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Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015

Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)

Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran


1. A 15-year-old girl bring by her family to the primary health care. The family reports she
has a very short temper, argue with them and teachers at school, often refuses request at
both settings and usually blames her teachers in her parents for the behaviors she is
showing. She denies being depressed, anxious, or any psychotic symptoms. What might
be the best diagnosis?
a) Condust Disorder
b) Oppositional Defiant Disorder
c) Antisocial Personality Disorder
d) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
e) Post traumatic Stress Disorder.

2. According to Kazdin & Weisz 2003, teaching parents to identify and reward positive
behavior also helps to prevent parents from focussing on the negative and disruptive
behaviours exhibited by children with both ADHD and conduct disorder. This can be
achieved through?
a) Time-out from positive reinforcement
b) Systemic family therapy
c) Behavior management techniques
d) Parent training programs

3. It is mostly patriarchical in nature and everything is often decided by the father. Parents
who use this style have a strict set of rules and expectations, if rules are not followed it
ends up with punishment. There is usually no explanation of giving the punishment just
that the children are in trouble and should listen accordingly. What style of this parenting
a) Authoritarian
b) Authoritative
c) Permissive
d) Uninvolved
e) Neglected

4. A 35-year-old woman came to the doctor to consultation for having baby. She was not
pregnant yet after got marriage 4 year ago. This couple was not having any serious
problem in reproductive system. Her BMI was 29 and her lipid profile and blood glucose
is never in normal limit. Which of the following condition that most likely found in this
patient that can influence her reproductive quality?
a) Anatomical abnormality of reproductive system
b) Hypercholesterolemia due to HPA axis
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

c) Atherosclerosis
d) Blood glucose due to insulin resistence
e) Abnormal meal patern

5. An 18-month-old boy with 13.6 kg body weight. This is at the 95th percentile for his
height and sex. His mother was concerned because his family has many members who
are overweight and she worries that the child's future health is at risk. The subject of
language development among toddler arises. At what age do you alert the parents to
expect the child to begin to speak in sentences of 2 to 3 words with a 50-word
a) 15-18 months
b) 18-26 months
c) 2-3 years
d) 3-4 years
e) 4-5 years

6. Vision of IAPB (International Agency of Prevention of Blindness is a world in which no

one is needlessly blind or visually impaired and where those with unavoidable vision loss
can achieve their full potential. IAPB collaborate with WHO, NGO, and eye care
professional launched Vision 2020. Which of the following is trends and projections of
global blindness in 2020 if vision 2020 not implemented?
a) 45 millions.
b) 38 millions.
c) 76 millions.
d) 69 millions.
e) 62 millions.

7. A 40-year-old-man came with occasional episodes of headache. And he also complained

blurred vision since two days ago. His father died due to hypertension and stroke. He
enjoyed high cholesterol food and very rare to go for exercise. He is found to have a
blood pressure of 170/90. Which of the following complication that most likely
a. Fever
b. Stroke
c. Vomitus
d. Headache
e. Orbital pain

8. Strategy for childhood obesity prevention, except :

a. Promote healthy nurtrition and activity
b. Consumed large sugar
c. Reduce time watching television
d. Enhance infrastructure supporting bicycling and walking
e. Increase support for breastfeeding
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

9. IAPB promotes the global initiative Vision 2020 the right to sight.Which of the
following is the aims of Vision 2020 the right to sight?
a) A world in which no one is needlessly blind or visually impaired and where those
with unavoidable vision loss can achieve their full potential.
b) To eliminate the main causes of avoidable blindness by the year 2020.
c) Brings together governments and NGO to facilitate the planning, development, and
implementation of sustainable national eye care programmes.
d) Based on the three core strategies of disease control, human resource development,
and infrastructure development.
e) To eliminate blindness by the year 2020

10. Which the following drug should be avoided to be given with Salbutamol?
a) Theophylin
b) Amoxcycillin
c) Ephedrin
d) Diltiazem
e) Simvastatin

11. An 18-month-old boy with 13.6 kg body weight. This is at the 95th percentile for his
height and sex. His mother was concerned because his family has many members who
are overweight and she worries that the child's future health is at risk. If the family
success in this stage, they will enter the following stage?
a. Pre-school age family
b. Family with toddlers
c. School age family
d. Family with teenagers
e. Family with launching young adults

12. A young mother brings to you her 18-month-old boy who weights 13.6 kg. This is at the
95thpercentile for his height and sex. She is concerned because her family has many
members who are overweight and she worries that the child's future health is at risk.The
subject of language development arises. At what age do you alert the parents to expect
the child to begin to speak in sentences of 2 to 3 words with a 50-word vocabulary?
a. 15-18 months
b. 18-26 months
c. 2-3 years
d. 3-4 years
e. 4-5 years

13. A 75-year-old had been diagnosed with stroke infarction. He still has communication
disorder and weakness of right extremities as a sequele. He lived with his wife and son
that has been married and has a job with 3 years old boy. He bed ridden only. He was a
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

retired government officer. He cannot work. He was often looked angry because of
communication difficulty. What is the most functional problem of the patient?
a. Impairment.
b. Disability.
c. Handicap.
d. Impairment and disability.
e. Impairment, disability and handicap.

14. A 55-year-old obese male has been diagnosed as diabetes mellitus type 2. His doctor told
him about his management plan. Beside pharmacology treatment, he also has to modify
his lifestyle especially about routine exercise. The doctor told him that exercise can help
him to decrease body weight and increase cardiovascular fitness. Which of the following
statement that most appropriate reason for that management plan?
a) Insulin stimulates the liver and muscles to take in excess glucose
b) Exercise stimulates the insulin to change fat deposit into glucose
c) Exercise can stimulate the insulin sensitivity
d) Intense exercise stimulates stress hormone
e) Exercise can increase his heart rate

15. Most of parents unclear when they give parenting for their children. Some of them
believed the best time for parenting begins from birth. What is the correct timing that the
parents should give parenting to their children?
a) Birth - Adolescent
b) Birth - Young adult
c) Conception - Adolescent
d) Conception - Young adult
e) Conception - Middle-old adult

16. A 23-year-old man weighs 81,5 kg at a height of 1,78 m. the patient has no family
history of cardiovascular disease, hypertension and there is no dyslipidemia in his or his
family's history. He has never smoked. He is concerned about his weight because his
mother was significantly overweight and died because of heart attack; and his father is
modesty overweight. His total cholesterol is 240 mg/dl, LDL is 110 mg/dl and
triglyceride s 130 mg/dl. What screening should be recommended for him?
a) Blood pressure, every 2 year
b) Blood pressure, every year for people with hypertension
c) Hyperlipidemia: total cholesterol at age 45-65 years old
d) Colorectal cancer: DRE and FOB
e) Prostate cancer: DRE

17. Everyone can do Endurance activities, which the benefit is?

a. Improve the health of the heart, lungs, and circulatory system
b. These exercises can increase body weight.
c. This exercises help prevent falls.
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

d. This exercise helps keep the body limber.

e. This exercise helps keep the body flexible.

18. Mr. and Mrs. Purcell, Mary, 21, and Bob, 17, came to the family meeting suggested by
Dr. M. After Dr. M. shared her findings, Mary spoke first and expressed concern about
her father's "long-standing" health problems. She blamed her mother for "not taking
better care of him." Bob quickly defended his mother, saying she had been working very
hard and had "a lot on her mind." Bob became upset with Mary for "attacking" their
mother. Mrs. Purcell told Dr. M. that her husband had health complaints for as long as
she had known him. Mr. Purcell then said that his chest pains were worse since the last
doctor's appointment.Family APGAR score=3.
Who did act in a coalition in this family?
a) Mary and Bob
b) Mr. Purcell and Bob
c) Mrs. Purcell and Bob
d) Dr. M and Mrs. Purcell
e) Mr. and Mrs. Purcell

19. This style consists of following the same rules as the authoritarian parents. With having
strict rules and expectations however there is more open communication with parents and
children. When children have problems with rules and they are broken these parents tend
to be more receptive. They monitor instead of trying to rule the child's life they are less
restrictive parents but still assertive.What type of this parenting style?
a) Authoritarian
b) Authoritative
c) Permissive
d) Uninvolved
e) Neglected

20. An 8-year-old boy is referred to Primary Health Care for an evaluation of behavioral
difficulties in school. His teachers report that he is unable to sit still and to complete
class work because he is so easly distracted. The boy's mother reports that he has always
had a lot of energy. She says that preparing to leave fot school in the morning is
extremely difficult because of her son's disorganization and forgetfulness. Otherwise, she
denies that her son produces any repetitive movements disorders. Which of the following
is the most likely diagnosis ?
a) Conduct Disorder
b) Oppositional Deficit Disorder
c) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders
d) Autistic Disorder
e) Disruptive Behavior Disorder not otherwise specified
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

21. Vision 2020 is partnership among WHO, IAPB, Ministries of Health, NGDOs,
Professions, and Corporations. In a country it will be implemented in National Vision
2020 bodies. Which of the following is the service units of Vision 2020?
a) In district level.
b) In province level.
c) In county level.
d) There is not service units for Vision 2020.
e) In primary health service.

22. A 40-year-old male came to his family doctor with headache. His blood pressure was
150/90 mmHg. The family doctor then does head to toe physical examination, laboratory
examination and other supportive examination. The doctor then decides to treat him with
supportive therapy for headache and lifestyle modification including exercise. Which of
the following that most appropriate reason for the management plan?
a. Age is < 60 year old
b. There is no renal insufficiency
c. There is no target organ damage
d. No family history of hypertension
e. Cardiovascular condition within normal limit

23. There is not much structure here for children, and parents often do not set rules or have
guidelines for the child. They do not have many expectations for the children, they avoid
conflict and are more nurturing to the child. They are more lenient when it comes to
misbehaviour and often do not punish the children for wrong doing. Children under this
parenting style have a hard time communicating with parents about things they found
important to them.What type of this parenting style?
a. Authoritarian
c. Permissive
e. Neglected

24. Mr. and Mrs. Purcell, Mary, 21, and Bob, 17, came to the family meeting suggested by
Dr. M. After Dr. M. shared her findings, Mary spoke first and expressed concern about
her father's "long-standing" health problems. She blamed her mother for "not taking
better care of him." Bob quickly defended his mother, saying she had been working very
hard and had "a lot on her mind." Bob became upset with Mary for "attacking" their
mother. Mrs. Purcell told Dr. M. that her husband had health complaints for as long as
she had known him. Mr. Purcell then said that his chest pains were worse since the last
doctor's appointment.Family APGAR score=3. When a positive relationship between any
two members of a system occurred, what is condition represent in the family?
a. Coalition
b. Hierarchy
c. Role
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

d. Alliance
e. Influence

25. Billy, a 6-year-old male is brought by his parents. Billy was known cannot remain still
and frequently running around. He also did the same at his school, he cannot remain in
his seat for more than a few minutes, cannot focus his attention on one task and is easily
distracted. The other children are annoyed by his inability to wait his turn when playing
games and his intrusion during conversations. Which of the following is the most likely
b. Delinquency
c. Conduct disorder
d. Oppositional disorder
e. Antisocial personality disorder

26. A 16-year-old boy writes a family history of mental retardation presents with long
standing poor school performance and aggresive behavior toward peers. Which of the
following test is use to determine in this boy?
a) Minnesota Multiphse Personality Inventory (MMPI)
b) Folstein Mini Mental States Examination (MMSE)
c) Mental Status Examination (MSE)
e) Beck Depression Inventory

27. A 6-year-olds diagnosed with thalassemia who require blood transfusion the child on an
ongoing basis. You have managed to inform his parents. What is Communication
techniques should given to the child?
a. Simply tell the child's parents
b. Give hope to the child
c. Provide age-appropriate information, the development and understanding
d. Inform other treatment alternatives
e. Provide information only as needed.

