login passwords should be communicated in a secure and timely manner in
order to avoid any disruption or delay in the online exams.
At the end of the exam, ALL Documentation (including Exam Irregularity forms,
password sheets, scrap paper and unused paper-copies) must be returned to the
Area Head.
Time to remain in the exam
Exam duration Minimum duration students should remain
in the classroom

60 to 90 minutes 30 minutes

120 to 180 minutes 60 minutes

Use of Exam Time
Project the computer timer on the board or Write remaining time on the board at:
1 ½ hours 1 hour ½ hour

Announce remaining time at: 15 minutes and 5 minutes before the end

No student is allowed to leave the exam room during the final 5 minutes of the
exam to ensure smooth closure.

Student Questions
During the Exam:
students should raise their hand and only communicate with the Invigilator
deal with all student questions on an individual basis
keep general distraction to a minimum
 Go to the student, and respond by:
 Encouraging the student to re-read the question
 Giving clarification on instructions as simply as possible
 Encouraging the student to read on for more information
 If the student is ‘fishing’, say you cannot answer and move on. Do not pursue a

Be aware: Student anxiety often manifests in asking questions

Errors in the Exam Paper
If any error is discovered, continue the exam as normal while investigations
are carried out.
Invigilators: inform students of the error and ask them to continue on another
task while clarification is sought.
Head Invigilator: inform a Floater to clarify the problem with the DAO.
Once clarified, write the amendments on the board and verbally inform all
If an issue cannot be clarified, note the incident on the Exam Irregularity form

Minor interruptions (a brief power outage / an isolated equipment failure for one student)
Minor Interruptions = Temporary Stop
Students: must stop working / turn over their exam papers / refrain from talking / not
leave the room until the problem is solved
‘Stop the clock’ when the incident occurs and start it again when the problem is solved.
The incident should be recorded in the Exam Irregularity Form.
Termination of an exam must have approval of both DAO and Executive Dean (unless
there is imminent danger to students)
Required security procedures: should be followed for checking all students before they
leave the room.

Misconduct: cheating, arguing or any other form of disturbance caused by the student
Should be dealt with effectively and quickly
Misconduct procedure: students given a First Warning Card followed by a Final
Warning Card
Misconducts after Final Warning Card: students must hand over their exam papers
and leave the exam room immediately.
Phone in the exam room: student to leave the exam immediately.
Students refusing to leave the exam room: invigilators should not touch the student
and should arrange for a security person (through the Floater) to remove the student from
the room.
An Exam Irregularity form must be completed by the Head Invigilator and signed by
an invigilator

Examinations should end at the stipulated end time
No student to be allowed to leave the exam room during the last 5 minutes of the exam
Security of scripts and student behavior must be controlled.
Ensure students have completed personal details on the answer sheets
Collect all scratch paper and include it in the envelope. No papers of any kind should be
taken out of the exam room.
Must remain in the exam room till all exam papers are collected and counted and all
students have left the room.
Head Invigilators:
A final count of the exam papers should be matched against the student signatures on
the sign-in sheet and the head count.
Complete all necessary documentation. 17
Head Invigilator:
Check the exam room to ensure No exam materials are left behind.
Complete the exam envelope label .
Ensure that the exam room ready for the next exam.
Return the exam envelope directly to the Area Head within 30 minutes after the end of the
Provide details to the Area Head of any Exam Irregularity forms / unused exam papers.
The Area Head:
Take a final count of exam papers / check against the Sign-in sheets and Head Count
Verify details of student absences, unused exam papers and Exam Irregularity Forms
before sealing the exam envelope.

Invigilators / Head Invigilators:

 Are not to discuss any specifics of exams with any students or anyone not directly
involved in the process, once the exam is over.

 Direct any concerns or suggestions for improving exam or administration quality to the
Assessment Officer, Academic Services.

Collection Rooms are:

For Auditorium/Library Presentation Rooms/L Block Rooms:

- Old Student Services Office.
For all other blocks: -Old NBAD Room.

Thank you 
All the best!


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