Unit 1 Purva Swadhyaya Bhakti Vaibhava

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SB 1.1.

1-3 Questions by the Sages

Preliminary Self-Study (Pürva-svädhyäya)

SB 1.1.1
1. What is the most confidential part of the Çrémad-Bhägavatam?
Answer: The five chapters which describe the Lord’s rāā sa dance, of the ŚŚ rīāmad-
Bhāā gavatam is the most confidential part of this great literature. The Lord’s
worshipable transcendental pastimes called rāā sa dance and His love affairs
with the gopīās, is highly spiritual, and only the liberated persons who have
gradually attained to the stage of paramahaṁṁsa can transcendentally relish
this rāā sa dance.
2. Explain why Çréla Vyäsadeva purposely invokes a Gäyatré mantra,
Answer: ŚŚ rīāla Vyāā sadeva gives the reader the chance to gradually develop
spiritual realization before actually relishing the essence of the pastimes of
the Lord. He purposely invokes a Gāā yatrīā mantra, dhīāmahi. This Gāā yatrīā mantra
is meant for spiritually advanced people. When one is successful in chanting
the Gāā yatrīā mantra, he can enter into the transcendental position of the Lord
and then attain to the stage of transcendentally realizing the Lord, His name,
His fame, His qualities and so on..
3. Why does there appear to be reality in the material world?
Answer: ŚŚ rīā Vyāā sadeva says that the manifested internal potency is real,
whereas the external manifested energy in the form of material existence is
only temporary and illusory like the mirage in the desert.
In the desert mirage there is no actual water. There is only the appearance of
water. Real water is somewhere else. The manifested cosmic creation appears
as reality. But reality, of which this is but a shadow, is in the spiritual world.
Absolute Truth is in the spiritual sky, not the material sky. In the material sky
everything is relative truth. That is to say, one truth depends on something
else. This cosmic creation results from interaction of the three modes of
nature, and the temporary manifestations are so created as to present an
illusion of reality to the bewildered mind of the conditioned soul, who appears
in so many species of life, including the higher demigods, like Brahmāā , Indra,
Candra, and so on. In actuality, there is no reality in the manifested world.
There appears to be reality, however, because of the true reality
which exists in the spiritual world, where the Personality of Godhead
eternally exists with His transcendental paraphernalia.
4. Why are the words abhijïaù and svaräö significant?
Ans: The chief engineer of a complicated construction does not personally
take part in the construction, but he knows every nook and corner because
everything is done under his direction.
He is directly and indirectly conscious of all manifestations.
The Lord knows everything directly and indirectly, and He is
cognizant of all minute details, and He is fully independent.
5. Explain how the impersonalist philosophers have given indirect impetus to
mundane sex life.
Ans: he whole material creation is moving under the principle of sex life. In
modern civilization, sex life is the focal point for all activities. Wherever one
turns his face, he sees sex life predominant. Therefore, sex life is not unreal.
Its reality is experienced in the spiritual world. The material sex life is but a
perverted reflection of the original fact. The original fact is in the Absolute
Truth, and thus the Absolute Truth cannot be impersonal. It is not possible to
be impersonal and contain pure sex life. Consequently, the impersonalist
philosophers have given indirect impetus to the abominable
mundane sex life because they have overstressed the impersonality
of the ultimate truth. Consequently, man without information of the
actual spiritual form of sex has accepted perverted material sex life
as the all in all. There is a distinction between sex life in the
diseased material condition and spiritual sex life.
SB 1.1.2
1. Religion includes which four primary subjects?
Ans: Religion includes four primary subjects, namely pious activities,
economic development, satisfaction of the senses, and finally liberation from
material bondage.
2. The Çrémad-Bhägavatam can only be understood by whom?
Ans: ŚŚ rīāmad-Bhāā gavatam is transcendental to all these sense gratificatory
activities. It is purely transcendental literature which can be understood only
by the pure devotees of the Lord who are transcendental to competitive
sense gratification.
Such transcendentalists are nonenvious and pure in heart. In the material
world, everyone is envious of everyone else, and therefore there is
competition. But the transcendental devotees of the Lord are not only free
from material envy, but are well-wishers to everyone, and they strive to
establish a competition-less society with God in the center.
Fully satisfied in performing Krsna’s Service
3. What is the translation of the phrase västavam atra vastu çivadaà’?
Ans: The highest truth is reality distinguished from illusion for the welfare of
Vastu: Highest truth - Absolute Truth in His personal feature, Absolute Truth
- Sri Krishna
The substance is the Absolute Truth, the Supreme Lord, and all emanations
are relative forms of energy.
Vāā stāvāṁ: Nothing is apart from the substance, but at the same time the
energies are different from the substance. This conception is not
contradictory. ŚŚ rīāmad-Bhāā gavatam explicitly promulgates this
simultaneously-one-and-different philosophy of the Vedāā nta-sūā tra, which
begins with the “janmāā dy asya” sūā tra.
ŚŚ ivādāṁ: All Auspiciousness and the result is tapa-trayonmulanam
Miseries of life extinguished
Sees Everything in Connection with Sri Krsna
Material Miseries becomes insignificant
Miseries become Source of Happiness
Feels more closer to Krsna (Shelter) eg. Kunti Devi