28. What is the correct measurement to assess quantitative food intake?

a. Food frequency questionnaire.
b. Food recall
c. Periodic body weight measurement
d. Dietary history
e. Nutritional survey

29. A 35-year-old female with pre-diabetes came to the doctor and ask an advice about her
exercise program that most suitable for her. His BMI, physical examination and blood
glucose level is normal.
Which of the following exercise program that most appropriate?
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

a. 30 minutes a day, 3 times a week, mild intensity jogging or swimming

b. 30 minutes a day, 2 times a week, mild intensity jogging or swimming
c. 60 minutes a day, 2 times a week, high intensity weight training
d. 60 minutes a day, 3 times a week, moderate intensity treadmill
e. 30 minutes a day, 3 times a week, mild intensity of static cycling

30. A young medical doctor was doing home visit to a patient, a 65-year-old man, post
stroke infarction. He was bedridden and he looked grimace if the right shoulder is
moved. Four weeks ago, he has been diagnosed stroke infarction and been hospitalized
for that. He also had history of hypertension and diabetes mellitus for 15 years ago but
didn't control regularly. He got antihypertension drug from the doctor after hospitalized
and he took it only if he felt headache. He always ate "sate kambing" in the weekend. He
was a retired government officer and had health insurance.
Which of the following anti platelet drugs that is the most appropriate for this patient?
a) Heparin.
b) Warfarin.
c) Streptokinase.
d) Aspirin.
e) Dipyridamol.

31. A 56-year-old female with type 2 diabetes mellitus came to the doctor and ask an advice
about her exercise program that most suitable for her. Except for her BMI (obese, her
physical examination and blood glucose level is normal.
Which of the following exercise program that most appropriate?
a) 30 minutes a day, 3 times a week, mild intensity jogging or swimming
b) 30 minutes a day, 2 times a week, mild intensity jogging or swimming
c) 60 minutes a day, 2 times a week, high intensity weight training
d) 60 minutes a day, 3 times a week, moderate intensity treadmill
e) 30 minutes a day, 3 times a week, mild intensity of static cycling

32. Rani is 26-year-old woman, G2P1A0, present in the initial visit with a 4-week history of
fatigue and nausea. She had a positive pregnancy test 2 weeks ago. Rani has been on a
multivitamin preparation with folic acid, she has been immunized against Hepatitis B
within the past 3 years. From physical examination, she is a well appearing, mildly
overweight. Vital signs and other examination are within normal limit. Your assessment
is intrauterine pregnancy. What is your plan for her?
a) Amniocentesis
b) Ultrasound for identify the sex of her baby
c) Stop multivitamin, change to Iron tablet
d) Diet, exercise and sexually activity discussed
e) At least follow up 3 times during her pregnancy

33. A 6-year-old boy is referred to General Hospital by his parents to evaluate his difficulty
with is suspected that he suffers from reading disorder, but a subtle impairment
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

in vision or hearing must be ruled out as a causative or contributing factors. Learning

disorders are most commonly associated with which of the following disorders?
a) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders
b) Bipolar Disorder
c) Schizophrenia
d) Tourette
e) Aspager

34. Mr. and Mrs. Purcell, Mary, 21, and Bob, 17, came to the family meeting suggested by
Dr. M. After Dr. M. shared her findings, Mary spoke first and expressed concern about
her father's "long-standing" health problems. She blamed her mother for "not taking
better care of him." Bob quickly defended his mother, saying she had been working very
hard and had "a lot on her mind." Bob became upset with Mary for "attacking" their
mother. Mrs. Purcell told Dr. M. that her husband had health complaints for as long as
she had known him. Mr. Purcell then said that his chest pains were worse since the last
doctor's appointment.Family APGAR score=3.
Based on Family APGAR score, what is the characteristic of this family?
a) Radiate a sense of integrity
b) Share power while negotiating decisions.
c) Cope relatively well with adversity
d) Creating coercive power differentials
e) Coming out of a crisis stronger for the experience

35. A 50-year-old male with hypertension stage 2 now have management plans from his
family doctor. The management plans include lifestyle modification such as exercise. He
told the doctor that he always does sport. He was playing badminton twice a week, but
uncertain about the duration because he must did it alternately with his other friends. The
doctor told him that that kind of sport is not enough for improving his health condition.
Which of the following that most appropriate reason for doctor explanation?
a. Badminton is not aerobic exercise
b. His sport activity is not done regularly
c. There is no weight training in badminton
d. Lack of frequency
e. Badminton make him prone to injury

36. A 5-year old girl was brought to the office because she is shorter than other girls at her
age. On examination you found, she was less than fifth percentile on growth curves, even
when you correct for mid parental height. There are multiple potential causes for short
stature. She reveals that she speaks only six-word sentences but they are intelligible.
What screening would you recommend for a girl?
a. Blood screening (hemoglobinopathy, phenylketonuria, congenital hypothyroidism,
b. Hearing
c. Fluoride to prevent dental cavitation
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

d. Injury prevention
e. Breast feeding

37. Refer to the genogram below:

Interpret a genogram above from biopsychosocial perspective!

a. Index patient has DM
b. Index patient has risk for hypertension
c. N died because of old age
d. R has risk for obesity

38. A mother brings her child 5-year-old male child to the hospital. His mother reported that
he is shorter than his friends. Other developments within normal limits. He is the
youngest child. His older siblings are normal height. His mother was 165 cm and his
father was 170 cm height. Which of the following diagnostic tools and criteria that most
appropriate for this patient?
a. Weight for age below 2 SD at the WHO growth curves
b. Height for body weight below 2 SD at the WHO growth curves
c. BMI for age below 2 SD at the WHO growth curves
d. Head of circumference for age below 2 SD on the growth curves

39. Mrs. B, 48-year-old women comes to your clinic for the consultation about her lump in
her breast.
Dr. F : The result suggest that is not just an 'ordinary' lump
Mrs. B : This sounds like bad news.
Dr. F : I was hoping to be able to reassure you. It seems that some of the cells we
looked at were abnormal. It is important, though, that we picked this up early.
Mrs. B : Are you saying it's the big 'C'?
Dr. F : Yes, it probably is cancer.
Mrs. B : We all know what that means...................
As a doctor, what would you say to show empathy to Mrs. B?
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

a. I realize this probably comes as a shock to you

b. I believe that you can cope the problem
c. I know is very frightening for you
d. I felt so awful that you have this diagnosis
e. I sorry for you, I can feel your feel.

40. Bill is a 72-year-old retired driver who was admitted to your practice because of back
pain. He has been a smoker for 30 years and smokes 15 cigarettes every day. Bill lives
alone in a small house and has lost about 5 kg of weight in the past few months. His diet
has deteriorated since his wife passed away two years ago. Bill's daughter accompanies
him to visit his GP, as she is concerned about his recent weight loss. His current
medicine history includes ramipril 5 mg once daily in the morning for well-controlled
hypertension. He has no significant family medical history. On examination Bill's blood
pressure is 115/78 mmHg. A bone mineral density test T-score in the hip is -1.8 and in
the spine is -2.7. What information would you provide to patient regarding "physical
a. Low-impact weight-bearing exercises
b. Low-impact weight-bearing exercises combined with high-intensity strength
(resistance training)
c. Low-impact weight-bearing exercises combined with low-intensity strength
(resistance training)
d. High-impact weight-bearing exercises

41. Boy 13-year-old boy brought to your clinic by his parents with complaint of physical
aggression to other children including his younger sister. The school was complained to
the parents because he regularly gets into trouble at school for bullying and truants from
school and also stealing from school's cafetaria. He was a nice boy but his behaviour
start to change and became worse since 2 years ago. Boy comes from a high
socioeconomic family. He lives with his parents, his sister, his grandmother and
grandfather, his aunt and his nephews. His father is a harsh and very punitive. Her
mother gives more attention to his younger sister.. His grandmother wants him to be a
doctor and always encourages him to study hard.Which of the following is the most
likely diagnosis?
b. Conduct disorder
c. Mood disorder in adolescent
d. Oppositional deviant disorder
e. Antisocial personality disorder

42. Menu planning is very important to fulfill protein and energy requirement to prevent and
treat malnourished patient. We have to determine the nutritional requirements before
formulating the menu.
Which of the following steps that most appropriate?
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

a. Calculate total calorie requirement - calculate protein requirement - calculate fat

requirement - calculate carbohydrate requirement.
b. Calculate total calorie requirement - calculate protein requirement - calculate
carbohydrate requirement - calculate fat requirement.
c. Calculate total calorie requirement - calculate carbohydrate requirement - calculate
protein requirement - calculate fat requirement.
d. Calculate total calorie requirement - calculate carbohydrate requirement - calculate
fat requirement - calculate protein requirement.
e. Calculate total calorie requirement - calculate fat requirement - calculate
carbohydrate requirement - calculate protein requirement.

43. A 5-year old girl was brought to the office because she is shorter than other girls at her
age. On examination you found, she was less than fifth percentile on growth curves, even
when you correct for mid parental height. There are multiple potential causes for short
stature. She reveals that she speaks only six-word sentences but they are intelligible.
What the family influence could be a potential cause for her condition?
a. Psychological and social characteristics of parents
b. Spreading of infectious diseases among family members
c. Parental deprivation
d. Klinefelter syndrome
e. Environmental condition of the family

44. A 70-years-old woman with sleeping disorders comes to family physician and based on
the result from anamnesis, physical examination and laboratory examination found that
all value in the within normal limit.
Which of the following sentence is the most correct concept for the case above?
a. Handicap concept
b. Injury concept
c. Pathological concept
d. Social culture concept
e. Psychological concept

45. You are counseling an expectant couple (Woman: P0A0 regarding prevention care
should be performed. They are not planning for pregnant at least in the next 3 months.
No history of smoking, alcohol intake, previous disease and family hereditary diseases.
What kind of prevention care should be performed at this time?
a. Administration of MMR, Varicella and Hepatitis B vaccines.
b. Starting prenatal vitamins and/or folic acid supplementation
c. Education on the benefit of breast feeding
d. Performing amniocentesis
e. Administration of Tetanus Toxoid vaccine

46. To do continuous aerobic activity, we can use the Target Heart Rate Methods if?
a. The patient has a pacemaker in the heart.
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

b. The patient has irregular heart rhythm.

c. The patient takes medication that changes the heart rate.
d. The patient is overweight but the ECG is normal
e. The patient have atrial fibrillation

47. Mr. and Mrs. Purcell, Mary, 21, and Bob, 17, came to the family meeting suggested by
Dr. M. After Dr. M. shared her findings, Mary spoke first and expressed concern about
her father's "long-standing" health problems. She blamed her mother for "not taking
better care of him." Bob quickly defended his mother, saying she had been working very
hard and had "a lot on her mind." Bob became upset with Mary for "attacking" their
mother. Mrs. Purcell told Dr. M. that her husband had health complaints for as long as
she had known him. Mr. Purcell then said that his chest pains were worse since the last
doctor's appointment.Family APGAR score=3
Based of Family APGAR, when the patient expressed "the satisfaction attained in
solving problems by communicating", what are you asking regarding the characteristics
of the family?
a. Adaptation
b. Partnership
c. Growth
d. Affection
e. Resolve

48. A 50-year-old woman claims she is having heart problem. She already had
echocardiogram 2 weeks ago with normal result, but she insisted that perhaps there was
a mistake, and ask you for more examination for her cardiac condition. Your physical
examination is within normal limits.
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
a. Malingering
b. Hypochondriasis
c. Conversion disorder
d. Factitious disorder
e. Somatization disorder

