Mucus Cold

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Active Ingredients & Purpose:

Bryonia Alba 6X HPUS

stubborn mucus in throat, cough with yellowish mucus
Euphrasia Officinalis 6X HPUS
cough with mucus in chest
Hepar Sulph Calc 12X HPUS
cough up mucus, mucus rattle with cough, stubborn mucus in chest
Natrum Muriaticum 30X HPUS
accumulation of mucus in throat, cough up mucus
Phosphorus 30X HPUS
cough with expectoration of yellow mucus, chest congestion
Pulsatilla 6X HPUS
accumulation of mucus, discharge of thick yellowish mucus, loose cough
Rumex Crispus 6X HPUS
runny nose, sneezing
Silicea 12X HPUS
nasal congestion
Bronchitis (Homeopathy)


This remedy is often indicated when a cough is dry and very painful. The person feels worse from any movement, and may even need to hold
his or her sides or press against the chest to keep it still. The cough can make the stomach hurt, and digestion may be upset. A very dry mouth
is common, and the person may be thirsty. A person who wants to be left alone when ill, and not talked to or disturbed, is likely to need


Bronchitis with a deep, hard, racking cough can indicate a need for this remedy. The person feels that mucus is stuck in the throat and upper
chest, and may cough continually to try to loosen it. A feeling of rawness and soreness can develop, or a sensation as if a rock is stuck inside.
Chills can occur along with fever. Exposure to cool air aggravates the cough, but drinking something cold can help. The person may feel worse
when days are cold and clear, and better in wet weather.


Bronchitis with a feeling of weight in the chest, and a cough with choking and gagging that brings up thick yellow mucus, may respond to this
remedy. The cough tends to be dry and tight at night, and loose in the morning. The fever may be worse in the evening and at night. Feeling
too warm or being in a stuffy room tends to make the person worse, and open air brings improvement. Thirst is usually low. A person who
needs this remedy often is moody and emotional and wants attention and sympathy. (This remedy is often helpful to children who are tearful
when not feeling well and want to be held and comforted.)

Other Remedies

Antimonium tartaricum

This remedy is indicated when the person has a feeling of wet mucus in the chest, and breathing makes a bubbly, rattling sound. The cough
takes effort and is often not quite strong enough to bring the mucus up, although burping and spitting may be of help. The person may feel
drowsy or dizzy, and feel better when lying on the right side or sitting up.

Calcarea carbonica

This remedy is often indicated for bronchitis after a cold. The cough can be troublesome and tickling, worse from lying down or stooping
forward, worse from getting cold, and worse at night. Children may have fever, sweaty heads while sleeping, and be very tired. Adults may feel
more chilly and have clammy hands and feet, breathing problems when walking up slopes or climbing stairs, and generally poor stamina.


When a person easily gets ill after being wet and chilled (or when the weather changes from warm and dry to wet and cool) this remedy may be
indicated. The cough can be tickly, hoarse, and loose, and worse from physical exertion. Tendencies toward allergies (cats, pollen, etc.) may
increase the person's susceptibility to bronchitis.
Hepar sulphuris calcareum

The cough that fits this remedy is usually hoarse and rattling, with yellow mucus coming up. The person can be extremely sensitive to cold—
even a minor draft or sticking an arm out from under the covers may set off jags of coughing. Cold food or drink can make things worse. A
person who needs this remedy feels vulnerable both physically and emotionally, and may act extremely irritable and out of sorts.

Kali bichromicum

A metallic, brassy, hacking cough that starts with a troublesome tickling in the upper air-tubes and brings up strings of sticky yellow mucus can
indicate this remedy. A sensation of coldness may be felt inside the chest, and coughing can lead to pain behind the breastbone or extending to
the shoulders. Breathing may make a rattling sound when the person sleeps. Problems are typically worse in the early morning, after eating and
drinking, and from exposure to open air. The person feels best just lying in bed and keeping warm.

Silicea (also called Silica)

A person who needs this remedy can have bronchitis for weeks at a stretch, or even all winter long. The cough takes effort and may bring up
yellow or greenish mucus, or little granules that have an offensive smell. Stitching pains may be felt in the back when the person is coughing.
Chills are felt more than heat during fever, and the person is likely to sweat at night. A person who needs this remedy is usually sensitive and
nervous, with low stamina, swollen lymph nodes, and poor resistance to infection.


This remedy can be indicated when a person has had many bouts of bronchitis (sometimes the resistance has been weakened by taking
antibiotics too often for minor complaints). The cough feels irritating, burning, and painful; yellow or greenish mucus may be produced.
Problems can be worse if the person gets too warm in bed, and breathing problems at night may wake the person up. Redness of the eyes and
mucous membranes, and foul-smelling breath and perspiration are often seen when a person needs this remedy.

