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Model for a Gradual Objects Recognition


Département Informatique*, Département de Physique**
Université Caddi Ayyad, Faculté des sciences Semlalia
Bd Moulay Abdellah, B.P 2390 .Marrakesh,

Abstract: The objects appearance in the images is modified because of several external factors (i.e.:
illumination, rotate, pose) and the application of the standard comparison algorithms does not answer
suitably. For landing this problem, we present here an architecture based on a gradual recognition:
The object is represented on a scale of categories, and the task of the algorithms of recognition is to
concentrate on the determination of the category the most detailed according to information extracted from
the image. It is not necessary any more to pass by several intermediate phases before starting the process of
recognition. On this principle, we propose a model for the internal representation of a system of vision which
tries to generalize the recognition of objects by taking into account the categorization.

Key words: Categorization, recognition, representation, modeling, Aerial image, vision.

1. Introduction task of the images treatment algorithms and

The analysis and the interpretation of aerial or essentially those of learning and recognition.
satellite images constitute an important field of The second objective consists in reducing the global
scientific research and study. Many applications response time of a vision system. Our purpose is to
concerned with the resulted techniques: the implement an architecture capable of supplying an
construction and update of the topographic maps, the environment that favorite the execution of several
update of the cadastral plans, the discovery of the tasks in parallel and be able to improve the learning
forests diseases, the localization of the pollution and recognition algorithms.
zones, etc. Our third objective is the introduction of the
We work since 1999 in this domain and we cooperation as a mechanism to improve quality
concentrate our efforts on the information extraction search for treatment.
and specially the objects classification and To reach these objectives, an architecture was
recognition [1][2][3][4][5][6][7]. proposed by introducing the categorization as a
The processing complexity required by the choice based on the need to organize the world of
applications drew the attention of several researchers objects (here in the wide sense: physical objects,
in vision domain involved by the resolution of events, ideas,…) and to establish a convenient
particular problems [8][9][10][11]. So we can find environment for the calculation procedures with the
among these problems: the roads extraction or road aim of reducing the computational complexity.
networks [12]. The localization of forests,
vegetations zones, takes an important part of 2 Various approches
processing. The extraction of this type of
information brings the use of texture aspect as 2.1 The representation Problem
unmistakable factor. Mostly, the researches were Most part of the objects recognition theories treat
based on statistical techniques, mainly the with the geometrical aspect (3D objects shape) and
markovian approach [13]. The third-dimensional actually, we can consider two groups of theories
information [14] can concern mountains, high rises, which diverge on the format of the representation as
etc. this is independent or dependent on the object views
This paper treats two problematic aspects to be represented. The first group considers that the
(segmentation: detect zones in the image and objects are represented by the independent
recognition: determine what they are) with the aim characteristics (invariants) [15].
of improving the quality of the treatment and One of the most interesting approaches is the
minimizing the global response time of a vision Biederman’s one: "Recognition By Components"
system. (RBC) [16] based on Marr paradigm [17].
Three objectives have been advanced: The second group considers that the object
The first objective of our work is the implementation representation is linked to specific object views and
of an internal objects representation facilitating the that any other view can be deducted by means of
these views [18].
2.1 Segmentation categorization. Indeed, the base of models is indexed
The segmentation is a low level processing, which by the categories, the search for a particular model
consists in dividing set pixels into related regions, pass at first by the localization of its category, what
homogeneous and different from its neighbors. reduces considerably the number of models for the
Generally, image segmentation is done by the use of matching afterward. The categorization constitutes
one of two approaches based on the borders the "master piece" of this architecture, because it is
extraction that consists in identifying the transitions the way we remember objects, events, ideas, their
among regions [19][20], and the regions that proceed differentiation and their grouping seems an active
growth regions and by division / fusion of regions process allowing to learn and to recognize.
Other approaches tempt to cooperate the both [21].. We are based on two principles for the application of
the categorization process: principle of economy, in
2.2 Classification that case it has to balance between two opposite
Contrary to the images segmentation, here we try to tendencies. The first tendency consists in using the
identify what represents each of the segmented categories so as to maximize the quantity of
regions. As example, in aerial images, we try to information which they give us.
determine the urban zones, the forests, and the water The second principle which governs the organization
zones, mountains. The result is naturally a of our categories is the principle of exploitation of
segmented image. Several approaches are used on the structure of the received world [24].
this topic like Distance Minimization and Stochastic We present in this paragraph some aspects of the
approaches: (Markov fields, Bayesian inference, categorization which guided the choice of our
Bays rules): In this type of approaches, the models model.
are often discreet and several works are based on the
Markov fields theory and the Bayesian estimation 3.1 Categorization: definitions, Model and critical
[22]. Other methods based on Neuronal Networks
[23],They are capable to process complex problems 3.1.1 Category
of shape recognition, or to simulate the not linear Classically, a category is seen as a collection of
and\or dynamic processes. instances which can be handled indifferently in the
same way. By means of this classic way, the
2.3 Objects Recognition (the general aspect) components of a category are determined by the
The objects recognition is a very active domain in matching of a definition, for example: a triangle is a
computer vision. The general approach consists in surface with 3 edges and 3 summits.
considering that we have a data bank where are the 3.1.2 Modeling
objects models and a real world sight stored. We Any representation of the categories raises the
have to answer an essential question: the extracted abstraction problem. Several models are tempted:
object (by the precedents tools) exists in the data a-Prototypes Model:
bank or not. The problem depends on the adopted In the classic way, we have to define all the
objects modeling. In the majority of the cases this characteristics. Rosch [24] have supposed that, from
modeling is purely geometrical: the whole experiences with copies, a " central tendency " of a
characteristics are called primitives. The recognition category is formed and that the judgment of
operation consists of matching these characteristics membership in a category is based on this " central
and those revealed in the image. tendency " or "prototype". The problem with this
model is that the typicality is influenced by the
context, and the most typical component is simply a
3 Architecture for the aerial images view point.
processing systems b-The exemplars Model:
We implemented an architecture based on the idea To solve the problems of the context influence and
that the recognition is a gradual operation. The the variability, one stocks any category occurrence
recognition will be begun from the low level of the (called exemplary [25])). Two other advantages: it is
images treatment: the segmentation. To extract the easier to generate a copy than a prototype, and the
maximum of information at this stage, we opted for variation of the characteristics of copies is noticed.
a segmentation multicriterion (borders, colors, The difficulty here is the computing complexity.
textures, etc.). The easy access to the objects models c-Hybrid model:
in a selective way is made possible by the