49. Which the following drug cannot be given with antacid?

a. Amoxcycillin
b. Propranolol
c. Salbutamol
d. Glibenclamid
e. Cyprofloxacin

50. A 58-year-old male with nephropathy diabetes want to start exercise program. He takes
insulin for controlling his blood glucose level. The doctor plan to do blood glucose
monitoring before, during and after exercise before arrange his exercise program.
Which of the following reason that most appropriate for the blood glucose monitoring?
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

a. Exercise has insulin-type effect

b. Exercise can alter the glucagon level
c. Carbohydrate will abruptly decrease during exercise
d. Exercise dosage is depend on the glucose blood level after exercise
e. Exercise for nephropathy diabetes is only can be done under doctor monitoring

51. During his life time career of 40 years, a doctor will spend approximately 150.000 to
200.000 patient contacts and communication. Regarding to that issues, what is the
definition of communication?
a. Communication is a process in the context of the doctor-patient relationship
b. Communication is a process by which an individual transmitted stimuli (usually
verbal to modify the behavior of other individual)
c. Communication is a process between doctor and patient that make the patient cure
d. Communication is a process to make the environment in the hospital became hostile.
e. Communication is a process to build a good condition of the patient

52. A 15-year-old girl gets into fights, intimidates others, steals, skips school, resulting in
falling grades. She does not exhibit any symptom for her behavior. She denies having
any depressive symptoms and says she feels pretty good about herself.
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
a. Oppositional Defiant Disorder
b. Conduct Disorder
c. Anti Social Personality Disorder
d. Borderline Personality Disorder
e. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

53. A young mother brings to you her 18-month-old boy who weights 13.6 kg. This is at the
95th percentile for his height and sex. She is concerned because her family has many
members who are overweight and she worries that the child's future health is at risk.
Your best advice is which of the following?
a. She should commit the child to a weight-reduction program forthwith
b. The child’s weight-related health is not an issue until he reaches adolescence
c. The child should be committed to a weight-loss program but not before he reaches
the age of 2 years
d. A child’s obesity-related health issues involve vascular disease, diabetes and joint
health only, and these problems do not begin until adulthood
e. Obesity in early childhood is not a health issue

54. You are deciding on preventive screening for a 16-year-old-girl who began menarche at
age 13. He cycles are every 30 days, with 4 days of moderate flow. Her last menstrual
period was 2 weeks ago. She denies ever being sexually active.
At what age should Pap smears be performed on her?
a. At age 16
b. At age 17
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

c. At age 20
d. At the age of first sexual activity
e. At the age of regular sexual axtivity

55. To do exercise with Safety Endurance activity?

a. It must be breath so hard that you cannot talk.
b. Should not cause dizziness.
c. Must reach maximal heart rate.
d. Not recommended for disabilities people.
e. Need to warm up and cool down (example: easy walking)

56. Balance diet from quality and quantity can support the optimal growth and development
What is the most cause of combination between animal and plant protein food sources is
better than plant/animal food sources?
a. Animal food sources is more expensive
b. Animal food sources consist more of saturated fat
c. Plant food sources need more quantity to eat
d. Balance protein and fat content with phytochemical substance
e. Plant food sources consist incomplete mineral content

57. Ampicillin and Paracetamol cannot be mixed in one preparation because of the following
a. Ampicillin is a causative drug and paracetamol is a symptomatic drug
b. Ampicillin need to be given in different time with paracetamol therefore it require to
be written in different prescription
c. Paracetamol can be given with dexamethasone in one preparation
d. Ampicillin can be given with paracetamol in one preparation because both has to be
given before meal
e. Ampicillin can only be written in one prescription and as antibiotic the
administration has to be with meal

58. The correct signature for Ampicillin as an antibiotic is?

a. S .3.d.d.Cap 2. 1. ha.c
b. S. 4.d.d.Cap 1. 1 h p.c
c. S .4.d.d. Cap 1. 2 h p.c
d. S. 3. d. d Cap 1. 2 h a.c
e. S. 3. d.d. Cap 1. 2 h.p.c

59. A 45-year-old woman returns to you for routine preventive care, having not seen you
except for episodic problems for the past 6 years. Her family history is unremarkable
except for the mention of colon polyps in her sister, who is 10 years older than her. Her
weight is 55 kg at a height of 165 cm. she is nonsmoker.
Which of the following would be the most appropriate combination of screening test for
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

a. ECG, CBC, liver and kidney function test

b. Pap smear, mammogram, colorectal cancer screening, CBC
c. Chest X ray, Pap smear, EKG and comprehensive chemical profile
d. Lipid profile, FOBT, mammogram and blood sugar
e. Chest X ray, pulmonary function, lipid profile and CBC

60. A 50-years-old man with chronic cough, especially at night and during the rainy season
refused go to Puskesmas because he thought the treatment not work well. He should go
to Puskesmas many times and the cough becomes worse especially if the weather feel
Which of the following sentence is the most correct for health care utilization for the
case above
a. The used of transitional medicine
b. The used of conventional medicine
c. The used of cosmopolitan medicine
d. The used of traditional medicine
e. The used of modern medicine

61. Dr. Rio, a family physician plans to do a clinical audit for his clinical practice setting. He
selects a structure of care to be audited.
Which of the followings could be audited in term of structure of care?
a. Operating time
b. Management of patients
c. Mortality
d. Health indices
e. Patient satisfaction

62. A 60-year-old obese female has been diagnosed as diabetes mellitus type 2. Her doctor
told her about her management plan. Beside pharmacology treatment, she also has to
modify her lifestyle especially about routine exercise. The doctor told her that exercise
can help her to decrease body weight and increase cardiovascular fitness.
The exercise can be effective to decrease the body weight if the duration is :
a. 15 minute
a. 20 minute
b. 30 minute
c. 60 minute
b. 120 minute

63. Young woman develops severe headache, but she does not appear as distraught as would
be expected. Her full physical and neurological examination reveals no abnormality. This
happened after her grandmother passed away. She was with her grandmother since
toddler, her parents was working abroad. Her parents put aside their work to focus on
their daughter's illness.
What is the most appropriate diagnosis?
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

a. Malingering
b. Hypochondriasis
c. Conversion disorder
d. Factitious disorder
e. Somatization disorder

64. A 64-year-old woman, P4A2, Mrs. Yusi visited you with severe pain in hip area. The
pain is constant, boring sometimes sharp with infrequent electric-shock like sensation
radiating to left foot. She was diagnosed as cervical cancer stadium IIIB patient and
receiving chemo radiotherapy. Complaint accompanied by nausea,vomiting, and dyspnea
forthe last3 days. She has not received any medication for relieving pain.
The aim of palliative care is to provide integrated and comprehensiveness care to prevent
and relieve all aspects of a patient's suffering. What is the different between pain and
a. Pain is experienced by persons
b. Pain is part of suffering
c. Suffering is experience by a body and mind
d. Suffering is physically and psychologically pain

65. Vision 2020 was launched in 1999. There are some progress towards 2020 for cataract,
trachoma, and onchocerciasis.
Which of the following is not the characteristic of 10 years of success for cataract?
a. Low cost IOLs.
b. Training in ECCE initially and now SICS.
c. High volume surgery in S.E Asia region.
d. Sustainability models.
e. Training of ophthalmoc nurses in surgery.

66. What relatively common medical condition should be identified and addressed during
preconception care?
a. Diabetes, hypertension, seizure disorder, connective tissue disorder
b. Hypertension, anemia, diabetes
c. Diabetes, hypertension, seizure disorder, anemia
d. Hypertension, anemia, leukorhoe

67. An 18-month-old boy with 13.6 kg body weight. This is at the 95th percentile for his
height and sex. His mother was concerned because his family has many members who
are overweight and she worries that the child's future health is at risk.
A couple now prepare to have a new member of the family. The wife was 8-month
Which of the following developmental task will be raised in this stage?
a. Adapting to the critical needs and interests of preschool children in stimulating,
growth promoting ways
b. Coping with energy depletion and lack of privacy as parents
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

c. Encouraging children’s educational achievement

d. Establishing a mutually satisfying marriage
e. Having, adjusting to and encouraging the development of children

68. Mrs. Irna, 30-year-old woman work as a secretary at an oil company and diagnosed with
pharyngitis and given amoxicillin without asking about her allergy condition. Later on,
she return to the doctor with rash all over her body.
Which of the following sentences is right for next therapy planning?
a. Stop amoxicillin, replace with ampicillin tablet 500mg 4 times a day + antihistamine
b. Stop amoxicillin, replace with Erythromycin capsule 250mg 4 times a day, +
c. Stop amoxicillin, replace with Erythromycin capsule 500mg 2 times a day, +
d. Stop amoxicillin for a while, give antihistamin, then continue amoxicillin after the
rash disappear.
e. Add antihistamine without stopping or replacing amoxicillin.

69. A 48-year-old man has manifested BP levels of 150/100, 145/95 and 170/105 on
consecutive separate days over a 3-week period. He has a family history of deaths by
stroke and renal failure
If the patient was suggested to do physical exercise, which of the following is a valid
reason to terminate an exercise session?
a. The systolic BP rises and the diastolic falls during strenuous exercise
b. The pulse rate doubles during strenuous exercise
c. The patient experiences persistent headace during exercise
d. The patient is fatigued during strenuous exercise
e. Patient develops tachypnea

70. Bill is a 72-year-old retired driver who was admitted to your practice because of back
pain. He has been a smoker for 30 years and smokes 15 cigarettes every day. Bill lives
alone in a small house and has lost about 5 kg of weight in the past few months. His diet
has deteriorated since his wife passed away two years ago. Bill's daughter accompanies
him to visit his GP, as she is concerned about his recent weight loss. His current
medicine history includes ramipril 5 mg once daily in the morning for well-controlled
hypertension. He has no significant family medical history. On examination Bill's blood
pressure is 115/78 mmHg. A bone mineral density test T-score in the hip is -1.8 and in
the spine is -2.7.
What is your diagnosis?
a. Osteopenia
b. Osteomalacia
c. Osteoporosis
d. Osteoarthritis
e. Low Back Pain
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

71. Mr. H is an accountant aged 40 years. He comes to the accident and emergency
department following and attack of chest pain. He is seen first by Dr. A.
Dr. A : I see from your notes that you have had some chest pain. Do you still have the
Mr. H : No, not now.
Dr. A : Was it tight or dull?
Later, Mr. H is seen by Dr. I.
Dr. I : I understand that you have had pain. Would you please tell me more about it?
Mr. H : Well, it was in my chest and it come on when I was sitting at my desk. It was a
funny dull pain that stayed in the middle of my chest. I've had it a few times recently,
always when I'm, at work.
Based on the history above, what is the limitation of a closed style of questioning?
a. Some of the information may not be relevant
b. The information obtained is restricted to the question asked
c. More relevant information can be obtain in a given time
d. The interview may take longer and more difficult to control
e. Recording answers may be more difficult

72. A 10-year-old boy came to a clinic with chief complain he have a big body. Result of
the examination is he have BMI 32kg/m2.
The diagnosis of this patient is:
a. Normal
b. Overweight
c. Obesity
d. Underweight
e. B and c is correct

73. A 48-year-old man has manifested BP levels of 150/100, 145/95 and 170/105 on
consecutive separate days over a 3-week period. He has a family history of deaths by
stroke and renal failure.
Which of the following is the examination to obtain before starting the patient on the
chosen drug therapy?
a. ECG
b. Blood urea nitrogen
c. Electrolytes
d. Complete blood count
e. Liver function test

74. You are seeing a 28-year-old woman who complained having abdominal pain,
constipation, diarrhea and headache as well as symptoms of vague in swallowing. The
abdominal examination is negative for deep and rebound tenderness. Others are normal.
She lives with her husband and three children. She had been complaining all symptoms
since 2 years ago.
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

What the following statement is correct?

a. Your diagnosis is depression
b. Modern technology can diagnose her disease
c. Understanding natural systems continuum is needed to treated her
d. Refer the patient to gastroenterologist
e. Elaborate her past medical condition is necessary to treated her

