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Guingab, Daryl De Vera

Ilan, Carl Michael T.

ARC152 – Art Appreciation Midterm Examination

1. As someone engaged in Art, what then for you is "Art"?

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Art has been in us since we are not aware of it, I do it magically that I always get surprised that I can
create a lot of it. Art is creativity and being creative is one of our passion as a person and for us
creativity is a continuous natural idea that expand and improves from time to time. As someone
engaged in Art, it is a wide range of knowledge, ideas, elements, and more that we create and can
be seen in different types like painting, sculptures, literatures, music, architecture, and more. Art is
everywhere, we can find it in our surroundings. If we go to our local museums, these museums are
surrounded by arts, arts like paintings, sculptures, decorations, and even the museum itself is an art
because of its architecture. If we look in some places, like the plaza, you can feel the art of designing
a plaza, the elements that were put in, the trees, water features, walkways, pathways, and more
give sense of place to its users. In terms of heritage places like Intramuros, the walled city, in Manila
that we were able to conserve, somehow, the place gives us the past feeling of what art looks like in
our history, the place offers a lot of our heritage houses, monuments, apartments, and even
churches and they are all considered as an art of Architecture.

Art is in me, it is in everybody, it is what we produce and share. Arts are noticed by its beauty and
criticize because of our curiosity, we appreciate art because it is beautiful in our senses, it is
intriguing, and it captivates us at first glance that we just want to have it all day, but as we look at it,
read it, or listen to it, we start to find something, we find something good or bad in it, we start to
feel the emotions that, the artist of that particular piece, wants us to feel and then sometimes we
criticize it. We create art base on our life experiences, of how we feel, and with our emotions, these
things give’s a huge impact to what we do and helps us to create something that some people can
relate to. Art is one of the things that keeps on molding us into what we are today and what we will
become in the future, it helps us express deep feelings that we have, that we could not share
vocally. Art gives meaning to our life, it defines us, it has a psychological factor that can identify the
emotions of a person, for example, in paintings it can be seen through the elements that is in the art,
and the colors that are used gives feelings and in music it gives us the sound that we love to hear,
but as we listen to it more and more, with lyrics or instrumental, we start to understand, realize, and
feel the hurt, love and passion of the artist in his music.

We share my artwork hoping for responses and criticisms to the people whom we share it with,
most of them agree that it is a good or beautiful piece, some criticize it constructively and some
people just do not get it or they do not like our art or our style, but it did not stop us there and in
fact we learn from it and it helped us love and improve our art and style more.

2. More so, how will you given your current status, resources and setting (with the 1897
Constitution having expressed provisions on Arts and Culture of Sections 14-18 of Article
XIV), facilities others to embark various artistic discoveries?

Art and Culture in our country is continuously growing and evolving, various artists are becoming
more courageous in sharing their works. Our country, the Philippines have numerous types of arts,
arts that not only the Filipinos can appreciate, but also for other countries to share and can relate
with it too. These arts are in many forms’ ancient arts, modern arts, heritage, and more are can be
seen in museums, that are being preserve and conserve to extend the life of these arts for the future
generations to see.

In our course, Architecture, the arts and culture provision of the 1987 constitution article 14 sections
14-18, is relatable to our subject heritage conservation. Heritage conservation to the very title itself,
is the study of different types of heritage in our country and how to take care and protect it.
Heritage are recognized in all beliefs, values, practices, and objects that gives a place its own specific
character, it is a process of studying, learning, analyzing, observing, and more to pass to the future
generations. We once conducted an immersion in one of the heritage cities, San Juan, Batangas,
here in the Philippines to personally see and experience their culture. The immersion’s objective is
for us students to appreciate a part of our culture, arts, and heritage and to learn the culture of the
San Juan, Batangas. There were 4 sections of Heritage Conservation that time and each block are
divided into four groups that will have a task, to do a research of a heritage house or structure,
foods, and culture in the city. We are also given a chance to stroll around the city for us to observe
and to find beauty in the place. At the end of the immersion, going back in manila, all our studies
and resources were combined and translated it into a magazine that contains what we have
researched and find in San Juan, Batangas. The magazine promotes the beauty, culture, heritage, on
how San Juan, Batangas preserve and conserve their heritage, and more. We created something that
promotes our own rich art, culture, and heritage that can be share to the future generations.

In terms of facilitating the art discoveries, we can encourage people to embark on artistic discoveries
by giving them awareness like in heritage structures we all know that there is a lot of people that
does not know about our heritage structures like churches, apartments, houses, monuments and
more about different types of it and even the heritage sites like in Palawan, Vigan, Rice Terraces of
the Philippine Cordilleras, Tubbataha reef and Banaue Rice Terraces and in some different part of
our country. Some people are not even aware of our heritage structures, and some just does not
care that we have them, most of the heritage structures in our country are being demolished to give
way to a new building. As a soldier of art, we can start to promote an art by sharing it to the people,
by just simply talking to them what we know about our art and cultures. The use of our own social
media account can also get some attentions from the people that beautiful art exists in our country.
We can encourage them to support local arts, we can show them how beautiful and rich our culture
is. We can teach them how to value, acknowledge art and even what to do in order to Preserve.
Renovate and Reconstruct our heritage and more.

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