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01-26-2013, 04:23 PM
Franco malgarini Join Date: Jul 2011
Silver Member Posts: 556

Roberto Monti

And 'my intention to provide sufficient information to demonstrate

A) That the "principle" of Lavoisier is scientifically unfounded
B) That Alchemy is a truly experimental science
by an experiment easily reproducible by anyone
with little expense.
To this end, I chose a variant of the methods below to
Geber (5) for the preparation of the Philosophical Mercury, which is a
particular configuration of the isomeric Mercury "normal" or
"Vulgar" (9), (23).
Take therefore 1 kg of Mercury (Hg). For example: Carlo
Erba Reagents. Code No. 460737. Cost: L.221000 + VAT.
First operation.
Dissolve 100 g of Hg in nitric acid (HNO3), 65% RPE,
for analysis, for example: Carlo Erba. Code No. 408022. Price: to
liters L. 21,800 + VAT (for 6 liters: L.17100 + VAT per liter) in the proportion
1:5 (example: 100 cc of HNO3 + 500 cc of distilled H2O.
Ipercoop L.1650 for 5 liters).
It 'just put the Mercury within a beaker of 250 cc
Pyrex glass (L.6400 + vat).
Mercury is verses on the solution of nitric acid 1: 5 to fill
the beaker.
Poses the beaker on a hot plate (L.100000 + vat)
adjusting the temperature to 90 ° C using a standard thermometer
Mercury (L.18000 + vat).
The dissolution can be done easily within a day (is
add the solution of HNO3 + H2O hand in hand that evaporates
taking it from the 600cc).
The Mercury will dissolve completely, showing that it does not contain
signs of appreciable gold.
Second operation
Arise the remaining 900 g of Mercury in a glass container
(I find excellent packages of jam Zuegg "Traditional"
once eaten jam. Ipercoop L.3970).
It verses above the Mercury a mixture (50%) of wine vinegar
white (Ipercoop. L.1350 per liter) and Acetic Acid Glacial 99 -
100% (Polichimica srl. Bologna. L.8000 per liter + vat) to
level of the second bulge of the jar Zuegg.
Third operation
It seals tightly the jar and shake the contents until you
see the Mercury divided into tiny balls (a few minutes).
Let it be placed in the shelter of a locked drawer.
Repeat this operation preferably daily, when
comes to mind.
Fourth operation 2
After 10 to 15 days (enough to eat calmly content
of a second package of "Traditional Zuegg" and
so have a second jar) "scum" beginning to
"Exit" from Mercury.
And 'appropriate at this point "clean" the mixture of vinegar and

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