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Tadris: Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Tarbiyah 3 (1): 1-9 (2018)

DOI: 10.24042/tadris.v3i1.2406

Assistive Technology in Mathematics Learning for Visually Impaired


Gangsar Ali Daroni*, Gunarhadi, Edy Legowo

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta

______________ Abstract: Mathematics is an important subject to be learned by all

Article History: children. Visually impaired children experience obstacles in
Received: March 30th, 2018 following the process of mathematics learning caused by
Revised: May 10th, 2018
Accepted: June 1st, 2018
abnormalities. Visually impaired students experience obstacles in the
Published: June 30th, 2018 process of thinking at the disequilibrium stage and low understanding
of concepts when studying mathematics. It caused them to experience
difficulties when doing math problems. Assistive technology is a
_________ technology created specifically to improve or maintain the functional
Keywords: ability of children with special needs in order to accomplish tasks that
Assistive technology, hard for them to do. Assistive technology for visually impaired
Mathematics learning, children is made by maximizing the abilities that the children still
Visually impaired. possess and helping them to get a clearer mathematical concept. This
article is a literary study which aims to provide information about the
________________________ difficulty for the visually impaired students in mathematics learning
*Correspondence Address: and assistive technologies that have been developed to support the learning. This article can be used as the basis for developing new
assistive technology in mathematics learning. Assistive technology is
needed to help children with visual impairment in following the
learning of mathematics and to optimize the ability of the children in
learning mathematics.

INTRODUCTION students with visual impairment in

Visually impaired children are learning (de Oliveira, do Nascimento, &
children who experience obstacles in their Bianconi, 2017).
eyesight (Mambela, 2018). These The subjects that are difficult to
obstacles cause them to experience learn by visually impaired children are
problems in daily activities (Wahyuni, mathematics (Diyansyah, 2017). In
2017). One of the activity is learning. learning mathematics, visually impaired
Learning is an attempt to increase children have difficulty in understanding
oneself’s knowledge to be more the mathematical symbols. It also affects
independent in the face of global the difficulty in performing arithmetic
development (Asfaroh, Rosana, & operations that exist in mathematics
Supahar, 2017). Visually impaired subjects. Mathematics is an important
children experience obstacles in learning subject to be learned by children because
visual materials. In addition, it is useful for everyday life activities
understanding of the elusive symbols such as in the sale, purchase,
except using visuals is also a barrier for measurement, and other activities. In the

© 2018 URPI Faculty of Education and Teacher Training

Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung
Assistive Technology in Mathematics Learning … | Gangsar Ali Daroni, Gunarhadi, and Edy Legowo

era of science and technology, visually research results (thesis and dissertation).
impaired children need to understand the The general process of this study is
basics of mathematics in order to play a conducted by identifying the theory
role in society well (Sanchez & Flores, systematically, library discovery, and
2004). Therefore, visually impaired document analysis containing information
children need help to overcome these related to the topic researched.
obstacles so that children can learn
independently (McCarthy & Shevlin, RESULT AND DISCUSSION
2017; Tiofan, Tolle, & Amalia, 2017). A. The Concept of Visual Impairment
One solution to overcome this problem is Sightless children are children with
by utilizing the development of the physical impediments. Understanding of
technology called the assistive the visually impaired by Stewart "Visual
technology. Impairment is defined as sight loss that
Assistive technology is one of the cannot be corrected using glasses or
efforts to help children with visual contact lenses. Several academic studies
impairment in learning mathematics. The have concluded that, in general, visual
technology is designed with customized impairment has a negative impact on
capabilities possessed by children so that educational attainment" (Stewart, 2014;
children will be easier in following the Tauda, Soedwiwhjono, & Putri, 2017).
learning, especially on learning Another opinion proposed by
mathematics. With the development of Sunanto that defines children with visual
science and technology, a lot of assistive impairment in children who have
technology that has been developed to limitations or obstacles or things that are
meet the learning needs of the visually not profitable in carrying out its function
impaired children. The development of as a result of impaired vision (Sunanto,
assistive technology is growing rapidly; 2005). In addition, the visually impaired
many studies have been done by experts children are children with visual
(Wiazowski, 2009). impairment or impaired vision, expressed
This article aims to provide by the level of visual acuity or centralized
information on visual impairments in vision above 20/200 and pedagogically
learning mathematics and assistive requires special education services in
technologies that have been developed to school (Suparno, 2007). It can be
help visually impaired children in concluded that the visually impaired child
studying mathematics. is a child who has lost some or all of his
vision which causes him to have barriers
METHOD to his learning and thus requires special
The method used in this study is education.
literary study. Literary study is a series of Visually impaired children are
activities related to collecting literature characterized by the abnormality they
data, reading and recording, and have. United Nations Educational,
processing of library materials (Khatibah, Scientific and Cultural Organization
2011). These activities are not separated classify visually impaired children into
from the collection of library materials in two namely sightlessness and low vision:
the form of printed media, electronic 1) Sightlessness: A person who is
media, as well as documents related to the sightless has a total or high degree of
library; literary study can collect the data vision loss. About 18% of sightless
from the said collection. people are totally sightless - the
Sources of literature in this study remaining 82% can distinguish
were obtained from journals, books and between light and dark.