In the material conception, one falsely thinks himself the lord of all he
surveys, and therefore he is always troubled by the threefold miseries of life.
But as soon as one comes to know his real position as transcendental servant,
he at once becomes free from all miseries
4. Explain the significance of the statement mahä-muni-kåte kià vä parair.
Ans: This beautiful Bhāā gavatam, compiled by the great sage Vyāā sadeva [in his
maturity], is sufficient in itself for God realization

SB 1.1.3
1. Explain why the Çrémad-Bhägavatam is described as the ripened fruit of all
Ans: Kalpa taror – desire tree (Vedas) – potency to fulfill one’s desire
Both material necessities and spiritual realization
Knowledge covering All areas to keep body and soul together
Gradual rising to the spiritual platform

yävän artha udapäne sarvataù samplutodake

tävän sarveñu vedeñu brähmaëasya vijänataù
All purposes served by a small well can at once be served by a great reservoir
of water. Similarly, all the purposes of the Vedas can be served to one who
knows the purpose behind them.
Srimad Bhagavatham The Mature Fruit
Galitam phalam & cream of all vedic knowledge
How Vyasa deva wrote Srimad Bhagavatham at his mature realization
Natural commentary on the Vedanta sutras
Very difficult to obtain but directly available in this age
Non different from Sri Krishna (Ref 1.3.43)
kåñëa-tulya bhägavata—vibhu, sarväçraya
prati-çloke prati-akñare nänä artha kaya

“Çrémad-Bhägavatam is as great as Kåñëa, the Supreme Lord and shelter of

everything. In each and every verse of Çrémad-Bhägavatam and in each and
every syllable, there are various meanings.
Madhya 24.318 - Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to Srila Santana Goswami

[Caitanya Bhagavath]
Prema rupa bhagavatha cari veda kaya – the four vedas says Bhagavath is the
embodiment of Krsna prema

cari veda – dadhi bhagavata – navanita

mathilena suke khailena pariksita

2. Why is Çréla Çukadeva Gosvämé compared to a parrot?

Ans: In Sanskrit the parrot is also known as sś uka. When a ripened fruit is cut
by the red beaks of such birds, its sweet flavor is enhanced. The Vedic fruit
which is mature and ripe in knowledge is spoken through the lips of ŚŚ rīāla
ŚŚ ukadeva Gosvāā mīā, who is compared to the parrot not for his ability to recite
the Bhāā gavatam exactly as he heard it from his learned father, but for his
ability to present the work in a manner that would appeal to all classes of

SB 1.1.1: The modern scientist, for example, has created space satellites,
and by some arrangement or other, these satellites are thrown into outer
space to fly for some time at the control of the scientist who is far away.
Similarly, all the universes with innumerable stars and planets are controlled
by the intelligence of the Personality of Godhead.

SB 1.1.1: In the desert mirage there is no actual water. There is only the
appearance of water. Real water is somewhere else. The manifested cosmic
creation appears as reality. But reality, of which this is but a shadow, is in the
spiritual world. Absolute Truth is in the spiritual sky, not the material sky.

SB 1.1.1: The chief engineer of a complicated construction does not

personally take part in the construction, but he knows every nook and corner
because everything is done under his direction. He knows everything about
the construction, both directly and indirectly. Similarly, the Personality of
Godhead, who is the supreme engineer of this cosmic creation, knows every
nook and corner, although affairs are being carried out by demigods.

