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Forefront Journal of Humanities & Social Science

Volume 1, Issue 4, Dec 2019, 5- 10

©Scientific Forefront Journals


Dibakar Pal
Retired Executive Magistrate (Civil Servant) in India & PhD Student, Department of Business Management,
University of Calcutta, India


A tree is known by its fruit. A person is known by his companions. Similarly, a person’s status is revealed by his
intention. Mood changes. Intention changes. Sometimes mood controls intention. Sometimes intention controls mood.
Sometimes both control both simultaneously. Thus the motif of intention is gloriously so uncertain. Here lies the
uniqueness of intention rather than unique intention.

KEYWORDS: - Intention, Design, Purpose, Concept, Plan, Meaning, Determination, Object.


Creative writing is based more on manifestation rather than on expression. It does not inform rather reveals, so
this style of writing bears no reference. The best creative writing is critical, and the best critical writing is creative. The
present article is the outcome of creative writing meant for lay readers. As such free style is the methodology adopted so
that pleasure of reading can be enjoyed by the common mass. As you may know Francis Bacon (1561-1626), the immortal
essayist, wrote many essays and notably, “Of Love”, “Of Friendship”, “Of Ambition”, “Of Studies”, etc. The myriad-
minded genius rightly pointed out that all the words of the dictionary can be the themes of essays one can write. But little
has been done, in this regard since his death, in order to finish his unfinished monumental works. In fact Bacon's way of
presentation i.e., his unique style kindled the imagination already in me and encouraged me as well to write essays, in the
light of creative writing, thus to get relief through Catharsis.


Intention is the application or direction of the mind. It is design. It is purpose. It is application of thought to an
object. It is a concept. It is a plan of treatment as per medical science.

Intention is the act or fact of intending. It is determined to do a specified thing or act in a specified manner. It is
anything intended or planned. It is meaning or import.

Intention is the act or an instance of determining upon some action or result. It is the end or object intended. It is
one’s attitude toward the effect of one’s actions or conduct e.g. a bungler with good intentions.

Intention is purpose in regard to proposal of marriage. It is one’s attitude with respect to marriage e.g. Are his
intentions serious? Colloquially, it is a person’s, especially a man’s designs, in respect to marriage e.g. are his intentions
strictly honourable?

Intention is a thing intended. It is an aim, end or purpose e.g. it was not his intention to interfere; have no intention
of staying. It is the act of intending e.g. done without intention.

Logically, it is a conception. First intentions, logically, are one’s primary conceptions of things e.g. the
conceptions of a tree, an oak. Second intentions, logically, is one’s secondary conceptions e.g. difference, identity, species.
6 Dibakar Pal

In logic it is also called first intention, primary intention i.e. reference by signs, concepts, etc., to concrete things,
their properties, classes, or the relationships among them. Also it is called second intention, secondary intention i.e.
reference to properties, classes, or the relationships among first intentions.

First intention, medically, is the healing of a wound by natural contact of the parts. Intention tremor, medically, is
a trembling of a part of a body when commencing a movement. Second intention, medically, is the healing of a wound by

In surgery, it is the manner or process by which a wound heals. It is the three degrees viz., first, second, and third
intentions are distinguished by the relative amounts and types of granulation that occur.

Special or particular intention is a special aim or purpose for which a mass is celebrated, prayers are said, etc.

Philosophically it is a concept formed when the mind is directed toward an object.

Theologically, it is special, particular, intention i.e., special object for which mass is celebrated etc.

Archaeologically it is intentness i.e. healing by first intention is healing of a wound by immediate union, without
granulation. By second intention is with granulation.

With the best of intentions is an idiom.

Intent is showing eager, interest and attention e.g. watch with an intent gaze/look/expression.

Intent is the act or fact of intending, as to do something e.g. criminal intent. It is that which is intended. It is
purpose. It is intention. As per law, it is the state of a person’s mind that directs his actions toward a specific object. It is
meaning or significance. To all intents and purposes means for all practical purposes. It means practically speaking.

Intent is firmly or steadfastly fixed or directed, as the eyes, mind, etc. e.g. intent concentration. It is having the
attention sharply fixed on something e.g. intent on one’s job. It is determined. It is having the mind or will fix on some
purpose or goal. It is intent on revenge.

Intent means earnest especially of a look. It is intense e.g. an intent look. It is meaningful. It implies engrossed
e.g. intent on his studies. It is strongly resolved e.g. intent on going. It is an act or instance of intending. It is something
intended. Specifically, it is a purpose, object, aim. It is meaning or import. As per law, it is one’s mental attitude, including
purpose, will, determination, etc., at the time of doing an act.

