1975-Dec-12 Death of The Cockatrice

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Bilalian News

Death of the Cockatrice

Imam W. Deen Mohammed

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful; Peace and Blessings upon His
Servant and His Messenger, Muhammad, forever. Amen. There is no god but Allah;
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.

As - Salaam � Alaikum

My Dear Brothers and Sisters,

In our mission of promoting truth and righteousness, the Nation of Islam (Body -
Christ) brings you the pure, unadulterated knowledge of the Holy Quran and true
interpretation of the Bible. We want to bring you closer to the reality of religion
so that you will get out of your unnaturalness.

In Bible Genesis, the enemy who brought about the fall of Adam and Eve as Divinely
created beings is described as a snake and in Revelations he is mentioned, but he
is called a dragon. Since a dragon and a snake are of the same family, reptiles,
the Book is telling us that at the end of the time of the rule of the wicked world,
the baby snake will have grown and have become a dragon. The Scripture is telling
us that the world of grafted mentality would rise in material wealth and be the
ruler of the world.


Isaiah, Chapter 14, Verse 29 warns, "Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina because the
rod of him that smote thee is broken: for out of the serpent's root shall come
forth a cockatrice and his fruit shall be a fiery flying serpent."
The cockatrice is a bird that has been artificially formed by the combination of
snake or reptile and fowl or bird. Bird is another name for a prophet. With the
head of a reptile, the religious doctrine (Christianity) would have the body of a


The warning to the people of Palestine (Jerusalem) came in the days just prior to
the final fall of Jerusalem after the death of Jesus. The so - called Jewish
community had gotten some power and the people were rejoicing because they had
gained some self - government.

Why, then, was the community of true righteous people told not to rejoice?

It was because there also was a community of wicked people or devils in Palestine
who were working to bring about a grafted world through a grafted religion.

The righteous people were being warned that although they had gotten a half victory
with the truth that they had received from the prophet Jesus, which had liberated
them spiritually, they only were half free. This meant that that part of Palestine
that simply was happy because of the spiritual blessings that they had received
could rejoice. However, the people as a whole community were unable to rejoice
because they were not wholly free.

Also, something was getting ready to happen that was going to put them in more
bondage and under a greater darkness than they ever had experienced before. It
would be a grafted religion that would deceive the people and be beyond their scope
of knowledge.


"Out of the serpent's root" lets us know that although the truth that Jesus had
brought had cut down the tree (knowledge) of the wicked, its roots yet were alive.
This meant that the old lying, hypocritical teaching of Jacob still was not dead.

These were the roots that had not yet manifested themselves completely, but the
prophet was wise enough to see the direction in which Jacob was going. He didn't
know the fullness of it, but he knew that a cockatrice was being formed.

So though the tree was dead on top of the ground, its roots of dualism yet were
alive. Dualism was a philosophy built upon negativism and positivism, sex division
in male and female power, a belief in warring adversaries in the godhead contending
with each other for power. It also was based upon a belief in white as interpreted
from light to mean that one people are superior to another because they are
brighter in skin color. The root, therefore, would provide a basis for the evil
rule of White Supremacy.


The three - formed bird or cockatrice is the Trinitarian Doctrine. You might say,
"This can't be Christianity." You don't understand the tricks of Satan. He tells
you that Christianity is spiritual but he gives you a physical Christ. He puts your
mind on Jesus' physical blood, heart and suffering in order to make you physical.

The Church teaches that the three forms of trinitarianism are the "father," "son"
and "holy ghost" or the "three - in - one god." The Bible presents these forms in
one bird, the rooster or prophet Jesus.

The father is distant from us and the New Testament doctrine in the Bible as it is
preached by Christians is designed to put the father out of your mind, as evidenced
by the fact that most Christians don't call on God, the father, but Jesus, the son.
They call on the one that they can see with their physical eyes and that is the
white man on the cross.

This is a natural weapon of deception that the wicked created and put in religion
to reach all people because they realized that all people are open to God.


The wise ancient people used a bird to describe the highest form or step in the
evolution of man's upward movement. A bird is able to break free of the physical
gravitational pull of the earth, thus it is not held by materialism. Not only that,
it also has the power to ride the air of emotionalism. The man crawls, walks and
finally he is able to fly.