SB 1.1.1: He is compared to a mine of gold, and the cosmic creations in so

many different forms are compared to objects made from the gold, such as
gold rings, necklaces and so on. The gold ring and the gold necklace are
qualitatively one with the gold in the mine, but quantitatively the gold in the
mine is different.
SB 1.1.4-23 Questions by the Sages

Pürva-svädhyäya (Preliminary Self Study)

1. List the qualities of a representative of Çréla Vyäsadeva. (5-8)

Ans: A representative is one who can exactly present the viewpoint of ŚŚ rīā
Vyāā sadeva.
All bona fide representatives of ŚŚ rīā Vyāā sadeva in the chain of disciplic
succession are to be understood to be gosvāā mīās. These gosvāā mīās restrain all
their senses, and they stick to the path made by the previous āā cāā ryas.
must be free from all kinds of vices. The four major vices of Kali-yuga are (1)
illicit connection with women, (2) animal slaughter, (3) intoxication, (4)
speculative gambling of all sorts.
must also be well versed in all revealed scriptures or in the Vedas
The two processes of sś ravaṇṇ a and kīārtana are of primary importance to
progressive spiritual life. Only one who has properly grasped the
transcendental knowledge from the right source by submissive hearing can
properly explain the subject.
One can sit on the vyāā sāā sana only after being conversant in all systems of
philosophy so that one can present fully the theistic views of the Bhāā gavatam
in defiance of all other systems.
It is essential, therefore, that a disciple be very much obedient and
submissive to the bona fide spiritual master.
The āā cāā ryas and gosvāā mīās are always absorbed in thought of the well-being of
the general public, especially their spiritual well-being.

2. Spiritual well-being is automatically followed by what? (9)

Ans Spiritual well-being is automatically followed by material well-being.

3. List points from the sages’ analysis of the people in this Age of Kali. (10)
Ans O learned one, in this iron Age of Kali men almost always have but short
lives. They are quarrelsome, lazy, misguided, unlucky and, above all, always

4. Väsudeva is the symbol of what? (12)

Ans Vasudeva is the symbol of the transcendental position wherein the
appearance of the Supreme Lord takes place.

5. Why are pure devotees more powerful than the waters of the Ganges? (15)
Ans One can derive spiritual benefit out of prolonged use of the Ganges
waters. But one can be sanctified at once by the mercy of a pure devotee of
the Lord.

6. Explain the meaning of the titles “Prabhupäda” and “Viñëupäda.” (15)

To take shelter of the lotus feet of the Lord means to take shelter of the pure
devotees. The pure devotees whose only business is serving are honored by
the names Prabhupāā da and Visṇ ṇṇupāā da, which indicate such devotees to be
representatives of the lotus feet of the Lord. Anyone, therefore, who takes
shelter of the lotus feet of a pure devotee by accepting the pure devotee as
his spiritual master can be at once purified.
Such devotees of the Lord are honored equally with the Lord because they are
engaged in the most confidential service of the Lord, for they deliver out of
the material world the fallen souls whom the Lord wants to return home, back
to Godhead.

7. How are those who are not conversant with the activities of the Lord and
transcendental realm sometimes favored by the Lord? (17)
Ans: Those who are not conversant with the activities of the Lord and His
transcendental realm are sometimes favored by the Lord in His adventures as
incarnations wherein He displays the eternal bliss of His association in the
transcendental realm. By such activities He attracts the conditioned souls of
the material world.

8. Identify the six questions/requests of the sages to Çréla Süta Gosvämé. (9-
1. What is the ultimate good for all people?
2.What is the essence of all scriptures?
3.For what purpose did Lord Kṛṇ sṇṇṇa appear?
4. What kind of pastimes HE performs as His expansions in relation to creation
5.What are the activities of His incarnations?
6. To whom have religious principles gone for shelter after His departure


SB 1.1.4: Detached branches and leaves dry up gradually despite all

watering attempts. Similarly, human society, when it is detached from the
Personality of Godhead like detached branches and leaves, is not capable of
being watered, and one attempting to do so is simply wasting his energy and

SB 1.1.17: The material creations are manifested for some time as perverted
shadows of the spiritual kingdom and can be likened to cinemas. They attract
people of less intelligent caliber who are attracted by false things.
SB Canto 1 Ch.2 Divinity and Divine Service

Preliminary Self-Study (Pürva-svädhyäya)

1. Define dvija, vipra and and Vaiñëava. (2)

Dvija: a man becomes twice-born, or a dvija once the spiritual master accepts
as his disciple and gives him the sacred thread because of he being the
sincere inquirer.
Vipra : After qualifying as a dvija one may study the Vedas, and after
becoming well versed in the Vedas one becomes a vipra.
Vaisnava: A vipra, or a qualified brāā hmaṇṇ a, thus realizes the Absolute and
makes further progress in spiritual life until he reaches the Vaisṇ ṇṇava stage.
The Vaisṇ ṇṇava stage is the postgraduate status of a brāā hmaṇṇ a. A progressive
brāā hmaṇṇ a must necessarily become a Vaisṇ ṇṇava, for a Vaisṇ ṇṇava is a self-
realized, learned brāā hmaṇṇ a.

