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Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis 59:79^90 (2018)

Research Article

Sesamol Ameliorates Radiation Induced DNA

Damage in Hematopoietic System of Whole
Body c-Irradiated Mice
Arun Kumar, Sandeep Choudhary, Jawahar S. Adhikari, and
Nabo K. Chaudhury*
Division of Radiation Biodosimetry, Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied
Sciences, Brig. SK Mazumdar Marg, Timarpur, Delhi 110054, India

Ionizing radiation exposure is harmful and at high of WBI mice. Whereas in pre-administered sesamol
doses can lead to acute hematopoietic radiation syn- reduced %DNA in tail (P  0.05). Sesamol has also
drome. Therefore, agents that can protect hematopoi- reduced formation of radiation induced g-H2AX foci
etic system are important for development of after 0.5 h in these organs and further lowered to
radioprotector. Sesamol is a potential molecule for respective control values at 24 h of WBI. Similar
development of radioprotector due to its strong free reduction of % DNA in tail and g-H2AX foci were
radical scavenging and antioxidant properties. In the observed with amifostine (P  0.05). Analysis of
present study, sesamol was evaluated for its role in mnPCE frequency at 24 h has revealed similar extent
DNA damage and repair in hematopoietic system of of protection by sesamol and amifostine. Interestingly,
g-irradiated CB57BL/6 mice and compared with ami- both sesamol and amifostine, alone and with radia-
fostine. C57BL/6 male mice were administered with tion, also increased the granulocytes count signifi-
sesamol 20 mg/kg (i.p.) followed by 2 Gy whole cantly compared to the control (P  0.05). These
body irradiation (WBI) at 30 min. Mice were sacri- findings suggest that sesamol has strong potential to
ficed at 0.5, 3, 24 h postirradiation; bone marrow, protect hematopoietic system by lowering radiation
splenocytes, and peripheral blood lymphocytes were induced DNA damages and can prevent acute
isolated to measure DNA damages and repair using hematopoietic syndrome in mice. Environ. Mol. Muta-
alkaline comet,g-H2AXand micronucleus assays. An gen. 59:79–90, 2018. C 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
increase in % of tail DNA was observed in all organs
Key words: sesamol; amifostine; ionizing radiation; comet assay; c-H2AX assay; DNA damage

INTRODUCTION Since no radioprotector and mitigator is available for

such exigency, extensive research has been carried out in
Radiation exposure can cause irreversible damage in all the last six decades. Though only amifostine has showed
radiosensitive organs. The extent of damage depends on
promising results, the serious toxicities like nausea, vomit-
the radiation dose absorbed, radiation quality, and organ
ing, and hypotension [Turrisi et al., 1986] associated with it
sensitivity. Development of radioprotector as a prophylac-
restricts its use in field conditions [Demiral et al., 2002;
tic agent to prevent such toxicity is an unmet challenge
Kuna et al., 2004]. At present, amifostine has US-FDA
for radiation countermeasures. The hematopoietic system
approval for its use as an adjuvant (cytoprotectant) for
is most sensitive to radiation and therefore protection of
this system is important for survival and quality of life
after exposure. Radioprotectors may help to prevent dele-
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version
terious effects of radiation when administered prophylac- of this article.
tically. The requirement for such agents for radiation Grant sponsor: Defence Research and Development Organization, Govt.
emergency responders have been felt after nuclear power of India; Grant number: NBC 1.29.
plant accidents in the past, including the recent Fukush- *Correspondence to: N. K. Chaudhury; E-mail:
ima incident in Japan [Tokyo Electric Power Company Received 25 January 2017; provisionally accepted 24 June 2017; and in
(TEPCO), 2011; Ten Hoeve and Jacobson, 2012]. In addi- final form 29 June 2017
tion, combat soldiers in radiation environment, radiation DOI 10.1002/em.22118
workers, and medical professionals also require radiopro- Published online 2 August 2017 in
tectors for working in planned radiation environments. Wiley Online Library (

C 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis. DOI 10.1002/em
80 Kumar et al.