Coughs and Colds

 Aconite: sudden onset, often after exposure to cold weather or dry, cold wind; the very beginning of illness, within the first 24 hours;
fearfulness, high fever, restlessness, sensitivity to light, thirst; watery runny nose, sneezing, headache; early stages of croup.

 Allium cepa: clear, burning nasal discharge that burns the skin and upper lip; eyes red and burning with profuse bland tearing;
tickling in larynx, painful dry cough; thirst.

 Arsenicum: profuse watery nasal discharge that burns the skin, nose feels stopped up; irritation and tickling in the nose, frequent
and violent sneezing; nasal discharge may be thick and yellow; dull throbbing frontal headache; cough from tickle in larynx or from
deep in chest, may be loose or dry; burning chest pain; chilly, anxious, restless, and fearful.

 Belladonna: sudden onset; high fever, dry flushed hot face, enlarged pupils, “strawberry tongue”; mentally dull but unusually
sensitive to light, odors, noise, etc.; anxious; throat raw and sore; headache and/or earache with throbbing pain; painful barking and
short cough, producing a little thin mucus.

 Bryonia: when cold has moved into chest; dry, painful, spasmodic cough, worse with deep breathing, eating, drinking, in warm
rooms and during the day; better from the open air or a swallow of warm water; pain worse with any movement, so person may
hold painful area to prevent movement, lie on painful side, put pressure on painful area, lie perfectly still with shallow, painting
respirations; thirsty, irritable, watnts to be left alone; looks sick, tired and heavy; dusky, dark skin color.

 Chamomilla: often used for earache; very irritable and sensitive, child wants to be carried; severe pain; one cheek red and hot, the
other cool and pale; thirsty.

 Eupatorium perforliatum: deep ache of back and limbs, bursting headache, eyeballs sore; afraid to move because of pain; very
thirsty, then chills and fever; vomiting may follow thirst; great weakness.
 Euphrasia: bland watery discharge from the nose and copious burning tears (opposite of Allium cepa); nasal discharge worse in the
morning, in open air, and lying down; loose shallow cough, worse during the day; may cough up large amounts of mucus formed in
the upper airways.

 Ferrum phosphoricum: beginning stages of all inflammatory problems; gradual onset; pale with red cheeks; red burning eyes; hoarse,
restless sleepless, weak, tired, thirsty, apathetic; better from cold applications.

 Gelsemium: gradual onset; sensation of heaviness throughout the body, drooping eyelids; great fatigue, but feels restless; chills up
and down spine, worse slightest draft; headache; sneezing and dry sensation in the nose despite irritating watery nasal drainage;
better with continued motion and open air if not chilled; worse from damp weather, anticipation (even of pleasurable events).

 Hepar sulphur: rarely used in the beginning stages; cold may have started with watery, runny nose, but now nasal discharge is thick,
yellow and may be bad smelling; sneezing at the slightest exposure to cold; wants to be wrapped up, especially the neck and head,
with the ears covered; rattling throat cough possibly with croupy sound, may cough up thick yellow phlegm; cough worse from cold
air, cold food, exposure to wind, deep breathing and uncovering; sensation of splinter in throat; earache may begin with sensation of
poking pain from throat to ear on swallowing; chilly, hoarse; irritable, sweating with sour odor, extremely sensitive to drafts; worse
from slightest touch.

 Kali bichromicum: used during later stages of cold; discharge thick, yellow or greenish, and stringy, difficult to remove from nose;
thick post-nasal drip; sinus headache with pressure at root of nose; head or face pain that can be pointed to with one finger; hoarse
voice; better from heat and lying down.

 Kali muriaticum: to clear Eustachian tube following earache; snapping noises in the ear, impaired hearing following earache; worse
from motion, rich foods, and fats.

 Mercurius: cold begins with creeping chilliness; violent sneezing; thick green or profuse watery nasal discharge, making nose and
upper lip sore; raw sore throat, difficult swallowing; coated tongue, heavy salivation, bad mouth odor; ticking ear pain, worse at
night; very thirsty, weak and trembling; whole person smells sick; worse at night, lying on right side, with wet and damp weather,
sweating, a warm room, or a warm bed.

 Natrum muriaticum: cold begins with much sneezing; nasal discharge like raw egg white or boiled starch, with copious flow, or nose
may be stopped up; loss of smell and taste; lips try and cracked, skin split at corners of mouth, may have cold sores around mouth;
blue mood, weepy, worse, from or irritated by sympathy or comfort; worse from heat, lying down, noise; better from open air, cold
bath, going without regular meals.