2. Explain the terms pravåtti-märga and nivåtti-märga (6)

Ans: The Vedas prescribe two different types of occupation for the human
pravṛṇ tti-māā rga nivṛṇ tti-māā rga
the path of sense enjoyment the path of renunciation
the path of progressive material for the supreme cause is superior
enjoyment, which is temporary, But devotional service to the Supreme
miserable and illusory, is inferior Lord, which leads one to eternal,
blissful and all-cognizant life, is called
the superior quality of occupation
enjoyment in the diseased condition adoption of devotional service for
of life. only aggravates the symptoms material gain is certainly an
of disease and increases its duration obstruction to the progressive path of
Renunciation or abnegation for
ultimate good is certainly a better
One should, therefore, accept the superior quality of occupation in the form of
the devotional service of the Lord without any tinge of unnecessary desire,
fruitive action and philosophical speculation

3. Identify three levels of occupational duties. (8)

occupational activities Extended selfishness is gross materialists are
are limited to manifested in human the mental speculators
concentrated and society and centers who hover aloft in the
extended selfishness around the family, mental spheres, and
society, community, their occupational duties
nation and world with a involve making poetry
view to gross bodily and philosophy or
comfort propagating some ism
with the same aim of
selfishness limited to the
body and the mind
Concentrated selfishness The body and the mind But above the body and
centers around the are but superfluous mind is the dormant
personal body — this is outer coverings of the spirit soul whose
generally seen amongst spirit soul. absence from the body
the lower animals makes the whole range
of bodily and mental
selfishness completely
null and void. But less
intelligent people have
no information of the
needs of the spirit soul.
The need of the spirit soul is that he wants to get out of the limited sphere of
material bondage and fulfill his desire for complete freedom. He wants to get
out of the covered walls of the greater universe. He wants to see the free light
and the spirit. That complete freedom is achieved when he meets the
complete spirit, the Personality of Godhead. There is a dormant affection for
God within everyone; spiritual existence is manifested through the gross body
and mind in the form of perverted affection for gross and subtle matter.
Therefore we have to engage ourselves in occupational engagements that will
evoke our divine consciousness. This is possible only by hearing and chanting
the divine activities of the Supreme Lord, and any occupational activity which
does not help one to achieve attachment for hearing and chanting the
transcendental message of Godhead is said herein to be simply a waste of

4. What are some benefits of serving the servants of God? (16)

Nobody in the history has attained love of Godhead without serving and
pleasing devotees
Adi Purana – “Those who worship My devotee is more dear to Me”
Ramanujacharya, Pundarik, Uddhava
By serving a Bhagavatam, a person understands Bhagavatham
By serving the servant of God, one can please God more than by directly
serving the Lord. The Lord is more pleased when He sees that His servants are
properly respected because such servants risk everything for the service of
the Lord and so are very dear to the Lord.

Parents and Kids

Eg: Maharaj Prataprudra, Dukhi, Madhai,
Yasya prasädät. If you satisfy a pure devotee by your service, then, even there
is some discrepancies, you get all these qualities. Syän mahat-sevayä räjan.”
By serving/interacting with great souls one develops faith in them
By the purity of these mahatmas we get attracted
When we develop faith and attraction, we open our heart to hear
To hear about what? What they are relishing in Krishna consciousness
Thus we also become attracted to Krishna

[Yudhistra Maharaj to Vidhura] My Lord, devotees like your good self are verily
holy places personified. Because you carry the Personality of Godhead within
your heart, you turn all places into places of pilgrimage. [SB 1.13.10]

By serving the servants of the Lord, one gradually gets the quality of such
servants, and thus one becomes qualified to hear the glories of God.

By serving one gets attached and by attachment we remember often

If you want to get some quality, you serve or associate with a person who has
that quality
Eg: A Moth enters in to cocoon & meditates on Butterfly and transforms to
Service mood will award a taste for hearing Krsna-katha

5. Identify two very difficult problems for the devotee on the path back to
Godhead (17)

The material sins are products of our desires to lord it over material nature. It
is very difficult to get rid of such desires. Women and wealth are very difficult
problems for the devotee making progress on the path back to Godhead
we have no taste for hearing and glorifying the Lord’s name and activities.
Most of us do not desire at all to go back to Godhead.