radiotherapy of head and neck cancer patients [McDonald micronuclei, chromosomal aberrations includes genomic
et al., 1994; Brizel et al., 2000; Koukourakis et al., 2000; instability are the manifestation of early DNA damage and
Anne, 2002; Anne et al., 2007]. Amifostine is a familiar its aberrant repair [Jasin and Richardson, 2000].
prodrug that dephosphorylate to active metabolite In the present study, we have investigated the radiopro-
WR-1065 by membranous alkaline phosphatase [Calabro- tective efficacy of sesamol against g-radiation-induced
Jones et al., 1985]. Its effectiveness on radiation induced DNA damage and repair in hematopoietic cells and com-
delayed genomic instability shows its antioxidant potential pared its efficacy with amifostine. The cytogenetic meas-
[Dziegielewski et al., 2008; Murley et al., 2011]. It is known urements viz. micronuclei along with DNA damage assay
to prevent radiation induced chromosomal aberrations in (alkaline comet assay and gH2AX assay) demonstrated
bone marrow cells of mice [Uma Devi and Prasanna, 1990; radioprotective efficacy of sesamol comparable to amifos-
Hooker et al., 2009] by eliminating the aberrant cells via tine. These findings strongly suggest sesamol as a strong
apoptosis [Ormsby et al., 2014]. radioprotector which can be considered for further valida-
Radiation mediated free radicals attack DNA and cause a tion studies in NHP models.
variety of damages [Spotheim-Maurizot et al., 1991], including
single and double strand breaks (DSBs), and alkali-labile sites.
These damages, if not repaired, can be manifested as short- and MATERIALS AND METHODS
long term effects on health [Sankaranarayanan, 2006]. Chemicals and Reagents
Although cells have mechanisms to repair such damages, if the
damage is nonrepairable then it may induce apoptosis [Branzei Amifostine, Geimsa powder, soybean oil, DPX solution, normal-
melting-point agarose, low-melting-point agarose, bovine serum albumin
and Foiani, 2008; Lobo Borges et al., 2008]. Therefore, an
(BSA), and propidium iodide were procured from Sigma Aldrich chemi-
investigating molecule having multiple roles like free radicals cals, USA. Sesamol was purchased from Acros organics, USA. Phosphate
scavenging, DNA repair, and anti-apoptosis would serve as buffer saline (PBS), May-Grunewald stain, EDTA disodium, sodium chlo-
better candidates for developing radioprotectors. ride, sodium hydroxide pellets, and N-sodium lauryl sarcosinate were
Sesamol, (3, 4-methylenedioxyphenol) a natural phenolic obtained from Hi-media, India. Fetal bovine serum (FBS) of Invitrogen,
USA was used. Sodium phosphate mono basic and dibasic buffers were
antioxidant [Joshi et al., 2005] found in sesame seeds, has a
obtained from Calbiochem, India. Methanol, acetic acid, and dmethyl sulf-
lot of medicinal value [Mohamed and Awatif, 1998; Kuhad oxide (DMSO) of analytical grade were purchased from Spectrochem,
et al., 2009]. Earlier studies have revealed that sesamol has India. Para formaldehyde, triton X-100, Tris base, and ethanol were used
antimutagenic activity against reactive oxygen species from Merck, India. Anti-phospho H2AX mouse monoclonal antibody con-
[Hiramoto et al., 1996; Kaur and Saini, 2000]. Sesamol is jugate with FITC was purchased from Merck-Millipore, India.
able to provide protection against radiation-induced DNA
damage in human lymphocytes in vitro [Prasad et al., Animals
2005], and radiation induced histopathological and bio- Male C57BL/6 mice of age 8–10 weeks old were issued by experimen-
chemical changes in Swiss albino mice [Parihar et al., tal animal facility of Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences
2006]. Apart from radioprotection, sesamol is being studied (INMAS), Delhi, India. Mice were kept in cages and acclimatized under
for various pathologies such as neurodegenerative disorder, optimum conditions of temperature (25 6 28C), humidity (50–60%), light
(14 and 10 h of light and dark), with standard food, and water ad libitum.
cardiotoxicity, nephrotoxicity, etc. [Chandrasekaran et al.,
After acclimatization (5–6 days) mice were weighed and the average body
2009; Sonia Angeline et al., 2013; Geetha et al., 2015]. weight (bd wt) was 25.0 6 2 g. All study protocols were approved by insti-
Strong antioxidant activity of sesamol has been reported tutional animal ethics committee (INM/IEAC/2012/06).
in comparison to standard antioxidants like vitamin C, cur-
cumin, melatonin, etc. [Mishra et al., 2012]; additionally, in Experimental Design
V79 cells it has shown higher radioprotection as compared
The experiments were performed once with three mice per group
to melatonin [Mishra et al., 2011]. Radiation induced DNA (n 5 3 mice/group). Mice were segregated into control, drug, radiation,
damage and its repair can be determined using comet assay and drug plus radiation groups as follows:
[Singh et al., 1988; Dhawan and Anderson, 2009] and g- Group I (C): Control
H2AX assay at cellular level [Rube et al., 2008; Paris et al., Group II (S20): Sesamol 20 mg/kg bd wt (intraperitoneally (i.p).
2011]. Comet assay is now incorporated in OECD guideline Group III (A20): Amifostine 20 mg/kg bd wt (i.p).
to study the genotoxicity of chemical agents [OECD, 2014]. Group IV (R): Radiation (2 Gy WBI).
The g-H2AX foci formation is one of the earliest events at Group V (S20 1 2Gy): Sesamol 20 mg/kg bd wt (i.p), 30 min prior
the site of DSBs after radiation exposure. The DNA damage to irradiation.
induction and repair kinetics in different organs have been Group VI (A20 1 2Gy): Amifostine 20 mg/kg bd wt (i.p), 30 min
reported using g-H2AX and were found to have tissue prior to irradiation.
specific wide variation [Rube et al., 2008; Paris et al.,
2011]. g-H2AX foci and its disappearance is dependent on Preparation and Administration of Antioxidants
the radiation dose and time that can be monitored to assess Sesamol was dissolved in 2% (v/v) DMSO, and final volume was
extent of damage and repair of DSBs. Cytogenetic damages made up with soybean oil to obtain dose of 20 mg/kg bd wt (200 mL)
Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis. DOI 10.1002/em
Sesamol Ameliorates Radiation Induced DNA Damage in Hematopoietic System 81