2 | Tadris: Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Tarbiyah 3 (1): 1-9 (2018)

Assistive Technology in Mathematics Learning … | Gangsar Ali Daroni, Gunarhadi, and Edy Legowo

2) Low Vision: visual vision (glasses with the attitude of others who offend
or contact lenses) causes a visual them.
impairment known as "low vision." A 5. Dependence on Others
person with low vision has severely Sightless children need help from
reduced visual acuity, significantly others in various daily activities as a
obstructed visual field, contrast logical consequence of sightlessness,
sensitivity, or all three. The World although not all activities need help.
Health Organization's definition of low
vision is visual acuity less than 6/18 B. Mathematics Learning
and equal to 3/60 in the best eye with According to Hudoyo in Supardi,
the best correction. mathematics is a matter of ideas,
According to Lowenfeld in structures, and relationships arranged in a
Sunanto; loss of vision resulted in three logical sequence (Supardi, 2012). Thus,
serious limitations, namely: Variation and mathematics deals with abstract concepts
type of experience (cognition), ability to developed for logical reasons, to prove a
move in the environment (orientation and statement, true or false. Meanwhile,
mobility), and interact with the according to Sumarmo in Tapantoko,
environment (social and emotional) mathematical learning is directed to
(Sunanto, 2005). develop mathematical thinking ability,
Other opinions reveal that the which includes comprehension, problem-
characteristics of the visually impaired solving, reasoning, communication,
children are as follow: mathematical correction, critical and
1. Visually Impaired’s Intellectual objective attitude (Tapantoko, 2011).
Development Mathematics education aims to
Visually impaired children face low study the factors that influence the
cognitive due to lack of information learning of mathematics and to develop
and left behind in the quantity of programs to improve the teaching of
information channeled through the mathematics. It fits the opinion of Godino
senses of vision. In this case, the & Batanero "Mathematics education is
ability to process information often aimed to study the factors affecting the
ends in a fragmented sense and teaching and learning of mathematics and
deviates from a simple concept. to develop programs to improve the
2. Low self-esteem teaching of mathematics" (Godino &
Low self-esteem arises in the visually Batanero, 2007). The National Council of
impaired person because of his Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
disability. Unlimited visual establishes five standards of mathematical
experiences are limited, such as in ability that students must possess, namely
moving, playing, or communicating problem-solving skills, communication
with others resulting in the low self- skills, connection capabilities, reasoning
esteem and lack of confidence. and representation (National Council of
3. Sightless Language Development Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), 2000).
Sightlessness can interfere with the Application of mathematics learning
child's language skills but not overly is very useful in everyday human
interfere with the ability of children to activities, such as in the activities of
communicate. buying and selling transactions,
4. Easily Offended measuring, calculating the distance, and
Based on everyday experiences, so forth (Herwanto, 2013). According to
visually impaired children often feel Mensah Mathematics is necessary for our
disappointed, frustrated, and unhappy daily lives, regardless of our educational