The hybridization here consists of the use of two
modes of data processing. The treatment steered by This diagram clarifies the organization of the models
the data is determined by the information-stimulus of objects according to three levels of categorization.
coming from the outside (bottom / up), while the We introduced besides, the knowledge than can
treatment steered by concepts is driven by the contained in categories: rules of correspondence,
information already stored in memory, what implies deductions procedures, etc. We insist here on the
a preliminary experience and already acquired visual aspect, the characteristics can be introduced
concepts (top / down) [26]. by parameters illustrated here in the left party. Every
characteristic points towards a set of parameters
3.2 Description of the approach according to its position (SUB_CATEGORIE,
3.2.1 The model
Considering the objects particularity of our 3.2.2 The general architecture
application domain (aerial images), it is necessary to Our architecture is based on the idea which consider
enrich the internal representation by other aspects as the recognition as a gradual process ending in an
the color and texture, and to endow the system with identification or in a categorization. It possesses
an inferences mechanism for landing the gaps of the three big modules (Fig. 3a): a library containing the
prototypes model. In this work we consider that the tools of images treatment, a module concerning the
categorization is an effective means to organize a segmentation multicriterion (Fig. 3b) and a module
vision system. The internal representation uses for the categorization tasks (Fig. 3c).
abstraction levels to supply a gradual recognition. The recognition process proposed in this architecture
For this, we suppose that the superior level is an follows a simple procedure:
organizing and generative level including knowledge 1- Start with the segmentation multicriterion for the
on the validity of a category. We organize the most complete possible extraction of the indicators
characteristics hierarchically in three levels: (characteristics of texture, shape and color)
- The first level will concern information such as the 2- Selection of categories according to the discovery
color, the texture, the shape, etc. of the indications.
- The second level will be concentrated on the object 3- Elaboration of the segmentation by combination
parts. The recognition of a part can select all the of criteria and reduction of the categories number by
prototypes containing this part. contribution of precision.
- The third level will be interested in constraints 4- Definitive Decision: identification or
intra-objects and inter-objects. A constraint can categorization
suggest a set of prototypes validating it. The essential character of this architecture is to
To illustrate our idea, we are going to be interested organize the recognition by allowing the process to
to the first level of processing and to take into be started since the low level of the images treatment
account the color, the texture and the flat forms until the highest level. We tempt then, to resolve two
(2D). The modeling takes into account three problems: the extraction of objects via the
abstraction levels: meta-category, basic-category and segmentation and the recognition of the extracted
sub-category according to the following scheme: objects.
An aerial image, in our case, presents several
objects, it would be very difficult to extract them
SUR_CATEGORIE directly by the segmentation module. Indeed, an
KNOWLEDGE BASE House Zones,… object could be the result of several zones supplied
R1: House is never black by the segmentation multicriterion. For that purpose,
several approaches putting in front of the automatic
Classes of textures BASE_CATEGORIE modeling by the learning were advanced. We cite
Particular texture City
some from them: 1) Modelling by the color: object
is represented by a histogram of colors [27]. 2)
Classes of colors Approaches of EigenImages numerous researchers
Particular color SUB_CATEGORIE [28] uses the Karhunen-Loeve transformation ( or
Classes of shapes Rabat
Principal Components Analysis: PCA ) for the
calculation of appropriate images. 3) Probability
Particular shape
Density: Objects are represented by a probability
Fig. 1