75. A 40-years-old woman with mental disorder use "jamu" since 2 years ago after she went
to hospital many times but her family thinks the condition not became well.
Which of the following sentence is the most correct for health care utilization for the
case above?
a. The used of transitional medicine
b. The used of conventional medicine
c. The used of cosmopolitan medicine
d. The used of traditional medicine
e. The used of modern medicine

76. A 56-year-old female with proliferative retinopathy and controlled type 2 diabetes
mellitus came to the doctor and ask an advice about her exercise program that most
suitable for her. Except her visual acuity, her body weight, physical examination and
blood glucose level is normal.
Which of the following exercise program that most appropriate?
a. 30 minutes a day, 3 times a week, mild intensity jogging or swimming
b. 30 minutes a day, 2 times a week, mild intensity jogging or swimming
c. 60 minutes a day, 2 times a week, high intensity weight training
d. 60 minutes a day, 3 times a week, moderate intensity treadmill
e. 30 minutes a day, 3 times a week, mild intensity of static cycling

77. Mrs. Partina, a shop assistant age 27, attended medical outpatients at her local hospital.
Here is her story :
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

"When I went into the room, which was big and bare, I felt lost. I didn't know where to
sit, the doctor had his head down and was writing, the nurse was on the telephone and
there were some medical students talking to each other. I waited around and wanted to
run out the door. After what seemed like ages the doctor told me to sit down and asked
what was wrong. I didn't know what his name and I'm not sure that he knew mine. I'd
been thinking about my problems and what I wanted to tell the doctor- but I forgot it all-
he didn't seem very interested anyway. Hope I don't have to go again".
Regarding to the story above, what should the doctor do when beginning an interview?
a. Asked the patient problems
b. Telling your own name
c. Make a comfortable setting
d. Listen carefully
e. Encourage the patient to be relevant

78. A 48-year-old female with stage 2 hypertension and no cardiovascular disease need
exercise prescription for her family doctor. She was feeling uncomfortable about
Which of the following that most appropriate exercise prescription for her?
a. 20-30 minutes/day continuous aerobic activity at maximum heart rate 50-65%
b. Light-moderate intensity until evaluated and conditioned with periodic monitoring
c. Light-moderate start with 20-30 minutes lower intensity/day with periodic
d. 60 minutes/day of aerobic exercise without periodic monitoring
e. Start with 60 minutes/day of resistance training

79. A 17-years-old woman with minor skin disorders feel uncomfortable with her condition
because she will celebrate her birthday next week.
Which of the following sentence is the most correct for health care utilization usually
used for the case above?
a. The used of transitional medicine
b. The used of conventional medicine
c. The used of cosmopolitan medicine
d. The used of traditional medicine
e. The used of modern medicine

80. A young medical doctor was doing home visit to a patient, a 65-year-old man, post
stroke infarction. He was bedridden and he looked grimace if the right shoulder is
moved. Four weeks ago, he has been diagnosed stroke infarction and been hospitalized
for that. He also had history of hypertension and diabetes mellitus for 15 years ago but
didn't control regularly. He got antihypertension drug from the doctor after hospitalized
and he took it only if he felt headache. He always ate "sate kambing" in the weekend.
He was a retired government officer and had health insurance.
Which of the following impact of the illness to the family?
a. Bad communication.
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

b. Dependency.
c. Cost of treatment.
d. Risk factor modification.
e. Disability.

81. Communication in not just 'being nice' but produces a more effective consultation fot
both patient and doctors.To gain an effective communication, what is the effect of Good
Communication skill?
a. Patients are less likely to complain
b. Patients will cure
c. Patients are sympathy to the doctor
d. Patients will have a professional action
e. Patients are more likely to comply with symptom

82. For women who had previous child with an Neural Tube Defect (NTD) how much folic
acid supplementation recommended before preconception?
a. 400 µg
b. 10 mg
c. 4 mg
d. 1 mg

83. A 5-year-old girl was brought to the office because she is shorter than other girls at her
age. On examination you found, she was less than fifth percentile on growth curves, even
when you correct for midparental height. There are multiple potential causes for short
She reveals that she speaks only six-word sentences but they are intelligible.
The parents are concerned about her development as well. Which of the following
responses is most appropriate?
a. Refer the child for specialized evaluation of development
b. Arrange a conference with the child’s teacher
c. Order a magnetic resonance image of the child’s brain
d. Reassure the parents that the child is developing within normal limits
e. Review the milestones of growth and development in this child

84. A 16-year-old female with overweight was doing consultation. The doctor was trying to
determine her nutritional status.
Which of the following reference that most appropriate?
a. CDC Growth chart
b. WHO Growth chart
c. NCHS Growth chart
d. Graphic of disease risk factor
e. DEPKES graphic
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

85. Bill is a 72-year-old retired driver who was admitted to your practice because of back
pain. He has been a smoker for 30 years and smokes 15 cigarettes every day. Bill lives
alone in a small house and has lost about 5 kg of weight in the past few months. His diet
has deteriorated since his wife passed away two years ago. Bill's daughter accompanies
him to visit his GP, as she is concerned about his recent weight loss.His current medicine
history includes ramipril 5 mg once daily in the morning for well-controlled
hypertension. He has no significant family medical history. On examination Bill's blood
pressure is 115/78 mmHg. A bone mineral density test T-score in the hip is -1.8 and in
the spine is -2.7.
What is your recommendation for him to reduce risk of fracture?
a. Hormone replacement therapy
b. Hip protective padding
c. Gait and balance training
d. Prescribing high dose vitamin D

86. Balanced diet is needed to prevent malnutrition. In balanced diet planning we have to
determine appropriate total calorie requirement.
What aspect do we have to consider in determining total calorie requirement?
a. Food processing.
b. Body posture.
c. Socio-economic condition.
d. Appetite.
e. Age.

87. A 35-year-old woman came to the doctor to consultation for having baby. She was not
pregnant yet after got marriage 4 year ago. This couple was not having any serious
problem in reproductive system. Her BMI was 29 and her lipid profile and blood glucose
is never in normal limit.
What is the most priority management of nutritional aspect in the infertility problem?
a. Decrease cholesterol level.
b. Decrease blood pressure
c. Insulin resistance management
d. Increase physical activity
e. Decrease carbohydrate intake.

88. How is the mechanism of hypertension caused by anxiety?

a. Behavioral effect
b. Physical effect
c. Emotional effect
d. Cognitive effect
e. Social effect
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

89. You are deciding on preventive screening for a 16-year-old-girl who began menarche at
age 13. He cycles are every 30 days, with 4 days of moderate flow. Her last menstrual
period was 2 weeks ago. She denies ever being sexually active.
Which of the following vaccines is due at this time?
a. DTP, sixth dose
b. MMR, third dose
c. Diphteria and tetanus booster
d. Varicella, second dose
e. BCG, second dose

90. A 74-year-old woman came with left hip pain. She reported that she awoke with pain in
her hip approximately 2 weeks ago, after her fall. It did not radiate, initially sharp and
severe and limiting her activities for first 4 or 5 days. She denied fall, trauma and unusual
or new activities. Before she fall, she often felt dizziness if she stand after sitting. The
pain was occurred when she was getting out of bed. Your diagnosis was left hip fracture
secondary to osteoporosis. You prescribed calcium, vitamin D, bisphosphonate, and
educated her and her husband about fall prevention and caring for elderly.
What intrinsic factors that may cause fall in this patient?
a. Contracture
b. Balance disorder
c. Visual impairment
d. Reduce muscle strength
e. Postural hypotension

91. The Doctor-Patient Communication can be Influence in some factors.This factor is

related to Self Confidence in ability to communicate
a. Doctor-related factors
b. The Interview setting
c. Work Place
d. Medicine and Health Supply
e. Patient-related factors

92. A 61-year-old business executive with a long history of high blood pressure collapsed
while jogging over the lunch hour. His jogging mate quickly contacted a police officer
who helped carry the man to a hospital just down the road. At the hospital, an MRI was
performed that revealed a blockage of a major cerebral artery and ischemic changes to
the portion of the brain supplied by that artery. With quick medical attention, the man
was stabilized, and he slowly improved over the next three weeks. The following signs
and symptoms did persist, however:
- paralysis of the right leg and foot
- loss of sensation on the skin of the right leg and foot
- when blindfolded, inability to identify a tennis ball placed in the left hand, but
ability to name it if placed in the right hand
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

- inability to throw the tennis ball with his left hand, but ability to throw it with
his right hand
There are many categories to placement a patient into home care program. If you plan for
home program for this patient, what is the category for this patient?
a. Unstable chronic illness
b. Acute exacerbations of illness
c. Patient still require medical supervision
d. Patient require rehabilitation
e. Advanced illness

93. A 64-year-old woman, P4A2, Mrs. Yusi visited you with severe pain in hip area. The
pain is constant, boring sometimes sharp with infrequent electric-shock like sensation
radiating to left foot. She was diagnosed as cervical cancer stadium IIIB patient and
receiving chemo radiotherapy. Complaint accompanied by nausea,vomiting, and dyspnea
forthe last3 days. She has not received any medication for relieving pain.
What type of pain is Mrs. Yusi suffers from?
a. Somatic pain
b. Visceral pain
c. Referred pain
d. Neuropathic pain
e. Combined somatic and neuropathic pain

94. The Doctor-Patient Communication can be Influence in some factors. This factor is
related to Psychological factors related to illness and/or medical care
a. Doctor-related factors
b. The Interview setting
c. Work Place
d. Medicine and Health Supply
e. Patient-related factors

95. A 9-year-old boy diagnosed as short stature. The doctor was planning to gave him
hormonal therapy. Which of the criteria that most likely the boy had?
a. Weight for age below 2 SD at the WHO growth curves
b. Dysmorphic disorder
c. There is a specific syndrome
d. Delayed bone age more than 2 years
e. Height below -3 SD

96. You were doing nutritional counseling for a diabetes mellitus patient. You were
explaining about food choice and daily menu variation.
Which of the following tools that most likely to optimized this explanation?
a. Food recall data
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

b. Food frequency questionnaire data

c. Food list exchange
d. Nutritional requirement data
e. Food weighing data

97. A 55-year-old male, former tennis athlete, with type 2 diabetes mellitus came to his
family doctor. He also diagnosed has moderate cardiovascular disease. He told the
doctor that he still want to do some sport.
Which of the following aspect must be done before start his exercise program?
a. ECG
b. Stress testing
d. Cardiovascular fitness test
e. Angiography

98. Boy 13-year-old boy brought to your clinic by his parents with complaint of physical
aggression to other children including his younger sister. The school was complained to
the parents because he regularly gets into trouble at school for bullying and truants
from school and also stealing from school's cafetaria. He was a nice boy but his
behaviour start to change and became worse since 2 years ago. Boy comes from a high
socioeconomic family. He lives with his parents, his sister, his grandmother and
grandfather, his aunt and his nephews. His father is a harsh and very punitive. Her
mother gives more attention to his younger sister.. His grandmother wants him to be a
doctor and always encourages him to study hard.
Which of the following situation is the most affecting the occurrence of the disorder?
a. High socioeconomic family
b. Harsh and punitive father
c. Lives with extended family
d. Always encouraged to study hard
e. Mother gives more attention to his sister

99. A 45-years-old man with diagnose leprosy 10 years ago, already recover since 5 years
ago, but until now still isolated by his families and neighbors.
Which of the following sentence is the most correct concept for the case above?
a. Handicap concept
b. Injury concept
c. Pathological concept
d. Social culture concept
e. Psychological concept