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Assistive Technology in Mathematics Learning … | Gangsar Ali Daroni, Gunarhadi, and Edy Legowo

background or social status (Mensah, lower value in the field of mathematics

2017). The benefits of mathematics are studies than normal children (Astuti,
not just limited to knowledge in 2015). This is because the visually
computing, but more importantly, when impaired child has difficulty in
every individual can master mathematics understanding the elusive mathematical
well, then their thinking patterns are more symbols. In addition, according to Akpan
rational and critical. & Beard "Math learning difficulties of
Hadjichristou also explained that students, such as verbalizing the problem,
Mathematics is communicated through estimation, problem-solving, and
language, and thought is the organization" (Akpan & Beard, 2014).
communicated language (Hadjichristou, Which means visually impaired children
2008). This analogy shows us that have difficulty in learning math in terms
mathematics is a way of thinking. of verbalization problems, estimation,
Mathematics helps people to create and problem-solving, and organization.
solve problems by thinking objectively, Lesmana, Susanto, and
independently and confidently in Oktavianingtyas explain that in the
explaining relationships. Thus, these facts process of thinking and solving math
make mathematics education very problems, visually impaired students have
important in all educational systems. difficulty in the process of disequilibrium
(Lesmana, Susanto, & Oktavianingtyas,
C. Visually Impaired Obstructions in 2015). This is proven by the results of
Mathematics Learning their research that in solving math
The loss of sight causes visually problems, visually impaired students need
impaired children to experience obstacles to read over and over before
in performing daily activities. One of understanding the problem and can
them is in learning activities, visually answer the problem. The activity is
impaired children experience barriers to carried out many times using their sense
understanding a concept because of the of touch through reading the Braille
lack of visual experience. We know that letters, before entering the stage of
the information we get is mostly obtained assimilation, accommodation, and
through vision. Therefore, visually equilibrium.
impaired children experience limited The most difficult mathematics
visual information that affects a low lessons learned by sightless children are
understanding of concepts. This is in line materials that require more visual
with Hadi's point of view that visually observation, such as a two-dimensional
impaired children have difficulty in figure, three-dimensional figure,
assimilation and accommodation at the circumference and volume (Nurmitasari,
pre-concept stage caused by limited 2015). These materials make the visually
environmental experience, difficulty in impaired children have more difficulty
direct connection with objects, touch than other materials, although they also
perceptions, limited opportunities to experience difficulties in learning other
expand language skills due to their basic materials. Susanto explains that based on
experience (Hadi, 2005). the level of Van Hiele thinking, it can be
In their role as students at the seen that the visually impaired students
school, visually impaired children tend to are at level 0 visualization with tactual
have difficulty in developing abilities, visualization because the students learn
even in almost every field of study, and the two-dimensional figure and three-
one of them is the field of mathematics. In dimensional figure by touching (Susanto,
general, visually impaired children have a 2013).

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Assistive Technology in Mathematics Learning … | Gangsar Ali Daroni, Gunarhadi, and Edy Legowo

This low visual experience causes Bausch, 2006). According to Sugiarmin,

visually impaired students to have the specific target's activity on utilizing
difficulty in identifying two-dimensional technology assistive are (Sugiarmin, n.d.):
figure, providing examples of objects, a. Motivating and fun
solving problems related to the shape and b. Frequently conducted
objects of the figures (Hidayati, 2016). c. Providing the opportunity for
Therefore, it takes assistive technology independence in at least one of the
that enables the visually impaired children following areas: verbal
to learn difficult material and to optimize communication, written
their learning achievement in math. communication, numeracy, mobility,
attention to oneself, vocational ability,
D. Assistive Technology or environmental control
Assistive technology is one effort to d. Activities that students cannot
help children with visual impairment in accomplish without the aid of such
doing their daily activities. According to helpful technology.
Wong & Cohen, assistive technology is
any commercially acquired or E. Assistive Technology in Mathematics
manufactured goods or equipment used to Learning for the Visually Impaired
enhance or maintain the functional Students
capability of persons with disabilities Assistive technology is one of the
(Wong & Cohen, 2011). Another opinion factors that determine the high
Assistive Technology (AT) is an item that understanding of the visually impaired
allows disabled people to complete tasks students in math lessons. The intrinsic
that they should not be able to do because factors that affect the level of
of their disability (Buehler et al., 2015). understanding of visually impaired
So it can be concluded that assistive students' math are:
technology is a technology that is made a. The physical condition of students with
specifically to improve or maintain the visual impairment
functional ability of children with special b. Students' intelligence
needs in order to complete tasks that they c. Lack of stimulus and motivation
should not be able to do. Assistive d. Psychological factors of the students
technology can be items, tools, or before the learning begins
products made by teachers, designed to e. The cause and time of the visual
improve students' functional abilities. impairment.
This is in accordance with the opinion of While extrinsic factors that
Akpan & Beard "Assistive Technology influence the level of students'
can be any item, piece of equipment, or mathematical understanding include:
teacher made product that is designed to a. Inadequate class conditions
improve a student's functional capability" b. Lack of media or an assistive
(Akpan & Beard, 2014). technology that teachers use in
The National Assistive Technology mathematics learning.
Research Institute (NATRI) at the c. The existence of the teacher
University of Kentucky examined the use d. The material being taught.
of assistive technology in 10 US states in With the development of science
2005 and found that assistive technology and technology, the assistive technology
was more used by students with for visually impaired children has also
disabilities such as autism, hearing loss, been developed and many pieces of
or visual impairment than students with research have been developed, such as:
learning disabilities (Hasselbring &