 Nux vomica: illness after exposure to cold or cold dry weather; onset not sudden; dry, tickling and scraping sensations in nose; nose
stuffy and dry at first, then develops a watery and often irritating discharge with sneezing; nose may alternate between stuffed up
and runny; “stuffiness predominates at night and outdoors, runniness in warm rooms and during the day” (Cummings and Ullman);
throat raw and rough, tickle in larynx; teasing dry cough leads to soreness in chest; cough worse in morning (especially on waking),
from 12AM to sawn, after eating, or mental work and in cold air; cough may end in retching; warm drinks relieve; chilly and unable
to get warm despite piles of covers, every little motion causes chills; irritable and easily offended, extremely sensitive to noises and
odors; better with warmth, in the evening, lying down, and an uninterrupted nap.

 Phosphorus: laryngitis and hoarseness, violent tickling in throat while speaking, worse in the morning or evening; cough dry or loose,
croupy or deep, increases when talking, eating, laughing, or breathing cold air; cough worse lying down, especially on left side;
cough aggravated by liquids, especially cold drinks; phlegm of any color or consistency, may be streaked with blood; chest pain,
worse from motion, better from pressure; sensation of tightness or constriction, or of a weight in the chest; chilly and craves ice cold
drinks; nervous when alone or in the dark.

 Pulsatilla: for a “ripe” cold; thick, creamy, bland yellow to yellow-green nasal discharge, with stuffiness alternating with fluent
discharge; nose may run in the open air and the evening, and stuff up in a warm room; lips are chapped and peeling; dry mouth with
a lack of thirst; both dry and loose coughs, may be dry in the evening, loose in the morning; sensation of weight on chest; coughing
spasms may end in gagging or vomiting; cough worse when lying down, with exertion, a warm room,; better with open air; red,
swollen external ear with an earache, with severe throbbing pain, worse at night; feels as if the ears are stopped up; weepy, wants
sympathy and attention, feeling its useless to do anything to feel better; craves open air.

 Rumex crispus: for cough provoked by breathing cold air or by minute changes in air temperature from warm to cooler; extremely
sensitive to inhaling cold air; variation in air flow may excite cough, so person carefully regulates breathing; cough dry and shallow,
set off by tickling in airways or pressing hand to throat; worse evening (11PM) and lying down; may have fluent, watery nasal
discharge with sneezing, or tough stringy mucus difficult to cough up; hoarse.
 Spongia: loud, dry, barking cough and hoarse, rasping respirations; breathing sounds like saw being driven through a board; cough
worse from excitement, talking, alcohol, lying down, and cold drinks; hoarse, breathing difficult, as if there’s a plug in the throat;
wakes with sensation of suffocating from throat constriction; anxious, warm, exhausted after slight exertion; better from eating or
drinking, especially warm drinks

7 important homeopathic remedies for coughs

In homeopathy and especially in working with homeopathic single remedies, selection based on an individual's specific symptoms is
critical to success. Colds frustrate selection in that symptoms constantly change as the condition matures. One important element
to examine is the cough. The character of your cough can make a definable difference in homeopathic remedy comparisons. Does it
force you up at night? Is it dry or wet, rattling or wheezing, or constantly changing? Does the mucus stay down, gag you or come up
easily? Does heat, cold, motion or lying down aggravate it?

The number of remedies indicated for coughs is seemingly endless. However, some stand out as suitable for common coughs and
as good examples for what to look for in defining your cough.
Here are seven. Each one addresses a unique type of cough and set of symptoms that may accompany that cough..

Pulsatilla: Wearying night cough that forces the cougher to sit up and hold the ribcage. The cough tends to be dry, shaky and frustrating in the
evening and at night– forcing you to sit up over and over again. In the morning, it starts out dry and very fitful with retching, but as the
congestion matures the thick mucus loosens toward morning. The coughing spells worsen the dry sore throat and cause soreness in the chest.
Related cold symptoms include sticky eye irritation, nose is stuffy at night and runny in the morning, minor fevers are chilling, mucus is bland
thick and greenish and like everything Pulsatilla, symptoms are very changeable. Specific people are most apt to need Pulsatilla. They tend to be
‘soft, gentle, mild, affectionate, as well as clingy, weepy, moody, sometimes childish’ with a deep need for security and ever changing moods and