Fig. 1. Differential staining pattern of May–Grunewald Giemsa in bone frequency after 24 h of whole body irradiation (WBI) compared with con-
marrow smear under 1003 objective (oil) of light microscope. A. PCE trol (#P < 0.001); whereas sesamol and amifostine significantly reduced
(polychromatic erythrocytes) and NCE (normochromatic erythrocytes), B. radiation induced mnPCE frequency,**(P < 0.001), E. WBI decreases the
and C. mnPCE (micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes), D. fre- PCE/NCE ratio in bone marrow after 24 h. Preadministered sesamol and
quency of mnPCE is shown for control (C), 2Gy (R), sesamol 20 mg/kg amifostine recovered radiation decreased ratio significantly (*P < 0.05).
(S20), amifostine 20 mg/kg (A20), sesamol 20 mg/kg 1 2Gy (S20 1 R), Error bars on data points represent the SD.
amifostine 20 mg/kg 1 2Gy (A20 1 R) groups, radiation induced mnPCE

for each animal. While same dose of amifostine was prepared in distilled serum (FBS). The cell suspension was smeared on clean dry slides, air
water. Mice were administered (i.p.) sesamol and amifostine in their dried, and fixed with methanol. The slides were stained with cocktail of
respective groups. May Grunewald and Giemsa (1:1) diluted in Sorensen’s phosphate
buffer (pH 6.8) at 1:4 ratio for 20–25 min followed by washing with
c-Irradiation and Tissue Harvesting same buffer. All slides were blinded and analyzed under 1003 objec-
tives with light microscope (Axio Imager M2, Carl Zeiss) . A minimum
Animals were irradiated to whole body g-rays (60Co) with 2Gy radia- of 1000 polychromatic erythrocytes (PCE) were scored along with nor-
tion dose using Cobalt Tele-therapy Unit, Bhabhatron-II (Panacea Bio- mochromatic erythrocytes (NCE) for each mouse. The frequency of
tech, India) at a dose rate of 1 Gy/min and field size 35 3 35 cm2. The micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes (mnPCE) and normochro-
system is routinely calibrated as a part of quality assurance by Radiation matic erythrocytes (mnNCE) were calculated with respect to total PCE
Safety Officer of the Institute. Animals were scarified by cervical dislo- and NCE scored. The ratio of PCE and NCE (P/N) was also calculated.
cation after 0.5, 3, and 24 h of WBI. Both the femurs and spleen of ani- All slides were decoded after completion of scoring and analysis.
mal were dissected and immediately the bone marrow was flushed out
with chilled PBS. Spleen was minced with glass slides on an ice bed to Alkaline Comet Assay
prepare single cell suspension and filtered through 100 micron mesh.
Peripheral blood lymphocytes were isolated using Hi-Sep LSM 1084 DNA damage was studied using alkaline comet assay by the proce-
(Hi-media, India), as per manufacturer’s protocol. Cells were counted dure adopted earlier [Kumar et al., 2015]. Briefly, 40,000 cells were sus-
using haemocytometer and diluted the cell suspension to maintain 1 3 pended in low-melting-point agarose (0.7%) and layered on precoated
106 cells/mL. frosted slides with 1% normal-melting-point agarose. The slides were
immersed in lysis solution (2.5 M NaCl, 1% N-sodium lauryl sarcosi-
Bone Marrow Micronucleus (MN) Assay nate, 30 mM Na2EDTA, 10 mM Tris, 1% Triton X-100, and 10%
DMSO, pH 5 10.0) for 1 h at 48C. After lysis, slides were transferred in
For MN assay bone marrow cell suspension was processed according alkaline buffer (200 mM NaOH, 100 mM Na2EDTA, pH 13.0) for 20
to the method of Schmid with minor modifications [Schmid, 1975]. min and proceeded for alkaline electrophoresis (300 mM NaOH, 1 mM
Briefly, after centrifugation at1000 rpm for 10 min, the supernatant was Na2EDTA, pH  13.0) at 0.7 V/cm, 300 mA at 48C for 20 min. After
discarded and cell pellet was resuspended in 2–3 drops of fetal bovine electrophoresis, the slides were washed gently with 0.4M Tris base
Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis. DOI 10.1002/em
82 Kumar et al.

Fig. 2. Effect of sesamol and amifostine on radiation induced DNA software; G. Comet report after analysis; H., I., J. Percentage of tail
damage and its repair in hematopoietic system of C57BL/6 mice at 0.5, DNA in bone marrow, splenocytes, and peripheral blood lymphocytes,
3, and 24 h post-WBI using alkaline comet assay; A–D. Representative respectively at different time points. Error bars on data points represent
images of comet observed under 203 objective of fluorescent micro- the SD (*P < 0.05), (**P < 0.001), (#P < 0.001) (n 5 3 mice/group).
scope; E–F. Comet images analyzed through MetaCyte comet scan

buffer (pH 7.4), fixed in 70% ethanol for 15 min followed by dehydra- antibody (1:20,000 dilution in PBST) on slides for 1 h at room tempera-
tion on a hot plate and stored in a dry place at room temperature. Prior ture as per manufacturer’s instruction. After antibody incubation, slides
to analysis, the slides were rehydrated in distilled water, stained with were rinsed twice with PBST. Finally, slides were mounted using vecta-
propidium iodide (25 mg/mL) for 10 min and visualized at 203 magnifi- shield mounting medium with DAPI (Vector Laboratory, CA, USA).
cation using automated scanning fluoresence microscope Metafer 4 Each slide was observed under 103 objective for pre scan and 633
(Meta-system, Germany) to determine the migration of damaged DNA. magnification for g-H2AX foci counting using MetaCyte g-H2AXfoci
Automated analysis of the comets was performed by using MetaCyte scan software of automated Metafer microscope (Metasystem, Germany).
Comet Scan module. At least 1000 nuclei were scanned to calculate the A minimum 300 cells were scanned and each analyzed manually to cal-
relevant parameters; tail length, tail moment, olive tail moment, and culate the frequency of g-H2AX foci per cell. The % of cells containing
%DNA in tail to measure migrated nuclear DNA of cells. Another g-H2AX foci was also calculated to check foci distribution in hemato-
important parameter, viz., % of apoptotic comets, comets having more poietic cells. During microscopic observation of slides an interesting
than 60% DNA in tail were classified as apoptotic comet (fragment observation was recorded as FITC1 cellular bodies with no uptake of
nuclei), counted separately in each group and expressed as % of apopto- DAPI stain (appeared to be RBC population) along with FITC1/DAPI1
tic comets in total number of cells counted. or FITC–/DAPI1 nucleated cells. These cells (FITC1/DAPI–) were sep-
arately counted in minimum five randomly captured fields per slide by
Image J software. The data obtained was further normalized with respect
c-H2AX Assay to nucleated cells. The % of FITC positive cells of this population was
About 5 3 105 cells were spread on charged slides and allowed for also plotted to understand any difference between all groups.
adhering at 48C for 20 min according to the method of Venkateswarlu
et al. [2015] with minor modification. Briefly, after adhesion, remaining Hematology
cells were decanted and fixed with 2% paraformaldehyde for 15 min.
The slides were washed with chilled PBS and kept in 70% ethanol. Blood samples were collected in K2EDTA coated microvette tubes
Again washed with 0.5% Triton-X 100 for 15 min and blocked with 3% via cardiac puncture immediately after cervical dislocation of mice.
BSA for 0.5 h. After blocking, BSA solution was decanted and added Complete blood cell counts were measured using automated hematology
50 mL of FITC conjugated antiphospho H2AX mouse monoclonal analyzer MEK-6450 (Nihon Kohden, Japan). The cell counts included
Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis. DOI 10.1002/em
Sesamol Ameliorates Radiation Induced DNA Damage in Hematopoietic System 83