100. A 19-year-old boy was brought by the mother due to shorter height than his other
friends. The doctor observes that all the member of the family have normal height. The
doctor was doing some examination to define constitutional delay.
Which of the criterias that most likely for diagnostic ?
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

a. Family history of short stature

b. Normal pubertal development
c. Normal bone age
d. Late pubertal development
e. Osteogenesis imperfecta

101. You was doing counseling to a patient with chronic hypertension. The patient was
asking about food sources that most appropriate to control sodium intake.
Which of the following answer that most correct?
a. Dairy product
b. Fresh food
c. Bread to exchange rice
d. Processed fruit
e. Processed fish

102. Mr. H is an accountant aged 40 years. He comes to the accident and emergency
department following and attack of chest pain. He is seen first by Dr. A.
Dr. A : I see from your notes that you have had some chest pain. Do you still have the
Mr. H : No, not now.
Dr. A : Was it tight or dull?
Later, Mr. H is seen by Dr. I.
Dr. I : I understand that you have had pain. Would you please tell me more about it?
Mr. H : Well, it was in my chest and it come on when I was sitting at my desk. It was a
funny dull pain that stayed in the middle of my chest. I've had it a few times recently,
always when I'm, at work.
What is the disadvantage of using open style of questioning?
a. The interview may take longer and more difficult to control
b. Patient feel more involved in the interview
c. The information obtained is restricted to the question asked
d. More relevant information can be obtain in a given time
e. The interviewer is controlled by the interviewer, who decides the content of the

103. Mr. and Mrs. Purcell, Mary, 21, and Bob, 17, came to the family meeting suggested by
Dr. M. After Dr. M. shared her findings, Mary spoke first and expressed concern about
her father's "long-standing" health problems. She blamed her mother for "not taking
better care of him." Bob quickly defended his mother, saying she had been working
very hard and had "a lot on her mind." Bob became upset with Mary for "attacking"
their mother. Mrs. Purcell told Dr. M. that her husband had health complaints for as
long as she had known him. Mr. Purcell then said that his chest pains were worse since
the last doctor's appointment.Family APGAR score=3.
How is "hierarchy" taking place in this family?
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

a. Parents in charge of their children

b. Parents controlled by children
c. Overtly distributed
d. Covertly distributed

104. A 14-year-old boy, brought by his mother with the abrasion on the dorsum right hand.
Which of the following response is most appropiate to use to determie the etiology of
the abrasion on the dorsum of the boy's right hand?
a. “Tell me about the scratches on your hand.”
b. “How did the scratches happen?”
c. “Do you scratches yourself in addition to bitting your nails?”
d. “Sometimes I see the boy who make themselves throw up. Have you ever done
e. “I see you have scratches on your hand, do you have a cat?”

105. A 61-year-old business executive with a long history of high blood pressure collapsed
while jogging over the lunch hour. His jogging mate quickly contacted a police officer
who helped carry the man to a hospital just down the road. At the hospital, an MRI was
performed that revealed a blockage of a major cerebral artery and ischemic changes to
the portion of the brain supplied by that artery. With quick medical attention, the man
was stabilized, and he slowly improved over the next three weeks. The following signs
and symptoms did persist, however:
- paralysis of the right leg and foot
- loss of sensation on the skin of the right leg and foot
- when blindfolded, inability to identify a tennis ball placed in the left hand, but
ability to name it if placed in the right hand
- inability to throw the tennis ball with his left hand, but ability to throw it with
his right hand
What should physician do for his caregivers in term of "collaborating"?
a. Guiding patient and families through the intricacies of the healthcare delivery
b. Advocating the patient and family members in preserving autonomy and choice
regarding medical care
c. Assessing family members in their decision making processes
d. Gathering information, educating family members about the care of their loved one
e. Supporting the patient and family members in situation where care giving is

106. A 48-year-old man has manifested BP levels of 150/100, 145/95 and 170/105 on
consecutive separate days over a 3-week period. He has a family history of deaths by
stroke and renal failure.
Which of the following is the screening should be performed by his children?
a. Blood pressure every 6 months for people with hypertension
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

b. Blood pressure every 12 months for people with hypertension

c. Blood pressure every 2 years for people with hypertension
d. Blood pressure every 18 months for people with hypertension
e. Blood pressure every 18 months for people without hypertension

107. A young mother brings to you her 18-month-old boy who weights 13.6 kg. This is at the
95th percentile for his height and sex. She is concerned because her family has many
members who are overweight and she worries that the child's future health is at risk.
Your best advice is which of the following?
a. She should commit the child to a weight-reduction program forthwith
b. The child’s weight-related health is not an issue until he reaches adolescence
c. The child should be committed to a weight-loss program but not before he reaches
the age of 2 years
d. A child’s obesity-related health issues involve vascular disease, diabetes and joint
health only, and these problems do not begin until adulthood
e. Obesity in early childhood is not a health issue

108. Prior clinical audit in the management of asthma patient, Dr. Yono develop a standard,
target and criterion.
Which of the following is a criterion?
a. Patients who have been diagnosed as asthma will be recorded in the practice
asthma register
b. The diagnosis of asthma has been confirmed
c. The patient education regarding warning symptoms has been delivered
d. An assessment is made of the level of control of asthma by the presence of
nocturnal and daytime symptoms
e. 95% the diagnosis of asthma has been confirmed by anamnesis, physical
examination and laboratory examination

109. Nutritional management of hypertension is?

a. High fat diet
b. Low salt diet
c. High protein diet
d. High carbohydrat
e. Low Calsium

110. A 61-year-old business executive with a long history of high blood pressure collapsed
while jogging over the lunch hour. His jogging mate quickly contacted a police officer
who helped carry the man to a hospital just down the road. At the hospital, an MRI was
performed that revealed a blockage of a major cerebral artery and ischemic changes to
the portion of the brain supplied by that artery. With quick medical attention, the man
was stabilized, and he slowly improved over the next three weeks. The following signs
and symptoms did persist, however:
- paralysis of the right leg and foot
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

- loss of sensation on the skin of the right leg and foot

- when blindfolded, inability to identify a tennis ball placed in the left hand, but
ability to name it if placed in the right hand
- inability to throw the tennis ball with his left hand, but ability to throw it with
his right hand
What stage of illness trajectory for this patient condition?
a. Onset of illness
b. Diagnosis phase
c. Major therapeutic efforts
d. Recovery
e. Adjustment to the permanency

111. A 55-year-old obese male has been diagnosed as diabetes mellitus type 2. His doctor
told him about his management plan. Beside pharmacology treatment, he also has to
modify his lifestyle especially about routine exercise. The doctor told him that exercise
can help him to decrease body weight and increase cardiovascular fitness.
Which of the following type of exercise that most appropiate for him?
a. Aerobic
b. Anaerobic
c. Weight training
d. Endurance
e. Resistance

112. A 60-year-old postmenopausal woman is seeing you for her annual checkup. She has
been in good general health for the past several years. She experienced menopause in
her early 50s and initiated hormone therapy (HT with estrogen/progestin for her
menopausal symptoms; she has remained on HT primarily for prevention of
osteoporosis. She is currently not on any chronic medications other than HT. Although
the patient has no personal history of fractures, her older sister experienced a hip
fracture. She is 165 cm and weighs 42 kg. She smokes cigarettes, drinks several cups of
coffee a day, and rarely exercises. Her height has remained stable over the past 4 years.
A physical exam was performed, with no abnormalities noted. A BMD test performed
on this patient revealed a left hip T-score of -1.5. A hip T-score of -1.5. What is your
a. Osteopenia
b. Osteomalacia
c. Osteoporosis
d. Osteoarthritis

113. A young medical doctor was doing home visit to a patient, a 65-year-old man, post
stroke infarction. He was bedridden and he looked grimace if the right shoulder is
moved. Four weeks ago, he has been diagnosed stroke infarction and been hospitalized
for that. He also had history of hypertension and diabetes mellitus for 15 years ago but
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

didn't control regularly. He got antihypertension drug from the doctor after hospitalized
and he took it only if he felt headache. He always ate "sate kambing" in the weekend.
He was a retired government officer and had health insurance.
Which of the following is the main management of this patient?
a. Rehabilitation program and risk factor modification.
b. Hospitalization and anti-hypertension drugs.
c. Management of nutrition.
d. Physical activity.
e. Analgetic drugs.

114. A 10-year-old boy who has constantly acting out in class. He often lies about things he
has done in class. At home he sprays water on the family cat and sometimes hits the
animal; broken the toy.
The most likely diagnosis is?
a. Autistic Disorder
b. Chidhood Schizophrenia
c. Oppositional Defiant Disorder
d. Conduct Disorder
e. Childhood Schizophrenia

115. A young mother brings to you her 18-month-old boy who weights 13.6 kg. This is at
the 95th percentile for his height and sex. She is concerned because her family has
many members who are overweight and she worries that the child's future health is at
If the family success in this stage, they will enter the following stage:
a. Pre-school age family
b. Family with toddlers
c. School age family
d. Family with teenagers
e. Family with launching young adults

116. A 35-years-old woman with fever and cough for 7 days, since 5 days ago she treated
herself by herbal from her friend. Her friend got the herbal from herbalist in Garut. She
refused to go to health facilities because of her beliefs her symptom will better soon.
As a doctor, which of the following sentence is the most correct for the woman help
seeking behaviour mentioned above?
a. She can use herbal remedies from any source
b. She can use herbal remedies mixed with modern medicine from the doctor
c. She have to start with low dosages for the herbal
d. She can use the herbal remedies for long treatment
e. She can give the herbal remedies her daughter, 5 years old, because have the same
symptom since 2 days ago
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

117. A 35-year-old women came with progressing nervousness, fatigue, palpitation, and the
recent development of a resting hand tremor.
What is chief complaint for this patient?
a. A 35-year-old women came with nervousness, fatigue, palpitation, and the recent
development of a resting hand tremor.
b. A 35-year-old women came with nervousness and fatigue.
c. Nervousness, fatigue, and palpitation.
d. A 35-year-old women came with came with resting hand tremor.
e. Tremor

118. Mrs. Y (48-years-old) had malignant growth surgically removed from her breast after
several weeks of worrying about the lump. She had felt too frightened to tell her
husband or doctor but eventually went to her GP when she started to lose weight and
had difficulty sleeping. How is the communication techniques that are permitted in
conveying the bad news,even when there is uncertainty of the prognosis for the case of
a. Tell the truth
b. Submission of information through the person closest first
c. Convey of information considered required by the patient or the patient's family
d. Delivering a true medical condition in detail
e. Showing openness about prognosis and treatment of a patient's view of therapy.

119. Boy 13-year-old boy brought to your clinic by his parents with complaint of physical
aggression to other children including his younger sister. The school was complained to
the parents because he regularly gets into trouble at school for bullying and truants
from school and also stealing from school's cafetaria. He was a nice boy but his
behaviour start to change and became worse since 2 years ago. Boy comes from a high
socioeconomic family. He lives with his parents, his sister, his grandmother and
grandfather, his aunt and his nephews. His father is a harsh and very punitive. Her
mother gives more attention to his younger sister.. His grandmother wants him to be a
doctor and always encourages him to study hard.
Which neurobiological factor below hypothesized to play a role in clinical symptoms in
this case?
a. Low level of plasma dopamine a-hydroxylase
b. Increased noradrenergic functioning
c. High 5-HIAA levels in CSF
d. Low serotonin levels in blood.
e. Lower right frontal EEG activity during rest

120. A 77-year-old had been diagnosed with infarction stroke accompanied with
hypertension and diabetes.
He had been hospitalized three weeks ago. He couldn't communicate well but still
understand what people said. He also felt weakness at his left extremities as a sequele.
He was bedridden. He had been diagnosed with hypertension and diabetes mellitus for
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

15 years ago but he didn't control regularly. He got anti-hypertensive drug from the
doctor and only took it if he felt unwell. He always ate "tongseng kambing" in the
Which of the following management that most likely for this patient?
a. Bed positioning education
b. Training communication
c. Training gait
d. Educate to bed positioning, training communication and gait
e. Training communication and gait

121. Nutritional management with time schedule arrangement of main course and snack
between meals is important to control blood glucose. The snack should be low calorie
and contains high fiber food.
Which of the following aspects that can be controlled by this method?
a. Hunger satiety
b. Protein absorption
c. Vitamin absorption
d. Increase fat utility
e. Increase mineral absorption

122. A man, aged 25 years comes to you in your clinic with chief complaints purulent
urination. From the medical records of patients stated marital status is unmarried.
What should you ask as a doctor to look for the sexual history?
a. "Are you married?"
b. "Sorry ...are you gay?"
c. "When did you last have a sexual contact?"
d. "Your previous sexual intercourse with a male or female?"
e. "Do you use protection during sexual intercourse?"

