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of Long
When she turned 100, Marge Jetton
of Loma Linda, California, renewed her
driver’s license for another five years.

1 A long healthy life is no accident. It begins with 17,865 people born between 1880 and 1900
good genes inherited from your family, but it have lived to their hundredth birthday—a rate
also depends on good habits. So what’s the 30 more than twice as high as the average
formula for success? In a recent study, funded for Italy.
5 in part by the U.S. National Institute on Aging,
Why do they live so long? Lifestyle is part of
scientists have focused on groups living in several
the answer. By 11:00 a.m. on this particular
regions where exceptional longevity is the norm:
day, the industrious Tonino has already milked
Sardinia, Italy; Loma Linda, California; and
35 four cows, chopped wood, slaughtered1 a calf,
the islands of Okinawa, Japan. Groups living in
and walked four miles with his sheep. Now,
10 these three areas of longevity offer three sets of
taking the day’s first break, he gathers his
guidelines to follow.
grown children, grandson, and visitors around
the kitchen table. Giovanna, his wife, unties a
Sardinians 40 handkerchief containing a paper-thin flatbread
Taking a break from farm work in the village called carta da musica, pours some red wine,
of Silanus, 75-year-old Tonino Tola tickles the and cuts slices of homemade pecorino cheese.
15 chin of his five-month-old grandson, Filippo, These Sardinians also benefit from their genetic
who watches from his mother’s arms. “Goochi, history. According to Paolo Francalacci of the
goochi, goo,” Tonino whispers. For this strong, 45 University of Sassari, 80 percent of them are
healthy, 1.8-meter-tall (six-foot-tall) man, these directly related to the first Sardinians, who
two things—hard work and family—form the arrived in the area 11,000 years ago. Genetic
20 foundation of his life. They may also help explain traits made stronger over generations may
why Tonino and his neighbors live so long. favor longevity. Nutrition, too, is a factor.
A community of 2,400 people, Silanus is 50 The Sardinians’ diet is loaded with fruits and
located on the edge of a mountainous region vegetables, milk and milk products, fish, and
in central Sardinia, where dry fields rise wine. Most of these items are homegrown.
25 suddenly into mountains of stone. In a group
To slaughter animals such as cows and sheep means
of villages in the heart of the region, which to kill them for their meat.
scientists call the “Blue Zone,” 91 of the
12B In Search of Long Life 195
Adventist Church has always practiced and been
70 a proponent of healthy living. It forbids smoking,
alcohol consumption, and foods forbidden
in the Bible, such as pork. The church also
discourages the consumption of other meat, rich
foods, caffeinated drinks, as well as most spices.
75 Adventists also observe a sacred day of the week
on Saturday, assembling and socializing with
members to relieve stress.
A study found that the Adventists’ habit of
consuming beans, soy milk,3 tomatoes, and other
80 fruits lowered their risk of developing certain
cancers. It also suggested that eating whole
wheat bread, drinking five glasses of water a day,
and, most surprisingly, consuming four servings
of nuts a week reduced their risk of heart disease.
85 And it found that not eating red meat had been
helpful in avoiding both cancer and heart disease.
In the end, the study reached a surprising
conclusion, says Gary Fraser of Loma Linda
University: the average Adventist’s lifespan
90 surpasses that of the average Californian by four
to ten years. That compelling evidence makes the
Adventists one of the most-studied cultures of
longevity in the United States.
103-year-old Giovanni Sannai regularly dines with his family in
Sardinia. Scientists say that older people who live near loved
ones tend to live longer. Okinawans
The first thing you notice about Ushi Okushima
is her laugh. It fills the room with pure joy. This
It’s Friday morning, and Marge Jetton is rainy afternoon she sits comfortably wrapped in
55 speeding down the highway in her purple a blue kimono. Her thick hair is combed back
Cadillac.2 She wears dark sunglasses to protect from her suntanned4 face, revealing alert, green
her eyes from the sun’s glare, though her head 100 eyes. Her smooth hands lie folded peacefully
is barely higher than the steering wheel. Marge, in her lap. At her feet sit her friends, Setsuko
who turned 101 in September, is late for one of and Matsu Taira, cross-legged on a tatami mat,5
60 several volunteer commitments she has today. drinking tea.
Already this morning she’s eaten breakfast, Ushi has recently taken a new job. She also tried
walked 1.6 km (1 mile), and lifted weights. “I 105 to run away from home after a dispute with her
don’t know why God gave me the privilege of daughter, Kikue. A relative caught up with her in
living so long,” she says, pointing to herself. another town 60 kilometers (40 miles) away and
65 “But look what he did.” notified her daughter. Not long ago she started
Marge, like many other residents of Loma Linda, wearing perfume too. When asked about the
California, surrounded by orange trees and 110 perfume, she jokes that she has a new boyfriend.
polluted air, is a Seventh-day Adventist. The Predictable behavior for a young woman,
perhaps, but Ushi is 103.
196 Unit 12 Quality of Life
102-year-old Okinawan Kamada Nakazato joins her family and
friends for a cup of tea several times a week.

With an average life expectancy of 78 years

for men and 86 years for women, Okinawans
115 are among the world’s longest-lived people.
This is undoubtedly due in part to Okinawa’s
warm and inviting climate and scenic beauty.
84-year-old Okinawan Fumiyasu Yamakawa
Senior citizens living in these islands tend to practices yoga every day, in training for an annual
enjoy years free from disabilities. Okinawans decathlon. His favorite events are the high jump
and the pole vault.
120 have very low rates of cancer and heart disease
compared to American seniors. They are also Many older Okinawans belong to a moai, a
less likely to develop dementia6 in old age, mutual support network that provides financial,
says Craig Wilcox of the Okinawa emotional, and social help throughout life.
Centenarian7 Study. 140 Ikigai may be another key to their success. The
125 A lean diet of food grown on the island and word translates roughly to “that which makes
a philosophy of moderation—“eat until your one’s life worth living,” and it is something
stomach is 80 percent full”—may also be that is different for each person. “My ikigai is
factors. Ironically, this healthy way of eating right here,” says Ushi with a slow sweep of her
was born of hardship. Ushi Okushima grew 145 hand that indicates her friends Setsuko
130 up barefoot8 and poor; her family grew sweet and Maira. “If they die, I will wonder why
potatoes, which formed the core of every I am living.”
meal. During World War II, when the men 2
Cadillac is an American brand of car.
of the island joined the army, Ushi and her 3
Soy milk is a drink made from soy beans.
friend Setsuko fled to the center of the island 4
If you are suntanned, the sun has turned your skin an attractive brown color.
Tatami mats, made of woven straw, are the traditional material for floors in
135 with their children. “We experienced terrible Japanese houses.
Dementia is a serious illness of the mind.
hunger,” Setsuko recalls.

A centenarian is someone who is a hundred years old or older.
Someone who is barefoot is not wearing anything on their feet.

12B In Search of Long Life 197

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