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OFFICE OF THE CITY MAYOR EXECUTIVE ORDER No. TMT-029 Series of 2018 [AN ORDER IMPLEMENTING A LUMITED TRUCK BAN ON €-3 ROAD, R10 ROAD, AND NORTH BAY BOULEVARD, FROM THE HOURS OF 6:00AM TO 10-0084 AND ‘4:90PM TO EO0PM EFFECTIVE 1 JANUARY 2020 WHEREAS, Socton 16 of Republc Act FA) 7160, othornise krown asthe Lecal Government Code provides that win tor raspectvo lerrioraljuieactens local government uns shal ensure and suppor. ameng other ings. the ‘reservation and enrichment of cule, promote health and see, ance the rat ofthe peoole to a talanced exalgy. encourage ard suppor the evelopment of appropriate and solvent scentfe. and tecinelogcal ‘capabites, improve publ morals, enhance economic presperty an SOc |tstce, promote ful employment arora thai residents, WHEREAS, under Secton $2, Arica XVI of Cy Ordinance No. 2004-18, the Local (Get Executive may, ypon reconmendaton of the Gay Trae and Parking Nanegoment Ofte, bar te access Tor ied hours of any e299 trucks sn veces on any oer sect wher codons warrant a tde to censure ord tat ow. WHEREAS, fetwatng Secton 82 cf Cy Crdeance No_ 2004-13 Sastion 4. tam No ©! Cly Ordnance No. 2015-2 provdes forthe poner of the Loca Cit Excouive, upon recommendation of the Tame ang Perkng. Managerrant (fee tc ban othe noses for rad hours of ary cargo tucks an heavy vohices on any otter svedt wher canctone werent and'n oder Io ena Sony tate tow, WHEREAS, éue to he present corstncton Project - NLEX Hor Lint-Sagreent 10 {2 io Fet0 Souion alten at secon of the Gly @ NEVES, 28 wel suroundng areas, bave tuned for he worse WHEREAS. io order evoid the Kutter worsenng of the Weft sium, he Inploneniatin of Desarnert of Pubie Noss anc ahwaye (OPW) Nalabor-Navotas Dsirct Engneeing Ofice (MNDEO) Rentores Concote ‘Dox Cue Feed Gontel Propet alorg Nort Bay Bouvet wos cefered to anuary 2020, based on the resresentaton that he NLEX ove! wil be ‘compote by Devore 2019, WHEREAS, fe OPWH MNDEO Poet could ro longer be luther dota. ard must loceed ever asthe NLEX Prgectis ongoing and mist be fnsved bore the WHEREAS, onsiong mat by Jaruary 7020, he intended sinutanecus Inolementaton ofthe Proaet = NLEX Harber Lik-Segmont 10°69 Reto Secton, which is set 19 be complied by February £050 and the Den NDEG Ranferced Concrete Bor Culver Food Contd Prec dong Nett y Bolevars, rom C2 rsd to Maraa Oige le expeced to causa fr poset ation that are, NOW THEREFORE, |, TOBIAS “TOBY” M. TIANGCO, Ciy Mayer of NevoRS, by we of te ‘powers vesied in me oy law’ db teteny ORDAN te \mplemerwaton of fie LIMITED TRUCK BAN IN C-2 ROAD, RAG ROAD, ANO NORTH BAY BOULEVARD, FROM THE HOURS OF e.GORM TO 10 00am ‘AND 4:00PM TO 8:00PM EFFECTIVE 1 JANUARY 2020 Secton | implementing Office. The Cay Trafic and Parting Management Otfce (CTPMO) of fo Cy of Navcas shal be incharge of he plement ot hs rer Section 2 Fines and Penaties, Fes and penatesreaive fo fhe mplomantaon of ts Execatve Order, sal te accor with exaing Navas Cly Ti Management Code and af thor pertnen laws, Octates, and Ren and requiasons. ‘Section 3, Dlesomination — The Puble Intrmation Offce of ne Gy of Navotas shal cause immediate and widest sissaminaton ftha Exocave Orser upon ‘tetvty otis over, Section & Repealing Clause. Executive Orde: No. TMT-021, Sees of 2019, nd at ‘iter ssuances, memoranda and paca oer ised necniten herwwth sre hereby suparsoded,rpesiod and ervoncod sosorey ‘Secton 5. Separability Clause. it any proviion of tha Order found & te fesolutons, wl the other provsiors thereat shal remain in fl force ar ‘picasa ‘Sein 6 Etlectivty. Tis Exeozive Ore shal tate elect ont January 2020 Done his_28% day f Neverber 2019 nthe Gly ofNevctas apopoven, ToRIAS “TOBY” W. TANGEO Cty Myer

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