123. A 30-years-old man with sleeping disorders used herbal medicine since two months
Which of the following sentence is the most correct evaluation of effectiveness therapy
for the case above?
a. Based on clinical adjustment by the doctor
b. Based on physical examination by the doctor
c. Based on laboratory examination
d. Based on mental health examination
e. Based on self-control from the patient

124. A 61-year-old business executive with a long history of high blood pressure collapsed
while jogging over the lunch hour. His jogging mate quickly contacted a police officer
who helped carry the man to a hospital just down the road. At the hospital, an MRI was
performed that revealed a blockage of a major cerebral artery and ischemic changes to
the portion of the brain supplied by that artery. With quick medical attention, the man
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

was stabilized, and he slowly improved over the next three weeks. The following signs
and symptoms did persist, however:
- paralysis of the right leg and foot
- loss of sensation on the skin of the right leg and foot
- when blindfolded, inability to identify a tennis ball placed in the left hand, but
ability to name it if placed in the right hand
- inability to throw the tennis ball with his left hand, but ability to throw it with
his right hand
What is a physician role in this stage?
a. Ease the patient and family anxieties and concerns
b. Responsible for making a clinical judgment about the amount of information
c. Alert about potential problem may be occurred
d. Define psychological state of patient and family about therapeutic plan
e. Anticipate the second crisis of adaptation to the outcome

125. A 5-year old girl was brought to the office because she is shorter than other girls at her
age. On examination you found, she was less than fifth percentile on growth curves,
even when you correct for mid parental height. There are multiple potential causes for
short stature. She reveals that she speaks only six-word sentences but they are
The parents are concerned about her development as well. Which of the following
responses is most appropriate?
a. Refer the child for specialized evaluation of development
b. Arrange a conference with the child’s teacher
c. Order a magnetic resonance image of the child’s brain
d. Reassure the parents that the child is developing within normal limits
e. Review the milestones of growth and development in this child

126. The doctor was doing nutritional assessment from cumulative effect borderline food
intake during catch up growth to a 9-year-old girl?
Which of the following condition that most likely found in this patient?
a. Development parameter
b. Very low immunity status
c. Short stature
d. Extreme underweight
e. No abnormality

127. A 58-year-old woman had been diagnosed with cervical cancer and complained back
pain since 4 weeks ago. She also had radiating pain and tingling in her left leg.
Neurological examination revealed : there are Laseque and Kernig limitation of left leg
due to pain, normal physiological reflex, and pathological reflex (-).
What of the following analgetic that most appropriate for this patient?
a. Asetaminofen.
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

b. Meloxicam.
c. Opioid.
d. Antidepressantrisiclic.
e. Diclofenac sodium.

128. The Doctor-Patient Communication can be Influence in some factors. This factor is
related to comfortable surroundings
a. Doctor-related factors
b. The Interview setting
c. Work Place
d. Medicine and Health Supply
e. Patient-related factors

129. A 48-year-old man has manifested BP levels of 150/100, 145/95 and 170/105 on
consecutive separate days over a 3-week period. He has a family history of deaths by
stroke and renal failure.
Which of the following may be the single most appropriate drug to be prescribed?
a. Hydrochlorothiazide
b. ACE Inhibitor
c. Beta-adrenergic blocker
d. ACE receptor blocking agent
e. Vasodilator

130. A 58-year-old woman had been diagnosed with cervical cancer and complained back
pain since 4 weeks ago. She also had radiating pain and tingling in her left leg.
Neurological examination revealed : there are Laseque and Kernig limitation of left leg
due to pain, normal physiological reflex, and pathological reflex (-).
What is the most likely problem of this patient?
a. Cervical cancer.
b. Hernia Nucleous Pulposus.
c. Osteoarthritis.
d. Paralysis.
e. Vertebral metastasis.

131. What is the correct role of family in weight management in adolescent?

a. Follow up daily activity living
b. Skip many high calorie food
c. Increase physical activity
d. Motivation behavioral changes
e. Decrease sedentary life style

132. When should preconception counseling be performed:

a. 6 months before couple considering pregnancy
b. By the time of the first prenatal visit
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

c. After married
d. 1-2 years before couple considering pregnancy

133. Boy 13-year-old boy brought to your clinic by his parents with complaint of physical
aggression to other children including his younger sister. The school was complained to
the parents because he regularly gets into trouble at school for bullying and truants
from school and also stealing from school's cafetaria. He was a nice boy but his
behaviour start to change and became worse since 2 years ago. Boy comes from a high
socioeconomic family. He lives with his parents, his sister, his grandmother and
grandfather, his aunt and his nephews. His father is a harsh and very punitive. Her
mother gives more attention to his younger sister.. His grandmother wants him to be a
doctor and always encourages him to study hard.
Which of the following statements is appropriate in family psycho education for this
a. Accept and care for the patient
b. Avoid too much praising or rewarding the patient
c. Confrontates the patient every time he shows aggressive behaviors
d. Give a hard punishment to the patient every time he does not behave properly
e. Have a long discussion with the child whenever he does not behave properly, as
soon as possible

134. A young medical doctor was doing home visit to a patient, a 65-year-old man, post
stroke infarction. He was bedridden and he looked grimace if the right shoulder is
moved. Four weeks ago, he has been diagnosed stroke infarction and been hospitalized
for that. He also had history of hypertension and diabetes mellitus for 15 years ago but
didn't control regularly. He got antihypertension drug from the doctor after hospitalized
and he took it only if he felt headache. He always ate "sate kambing" in the weekend.
He was a retired government officer and had health insurance.
Which of the following linguistic and communication disorder is most likely occurred
to this patient?
a. Sensoric aphasia.
b. Transcortical motoric aphasia.
c. Global aphasia.
d. Motoric aphasia.
e. Transcorticalsensoric aphasia.

135. An 8-year-old male is frequently rude, hostile and always argumentative towards his
teachers. He becomes easily annoyed by others and disobeys classroom rules. He also
only has a few friends. However, he has not been doing something that violates the
rights of others.
Which of the following symptoms is mostly directing the diagnosis towards
oppositional defiant disorder rather than conduct disorder?
a. Disobey classroom rules
b. Easily annoyed by others
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

c. Always argumentative towards his teacher

d. Has not been violating the rights of others
e. Frequently rude and hostile towards his teachers

136. The parent-child positive relationship also becomes important when the child is in
school, when positive relations form at home children will have an easier time forming
positive relations in school. Children with good communication and bonding in the
home bring positive behaviours to school which allows for good communication with
peers, teachers and authorities.
Which one the structure of family that have better influences?
a. Single parent families (mother)
b. Single parent families (father)
c. Blended families
d. Intact families
e. The other

137. Refer to the genogram below:

Interpret a genogram above from the life cycle perspective!

a. It is a nuclear family, Family with teenagers
b. It is extended family, Family with teenagers
c. It is a nuclear family, Family with launching young adults
d. It is extended family, Family with launching young adults
e. It is a nuclear family, Middle aged parents

138. A 75-year-old man is in good health and mentally competent to care for himself. He
underwent a complete examination 5 years ago that included a normal screening
colonoscopy, and he has submitted fecal occult blood test in the intervening years. He
lives alone and wishes to undergo a routine health maintenance examination.
Which of the following would be least fruitful as a screening test?
a. Flexible sigmoidoscopy
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

b. Thyroid – stimulating hormone test

c. Urinalysis
d. Blood pressure reading
e. “Up and go test”

139. A 60-year-old female with diabetes mellitus type 2 want to ask exercise prescription
advice from her family doctor. She realizes that exercise helps her to maintain her
health condition, so she always takes jogging for minimum 30 minutes, 3 times a week
at nearby park. But recently she just diagnosed having peripheral neuropathy at her
lower limb.
Which of the following type of exercise that most appropriate for her recent condition?
a. Jogging, but only for 20 minutes
b. Jogging on the treadmill
c. Tennis
d. Golf
e. Swimming

140. A 60-years-old woman comes to family physician with loss of body weight with mild
fever and malaise since 5 months ago. Based on the result from anamnesis, physical
examination and laboratory examination found that some value in abnormal limit.
Which of the following sentence is the most correct concept for the case above?
a. Handicap concept
b. Injury concept
c. Pathological concept
d. Social culture concept
e. Psychological concept

141. You were doing nutrition counseling to a parent with 18-month-old baby girl. Their
daughter was picky eaters and have mild anemia due to food intake difficulty. They
have opinion that milk can fulfill the nutritional requirement.
What is the best explanation to your patient about their opinion?
a. Its the correct action because milk is the ideal nutritional composition
b. Give more milk can complete with vegetable
c. Milk with multivitamin can solve the problem
d. That will be incorrect choice because of low intake non-protein calorie
e. You can add mole sugar to increase calorie from milk

142. Growth curve analysis is the most important step for the evaluation of children with
growth disorders. There are several aspects that must be evaluated carefully.
Which of the following steps that found in the growth curve analysis?
a. Anamnesis
b. Physical examination
c. Growth of velocity
d. Determination of upper and lower segments
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

e. Determination of target height

143. Increase food intake and improvement of nutrient quality content is important to
support failure to thrive management.
Which of the following effort that most likely to increase food intake?
a. Give the full calorie need
b. Increasing step by step
c. Give more animal protein sources
d. Give more milk
e. Limitation the physical activity

144. A 60-year-old postmenopausal woman is seeing you for her annual checkup. She has
been in good general health for the past several years. She experienced menopause in
her early 50s and initiated hormone therapy (HT with estrogen/progestin for her
menopausal symptoms; she has remained on HT primarily for prevention of
osteoporosis. She?is currently not on any chronic medications other than HT.Although
the patient has no personal history of fractures, her older sister experienced a hip
fracture. She is 165 cm and weighs 42 kg. She smokes cigarettes, drinks several cups of
coffee a day, and rarely exercises. Her height has remained stable over the past 4 years.
What is this patient's major risk of a future fracture?
a. Estrogen deficiency at an early age (<45 years)
b. Low physical activity
c. Alcohol in amounts >2 drinks/day
d. High BMI
e. History of fragility fracture in a first-degree relative

145. A 45-year-old female with obese and hypertension stage 1 want to ask some advice
about suitable exercise program for her beside her diet program. She told the doctor that
she enjoy swimming and bowling. But she has difficulty to spare enough time to do that
activity because her activity as busy business woman.
Which of the following exercise program that most appropriate for her?
a. 60 minutes, jogging or treadmill, 3 times a week
b. 30 minutes jogging in the morning, 30 minutes swimming at the evening
c. 60 minutes bowling (once a week), 60 minutes swimming (twice a week)
d. 60 minutes of any kind moderate intensity (free to choose by herself, 3 times a
e. 60 minutes of any kind high intensity exercise (free to choose by herself, once a