6. What is the remedy for eliminating all inauspicious things within the heart?

The remedy is the association of the Bhāā gavatas. There are two types of
Bhāā gavatas, namely the book Bhāā gavata and the devotee Bhāā gavata. Both
the Bhāā gavatas are competent remedies, and both of them or either of them
can be good enough to eliminate the obstacles.

7. Explain how the devotee Bhägavata is as good as the book Bhägavata. (18)

A devotee Bhāā gavata is as good as the book Bhāā gavata because the devotee
Bhāā gavata leads his life in terms of the book Bhāā gavata and the book
Bhāā gavata is full of information about the Personality of Godhead and His pure
devotees, who are also Bhāā gavatas. Bhāā gavata book and person are identical.
The devotee Bhāā gavata is a direct representative of Bhagavāā n, the Personality
of Godhead. So by pleasing the devotee Bhāā gavata one can receive the
benefit of the book Bhāā gavata. Human reason fails to understand how by
serving the devotee Bhāā gavata or the book Bhāā gavata one gets gradual
promotion on the path of devotion. But actually these are facts explained by
ŚŚ rīāla Nāā radadeva, who happened to be a maidservant’s son in his previous life.
The maidservant was engaged in the menial service of the sages, and thus he
also came into contact with them. And simply by associating with them and
accepting the remnants of foodstuff left by the sages, the son of the
maidservant got the chance to become the great devotee and personality
ŚŚ rīāla Nāā radadeva. These are the miraculous effects of the association of
Bhāā gavatas.

8. Describe the special feature of devotional service to Lord Çré Kåñëa. (22)

he speciality of devotional service unto the Personality of Godhead Lord ŚŚ rīā
Kṛṇ sṇṇṇa is specifically mentioned herein. Lord ŚŚ rīā Kṛṇ sṇṇṇa is the svayaṁṁ-rūā pa
Personality of Godhead, and all other forms of Godhead, beginning from ŚŚ rīā
Baladeva, Saṇṁ karsṇ aṇṇ a, Vāā sudeva, Aniruddha, Pradyumna and Nāā rāā yaṇṇ a and
extending to the purusṇ a-avatāā ras, guṇṇ a-avatāā ras, līālāā -avatāā ras, yugāā vatāā ras
and many other thousands of manifestations of the Personality of Godhead,
are Lord ŚŚ rīā Kṛṇ sṇṇṇa’s plenary portions and integrated parts. The living entities
are separated parts and parcels of the Personality of Godhead. Therefore Lord
ŚŚ rīā Kṛṇ sṇṇṇa is the original form of Godhead, and He is the last word in the
Transcendence. Thus He is more attractive to the higher transcendentalists
who participate in the eternal pastimes of the Lord. In forms of the Personality
of Godhead other than ŚŚ rīā Kṛṇ sṇṇṇa and Baladeva, there is no facility for intimate
personal contact as in the transcendental pastimes of the Lord at Vrajabhūā mi.
The transcendental pastimes of Lord ŚŚ rīā Kṛṇ sṇṇṇa are not newly accepted, as
argued by some less intelligent persons; His pastimes are eternal and are
manifested in due course once in a day of Brahmāā jīā, as the sun rises on the
eastern horizon at the end of every twenty-four hours.

9. Describe the progressive purification of consciousness resulting from

hearing about Kåñëa. (17-21)


Satam Kripa – The mercy of devotees (Narada Muni – Dhruva and the hunter)
Mahat-Seva - Service to Devotees (Narada Muni to the sages)
Sraddha – Faith (Prahalada Maharaj)
Gurupadaasrayah – Seeking shelter of the guru’s feet (Bhakti Siddhanta
Sarasvati Swami)
Bhajanesu Sprha – Eagerness to worship Krishna (Raghunandan)
Bhaktih – Bhakti
Anarthapagamah – Disappearance of obstacles (our own temple building)
Tatha Nistha – Then Steadiness (Ambrish Maharaj)
Ruci – Taste (Prahalada Maharaj)
Atha Asakti – Then firm attachment (Arjuna)
Ratih – Fondness
Prema – Devotional Love
Atha Darshanam – Then vision, audience (Dhruva maharaj)
Harer Madhuryanubhava – Direct experience of Hari’s Sweetness. (Prahalada
Maharaj, Gopis, Sabri)
Preliminary faith (sraddha) is nurtured through the association of saintly
persons (sadhu-sanga) to the point at which one takes to the practices of
devotion (bhajana kriya), and then with increased faith one tries to remove
obstacles in the path of devotion (anartha-nvritti). When faith becomes very
firm and fixed (nista), then one gets deeper taste (ruci) and ecstasy (bhava) in
spiritual life and at last achieves the final stage of full blown prema.

