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The Livelong Performance Short-Guide

21 Day Fat Loss Kickstarter

The Livelong Performance Short-Guide

21 Day Fat Loss Kickstarter

“Getting started is usually the hardest part. Attached here are some of my
top tips when it comes to training, lifestyle and nutrition. This is suitable
for someone who is just beginning their Fat Loss journey, all the way to
the experienced trainee who has decided to get back on the wagon.

This is not a drastic quick fix, but rather a healthy way to get you started.
I have seen great results in terms of physical and emotional health in as
little as 14 days. The key is to continue this structured lifestyle, nutrition
and training plan to get results all year round.

So let’s get started and please feel free to share this with your friends and
family whom you think it would be suitable for!”

“Set Yourself Up For Success” Sean McGuinness

The Livelong Performance Short-Guide

21 Day Fat Loss Kickstarter

The things you do every day, the habits you create, and the If you are interested/ready to track calories you can do this in
decisions you make on a daily basis end up shaping your life and conjunction with the guidelines for maximum results – simply
determining your success at basically everything. That is why you multiply your bodyweight in pounds x 12 if active or 10 if sedentary.
need to start with adjusting your lifestyle to your new goals.
Water is life!
Some Tips Before You Start!
Drink at least 3-4 liters of water every day.
Two nights a week, spare time some time and make all of your
meals for the coming days. Don’t drink your calories – swap sugary drink for zero sugar
versions and have your coffee black or with lower calorie milk
Aim to engineer your environment in a way that allows success i.e. (almond, oats, skim).
don’t have binge foods at home or at your desk in work.
Spices and seasonings can be your best friends. Add unlimited
Aim to be as active as you can during the day. A simple guideline is seasonings and spices to your food for extra taste and also for the
to aim for around 10,000+ steps. nutritious element.

Forget about motivation – it will change like the weather. Focus on Limit Your Stress
doing these simply behaviors consistently until you eventually do
them automatically – like brushing your teeth! In addition to your weekly training routine aim and add as many
“stress reducing activities” as possible. Yoga, walking, meditation
Add unlimited seasonings and spices to your food for extra taste or anything you prefer will do as long as it helps you reduce your
and also for the nutritious element. stress and stay active.

This plan is based off the premise that you will eat less calories Finally, limit exposure to technological devices before bed and aim
than you currently are. It is not a diet. It’s an easy way to get to create an optimal sleep environment – comfortable bed, blacked
started without tracking calories. out room, etc. You need to get the daily recommended amount
of sleep. You can even make a sleep schedule and stick to it to
achieve best results.
There is no argument that nutrition is probably the single most important
factor in weight loss management to create a calorie deficit.

Our body works with the things it gets. So, if it gets nutritious, healthy meal,
combined with proper training, it’s going to regulate our hunger, cravings
and energy in a way that will allow us to achieve great results.

But how do you know what your body needs?

Our body needs calories from the 3 main macronutrients groups:
carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Furthermore, our body needs water
because water is an important part of all body functions and processes,
including digestion and elimination.

I have created a really simple “Example Shopping List” which includes

foods from the 3 main macronutrients groups, which can be found on the
following pages.
Protein Beef Game meats Prawns
Lamb Whey Protein Octopus
Pork Salmon White fish
Chicken Turkey Eggs
Duck Veal
Kangaroo Venison

Almonds Brazil Nuts Coconut Oil

Pine Nuts Pecans Peanuts CLA
Cashews Organic Seeds Omega 3 Oil
Pistachios Avocado Krill Oil
Hazelnuts Butter Macadamia Oil
Macadamia Ghee
Carbohydrates Brown Rice
Sweet Potato
White Potato
Brown Pasta
Cous Cous
Nutrition Plan
We are going to separate the nutrition plan into two different food plans - the first one will be from day 1 to day 7,
and the second will be from day 8 to day 21. Each will explain what and how much you should eat every day.

Day 1 to Day 7:
This phase is a lower carb phase. Please note - carbs do not make you fat, calories do. However, it is an easy
way to drop calories without counting them. In addition, the western diet is a lot of processed carbs so a period
with slightly lower carbs can be beneficial.

1 x palm-size portion 1 x fist-size portion 1 x thumb-size portion

of protein of vegetables of fat
Nutrition Plan
Day 8 to Day 21:
From day 8 to day 21, our goal is to add carbohydrates (coming from
starch) back into our plan, on the days we train.

Don’t worry too much about meal timing or eating carbs before bed as it
has no impact on your results.

Our carbohydrate proportion should be as the picture on the right shows.

Example of Meal Plan on a Training Day

1 x cupped hand
during day 8 – 21 might look like this: of carbohydrates
Meal 1 – Palm Size of Protein + Fist Size of Veggies + Thumb Size of Fat
Meal 2 – Palm Size of Protein + Fist Size of Veggies + Thumb Size of Fat
Meal 3 – Palm Size of Protein + Fist Size of Veggies + Thumb Size of Fat
Meal 4 – Palm Size of Protein + Fist Size of Veggies + Thumb Size of Fat + Palm Size of Carbohydrates

• Non-Training day will look like Day 1 – 7.
• These are female portion sizes. For male portion it would be double the female: 2 palm sizes protein,
2 fist sizes of vegetables etc.
The role of weight training within a weight loss plan is to force your body
to maintain muscle, which will give us that toned look and also burn
calories. Being a cardio bunny without a hard weight training program will
mean you will burn off muscle and will not achieve the toned look.

Program A Program B
Exercise Sets Reps Rest Tempo Exercise Sets Reps Rest Tempo

A1) DB Split Squats 3 8-10 30 secs 3010 A1) DB Goblet Squats 3 7-9 30 secs 3010

A2) Underhand Lat Pulldown 3 10-12 30 secs 3010 A2) Seated Row Machine 3 10-12 30 secs 3012

B1) Back Extensions 3 10-12 30 secs 3011 B1) Leg Press 3 12-15 30 secs 3010

B2) Seated DB Shoulder Press 3 10-12 30 secs 3010 B2) Lying DB Chest Press 3 10-12 30 secs 3010

C1) Lying Glute Raises 3 12-15 20 secs 2012 C1) Lying Leg Curls 3 12-15 20 secs 2011

C2) Push Ups 3 12-15 20 secs 2010 C2) Swiss Ball Plank 3 60 sec 20 secs

• Tempo:
E.g. Chest press 3010:
3 seconds lowering the weight, 0 second pause at the bottom. 1 second lifting the weight, 0 second squeeze at the top.
 his is an example Fat Loss Training Program. If you have any injury history please consult a qualified professional.
If you are unsure of any exercise please also have a qualified professional show you.
Interval Training
• Aim to go as hard as possible for the 30 second work period.
Exercise Sets Time Active Rest
• Active rest means keep your body moving while you recover.
Bike/Running/Prowler 8 30 secs 2 mins
• Ensure you warm up properly prior to each session.

Aim to complete 2-3 weights sessions per week, alternating between program A and B,
and then 1-2 interval sessions.

This will obviously vary depending on fitness history, recovery, lifestyle factors, etc.

Example Weekly Training Overview:

Date/Period: 3 weeks starting Sept 25th
Day Workout
Monday Program A
Tuesday Interval
Wednesday Program B
Thursday Rest
Friday Program A
Saturday Interval
Sunday Rest

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