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SEMESTER: 2nd Semester

SUBJECT TITLE: Trends, Network, and Critical Thinking Skills in the 21st Century Culture

4. Planetary Networks: Climate Change

4.1 The effects of consumption and production patterns to climate change
4.2 The effects of climate change
4.3 Steps to address the problems of climate change
At the end of the lesson, the students shall have understood the consequences of personal and local action to global and planetary
climate change.

At the end of the lesson, the students shall have:

1) Analyzed how production and consumption habits contribute to the problem of climate change and explain why; and
2) Written a resolution that you can share with your friends about how you can personally contribute towards solving the problem of
climate change.

At the end of the lesson, the students shall have:

1. Listed activities that exemplify care for the environment;
LEARNING COMPETENCIES 2. Explained the effects of consumption and production patterns that contribute to the problem of climate change;
3. Explained and illustrate personal contributions that can actually solve the problem of climate change; and
4. Made a stand on how the consequences of one’s action affect the lives of others and the environment.
At the end of the lesson, the students shall have used their understanding on the lesson in protecting and conserving our common
SPECIFIC LEARNING OUTCOMES home through their own little ways or by participating in the community activities that promotes conservation and protection of the

TIME ALLOTMENT 250 minutes (December 9,10,11,12,13)


Topic: The Effects of Consumption and Production Patterns to Climate Change

A. Introduction:
 The teacher will diagnose the understanding of the students on climate change by showing a concept map.
B. Motivation:
 In group, the students will answer the concept map. Then, they will discuss what they have answered within their group.
C. Instruction/Delivery:
 A group representative form ach member will then route to the other groups to share what they have discussed from his group.
 The teacher will give feedbacks and additional key understanding regarding the lesson.
D. Practice:
 With the same group, the students will analyze photos about greenhouse effect and gasses that contribute to the greenhouse effect.
E. Enrichment:
 The groups then share their thoughts analysis on the photos by presenting it to the class orally.
F. Evaluation:
 The students will write a short editorial essay or position paper that will explain their stand on how the consequences of one’s action can affect the lives of the others and the
environment. Their answers should relate to the issue of climate change.

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