10. Explain the term Bhägavata-dharma (27)

One should work hard and worship the Supreme Lord by the fruits of one’s
hard labor for existence, and that should be the motto of life. One should be
careful to execute occupational service with faith in God in the proper way,
and that will lead one gradually on the progressive march back to Godhead.
There is only one religion in the world to be followed by one and all, and that
is the Bhāā gavata-dharma, or the religion which teaches one to worship the
Supreme Personality of Godhead and no one else.

11. Briefly describe the role of the Supersoul within us and the whole material
creation. (31-34)
The living entities are separated parts and parcels of the Lord, and the
conditioned living entities, who are unfit for the spiritual kingdom, are strewn
within the material world to enjoy matter to the fullest extent. As Paramāā tmāā
and eternal friend of the living entities, the Lord, by one of His plenary
portions, accompanies the living entities to guide them in their material
enjoyment and to become witness to all activities. While the living entities
enjoy the material conditions, the Lord maintains His transcendental position
without being affected by the material atmosphere
the Paramātmā, or the Supersoul, is the controller of the material
Lord Vāā sudeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, by one of His plenary
parts expands Himself all over the material world, and His existence can be
perceived even within the atomic energy. Matter, antimatter, proton, neutron,
etc., are all different effects of the Paramāā tmāā feature of the Lord. As from
wood, fire can be manifested, or as butter can be churned out of milk, so also
the presence of the Lord as Paramāā tmāā can be felt by the process of
legitimate hearing and chanting of the transcendental subjects which are
especially treated in the Vedic literatures like the Upanisṇ ads and Vedāā nta.
The Lord as Paramāā tmāā helps the living being to get material happiness
because the living being is helpless in all respects in obtaining what he
desires. The sufferings and enjoyments of the sons are indirectly the
sufferings and enjoyments of the father. Still the father is not in any way
affected directly by the suffering and enjoyment of the sons. He is so kind that
He constantly remains with the living being as Paramāā tmāā and always tries to
convert the living being towards the real happiness.
Thus the Lord of the universes maintains all planets inhabited by demigods,
men and lower animals. Assuming the roles of incarnations, He performs
pastimes to reclaim those in the mode of pure goodness.


SB 1.2.8: Without knowing the need of the dormant soul, one cannot be
happy simply with emolument of the body and mind. The body and the mind
are but the superfluous outer coverings of the spirit soul. The spirit soul's
needs must be fulfilled. Simply by cleansing the cage of the bird, one does not
satisfy the bird. One must actually know the needs of the bird himself.
SB 1.2.23: As far as maintenance of the prison house is concerned, it is done
by Viñëu, as much as the state prison house is maintained by the state.
Anyone, therefore, who wishes to get out of this prison house of material
existence, which is full of miseries like repetition of birth, death, disease, and
old age, must please Lord Viñëu for such liberation.

SB 1.2.28-29: In the prison house there are the prisoners and the managers
of the prison house. Both the managers and the prisoners are bound by the
laws of the king. But even though the king sometimes comes in the prison, he
is not bound by the laws of the prison house. The king is therefore always
transcendental to the laws of the prison house, as the Lord is always
transcendental to the laws of the material world.

SB 1.2.32: As fire is kindled from wood by another fire, the divine

consciousness of man can similarly be kindled by another divine grace. His
Divine Grace the spiritual master can kindle the spiritual fire from the
woodlike living entity by imparting proper spiritual messages injected through
the receptive ear.