Fig. 3. Effect of sesamol and amifostine on radiation induced apoptotic software shown more than 60% DNA in tail; E., F., G. Percentage of
comet in hematopoietic system of C57BL/6 mice at 0.5, 3, and 24 h post- apoptotic comets in bone marrow, splenocytes, and peripheral blood lym-
WBI using alkaline comet assay; A.,B. Representative images of normal phocytes of different grouped mice, respectively. Error bars on data points
cell and apoptotic comet observed under 203 objective of fluorescent represent the SD (**P < 0.001), (#P < 0.001), (*P < 0.05) (n 5 3 mice/
microscope. C., D. Comet images analyzed through MetaCyte comet scan group).

white blood cells (WBCs), red blood cells (RBCs), hemoglobin, lympho- RESULTS
cytes, and granulocytes.
Sesamol Ameliorates Radiation Induced Micronuclei
Total Antioxidant Capacity Using 2,20 -Azinobis -(3- in Bone Marrow Cells
Ethylbenzothiazoline-6-Sulfonic Acid) (ABTS1) Assay
PCE and NCE were observed under microscope and
Plasma was isolated from peripheral blood of each mouse after 0.5 h of ses- scored for micronuclei frequency and ratio of PCE and NCE
amol and amifostine administration, and stored at 2808C till use. The stock of in each group was determined. The results showed that sesa-
preformed radical monocation of 2, 20 -azinobis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-
mol 20mg/kg administration caused no alteration of mnPCE/
sulfonic acid) (ABTS•1) was generated by dissolving 7 mM ABTS with
2.25 mM potassium persulfate in MilliQ water [Re et al., 1999]. ABTS•1stock 1000PCE (6.33 6 1.17) compared to control (7.48 6 1.26).
was diluted to attain a working solution of absorbance 0.7 6 0.02 at wave- In contrast, 2 Gy WBI significantly induced mnPCE/
length 732 nm. Presence of antioxidants decreased the concentration of 1000PCE (43.05 6 1.57), which was significantly lowered
ABTS•1. Plasma was diluted five times with PBS and 10 mL was used for 300 by sesamol pre-administration (20.65 6 0.72). Similarly,
mL reaction mixture of ABTS•1. The absorbance was recorded at 732 nm for
amifostine alone did not induce mnPCE/1000PCE
60 min using kinetic scan mode in UV-multiplate reader (Varioskan, Thermo-
fisher, USA). The percentage of total antioxidant capacity in plasma was cal- (6.30 6 0.51), while reduced the radiation induced mnPCE/
culated and plotted against each group. 1000PCE (20.97 6 1.23). Sesamol and Amifostine both sig-
nificantly reduced the mnPCE frequency per1000PCE in
Statistical Analysis radiation group (P < 0.001). The plot of mnPCE per 1000
PCE for different groups has shown protective effect of sesa-
Data presented are mean 6 SD of all samples in the experiment.
The comet parameters, g-H2AX foci per cells, and MN frequencies of mol and amifostine (Fig. 1). Many studies have reported
different groups were compared using Student’s t test and P < 0.05 was reduction of P/N ratio in bone marrow of rodents due to radi-
considered as significant. ation exposure [Badr et al., 1999; Rastogi et al., 2010]. In
Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis. DOI 10.1002/em
84 Kumar et al.