density of objects characteristics[29]. The learning Image Entry
and the objects localization are formulated as
problems of parameters estimation. TOOLS FOR
Segmentation Categorization
The automatic objects modeling by distributions of IMAGE
PROCESSING Module tasks
probability is used efficiently in many applications.
It is adopted here for illustration.
We treat at first the information concerning the
General Arichitecture
color, the texture and the shape. We combine then
Fig. 3a
these three characteristics to model objects by 3
distributions of probability.
Pretreatment, grading, corrections,…
This diagram (Fig. 3c) suggests a functioning in two
modes: learning and Recognition. Multicriteria Segmentation
To illustrate these processes, we use the framework color Texture
of the Beyesian theory. The allocation of an element
x in one of the models {Z1, Z2, …, Zk} is based on
the following formula (formula of Bayes): Combination of criteria of segmentation
p(Zi|x)= p(x|Zi). p(Zi)/ p(x)
p(Zi|x): the a posteriori probability. Segmentation multicriterion
p(Zi): represent the probability that an element taken Fig. 2b
at random belongs to the model Segmentation by
textures Texture Base
p(x): is the law modeling the global histogram of the of
observed image. We often take a uniform law.
p(x|Zi): the a priori probability colour

- Learning Mode: Validation

The element x is the pixel, the process consists in the
finding models of textures, colors and form. Other