Nux vomica: A suffocating cough highlights a restless cold or flu with extreme chilliness.
The cough is dry, tight and hacking. It oppresses breathing and causes a bruised soreness and often a bursting headache. Cough and other
symptoms typically induce Nux's trademark irritability and sensitivity to light, noise, etc. Symptoms feel worse in the morning (possibly starting at
3a.m.) and in cold dry atmosphere. A finished nap and damp weather tend to lessen symptoms a bit. Extreme chilliness makes drafts
unbearable. The cold may also have hot irritating mucus that blocks the nose at night and a rough sore throat that sends pain toward the ears on
trying to swallow the lump in your throat. On the emotional side, typical adjectives for Nux individuals or states include: competitive, impatient,
impulsive, ambitious, aggressive, fastidious, restless. Stress from excess is an important keynote, whether brought on by too much work, food,
fun or spirits.

Kali bich: Stubborn, gagging cough. Thick, ropy, yellow to green, sticky, stringy, stubborn, smelly mucus is at the heart of what this remedy can
treat. The cough is stubborn, gagging, hacking misery as you try to clear the thick mucus out of your throat. Mucus crusts up in the nose and fills
the sinuses causing choking post nasal drip, hoarseness and pain especially at the root of the nose. The cough often starts very dry but over time
becomes more productive especially after a walk in fresh air. When mucus accumulates overnight, morning becomes a torment of blocked nasal
passages with stubborn hacking, hawking, gagging and coughing. Heat, but not hot weather, can help, but beer and morning are highly

Phosphorus: A hard, dry, tight, racking cough set off by a tickle in the aching raw throat. The colds Phosphorus treats best move quickly into the
chest. The cough may set the body trembling and cause labored breathing and tightness across the chest. Cold air, talking and physical exertion
trigger bouts of coughing. A key trait to its fever is great thirst for cold drinks that are vomited soon after warming in the stomach. Hoarseness
usually results from these colds, but it also helps hoarseness from overuse, especially in singers. Phosphorus can do the most for excitable,
impressionable often lively individuals who burn the candle at both ends until the energy runs out; then sadness, anger and even indifference can

Bryonia: A dry, hacking, painful cough with stitching pains– worse for movement. Bryonia relieves ailments that approach slowly, linger too long,
are worse for movement and may result from being chilled when overheated or from fast weather changes. Its slow moving flu and colds are
marked by dryness and body-aching misery. Dry hacking cough causes pain in the sternum and forces you to sit up especially at night. Hawking
will eventually move the mucus. Eating and drinking aggravate cough as will going into a warm room. Other symptoms include a bone-aching,
chill-ridden fever, great thirst for cold water, dry throat and a “don’t touch me, leave me alone” irritability.

Hepar Sulph: A dry or rattling cough with chilliness. Chilliness and yellow phlegm also dominate this cold and there may be sinus pressure with
splinter-like sore throats. Cold dry wind, walking, even exposure of any body part from under the covers can provoke this changing cough that
runs from a barking dry hoarse cough to loose, rattling/choking coughing. The individuals needing Hepar sulph most lack internal heat, are easily
offended, and get are sensitive to rudeness or causes. They may become quite sad and highly irritable, especially at night. Though not highly
active, they may speak, eat and act out quickly and impulsively. In general, if highly sensitive to cold, pain, and touch, you might want to examine
Hepar sulph, especially if cold air feels threatening.
Natrum mur: A dry tickling cough. Dryness underlies many of Nat mur’s applications. Its colds and congestions have a dry rawness with thickening
clear to whitish mucus. Coughing is dry with rattling in the chest set off by a tickling the the throat. It can be particularly bad in the morning and
very fitful at night in bed. Cough often triggers a frontal headache that feels as if the forehead would burst. On the emotional plane, the dryness
becomes idiomatic as Nat mur applies to poorly circulated stress– suppressed grief, humiliation and heartbreaks. Sadness, irritability, anger,
occasional sleeplessness and haunting memories tend to dominate. Complaints tend to improve with open air, deep breathing and tight clothing,
and worsen with consolation, more emotion, hormonal fluctuations and sunlight (especially headaches). A deep crack in the lower lip and a
desire for salty foods further indicate a need for Nat mur.