Fig. 4. Effect of sesamol and amifostine on radiation induced double counted by MetaCyte g-H2AX foci scan software of automated Metafer
stand break and its repair in hematopoietic system of C57BL/6 mice at microscope, F., G., H., frequency of g-H2AX foci/cell in bone marrow,
0.5, 3, and 24 h post-WBI using g-H2AX assay; representative images of splenocytes, and peripheral blood lymphocytes of different grouped mice,
foci distribution are shown in cellular nuclei. A. DAPI stained nuclei, B. respectively. Error bars on data points represent the SD (#P < 0.001),
FITC stained g-H2AX foci, C. merge g-H2AX foci in nuclei, D., E. foci (*P < 0.05) (n 5 3 mice/group).

this study, WBI significantly (P < 0.05) reduced P/N ratio after 0.5, 3, and 24 h of WBI, respectively. Similar protective
from 1.17 6 0.07 to 0.59 6 0.02, while pre-administration of effect of amifostine was observed in bone marrow cells except
sesamol and amifostine restored the P/N ratio to 0.72 6 0.02 at 3h post WBI time point. The % DNA in tail was 7.0 6 2.0,
and 0.73 6 0.03, respectively. Therefore, the results suggest 15.6 6 2.7, and 3.1 6 1.7 after 0.5, 3, and 24 h of WBI, respec-
that this dose of sesamol or amifostine provided protection in tively (Fig. 2). In spleenocytes, sesamol pre-treatment reduced
bone marrow cells. the radiation induced % DNA in tail from 30.1 6 5.1,
26.3 6 5.0, and 31.1 6 5.6 to 15.9 6 3.5, 15.3 6 1.2, and
Sesamol Reduces DNA Damage in Hematopoietic 12.3 6 3.3 after 0.5, 3, and 24 h WBI, respectively. Similarly,
Organs of Irradiated Mice Amifostine reduced % DNA in tail from 9.7 6 1.2,
19.1 6 1.1, and 11.1 6 2.1 (Fig. 2). Whereas in lymphocytes,
Alkaline Comet Assay
sesamol tend to protect in terms of % DNA in tail (11.6 6 1.7,
g-radiation induced DNA damages include DSBs, SSBs 13.6 6 3.8, and 8.4 6 1.0) compared to radiation group
(single strand breaks), and fragments in individual cells. The (16.6 6 2.2, 20.4 6 6.3, and 17.3 6 4.3) after 0.5, 3, and 24 h
comet head and tail contains intact DNA, and fragmented WBI, respectively. Amifostine reduced % DNA in tail
DNA, respectively [Singh et al., 1988; Olive and Banath, 5.1 6 3.2, 15.2 6 5.1, 2.6 6 0.5 after 0.5, 3, and 24 h WBI in
2006]. The results of comet assay showed significant increase lymphocytes, respectively (Fig. 2J). The values of other
in % DNA in tail 33.5 6 3.4, 27.8 6 6.6, and 40.5 6 4.7 parameters viz.; tail length, tail moment, and Olive tail
in bone marrow cells after 0.5, 3, and 24 h of WBI, respec- moment also showed similar patterns (Supporting Information
tively. The corresponding value of %DNA in tail in control Table I). Irradiation subsequently increased % of apoptotic
was 2.5 6 0.9. Whereas, pre-administration of sesamol low- comets up to 24 h of WBI. Pre-administration of sesamol
ered the % DNA in tail to 16.0 6 1.0,7.2 6 1.6, and 8.1 6 1.3 reduced the radiation induced % of apoptotic comets (Fig. 3).
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Sesamol Ameliorates Radiation Induced DNA Damage in Hematopoietic System 85

Fig. 5. Effect of Sesamol and amifostine on % of FITC positive cells in hematopoietic system of C57BL/6 mice at
0.5 h post-WBI. (**P < 0.001).

