Nunc Loquamur

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Nunc Loquamur Dialogues 9 - 23 Review Nomen: ______________

For each of the following, write a dialogue that addresses the given situation given,
using the listed dialogue(s) as your model. You may certainly be creative! Have fun with
it, and illustrate situations if you like. For modern vocab, you may use

Pars I: Dialogues 9, 10

#9 Quota hōra est? / #10 Quotā hōrā incipiet?

You are a Roman citizen and run into a friend in the Forum. After chatting for a while,
you realize you don’t have a watch. You know that you need to be back home in time to
meet friends at 5:30 p.m. (vespertinum – in the evening).
After you realize you’re running late and you get home, you find that your friends
decided to leave earlier and you’re stuck home with nothing to do. You had heard from
the friend in the Forum that there will be quite a “spectaculum” put on by the governor.
You go to your neighbor to ask what time it starts. Oh no! You’re late again . . .

Pars II: Dialogue 11

#11 Possumne tibi aliquid emere?

You and your friend share an apartment, and you have decided to go to the store to buy
your favorite snack food. You ask your friend if (s)he needs anything, to which he/she
responds, “Eggs would be lovely (iucundum), thank you). As you start to walk out the
door, he/she remembers another thing. And then another, and then another . . .

Pars III: Dialogues 12 & 14

#12 Quo is? / #14 Ubi est argentāria?

You see your grandmother in the atrium on your way out of the market. She asks you,
where you are going? You tell her, but then you realize that you aren’t sure where that
is. You ask for directions, but Grandma’s directions take you to unexpected places . . .

Pars IV: Dialogue 15

#15 Vidistine galeam meam?

You are ready to go out of the house to go to dinner at the White House (there is a
private jet awaiting you at the airport.) But you suddenly realize that you can’t find
your fancy dinner clothes (vestes pulchras). You get the whole family involved in finding
them before you miss your flight . . .
Nunc Loquamur Dialogues 9 - 23 Review Nomen: ______________

Pars V: Dialogues 16 – 18

#16 Possumne tibi ministrāre? / #17 Quantī illa toga cōnstat? / #18 Ista est
You are in an exotic pet store. A strange person approaches you and offers to help you
purchase a rather unexpected pet . . . You buy it and take it home to show to your
parents. What do you think their reaction will be?

Pars VI: Dialogue 13

#13 Licetne mihi . . .

You are babysitting a precocious 7-year old who knows the family rules but thinks
maybe you don’t. He tries several ways to get you to let him play video games and eat
things he isn’t allowed to by his parents.

Pars VII: Dialogues 19 & 20

#19 Calētur hodiē / #20 Aliquid ūnā agēmus?

“Oh, the weather outside is frightful!” It’s raining outside, and you and your friend are
looking for something to do. But you seem to be having trouble coming up with an idea
that makes both of you happy.

Pars VIII: Dialogues 21 - 21

#21 In theātrō eram. / #22 Quid agēs crās?

You are a (fill in the blank) in Pompeii who just last night narrowly escaped the
eruption of Mt. Vesuvius. Your friend, the (fill in the blank) apparently missed you last
night on the phone, and wants to know how your night went.
After you’ve gotten your friend up to date on the events of last night, the two of you
discuss what you’ll do tomorrow.

Pars IX: Dialogue 23

#23 Quid herī ēgistī?

Well, you got back from wherever you went in #22 above, and in the morning, Mom and
Dad ask you at breakfast what you did while you were out.

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