146. A 48-year-old man has manifested BP levels of 150/100, 145/95 and 170/105 on
consecutive separate days over a 3-week period. He has a family history of deaths by
stroke and renal failure.
If the patient was suggested to do physical exercise, which of the following is a valid
reason to terminate an exercise session?
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

a. The systolic BP rises and the diastolic falls during strenuous exercise
b. The pulse rate doubles during strenuous exercise
c. The patient experiences persistent headache during exercise
d. The patient is fatigued during strenuous exercise
e. Patient develops tachypnea

147. A 55-year-old male with type 2 diabetes mellitus came to his family doctor. He likes
play tennis for exercise. He plays tennis almost every day at least 2 hours a day. After
some history taking, physical examination and random blood sugar examination, the
doctor told him that he should stop his exercise activity for a while.
Which of the following condition that most appropriate for the doctor suggestion?
a. Systolic blood pressure more than 140 mmHg
b. Blister at his feet
c. Decrease of visual acuity
d. Blood sugar level >250 mg/dl
e. Blood sugar level <200 mg/dl

148. Nutritional intake can support the optimal growth and development in every step of
catch up growth in children. The doctor was trying to calculate a patient's nutritional
Which of the following factors that can influence nutritional requirement?
a. Gender
b. Alergic status
c. Age
d. Body surface area
e. Liver function

149. A 60-year-old postmenopausal woman is seeing you for her annual checkup. She has
been in good general health for the past several years. She experienced menopause in
her early 50s and initiated hormone therapy (HT with estrogen/progestin for her
menopausal symptoms; she has remained on HT primarily for prevention of
osteoporosis. She?is currently not on any chronic medications other than HT.Although
the patient has no personal history of fractures, her older sister experienced a hip
fracture. She is 165 cm and weighs 42 kg. She smokes cigarettes, drinks several cups of
coffee a day, and rarely exercises. Her height has remained stable over the past 4 years.
What is the treatment option for her condition?
a. Discontinuation of hormone replacement therapy
b. Continued hormone replacement therapy
c. Continued hormone replacement therapy and initiation of bisphosphonate
d. No need treatment for current condition

150. Lisa is a 48-year-old woman who works in an animal laboratory. At the first visit, you
note that her blood pressure has been elevated 160/95 mmHg and 155/100 respectively.
She has no history of hypertension and is not on any medications.
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

Assuming that the initial evaluation does not turn up surprises, what should be your
initial management?
a. Looking for symptoms of end-organ disease
b. Exploring cardiac risk factors
c. Starting with single drug antihypertension
d. Starting with combination drug antihypertension
e. Starting with lifestyle modification

151. The causes of hypertension are multi-factorial, because blood pressure is the outcome
from many system organ and cellular regulation in the body.
Which of the following micronutrient that most affect the blood pressure regulation?
a. Ferrum and biotin
b. Vitamin A and C
c. Phosphor and riboflavin
d. Calcium and vitamin D
e. Zink and vitamin E

152. Bill is a 72-year-old retired driver who was admitted to your practice because of back
pain. He has been a smoker for 30 years and smokes 15 cigarettes every day. Bill lives
alone in a small house and has lost about 5 kg of weight in the past few months. His
diet has deteriorated since his wife passed away two years ago. Bill's daughter
accompanies him to visit his GP, as she is concerned about his recent weight loss.His
current medicine history includes ramipril 5 mg once daily in the morning for well-
controlled hypertension. He has no significant family medical history. On examination
Bill's blood pressure is 115/78 mmHg. A bone mineral density test T-score in the hip is
-1.8 and in the spine is -2.7.
What information would you provide to patient regarding "calcium intake"?
a. Calcium preparations should be taken in divided doses
b. Calcium preparations should be taken in single dose
c. Administered during waking hours
d. Should be taken before meal

153. Which the following tuberculosis drug is an inducer metabolism?

a. Streptomycin
b. Isoniazid
c. Rimpamycin
d. Pirazynamid
e. Ethambutol

154. A 2-year-old boy, Body Weight 6.5 kg, Body Length 80 cm, complains of weight loss
for the last 6 months, along with loss of appetite. He has the following anthropometric
measures: weight-for-age z-score <-3 SD, weight for height = 59%, height for age =
The diagnosis of this patient is
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

a. Severe malnutrition marasmic type

b. Severe malnutrition kwarshiorcor type
c. Severe malnutrition marasmic- kwarshiorcor type
d. Failure to thrive
e. Short stature

155. A 40-year-old-man came with occasional episodes of headache. And he also

complained blurred vision since two days ago. His father died due to hypertension and
stroke. He enjoyed high cholesterol food and very rare to go for exercise. He is found to
have a blood pressure of 170/90.
Which can we do to increase adherence in consuming medical treatment?
a. Give expensive medicine
b. Education to the patient
c. Prescribed a lot of medicine
d. Poor communication
e. Watch TV a lot

156. What are the risks associated with advanced maternal age (>35 years)?
a. Pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, prolonged labour
b. Chromosomal anomalies, spontaneous abortion, pre-eclampsia
c. Fertility increases, post partum haemorhage, gestational diabetes
d. Chromosomal anomalies, fertility increases, gestational diabetes

157. What are the most effective and efficient prevention effort for cervical cancer below?
a. Early detection by pap smear and VIA
b. Vaccination
c. Tumor marker
d. Ultrasound

158. An 18-month-old boy with 13.6 kg body weight. This is at the 95th percentile for his
height and sex. His mother was concerned because his family has many members who
are overweight and she worries that the child's future health is at risk.
Which of the following advice that most likely for the patient?
a. She should commit the child to a weight-reduction program forthwith
b. The child’s weight-related health is not an issue until he reaches adolescence
c. The child should be committed to a weight-loss program but not before he reaches
the age of 2 years
d. A child’s obesity-related health issues involve vascular disease, diabetes and joint
health only, and these problems do not begin until adulthood
e. Obesity in early childhood is not a health issue

159. Rani is 26-year-old woman, G2P1A0, present in the initial visit with a 4-week history
of fatigue and nausea. She had a positive pregnancy test 2 weeks ago. Rani has been on
a multivitamin preparation with folic acid, she has been immunized against Hepatitis B
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

within the past 3 years. From physical examination, she is a well appearing, mildly
overweight. Vital signs and other examination are within normal limit. Your assessment
is intrauterine pregnancy.
Considering her weight, what is recommended weight gain during her pregnancy?
a. 12,5 – 18 kg
b. 11,5 – 16 kg
c. 7 – 11,5 kg
d. 5 – 6,8 kg
e. Maximum 5,8 kg

160. If the body mass index measurement of the child above 5-year-old is between 2 SD and
3 SD percentiles of WHO 2010 growth chart , what would you inform the parents
regarding their child nutritional status?
a. Well-nourished
b. Risk of overweight
c. Overweight
d. Risk of obesity
e. Obesity

161. Control of food intake influenced by many factors such as individual development and
emotional condition. This phenomenon especially occurred among teenager.
Which of the following roles that can be influenced by the family?
a. Decrease amount of main course menu
b. Disappear between meal snack
c. Behavioral modification motivation
d. Increase physical activity
e. Pharmacological treatment

162. A 40-year-old-man came with occasional episodes of headache. And he also

complained blurred vision since two days ago. His father died due to hypertension and
stroke. He enjoyed high cholesterol food and very rare to go for exercise. He is found to
have a blood pressure of 170/90.
Which of the following JNC VIII classification is the most likely for this patient?
a. Normal
b. Pre-hypertension
c. Stage 1
d. Stage 2
e. Stage 3

163. You was doing education to a group of Posyandu cadre. You was explaining about food
source and food exchange.
What is the best supportive tool to make the same perception this?
a. Video presentation
b. Calculator
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

c. Food model
d. Poster
e. Real food

164. Meal planning is about fulfilling adequate nutritional intake. It must be arranged to
support growth, development, immunity and body function maintenance.
After we determine the quantity of total calorie intake, which of the following steps
need to be taken?
a. Amount of carbohydrate intake
b. Amount of protein calorie
c. Fiber sources
d. Carbohydrate exchange
e. Animal protein food sources

165. A27-year-old woman using oral contraceptive, with tuberculosis infection. Which of
the following is right?
a. TB drugs are given but the contraceptive is changed into Intrauterine Device (IUD
b. Oral contraceptive are given but the TB drug only taken for 2 months
c. Oral contraceptive is stopped but TB drug is given all the time
d. Oral contraceptive and TB drug is taken both
e. Oral contraceptive is changed into another drug that have interaction with TB

166. A 19-year-old teenage boy was brought due to obesity. The parents were worried
because his body weight was increasing significantly and they concerned about his
psychological problem also. He was refuse go out and socialized and prefer stay at
What is the main focus of his treatment?
a. Multidiscipline approach
b. Increase daily activity
c. Low calorie intake
d. Behavioral counseling
e. Maintenance health status

167. A 64-year-old woman, P4A2, Mrs. Yusi visited you with severe pain in hip area. The
pain is constant, boring sometimes sharp with infrequent electric-shock like sensation
radiating to left foot.She was diagnosed as cervical cancer stadium IIIB patient and
receiving chemo radiotherapy. Complaintaccompanied bynausea,vomiting, and dyspnea
forthe last3 days. She has not received any medication for relieving pain.
Screening is one strategy to prevent cervical cancer. If screening test were negative,
what would be your recommendation?
a. It is important to be screened annually
b. It is important to be screened every 2 years
c. It is important to be screened every 3–5 years
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

d. Not necessarily to be screened in the future

168. A 64-year-old woman, P4A2, Mrs. Yusi visited you with severe pain in hip area. The
pain is constant, boring sometimes sharp with infrequent electric-shock like sensation
radiating to left foot.She was diagnosed as cervical cancer stadium IIIB patient and
receiving chemo radiotherapy. Complaintaccompanied bynausea,vomiting, and dyspnea
forthe last3 days. She has not received any medication for relieving pain.
After several weeks, Mrs Yusi looked severely ill and she was asking you to assure her
family members that her condition is better and no worries any more.
According to "five stages of dying", the stage of Mrs. Yusi is the following:
a. Denial
b. Anger
c. Acceptance
d. Bargaining
e. Depression

169. A young medical doctor was doing home visit to a patient, a 65-year-old man, post
stroke infarction. He was bedridden and he looked grimace if the right shoulder is
moved. Four weeks ago, he has been diagnosed stroke infarction and been hospitalized
for that. He also had history of hypertension and diabetes mellitus for 15 years ago but
didn't control regularly. He got antihypertension drug from the doctor after hospitalized
and he took it only if he felt headache. He always ate "sate kambing" in the weekend.
He was a retired government officer and had health insurance.
Which of the following is the main problem of this patient?
a. Post stroke infarction.
b. Disability and bad adherence.
c. Hypertension and diabetes mellitus.
d. Diabetes mellitus.
e. Bedridden and dislipidemia.

