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In this play Shaw’s purpose and ideas were horribly misconstrued to the
point at which he was forced to write an Epilogue to try to reconcile the
injustice done to his masterpiece. In the Epilogue he bluntly
expressed his points and purposes so that the ignorant
public could no longer discount Shaw’s theme of the play
and change it in to a happy ending love story.

One such scene was on the street corner when Higgins told the crowd their
origin and dialect. This was emphasized to show Higgins profession and

In the play Higgins simply states he is a confirmed old bachelor

The move transfers from a condescending relationship to a love that will endure.

In the beginning of the drills Higgins makes Eliza say a phrase every night and
he says,“ You’ll get much farther with the Lord if you learn not to offend his
ears.” Then later he is drilling her with marbles and she swallows one and he
assures her he has plenty more. This is the character that Shaw would of approved of. For
the first time one late night Higgins affirms Eliza and converses with her civilly
and tells her she will succeed. At this moment Eliza can speak clearly and
perform all the drills flawlessly. And it was triggered by Higgins
affirmation. Here Eliza is shown admiring the Professor and has a song in
which her feelings are expressed. Then Higgins expresses that he wants to
reward Eliza for her accomplishments. Later scenes show Higgins’
determination and stubbornness hand in hand with his confidence in
Eliza. Many different things fantasize their relationship such as
Higgins’ worry for Eliza at the ball. At the beginning of the movie he
wouldn’t even have thought twice about her welfare. In the last song after
Higgins was rebuked and discounted by Eliza he expresses that he loves and
misses Eliza and doesn’t know what he will do without her. Then at the last
scene where Eliza returns and Higgins is overjoyed to see her but contains
himself with the line, “Where the devil are my slippers?” This stripped Eliza of
her independence and thus enraged Shaw. In the book at the end Eliza is the
alpha person and teacher while Higgins is the outcast and rebuked by society.

Bernard Shaw's play, entitled Pygmalion, transcends the nature of drama as a

medium to be utilised for sheer entertainment value. Shaw's play powerfully
comments on the capacity for the individual to overcome the boundaries
established by systems of class and gender. Dominant assumptions and
expectations, may essentially prevent an individual from becoming socially
mobile within a seemingly rigid hierarchical social structure.

there are many comical elements with in the play. For example Eliza's accent at
the beginning of the play and the way in which Higgin's feelings and sarcasm is
portrayed. Some people may believe and support the statement, "'Pygmalion' is a
sad play. There is no humour in it at all," as some parts of 'Pygmalion' are tragic
and sad. For example Eliza is treating in a disrespectful and hurtful way by
Higgins, "wrap her up in brown paper till they come," shows how Higgins
believes Eliza has no self dignity or respect and suggests Higgins to be a cold
hearted and cruel man. Mrs. Pearce is also abrupt and mean to Eliza to begin with,
this is particularly shown in the incide... "Pygmalion is a serious analysis of class
and gender conflict." Bernard Shaw's play, entitled Pygmalion, transcends the
nature of drama as a medium to be utilized for sheer entertainment value. Shaw's
play powerfully comments on the capacity for the individual to overcome the
boundaries established by systems of class and gender. Dominant assumptions
and expectations, may essentially prevent an individual from becoming socially
mobile within a seemingly rigid hierarchical social structure.

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