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Assistive Technology in Mathematics Learning … | Gangsar Ali Daroni, Gunarhadi, and Edy Legowo

1. Herwanto's study entitled "Improving and subtraction of visually impaired

Mathematics Learning Achievement of students in learning mathematics.
Multiplication through Abacus Media 5. Karnadi developed a braille monopoly
for Visually Impaired Students" media in the material of mixed rational
resulted that Abacus can improve number for visually impaired learners
mathematics learning achievement for (Karnadi, 2016).
students with visual impairment 6. Tufani made modifications to the
(Herwanto, 2013). Abacus is a geoboard equipped with audio to help
calculating tool consisting of beads children with visual impairment in
that have certain values, ranging from learning two-dimensional figures
units, tens, hundreds, thousands, and so material (Tufani, 2017). The tool, once
on. Abacus is a quite practical tool to tested, proved to be effective in
be used not only by students but also assisting the visually impaired students
can be used by students with visual in understanding the circumference of
impairment through modification two-dimensional figures material.
(Herwanto, 2013). Optical Character Recognition
2. Research conducted by Primasyah with (OCR) and Descriptive Video Services
the title "Development of Audio-Based (DVS) are technologies that can be used
Mathematical Learning Tools On to help visually impaired students in
Circumference and Area of Triangle learning mathematics by scanning
for Visually Impaired Students at material through Optical Character
SMPLB TPA Jember" using Recognition (OCR) that can scan and read
mathematical tools equipped with printed texts, enabling them with visual
audio to facilitate visually impaired impairments to access all types of printed
students in learning mathematics with materials and enabling them to read the
the subject of circumference and area material independently. The scanned
of a triangle (Primasyah, 2013) material can be read using Descriptive
3. Research conducted by Windasari Video Services (DVS) commonly called
under the title "Interactive Media screen reader which allows the computer
Learning Design of Full-Audio CD and to read all the data on the computer orally
Mathematical Learning Aids for (Hasselbring & Glaser, 2000).
Building Curved-face three- View Plus Accessible Graphing
dimensional objects for Elementary Calculator is an assistive technology that
High School Students Exceptionally enables the visually impaired to be able to
Sightless (SMPLB-A)". The assistive read graphics through audio. In addition,
technology developed for the visually there are also MathTalk applications that
impaired students is a fully interactive can help visually impaired students in
CD audio for the visually impaired in translating mathematical problems into
learning curved-face three-dimensional Braille. Select Math Program with Boston
objects mathematics material Public Schools is a website that provides
(Windasari, 2011). access to learn math and it has been
4. Nurajab modifies the domino game adapted for the children with visual
method by adding braille letters to impairment (Akpan & Beard, 2014).
improve the ability of addition and From various researches on
subtraction in mathematics learning assistive technology in mathematics
(Nurajab, 2015). In his research, it is learning, almost all of them develop
found that the modified game can help various technologies that can optimize the
to improve the ability of the addition sensory capabilities that are still owned by
the visually impaired such as touch, smell,

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