SB 1.2.33: The sufferings and enjoyments of the sons are indirectly the
sufferings and enjoyments of the father. Still the father is not in any way
affected directly by the suffering and enjoyment of the sons.
SB Canto 1 Ch.3 Krsna Is the Source of All Incarnations

Preliminary Self-Study (Pürva-svädhyäya)

1. Analyze the functions of the three puruña-avatäras (1-2)


There are three purusṇ a features in the material creation

One who knows these plenary features of the Personality of Godhead knows
Godhead properly, and thus the knower becomes freed from the material
conditions of birth, death, old age and disease, as it is confirmed in Bhagavad-
Kāā raṇṇ odakasś āāyīā Visṇ ṇṇu Garbhodakasś āāyīā Visṇ ṇṇu Ksṇ īārodakasś āāyīā Visṇ ṇṇu
is the first of the three. In each one of the From Garbhodakasś āāyīā
The innumerable universes the Lord Visṇ ṇṇu there is expansion
universes are generated enters as of the Ksṇ īārodakasś āāyīā
from the skin holes of Garbhodakasś āāyīā Visṇ ṇṇu. Visṇ ṇṇu, who is the
this Kāā raṇṇ odakasś āāyīā Visṇ ṇṇu He is lying within the collective Paramāā tmāā of
half of the universe all living beings. He is
which is full with the called Hari, and from
water of His body Him all incarnations
within the universe are
who creates aggregate who enters in each and who is the Paramāā tmāā of
material ingredients in every universe every material object,
the mahat-tattva organic or inorganic

2. Explain the relative positions of Brahmä, Viñëu, and Çiva. (5)


Ksīrodakaśāyī Viṣṇu Brahma Śīvā

is nondifferent from always a jīāva-tattva marginal position between
the Personality of the Personality of Godhead
Godhead and the living entities
The highest pious living He is the plenary portion of
being, or the greatest the Lord
devotee of the Lord, is
empowered with the
potency of the Lord for
creation, and he is
called Brahmāā
incharge of goodness master engineer because Lord ŚŚ iva is in
direct touch with material
nature, he is not exactly in
the same transcendental
position as Lord Visṇ ṇṇu
maintainer, Supersoul incharge of passion incharge of ignorance
all incarnations secondary creator destruction of the universe
emanate from Him

3. All the incarnations within the universe are emanations from which puruña-
avatära? (5)
all the incarnations within the universe are emanations from this Ksṇ īārodakasś āāyīā
Visṇ ṇṇu.

4. Explain the significance of Lord Kåñëa as bhagavän svayam (28)

Lord ŚŚ rīā Kṛṣṇa, the Personality of Godhead, is distinguished from other
incarnations. He is counted amongst the avatāā ras (incarnations) because out
of His causeless mercy the Lord descends from His transcendental abode.
According to ŚŚ rīāla Jīāva Gosvāā mīā's statement, in accordance with authoritative
sources, Lord Kṛṣṇa is the source of all other incarnations. It is not that Lord
Kṛṣṇa has any source of incarnation. All the symptoms of the Supreme Truth in
full are present in the person of Lord ŚŚ rīā Kṛṣṇa, and in the Bhagavad-gīātāā the
Lord emphatically declares that there is no truth greater than or equal to
Himself. In this stanza the word svayam is particularly mentioned to confirm
that Lord Kṛṣṇa has no other source than Himself. Although in other places the
incarnations are described as bhagavāā n because of their specific functions,
nowhere are they declared to be the Supreme Personality. In this stanza the
word svayam signifies the supremacy as the summum bonum.
The summum bonum Kṛṇ sṇṇṇa is one without a second. He Himself has expanded
Himself in various parts, portions and particles as svayaṁṁ-rūā pa, svayam-
prakāā sś a, tad-ekāā tmāā , prāā bhava, vaibhava, vilāā sa, avatāā ra, āā vesś a, and jīāvas, all
provided with innumerable energies just suitable to the respective persons
and personalities. Learned scholars in transcendental subjects have carefully
analyzed the summum bonum Kṛṇ sṇṇṇa to have sixty-four principal attributes. All
the expansions or categories of the Lord possess only some percentages of
these attributes. But ŚŚ rīā Kṛṇ sṇṇṇa is the possessor of the attributes cent percent.
And His personal expansions such as svayam-prakāā sś a and tad-ekāā tmāā , up to
the categories of the avatāā ras who are all visṇ ṇṇu-tattva, possess up to ninety-
three percent of these transcendental attributes. Lord ŚŚ iva, who is neither
avatāā ra nor āā vesś a nor in between them, possesses almost eighty-four percent
of the attributes. But the jīāvas, or the individual living beings in different
statuses of life, possess up to the limit of seventy-eight percent of the
attributes. In the conditioned state of material existence, the living being
possesses these attributes in very minute quantity, varying in terms of the
pious life of the living being. The most perfect of living beings is Brahmāā , the
supreme administrator of one universe. He possesses seventy-eight percent
of the attributes in full. All other demigods have the same attributes in less
quantity, whereas human beings possess the attributes in very minute
quantity. The standard of perfection for a human being is to develop the
attributes up to seventy-eight percent in full. The living being can never
possess attributes like ŚŚ iva, Visṇ ṇṇu or Lord Kṛṇ sṇṇṇa. A living being can become
godly by developing the seventy-eight-percent transcendental attributes in
fullness, but he can never become a God like ŚŚ iva, Visṇ ṇṇu or Kṛṇ sṇṇṇa. He can
become a Brahmāā in due course. The godly living beings who are all residents
of the planets in the spiritual sky are eternal associates of God in different
spiritual planets called Hari-dhāā ma and Mahesś a-dhāā ma. The abode of Lord
Kṛṇ sṇṇṇa above all spiritual planets is called Kṛṇ sṇṇṇaloka or Goloka Vṛṇ ndāā vana, and
the perfected living being, by developing seventy-eight percent of the above
attributes in fullness, can enter the planet of Kṛṇ sṇṇṇaloka after leaving the
present material body.