Here we determine the various parameters reserved

Tasks Of
characteristics (color, texture and shape) by means
of a sample of examples of images of objects. We
look then for the parameters which maximize the Context
law of a priori probability p(x|Zi). Décision
- Recognition Mode:
The element x is the zone and it will attribute it to a Base of

model of known object which makes maximal the a objects

posteriori probability p(Zi|x). Categorization Tasks

The raw image is segmented by means of several Fig. 2c
criteria: textures, colors, borders.... So the 4 Example
segmented image presents zones to the To illustrate the categorization interest in a system of
categorization process entry of which one or several vision we consider the example presented in figure
prototypes (models) are selected. These prototypes fig 3:
are going to constitute initial hypotheses, which
must be verified by the presence in the image.
Without these mechanisms of data reduction, the
problem of the recognition of objects would lead to a
combinatorial explosion. Valley of Dades ( Morocco)
To refine the categorization, zones can be combined Fig. 4
Fig. 3
(in the sense to reduce the prototypes number).
The part "definitive decision" uses the context, so Firstly, we have a base of models for objects
certain hypotheses can be eliminated. manipulated for example (Fig. 4)

4.1 Segmentation:

We chose 3 criteria of segmentation for this z1 = t1-c1-f1,
example: borders, color and texture: z2 = t2-c2-f2,
z3 = t3-c3-f2
- Segmentation by the Detection of the borders: z4 = t3-c3-f3
The detection of the borders is based on the
techniques of derivation. A point on the border
Between two regions possess an important grey level Fig. 6
jump. The module of the pressure gradient in this
point must be maximal according to the direction 4.2 Categorization Task
In this phase, the categorization role is efficient, the
If g (x, y) represents the grey level at the pixel (x, y),
system has to supply objects prototypes
the gradient is (wg/wx, wg/wy) and the direction is
corresponding to zones. At this level, the only
(wg/wy)/(wg/wx). In practice, we use derivation filters characteristics allowing to select the list of the
like Sobel, Perwitt, Kirch, etc. prototypes are the texture, the color and the shape.
To improve the detection of outlines we adopted the Let us take for example the zone z3 (after its
algorithm of Canny-Deriche [19]. extraction of the origin image).
- Segmentation by Colors:
We used an effective algorithm proposed and
described by D. Comaniciu in [30] based on "Shift Forest Texture

Mean". It is based on the analysis of characteristics Dominant color: green

space. In this paradigm, pixels are grouped and Unknown shape

expressed in a space of colors.
We can have more details in [30]. Fig. 7
- Segmentation by textures:
Segmentation by textures based on Fields of Markov 4.3 Decision Phase
hidden (MRF). We used here a version proposed by A simple intersection of two selected classes will
S. DERRODE in the Project SIR and presented give two prototypes P1 and P2 what makes easier
recently in [31]. The algorithm can be summarized and faster the part of recognition ( two objects).
in 3 phases: 1) Initiate segmentation by the
algorithm K-means. 2) Estimation of the parameters
by the algorithm (ICE) [31]. 3) The original image is P1 and P2
segmented from the estimated parameters in a Fig. 8
bayesian context. The used algorithm is the The process continues in the same way for the other
"Maximum Posteriori Mode" ( MPM). zones.
The segmentation of the image according to three Results:
criteria: color, texture and borders gives the zones Zone1: uniform color blue (selected objects: sky, sea,…)
Zone2: brown color and texture bare ground (mountain)
(Fig. 5): Zone3: forest
Zone4: forest (badly classified), almost triangular shape

5 Conclusion
S1 S2 S3
The introduction of the phase of categorization in a
S1 : 3 different textures: t1, t2 and t3 vision system thus allows to facilitate the task in the
S2 : 3 different colours: c1, c2 and c3 recognition of objects. This domain covers different
S3 : 2 outlines separating 3 different zones: f1, f2 and f3 applications such as the cartography, the agriculture,
Fig. 5 the oceanography etc., and the automation of the
treatment of images constitutes the inescapable tool
In this segmentation, we notice that zones of the practitioners.
determined by outlines are not exactly the same that In our part, we proposed architecture including the
those exits of the other segmentations (textures and levels. The architecture based on he recommended
colors). On the other hand these last ones confused model allowed us to organize the tasks of the
zones f3 with t3 and c3 respectively. The segmentation and the selection of prototypes in this
Combination of the criteria in the process of phase of the categorization. The competition
segmentation allows to correct this defect and to between several prototypes allows to deliver quickly
determine four zones:

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