c-H2AX Assay Radiation induced % of g-H2AX cells were 94.1 6 1.7,

95.0 6 1.1, and 97.3 6 1.7 after 0.5 h of WBI in bone
Phosphorylation of histone H2AX is one of the initial
marrow, splenocytes and lymphocytes respectively, At the
events in DNA damage signaling and is an important bio-
marker for DSBs. The kinetic of this is characterized by the same time interval, sesamol tend to reduce the radiation
induction phase, usually after few minutes postexposure induced % of g-H2AX cells to 88.5 6 2.8, 85.9 6 4.4, and
and then the removal phase, which occurs up to 24 h of 86.1 6 23.2 in bone marrow, splenocytes, and lympho-
postexposure and beyond. In an early time point (0.5 h post- cytes, respectively. Amifostine also showed similar reduc-
WBI), substantial increase of g-H2AX foci in all organs of tion in radiation induced % of g-H2AX cells (Supporting
mice was observed. The g-H2AX foci/cell in different Information Data Table II). The % of FITC positive cells
hematopoietic organs of irradiated mice ranges from was also increased by sesamol and amifostine at 0.5 h
10.4 6 1.5 to 12.5 6 1.5 compared 0.9 6 0.4 to 1.0 6 0.4 in while by radiation at 24 h (Figs. 5 and 6).
control mice significantly indicated the induction of DSBs Hematology
after 0.5h of WBI (Fig. 4). Pre-administration of sesamol
decreased radiation induced g-H2AX foci/cell to 8.5 6 0.4, The alteration of total WBC count was observed in all
6.3 6 0.8, and 8.2 6 1.4 in bone marrow, splenocytes, and groups, radiation alone slightly increased WBC count at 3 h
lymphocytes, respectively. Similar extent of reduction in g- and then significantly decreased at 24 h of post WBI
H2AX foci/cell was observed with amifostine followed by (P  0.001) (Fig. 7). Sesamol alone did not alter the WBC
WBI (Fig. 4). The kinetics of g-H2AX foci/cell decreased count and the difference was nonsignificant when compared
with time up to minimal level after 24 h of WBI in radiation with control (P  0.05). The analysis of differential leucocytes
group, whereas, pre-administration of sesamol or amifostine count revealed an interesting observation; both sesamol and
lowered the initial values foci/cell in irradiated groups amifostine increased the granulocytes count significantly com-
(Fig. 4). pared to control after 0.5 h of administration (P  0.05) (Fig.
Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis. DOI 10.1002/em
86 Kumar et al.

Fig. 6. Effect of Sesamol and amifostine on % of FITC positive cells in hematopoietic system of C57BL/6 mice at 3
and 24 h post-WBI (**P < 0.001).

7). This elevated granulocytes count was observed up to 24 h countermeasures. Protection of bone marrow, the produc-
after sesamol administration, whereas radiation showed this tion center of blood lineages, during radiation exposure is
elevation in granulocytes count after 3 h and then decreased at necessary for survival and quality of life after exposure.
24 h WBI (Fig. 7). Radiation decreased the lymphocytes count Most of the studies on radioprotectors have focused on effi-
after 24 h of WBI, while both pre-administrated sesamol and cacy and related mechanisms with high radiation dose even
amifostine tend to protect radiation induced depletion in up to supra lethal [Parihar et al., 2006; Shirazi et al., 2013;
lymphocytes. The ratio of granulocytes to non-granulocytes Khan et al., 2015; Singh et al., 2016]. However, the proba-
(lymphocytes) counts was significantly high in sesamol and bility of such high radiation dose exposure is unlikely dur-
amifostine alone and followed by WBI groups compared to ing planned scenarios. Therefore, the present study was
control (P  0.05) shown in Figure 7. designed for low dose radiation environment with an
attempt to compare the efficacy of sesamol and amifostine
Total Antioxidant Capacity
in hematopoietic system of mice. The results have shown
The total antioxidant capacity in plasma after 0.5 h of similar extent of reduction (P  0.001) in radiation induced
drug administration was determined by decolorization of micronuclei frequency in bone marrow of mice pre-
ABTS_1 by measuring reduction of absorbance as percent- administered with sesamol or amifostine (Fig. 1). Further,
age inhibition of absorbance; there was no significant dif- observation of similar level of protection after 24 h of WBI
ference observed among the control, radiation alone, and no genotoxicity by sesamol at this drug dose is promis-
sesamol; and amifostine treated groups (P  0.05) (Fig. 8). ing for radioprotector development. Radiation induced
DNA damage either single or double stand breaks, are man-
DISCUSSION ifested as cytogenetic damages, and can be assessed using
alkaline comet assay. The eventual decrease in % DNA in
Protection of hematopoietic system against radiation tail post irradiation from 0.5 to 3 h has shown the extent of
exposure is the key strategy for development of radiation DNA damage and its repair. Furthermore, the elevated %
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Sesamol Ameliorates Radiation Induced DNA Damage in Hematopoietic System 87