Intent is having the mind bent. It is fixed with close attention. It is diligently applied. It is the thing aimed at or
intended. It is purpose, intention, design. It is intentness. It is meaning.

Intent is having the attention firmly fixed. It is engrossed. It is strongly resolved e.g. intent on going. It is an
intending. It is something intended. It is specifically a purpose. It is an aim. It is meaning or import.

Intent is intention, purpose i.e. with intent to defraud etc.; my intent to reach the top; with evil intent. It is with
malicious, good, etc., intent.

Intent is resolved, bent. It is on doing, on object. It is attentively occupied on. It is of faculties, looks, etc.

Intent implies determined e.g. was intent on succeeding. It is attentively occupied e.g. intent on his books.

As per Francis Bacon intentive is attentive.

Of Intention 7

Intent on/upon something/doing something means having the specified firm intention. It is determined to do
something e.g. be intent on promotion/getting promoted. It is concentrating hard on something e.g. I was so intent on my
work that I did not notice the time.

Intently is earnestly. It is diligently e.g. I listened intently to what she had to say.

Intent to do something means intention. It implies purpose e.g. arrest somebody for loitering with intent i.e. for
apparently intending to commit a crime. For example: His intent was to undermine their confidence.

To all intents and purposes means in almost every important respect. It is virtually.It implies practically.For
example: The Warsaw Pact has to all intents and purposes ceased to exist.

Intentional is done with an aim on purpose. It is not accidently. It is done purposely. It means intended. For
example: I’m sorry I left you off the list – it wasn’t intentional.

Intentional is done deliberately or on purpose e.g. an intentional insult. It is of or pertaining to intention or

purpose. Philosophically, it is pertaining to an appearance, phenomenon, or representation in the mind. It is phenomenal. It
is representational. It is pertaining to the capacity of the mind to refer to an existent or nonexistent object. It is pointing
beyond itself, as consciousness, a sign, etc.

Intentional is with intention. It is intended. It is designed. As per philosophy, it is directed towards, or pertaining
to the mind’s capacity to direct itself towards, objects and states of affairs.

Planned, intended, deliberate are synonymous to intentional. Also voluntary is synonym to intentional.

Accidental is antonym of intentional.

Intentionally implies deliberately. For example: I would never intentionally hurt your feelings. Intentionally is
with intention. It is on purpose.

Intentioned is having specified intentions usually used in combination. It is often in hyphenated compounds e.g.
well-intentioned person.

Intention, intent, purpose, aim, goal, end, object, objective are synonymous and refer to a wish one means to carry

Intention is the general word implying a having something in mind as a plan or design, or referring to the plan had
in mind. For example: His intention is good.

Intent is chiefly legal or poetical e.g. attack with intent to kill. Intent, a somewhat formal term now largely in legal
usage, connotes more deliberation e.g. assault with intent to kill.

Purpose implies having a goal or a settled determination to achieve something. For example: Her strong sense of
purpose is reflected in her studies. Thus, purpose connotes greater resolution or determination in the plan. For example: I
have a Purpose in writing you.

Aim refers to a specific intention and connotes a directing of all efforts toward this. For example: His aim is to
become a doctor.

Goal suggests laborious effort in striving to attain something. For example: The presidency was the goal of his

8 Dibakar Pal


End emphasizes the final result one hopes to achieve as distinct from the process of achieving it. For example:
Does a desirable end ever justify the use of immoral means?

Object is used of an end that is the direct result of a need or desire. For example: The object of the discussion was
to arouse controversy.

Objective refers to a specific end that is capable of being reached. For example: Her immediate objective is to
pass the course.

Well-or ill-intentioned is having good or ill designs. It is meaning well or ill.

With intent, legally, means deliberately. With the intention of doing the harm, etc. means that is or was done.

Intention is all and everything. It manifests attitude thereby characteristics of the concerned person. Good
intention pays. Bad intention pains. Thus rise and fall of any person fully depend on intention. As such a wise is always
vigilant on his own intentions and that of others around him. A fool, on the other hand, cares not for its own intentions. It is
so blunt that hardly it can judge the intention i.e. mood and motif of third party. In fact a fool has no base and no brake at
all. As such misfortune dogs him wherever he goes. Thus it does suffer from mishaps till it breadths its last.

Intention is omnipresent with its immense present. Man faces various intentions of others, from cradle to grave.
Similarly others face various intentions of man in its diversified degrees and dimensions along with its various forms and
features as well.