170. Various tests to determine the cause of short statured one. Complete blood count and
examination of hormonal.
Which of the following hormonal test that most appropriate?
a. Craetinin and ureum
b. Karyotype test
c. T4 and TSH
d. Bone age
e. Brain MRI

171. Bill is a 72-year-old retired driver who was admitted to your practice because of back
pain. He has been a smoker for 30 years and smokes 15 cigarettes every day. Bill lives
alone in a small house and has lost about 5 kg of weight in the past few months. His
diet has deteriorated since his wife passed away two years ago. Bill's daughter
accompanies him to visit his GP, as she is concerned about his recent weight loss.His
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

current medicine history includes ramipril 5 mg once daily in the morning for well-
controlled hypertension. He has no significant family medical history. On examination
Bill's blood pressure is 115/78 mmHg. A bone mineral density test T-score in the hip is
-1.8 and in the spine is -2.7.
Considering his condition, he has risk for fall. His risk of fall is categorized as follow:
a. Acute and chronic medical conditions
b. Social/ behavioral factors
c. Medication factors
d. Extrinsic factors
e. Activity related causes

172. Here are the stages of emotion reactions of terminal illness patient?
a. Anger, depression, bargaining, denial and acceptance
b. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance
c. Anger, denial, bargaining, acceptance and depression
d. Anger, denial, guilt, depression and acceptance

173. A 55-year-old male with hypertension stage 2 with suspected cardiovascular disease
need exercise prescription for his family doctor
Which of the following that most appropriate exercise prescription for him?
a. 20-30 minutes/day continuous aerobic activity at maximum heart rate 50-65%
b. Light-moderate intensity until evaluated and conditioned with periodic monitoring
c. Light-moderate start with 20-30 minutes lower intensity/day with periodic
d. 60 minutes/day of aerobic exercise without periodic monitoring
e. Start with 60 minutes/day of resistance training

174. A young medical doctor was doing home visit to a patient, a 65-year-old man, post
stroke infarction. He was bedridden and he looked grimace if the right shoulder is
moved. Four weeks ago, he has been diagnosed stroke infarction and been hospitalized
for that. He also had history of hypertension and diabetes mellitus for 15 years ago but
didn't control regularly. He got antihypertension drug from the doctor after hospitalized
and he took it only if he felt headache. He always ate "sate kambing" in the weekend.
He was a retired government officer and had health insurance.
Which of the following complication is most likely for this patient?
a. Ulkus decubitus.
b. Hypertension.
c. Contracture.
d. Paralysis.
e. Hyperglicemia.

175. Prior clinical audit in the management of asthma patient, Dr. Yono develop a standard,
target and criterion.
After developing the standard, what should Dr. Yono do?
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

a. Reviewing literature
b. Compare practice with standard
c. Data collection
d. Implement change
e. Re-audit

176. You was planning the menu for a-5-year-old patient with failure to thrive. Your goal
was to provide adequate protein and energy needed to maintain the chief function for
every nutrient.
Which of the following nutrition function that most important for this condition?
a. Protein sparring effect.
b. Main function of fat as amino acid precursor
c. Determine the supplementation need.
d. Determine the food processing
e. To prevent increase energy synthesis

177. A 45-year-old female with prehypertensive and no cardiovascular disease need exercise
prescription for her family doctor.
Which of the following that most appropriate exercise prescription for her?
a. 20-30 minutes/day continuous aerobic activity at maximum heart rate 50-65%
b. Light-moderate intensity until evaluated and conditioned with periodic monitoring
c. Light-moderate start with 20-30 minutes lower intensity/day with periodic
d. 60 minutes/day of aerobic exercise without periodic monitoring
e. Start with 60 minutes/day of resistance training

178. A young medical doctor was doing home visit to a patient, a 65-year-old man, post
stroke infarction. He was bedridden and he looked grimace if the right shoulder is
moved. Four weeks ago, he has been diagnosed stroke infarction and been hospitalized
for that. He also had history of hypertension and diabetes mellitus for 15 years ago but
didn't control regularly. He got antihypertension drug from the doctor after hospitalized
and he took it only if he felt headache. He always ate "sate kambing" in the weekend.
He was a retired government officer and had health insurance.
Where is the location of stroke infarction in this patient?
a. Cerebellum.
b. Medulla oblongata.
c. Pons.
d. Right hemisphere.
e. Left hemisphere.

179. A 50-year-old man was diagnosed having stage 1 hypertension. He was doing exercise
and diet to control blood pressure.
Which of the following fat that most appropriate for him?
a. Low fat intake
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

b. Low cholesterol intake

c. The kind of fat is saturated fatty acid
d. Omega 3 fatty fatty acid consist in fat food sources
e. They need only monounsaturated fatty acid

180. A 40-year-old male came to his family doctor with headache. His blood pressure was
150/90 mmHg. The family doctorthen does head to toe physical examination,
laboratory examination and other supportive examination. The doctor then decides to
treat him with supportive therapy for headache and lifestyle modification including
Which of the following that most appropriate for the target heart rate?
a. 220 x/minute
b. 200 x/minute
c. 153 x/minute
d. 135 x/minute
e. 90 x/minute

181. People are motivated to do the exercise programs because of these reason, except
a. Weight control.
b. Increase the blood pressure.
c. Reduce risk of hypotension.
d. Reduction in stress and depresion.
e. Enjoyment.

182. A 58-year-old woman had been diagnosed with cervical cancer and complained back
pain since 4 weeks ago. She also had radiating pain and tingling in her left leg.
Neurological examination revealed : there are Laseque and Kernig limitation of left leg
due to pain, normal physiological reflex, and pathological reflex (-).
Which of the following management for her back pain?
a. Pain management.
b. Medical rehabilitation.
c. Physioterapy.
d. Surgery procedure.
e. Chemoteraphy.

183. Good communication skill doctor may help terminal stage patient feel comfortable
talking about their illness. Here is following suggestions communication technique?
a. Ask closed-ended questions (‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer)
b. Begin by talking about personal topics then moving to general ones
c. Ask open-ended question
d. Always use medical terms to give explanation
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

184. A 48-year-old man has manifested BP levels of 150/100, 145/95 and 170/105 on
consecutive separate days over a 3-week period. He has a family history of deaths by
stroke and renal failure.
Which of the following is the screening should be performed by his children?
a. Blood pressure every 6 months for people with hypertension
b. Blood pressure every 12 months for people with hypertension
c. Blood pressure every 2 years for people with hypertension
d. Blood pressure every 18 months for people with hypertension
e. Blood pressure every 18 months for people without hypertension

185. A 75-year-old had been diagnosed with stroke infarction. He still has communication
disorder and weakness of right extremities as a sequele. He lived with his wife and son
that has been married and has a job with 3 years old boy. He bed ridden only. He was a
retired government officer. He cannot work. He was often looked angry because of
communication difficulty.
What rehabilitation problems does patient have?
a. Mobilization , vocational, Impairment, occupational and disability
b. Mobilization, communication, vocational, occupational, disability
c. Mobilization, communication, Impairment, occupational and disability
d. Mobilization, communication, vocational, occupational
e. Mobilization, communication, occupational, social, vocational

186. A 5-year-old girl was brought to the office because she is shorter than other girls at her
age. On examination you found, she was less than fifth percentile on growth curves,
even when you correct for midparental height. There are multiple potential causes for
short stature.
She reveals that she speaks only six-word sentences but they are intelligible.
What the family influence could be a potential cause for her condition?
a. Psychological and social characteristics of parents
b. Spreading of infectious diseases among family members
c. Parental deprivation
d. Klinefelter syndrome
e. Environmental condition of the family

187. A young mother brings to you her 18-month-old boy who weights 13.6 kg. This is at
the 95th percentile for his height and sex. She is concerned because her family has
many members who are overweight and she worries that the child's future health is at
His family is in stage "Childbearing families". What developmental task will be raised
in this stage?
a. Adapting to the critical needs and interests of preschool children in stimulating,
growth promoting ways
b. Coping with energy depletion and lack of privacy as parents
c. Encouraging children’s educational achievement
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

d. Establishing a mutually satisfying marriage

e. Having, adjusting to and encouraging the development of children

188. A 35-year-old male had hypertension. But after do adequate exercise and diet program
for 6 month, now his condition was improving. The blood pressure is normal, and there
is no abnormality at his cardiovascular condition.
Which of the following that most appropriate reason for this improvement?
a. Increasing the symphatetic tone
b. Increasing the blood cathecolamine
c. Lower cardiac output and peripheral vascular resistance
d. Altered renal function lead to decrease elimination of sodium
e. Increasing submaximal exercise peripheral vascular resistance

189. A 74-year-oldwoman came with left hip pain. She reported that she awoke with pain in
her hip approximately 2 weeks ago, after her fall. It did not radiate, initially sharp and
severe and limiting her activities for first 4 or 5 days. She denied fall, trauma and
unusual or new activities. Before she fall, she often felt dizziness if she stand after
sitting. The pain was occurred when she was getting out of bed. Your diagnosis was left
hip fracture secondary to osteoporosis. You prescribed calcium, vitamin D,
bisphosphonate, and educated her and her husband about fall prevention and caring for
When will you refer to PMR specialist?
a. After operating
b. One week before operating
c. Immediately
d. After she can getting out of bed
e. After she can gait

190. A 5-year-old girl was brought to the office because she is shorter than other girls at her
age. On examination you found, she was less than fifth percentile on growth curves,
even when you correct for midparental height. There are multiple potential causes for
short stature.
She reveals that she speaks only six-word sentences but they are intelligible.
What screening would you recommend for a girl?
a. Blood screening (hemoglobinopathy, phenylketonuria, congenital hypothyroidism,
b. Hearing
c. Fluoride to prevent dental cavitation
d. Injury prevention
e. Breast feeding

191. In meal planning, formulating some variations of menu is needed to maintain balanced
diet and adequate appetite.
What tool is useful to formulate some menu variations?
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

a. Nutritional requirement data.

b. Food composition list.
c. Food weighing data.
d. Food frequency questionnaire data.
e. Food recall data.

192. Who should the pre-conceptional care should be performed?

a. Women with a hystory of a congenital anomaly child
b. Women with underlying medical problems
c. All women of childbearing age
d. Only a and b are true

193. Boy 13-year-old boy brought to your clinic by his parents with complaint of physical
aggression to other children including his younger sister. The school was complained to
the parents because he regularly gets into trouble at school for bullying and truants
from school and also stealing from school's cafetaria. He was a nice boy but his
behaviour start to change and became worse since 2 years ago. Boy comes from a high
socioeconomic family. He lives with his parents, his sister, his grandmother and
grandfather, his aunt and his nephews. His father is a harsh and very punitive. Her
mother gives more attention to his younger sister.. His grandmother wants him to be a
doctor and always encourages him to study hard.
Which of the following is the correct management for this patient in primary health
a. Parent skills training is a core management
b. Use medications for severe disruptive behavior
c. Consider methylphenidate for aggressive behavior
d. Anticipate major life changes, arrange personal and social support.
e. For confidentiality, avoid involving school’s teachers in management plans

194. A 64-year-old woman, P4A2, Mrs. Yusi visited you with severe pain in hip area. The
pain is constant, boring sometimes sharp with infrequent electric-shock like sensation
radiating to left foot.She was diagnosed as cervical cancer stadium IIIB patient and
receiving chemo radiotherapy. Complaintaccompanied bynausea,vomiting, and dyspnea
forthe last3 days. She has not received any medication for relieving pain.
What medicine should be given to relieve pain?
a. Codeine
b. Ibuprofen
c. Diazepam
d. Morphine
e. Haloperidol

195. Risk factor of obesity that can't modified :

a. Sedentary life
b. Genetic
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

c. Low physical activity

d. Unhealthty diet
e. Lack of sleep

Number 196-200 refer to the diagram below!

196. A 30-years-old man with diagnose mental illness but he feel healthy, isolated by their
neighbors. Which of the following sentence is the most correct area for the case above?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D

197. A 25-years-old woman comes to family physician for health screening and based on the
result from anamnesis, physical examination and laboratory examination found that all
value in the within normal limit. Which of the following sentence is the most correct
area for the case above?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D

198. A 60-years-old woman comes to family physician with loss of body weight since 5
months ago with mild fever and malaise. Based on the result from anamnesis, physical
examination and laboratory examination found that some value in abnormal limit.
Which of the following sentence is the most correct area for the case above?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D

199. A 70-years-old woman with sleeping disorders comes to family physician and based on
the result from anamnesis, physical examination and laboratory examination found that
Tim Akademik ANANTARA 2015
Divisi SL (Soal Latihan)
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran

all value in the within normal limit. Which of the following sentence is the most correct
area for the case above?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D

200. A 30-years-old woman without any sign and symptoms but based on laboratory
examination found abnormal value for SGOT and SGPT. Which of the following
sentence is the most correct area for the case above?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D

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