Fig. 7. Influence of sesamol/amifostine in hematological alterations of mice at 0.5, 3, and 24 h post-WBI. Error bars on
data points represent the SD (*P < 0.05) (#P < 0.001), (n 5 6 mice/group).

after 0.5 h WBI and the value attained near to control in

these hematopoietic organs after 24 h of irradiation (Fig. 2).
The significant (P  0.001) reduction in % of apoptotic
comets in sesamol administered group reveals its antiapop-
totic activity (Fig. 3) [Prasad and Ramachandran, 2012;
Khan et al., 2015]. Whereas, amifostine showed higher abil-
ity to reduce the % DNA in tail at 0.5 h postirradiation com-
pared to sesamol, probably due to its strong antiradical
capacity. The increased % DNA in tail by amifostine at 3 h
of postirradiation has shown unanticipated DNA damage
(Fig. 2). However, no such induction was observed in ami-
fostine alone group. These results depict its differential
role, i.e., amifostine induces the apoptosis in cells with non-
Fig. 8. Percentage of total antioxidant capacity in plasma after 30 min
repairable DNA damage after radiation exposure [Warters
of sesamol and amifostine administration to C57BL/6 mice using ABTS et al., 1997; Lee et al., 2003; Mazur et al., 2003; Ormsby
assay. Error bars on data points represent the SD (n 5 6 mice/group). et al., 2014] which is presently supported by relatively
higher number of apoptotic comets in bone marrow and
DNA in tail in radiation after 24 h suggests apoptosis spleen of amifostine treated mice at 3 h postirradiation
of damaged cells [Woo et al., 2002; Milone et al., 2005] (Fig. 3). Induction of DNA damage by radiation, viz., DSBs
as observed in comet images of bone marrow cells and is not easily repaired and causes more consequences [van
splenocytes. Pre-administration of sesamol significantly Gent et al., 2001; Kim et al., 2015] depending upon the radi-
(P  0.05) reduced the radiation induced % DNA in tail ation dose and tissue sensitivity. A molecule with multiple
Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis. DOI 10.1002/em
88 Kumar et al.

properties, including ability to mediate DSBs repair, is AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS

expected to be a better radioprotector. The role of radiopro-
tector in tissue specific DNA damage and repair using AK, JSA, and NKC designed the study and NKC
H2AX assay is not studied comprehensively. Therefore, an applied for institutional animal ethics committee approval
attempt was made with sesamol to study its role in DSBs after finalization of the design. AK, SC performed the
repair and compared with amifostine using g-H2AX assay. experiments under supervision of NKC. AK analyzed the
The analysis of observed frequency of g-H2AX foci/cell data, and prepared the draft manuscript. All authors
has revealed that sesamol 20mg/kg dose significantly reviewed the draft manuscript and NKC finalized manu-
(P  0.05) provide protection in the bone marrow and the script for submission.
spleen by lowering radiation induced DSBs after 0.5 h WBI ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
and also facilitated its repair at subsequent post irradiation
time points. However, no significant reduction of radiation Arun Kumar is thankful to DRDO for fellowship, and
induced g-H2AX foci/cell was observed in peripheral blood to Dr. AK Singh, Director INMAS for encouragement.
lymphocytes of sesamol administered mice at 0.5 h WBI The authors are also thankful to Dr. B. G. Roy and Ms
Anjali Sharma for providing experimental animals and g-
compared to radiation group (P  0.05), but at a later time
irradiation facility.
at 24 h of WBI, sesamol decreased radiation induced g-
H2AX foci frequency. Thus, present observation has indi-
cated that sesamol facilitated slow repair of radiation CONFLICT OF INTEREST
induced DSBs in lymphocytes as compared to amifostine.
Exposure to radiation leads to hemocytopenia. The analy- None.
sis of hematological parameters in post irradiated mice has
shown a drastic decrease of WBC count, whereas pre- REFERENCES
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