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Name Class 1st Year Test Code Compuuter-4

Date Time 60 Minutes Max Marks 35
Q.1: Choose the correct answer. (11)

Questions A B C D

A collection of computer connected

1 Processing Networking Chatting None of these
is called

A network that transmit data over

2 city wide distance faster than LAN WAN LAN MAN NAN

Each computer on a network is

3 Bus Terminator Node Connection
called a

How many pairs of computer can

4 simultaneously communication on 1 2 3 Multiple
Ethernet LAN

Standard IP address is composed

5 4 bits 16 bits 32 bits 256 bits
of total of

6 The length of IP address is 8 bits 16 bits 32 bits 64 bits

The physical layout of LAN is

7 Topology Session Link Connector
known as

8 The top most layer of OSI is Application Session Transport Presentation

Which is an example of De Facto


No hybrid No client No server No tree

10 In peer to peer network model
computer computer computer topology

11 Identify LAN’s protocol TCP/IP UDP Ethernet HTTP

Q.2: Answer the following questions. (3 x 8 = 24)

i. Define data communication. Explain basic components of data communication.

ii. What is topology? Write note on any two of the following topologies (i. Star ii. Ring iii. Bus)
iii. What is OSI model? Discus its different layers.

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