It was not my intention to upset you. I came with the/every intention of staying, but circumstances have changed.
Their intention is to make the area a public park. I have no intention of coming i.e. do not intend to come here again. She is
full of good intentions, but unfortunately they rarely work out.

He said these words with malicious intent. I am intent on doing my job. He is intent on his work. I have the
intention of revisiting the place. He has not the least intention of helping me. I went there with the intention of becoming a
member of the club. His intentions are not clear. I fail to make out his intentions.

There are bona-fide mistake and mala-fide mistake. Similarly, there are bona-fide intention and mala-fide
intention. Thus there are bona-fide mistake with mala-fide intention. Also there is mala-fide mistake with bona-fide

Between bona-fide and mala-fide intention which one is more detrimental depends on the intention of the
concerned person. Also it depends on the previous track record of that very fellow. Bona-fide upgrades, mala-fide degrades
social status. Bona-fide may be mala-fide, but mala-fide may not be bona-fide.

Doctor often tells white lie with bona-fide intention.

The sky has two intentions either cloudy or sunny. On the basis of these two intentions forecasting of the weather
report is prepared.

If good intention is misread as bad intention it causes loss of both the persons involved. Similarly, if bad intention
is not identified then it invites danger. Face is the mirror of man. Face changes with the change of intentions. Novice
cannot suppress. Expert can suppress. So, identification of the culprit becomes a difficult task from face reading.

Of Intention 9

Person’s identity changes time to time depending on his intentions. Identity may not be constant, rather it suffers
from plurality. Time, place and persons around are very crucial factors for the outcome of intention of the concerned
individual for a particular period of time. Computer programming is a summation of modules. Similarly, span of life is a
summation of modules i.e. small times. The outcome of individual module depends on intention. Thus whole life is the
summation of intentions that dictate and direct the human life as a whole.


A tree is known by its fruit. A person is known by his companions. Similarly, a person’s status is revealed by his

intention. Mood changes. Intention changes. Sometimes mood controls intention. Sometimes intention controls mood.

Sometimes both control both simultaneously. Thus the motif of intention is gloriously so uncertain. Here lies the

uniqueness of intention rather than unique intention.


1. No references, since it is an outcome of Creative Writing.

About the Author

Pal, Dibakar is a Retired Executive Magistrate in India and PhD Student. Though he is a Civil Servant yet he is
genuinely interested in diversified academic fields. As such, he holds master degrees in M.Sc. (Math), M.A(English),
M.A(Bengali), M.B.A(HRD),M.C.A, P.G.D.M.M(Marketing), L.L.B, D.C.E(Creative Writing), M. Phil (Business
Management),UGC- NET(Management)-2008. He attended an International Conference at IIT, Mumbai, India and five
International Conferences at U.S.A; though he gets invitation to present papers in many International Conferences at home
and abroad round the year. He presents papers on Computer Science, Management, English Literature, Linguistic,
Philosophy, Philology, Psychology, Sociology, Humanities and Poems. He presented a paper on Computer Science and
Chaired in 2007 IEEE Conference at Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A. Also another paper on Fuzzy Logic was accepted by
IEEE Conference 2010 at USA. He serves as Session Chair, Presider and Reviewer. He serves as reviewer of American
Marketing Association, Journal of Common Ground; Australia, IEEE Transactions, IJEAPS, AJHC, Journal of

He has more than two hundred sixty (260) publications and among these one is as Monograph in International Journal on
Management Science, one Monograph is in Journal of the World Universities Forum, one is in Consumer Behavior, two
are in Computer Science, one is in Neuroscience, one is in Linguistic and rests are Creative Writing of English Literature.
In Creative Writing two papers have been incorporated in SSRN’s Top Ten Download List three times in November,
December 2010 and April2011. In Research Gate his papers have reached a milestone through more than 130000reads.
Scholars’ Press and Lambert Academic Publishing House, Germany have published twelve books between the months July
to December, 2016. New Texas, A Journal of Literature and Culture, Sul Ross State University, Alpine, Texas, USA has
published ten essays in February 2018. International Educational Scientific Research Journal (E-ISSN: 2455-295X) and
Research Chronicler & Research Innovator (ISSN: 2347-503X; 2348-7674), SRYAHWA Publications, USA and
IOJPH, Australia publish Creative Nonfictions every month regularly. Now he is pursuing his PhD thesis in Business
Management in University of Calcutta, India. Also he is currently focussed on the Extension Works of Huffman Code i.e.,
Coding Theory and Pattern Recognition through Fuzzy Logic (Pattern Recognition, Image Processing, etc) of Computer
10 Dibakar Pal

Science. His hobby is Creative Writing (Nonfiction).


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