5. List some of the powers displayed by the various incarnations of the Lord.

Lord Parasś urāā ma and Lord Nṛṇ siṁṁha displayed unusual opulence by killing the
disobedient ksṇ atriyas twenty-one times and killing the greatly powerful atheist
Hiraṇṇ yakasś ipu. Hiraṇṇ yakasś ipu was so powerful that even the demigods in other
planets would tremble simply by the unfavorable raising of his eyebrow. The
demigods in the higher level of material existence many, many times excel
the most well-to-do human beings in duration of life, beauty, wealth,
paraphernalia and all other respects. Still they were afraid of Hiraṇṇ yakasś ipu.
Thus we can simply imagine how powerful Hiraṇṇ yakasś ipu was in this material
world. But even Hiraṇṇ yakasś ipu was cut into small pieces by the nails of Lord
Nṛṇ siṁṁha. This means that anyone materially powerful cannot stand the
strength of the Lord’s nails. Similarly, Jāā madagnya displayed the Lord’s power
to kill all the disobedient kings powerfully situated in their respective states.
The Lord’s empowered incarnation Nāā rada and plenary incarnation Varāā ha, as
well as indirectly empowered Lord Buddha, created faith in the mass of
people. The incarnations of Rāā ma and Dhanvantari displayed His fame, and
Balarāā ma, Mohinīā and Vāā mana exhibited His beauty. Dattāā treya, Matsya,
Kumāā ra and Kapila exhibited His transcendental knowledge. Nara and
Nāā rāā yaṇṇ a Ṛṇ sṇ is exhibited His renunciation.

6. Explain the term amogha-lélaù (36)

The prime difference between the Lord and the living entities is that the Lord
is the creator and the living entities are the created. Here He is called the
amogha-līālaḥṇ , which indicates that there is nothing lamentable in His creation.
Those who create disturbance in His creation are themselves disturbed. He is
transcendental to all material afflictions because He is full with all six
opulences, namely wealth, power, fame, beauty, knowledge and renunciation,
and thus He is the master of the senses. He creates these manifested
universes in order to reclaim the living beings who are within them suffering
threefold miseries, maintains them, and in due course annihilates them
without being the least affected by such actions. He is connected with this
material creation very superficially, as one smells odor without being
connected with the odorous article. Nongodly elements, therefore, can never
approach Him, despite all endeavors.

SB 1.3.2: We should not expect milk from the fleshy bags on the neck of a
goat, although they look like breastly nipples. Similarly, we should not expect
any creative power from the material ingredients.

SB 1.3.28: When in the room small electric bulbs are displayed, it does not
mean that the electric powerhouse is limited by the small bulbs. The same
powerhouse can supply power to operate large-scale industrial dynamos with
greater volts. Similarly, the incarnations of the Lord display limited powers
because so much power is needed at that particular time.

SB 1.3.31: When the president goes out in his particular car, we say, "There
is the president." For the time being we identify the car with the president.
Similarly, less intelligent men who want to see God immediately without
necessary qualification are shown first the gigantic material cosmos as the
form of the Lord, although the Lord is within and without.

SB 1.3.34: The example of electrical energy is very appropriate in this

connection. The expert electrician can utilize the electrical energy for both
heating and cooling by adjustment only. Similarly, the external energy, which
now bewilders the living being into continuation of birth and death, is turned
into internal potency by the will of the Lord to lead the living being to eternal

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