The cock-means a male chicken or rooster and cockatrice means that he would have
three forms. Rooster was an old name or symbolic term for prophets or messengers of

A rooster is not a bird that likes to go high in the atmosphere. Some birds like to
fly and soar, and they are birds who like the emotional environment, but the
rooster only takes wings when it is necessary. He just has enough power to help him
get off the ground to a slightly higher place such as the top of the barn where he
assumes his post as the vigilant or watchman. He spots the dawn before any other
chickens and he crows to announce its approach.

The prophet, imam or spiritual head is like the rooster because he sees the sign of
light (knowledge) before anybody else. He announces to all of the people that
light, truth, supreme wisdom or knowledge is the only way and that they can get the
benefit of its early rise.


Palestine, at the time of the prophet's warning against the whole community
rejoicing, was not about to receive a rooster. It was about to receive a cockatrice
with a fiery sword which is symbolic for the tongue.

The cockatrice would bring a body of knowledge (fruit) that was not like light but
like fire. This fruit would be harmful and destructive and it would rise above all
of the other knowledge of the world.

This was a prediction of the prophet that the falsehood and corruption that had
been slowly growing among the religious people were going to come to a head at a
future time among the Gentile people. Jacob would bring the corrupt religion to the
Gentile who would develop from the body of Divine knowledge mixed with falsehood.


The righteous community of people were being warned that a snake (Satan) was going
to come along and that he was going to hatch the egg (scripture) of their rooster.

In the egg of the prophet is the power of a germ to produce more birds.

The false prophets of the cockatrice were hatched from the unprotected egg of the
rooster at the death of the prophet. Satan fertilized the egg by taking the
scripture out of its original form and putting it into another form having part
Divine and part Satan, who is the enemy of righteousness, man and Divine.


Christians are more physically attached to God than they are spiritually attached
to Him and this is the poison of the cockatrice. The snake's poison is there making
the people more material. They can't rise above mother, father, babies and sex.

The people in the Church believe that God had to use some unnatural method of
bringing a flesh being (Jesus) to teach the people about righteousness. The grafted
world has made you believe that it is because of Jesus' purity that you can be
redeemed and of the shedding of his blood that has saved your life.

This is the kind of adolescent mentality under which the whole Christian world has
been. Christians have been made sex -minded by the teachings that they have gotten
through the cockatrice doctrine of trinitarianism.



"...the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice den.

They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be
full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea."

Isaiah, Chapter 11, Verses 8 and 9


When we come to the right understanding of scriptural language, we don't have any
confusion in religion because we are able to see true pictures. Without ' true
understanding, however, there only is confusion.

The leaders of the grafted world knew that by keeping the people in scriptural
darkness, keeping true knowledge away from the righteous community of people, they
could continue to sit on the thrones of material wealth.

Revelations says that the red dragon was seen going down in a lake of fire, which
was something of its own beast nature. Red means fiery and refers to that
individual or people who are unable to control their physical appetites.

The Book tells us that the cockatrice was killed by the crowing of the rooster who
began preaching the truth to the people.

Brothers and Sisters, the day of corrupt and immoral religious leadership is over.
Truth is here today unlocking the doors of scriptural wisdom. The Nation of Islam
(Body - Christ) is teaching the truth of God and His religion to all people.

We are destroying the cockatrice with the pure religion of Islam.

Thank you for honoring us with your time to read these few words.

Your Brother, W.D. Muhammad


The Wisdom of W.D. Muhammad:

If we do not worship the True and Living God, we are worshipping idol gods because
we have associate gods. The associate god might be carnal love (love of the flesh)
for the male or the female; it might be the love of wealth (the dollar); it might
be the love of violence, the love of beauty, or the love of many other things.

We have to see ourselves as people that still have the problem of idol gods.

We, the Muslims of the Nation of Islam (the Body - Christ) tell you that Islam is
our way and we don't want to force our beliefs on you. We have made this choice of
our own free will. We call you to Allah and our knowledge is not confused. It is
Divine (certain) Knowledge from the Lord of the Worlds.

Jesus told Nicodemus that he had to be born again. He meant that Nicodemus had come
through the three stages of development, or three growth periods, but he had been
born dead (stillborn) because his knowledge was false. To be born again he would
have to die in his present mind (give up his world and his mind) and be reborn in
the right mind.

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