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Battery Bank Sizing Calculation 1

How to calculate Battery Bank Size in Ampere Hour

To find the calculation, we should follow some steps which is given below.

Step-1: Calculate the Total Load.

Step-2: Find Out the Right Power Inverter and Batteries Charger.
Step-3: Time Required to Run the System.
Step-4: Calculate the Ampere.
Step-5: Calculate the Ampere-Hour.
Step-6: Ampere- Hours Calculation According to Manufacturer Recommendation.
Step-7: Standard Batteries Ampere Hours Rating.
Step-8: Determined the Batteries Numbers.
Step-9: Summary.

Step-1: Calculate the Total Load.

Assume we have some loads as shown in below table.

Sl.No Name Quantity Units Load
1 9W, 230V,1 Phase, Energy Saving Light Bulb 9 13 No's 117
2 80W, 230V,1 Phase,1200mm, Ceiling Fan 60 4 No's 240
Battery Bank Sizing Calculation 2

3 Cordless Phones, 230V, 150mA 34.5 2 No's 69

4 Personal Computers 230 8 No's 1840
5 External Hard Drives- 230 2 No's 460
6 Printers 230 2 No's 460

Total Connected Load 3186

Diversity Factor 1
Maximum Demand Load 3186
For Future Expansion (10%) 3505
(3500 W approx...)

Step-2: Find Out the Right Power Inverter and Batteries Charger.

Consider Output Power 3500W and Maximum Efficiency of the inverter is 85%, hence Input
Power of the Inverter and batteries charger becomes

Efficiency = output power/input power

85%=3500 / Input Power
Input power=3500 W / 85%
3500 W / 0.85=4118 W

Step-3: Time Required to Run The System.

Now we have to take decision to how long do we want to run our load? Let consider the load
have to run 5 Hours a day, that means, T=5 Hours
Step-4: Calculate the Ampere.

Current (I) = Power (P) / Voltage (V)

= 4118 / 24
=171.58 A
=172 A (Approx.)

Step-5: Calculate the ampere-Hour.

Simply multiply the current with the time i.e.

= 172A * 5 Hours
=860 A.h

Step-6: Ampere- Hours Calculation According to manufacturer Recommendation.

To improve batteries lifetime, it is recommended that batteries should not be discharge

completely. The maximum allowable discharge depends on the type of the batteries such as
alkaline, carbon zinc- air and lead acid batteries. Also some batteries cannot discharge 100% in
fast discharge rating. The main reason of that is batteries chemical property.
Battery Bank Sizing Calculation 3

Let us consider, we will use such batteries which will allow maximum 50% discharge according
to manufacture recommendation (it will vary as per manufacture spec.)

=860A.h / 0.50
=1720 A.h

Step-7: Standard Batteries Ampere Hours Rating.

Most of the batteries manufacturer will provide batteries in A.h at a continuously current rating.

(For example most of the automation batteries are rated as 70A.h at current of 3.5A. This means
that, it will provide 3.5 A current for 20 hours, because 70A.h/3.5 = 20H)

Step-8: Batteries Numbers Calculation.

So let consider. We will use 100A.h batteries at 5A current for 24V DC

Require Ampere-hours= 1720 A.h

Require Batteries (N) for 24V DC = 1720A.h / 100A.h
= 17.2 numbers (take as 17 or 18 approx...)

Step-9: Summary.

Finally we determined that 18 numbers of 100A.h, 24V DC batteries bank require to run 3500W
at 5 Hours continually.

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