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Bob Sadino (Lampung, March 9, 1933), or fondly called om Bob, is a businessman from Indonesia who do
business in the field of food and livestock. He is the owner of the business network and Kemchick Kemfood.
On many occasions, he was often seen wearing a short-sleeved shirt and shorts that became his trademark.

Bob Sadino born from an affluent family. He was the youngest of five children. When her parents died, Bob
was 19 years old when it inherits all family property because the other sibling is already considered an
established life.

Bob then spent most of his wealth to the world. Along the way, he stopped in the Netherlands and settled for
more than 9 years. There, he worked in Djakarta Lylod in the city of Amsterdam and also in Hamburg,
Germany. While living in Holland, Bob met his life partner, Soelami Soejoed.

In 1967, Bob and his family returned to Indonesia. He brought along his two Mercedes, made in the 1960s.
One of which he sold to buy a plot of land in Kemang, South Jakarta while others keep it save. After a long
stay and live in Indonesia, Bob decided to quit his job because he has the determination to work

Dilakoninya first job after leaving the company is renting a Mercedes car he had, he himself becomes the
driver. Unfortunately, one day he had an accident which resulted in his car badly damaged. Since no money
to fix it, Bob turned the work into a mason. His salary when it was only Rp.100. He also had been suffering
from depression due to life stressors experienced.
One day, her friend suggested Bob raising chickens to fight depression. Bob interested. When raising chickens
that appear inspiring entrepreneurship. He watched the lives of the chickens livestock. He got the inspiration,
the chicken could be fighting for his life, certainly any human can.

As a chicken farmer, Bob and his wife, a few pounds every day selling eggs. Within one and a half years, he
and his wife had many customers, especially foreigners, because they speak fluent English. Bob and his wife
live in Kemang, Jakarta, where there are many foreigners settled.

Not infrequently the couple insulted customers, babu strangers though. But they mirror themselves, improve
services. Drastic changes were to happen to Bob, from a personal feudal servant. After that, over time the
silver-haired Bob, became the sole owner of the grocery store (supermarket) Kem Chicks. He always looks
simple with a short sleeve shirt and shorts.

Bob supermarket business is growing rapidly, reaching into agribusiness, especially horticulture, managing
vegetable gardens for the consumption of foreigners in Indonesia. Because of that he also formed a
partnership with farmers in some areas.

Bob believes that every successful step always begins failures. Entrepreneurial journey was not as smooth as
it seems. He and his wife are turned upside down. For him money is not the number one. The important thing
is the willingness, commitment, daring search and seize opportunities.

In the mind of someone doing something develops, plans do not always have the raw and rigid, that is in a
person is the development of what he had done. Weaknesses of many people, too much thinking to make a
plan so that he did not immediately step. "The most important action," said Bob.

Bob The success can not be separated from his ignorance that he immediately jumped into the field. After
ups and downs, Bob skilled and master the art. The process is different from the prevalence of successful
Bob, it should start from the science, then practice, then a skilled and professional.

According to Bob, a lot of people starting from the knowledge, thinking and acting all-powerful, arrogant,
because they feel have a science than others.
While Bob was always flexible to customers, listen to suggestions and customer complaints. With an attitude
like that Bob won sympathy and customers to create market. According to Bob, customer satisfaction will
create self-gratification. So he always tried his best to serve customers.

Bob put his company like a family. All family members must be mutual respect Kem Chicks, nothing major, all
have functions and powers.

Children's Teachers

Return to their homeland in 1967, after many years in Europe with recent work as an employee Djakarta
Lloyd in Amsterdam and Hamburg, Bob, the youngest of five children, had only one determination, work
independently. His father, Sadino, Solo man who became head teacher at the junior high and high school
Tanjungkarang, died when Bob was 19.

Capital he had brought from Europe, two Mercedes sedans made in the 1960s. One he sold to buy a plot of
land in Kemang, South Jakarta. At that time, the area of Kemang quiet, still lie fields and gardens. While the
other car ditaksikan, Bob own driver.

One time, the car was rented. Apparently, not that money back, but the news of a devastating car accident.
"My heart were destroyed," said Bob. Loss of income, Bob then worked so construction workers. In fact, if he
wanted to, his wife, Soelami Soejoed, experienced as foreign secretary, could save the state. However, Bob
insisted, "I am the head of the family. I have to make a living. "

To calm the mind, Bob received the gift of 50 chickens race of acquaintances, Sri Mulyono Herlambang. From
here Bob uphill: He managed to become the sole owner and entrepreneur Kem Chicks vegetable farming
hydroponic system. Then there Kem Food, meat processing plant in Pulogadung, and a "stall" shaslik in Blok
M, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta. Note the beginning of 1985 showed, on average per month the company Bob
sells 40 to 50 tons of fresh meat, 60 to 70 tons of processed meat, and 100 tons of fresh vegetables.

"I'm living a fantasy," said Bob describes its business success. Father of two children and then gives an
example of the results of his fantasies, kale can sell Rp 1,000 per kilogram. "Wherever there was no one
selling kale with the price that much," said Bob.
Uncle Bob, close calls to his men, did not want to move out of the food business. For him, the field now
practiced endless. Because he did not want to fantasize that stuff.

Hajj this quirky-looking, big fan of classical music and jazz. Moments of the most beautiful to him, while
praying with his wife and two children.

Profile and Biodata Bob Sadino

Bob Sadino
Tanjungkarang, Lampung, March 9, 1933

-SD, Yogyakarta (1947)
-SMP, Jakarta (1950)
-High School, Jakarta (1953)

-Employees Unilever (1954-1955)
-Employees Djakarta Lloyd, Amsterdam and Hamburg (1950-1967)
Single-owner Kem Chicks (supermarket) (1969-present)
-Director of PT Boga Chess Average
-PT Kem Foods (factory sausage and ham)
-PT Kem Farms (vegetable garden)

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