We hope this helps you get to know your coughs better. Other cough-clearing remedies to consider: Drosera, Dulcamara, Gelsemium, Ipecac,
Spongia and Sulphur

Homeopathic Treatment for Phlegm in the Throat

By Dr. Vikas Sharma MD 73 Comments

Mucus produced by the lining of the respiratory system and discharged through the mouth is called phlegm. It occurs because of inflammation or

disease of the airway. There can be various causes of phlegm in the throat. The most common reasons are cold, allergies, sinusitis, hay fever,

postnasal drip, tonsillitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, overuse of voice and cigarette smoking. The color of the phlegm coughed up as sputa vary from

white to yellow and green. In some cases, it may also be bloodstained. This problem can be dealt very efficiently with the help of treatment for

phlegm in the throat. Homeopathy for a particular case of phlegm in the throat should be selected individually. The nature of phlegm, its cause,

and other symptoms need to be dealt with together when deciding on the homeopathic medicine to be used. Homeopathic treatment for phlegm

in the throat helps clear out the infection.

Using the accurately selected homeopathy medicine for phlegm in the throat can cure even the most chronic and rigid cases. Among the

extremely effective homeopathic treatment for phlegm in the throat are Argentum Nitricum, Kali Bichrome, Kali Carb, Argentum

Metallicum, Kali Mur, Silicea, Pulsatilla, Phosphorus, and Psorinum.

Best Homeopathic Treatment for Phlegm in the Throat

1. Argentum Nitricum – For Phlegm With Marked Hawking

Argentum Nitricum is one of the most effective treatment for phlegm in the throat. It gives great results for phlegm in throat accompanied by

intense hawking. The mucus in the throat is thick, and there are rawness and roughness in the throat. Splinter-like sensation in the throat may also

be present. Other symptoms are a burning feeling and dryness in the throat and the fauces. Argentum Nitricum is also very effective in cases of

phlegm in the throat because of smoking.

2. Kali Bichrome – For Tough and Stringy Phlegm In the Throat

Kali Bichrome leads the list of treatment for phlegm in the throat in cases where the phlegm is tough and stringy. It sticks to the throat and

detaches with much difficulty. The throat is also red and inflamed. A cough may arise from sticky phlegm in the throat. Relaxation of the uvula is

also a possibility. Kali Bichrome is an excellent treatment for cases of phlegm in the throat caused by sinusitis. In such situations, a post nasal

drip of mucus in the throat is the most prominent symptom.

3. Kali Carb – For Phlegm Hard to Swallow or Hawk Up

Kali Carb is another often used medicine for phlegm in the throat. It is an excellent remedy in cases where the phlegm in the throat is hard to

swallow or hawk up. The phlegm remains stuck in the throat. Its accumulation is worse in the mornings and is also accompanied by a hard cough.

There is also tickling in the throat which leads to a cough. The phlegm in the throat is like a lump and is unpleasant in nature. There can also be a

stinging or stitching pain in the throat.

4. Argentum Metallicum – For Phlegm from Overuse of Voice

The complaint of phlegm in the throat of persons from overuse of voice – like singers and public speakers – is successfully cured with Argentum

Metallicum. Symptoms include the need to hem and hawk while talking. The phlegm expectorated is gelatinous and sticky, like boiled starch, and

is most commonly and freely coughed up in the morning. Another prominent symptom is hoarseness of voice.

5. Kali Mur, Silicea, Pulsatilla, Phosphorus, and Psorinum – Other Effective Medicines for Phlegm

Kali Mur, Silicea, Pulsatilla, Phosphorus and Psorinum are excellent remedies for phlegm in the throat. Kali Mur is useful in cases where the

phlegm coughed up is white or milky white. Silicea and Pulsatilla are homeopathic cures in cases where the phlegm is yellow and greenish in

colour respectively. Phosphorus gives excellent results in cases where the sputa are blood stained. Psorinum is a well indicated homeopathic

medicine when the phlegm is nasty smelling and has a disgusting taste

Common Cold (Homeopathy)

Arsenicum album

A person who has frequent colds, sore throats, and chest problems—with burning pain and feelings of weakness, restlessness, and anxiety—may
benefit from this remedy. The person's head may feel hot while the rest of the body is cold, and problems can be worse near midnight. The nose
often feels stopped up, and the person may sneeze repeatedly, without relief. White, think, burning mucus may be produced.


This remedy relieves high fever of sudden onset with sweating.


Red, watery, irritated eyes, frequent sneezing, and a mild, clear nasal discharge suggests a need for this remedy. The person may cough from
irritation and from phlegm collecting in the throat. Symptoms can be worse at night, and the person tends to feel better from eating and lying

Natrum muriaticum

Colds with clear nasal discharge like egg-white, sneezing (which is often worse in the morning), headache, and a diminished sense of smell or taste
may respond to this remedy. The person may develop cold sores around the mouth, and the lips can be chapped and cracked.

Nux vomica

This relieves spasmodic sneezing in the morning, with a dry nose during the night.


This remedy relieves non-irritant yellowish nasal discharge with a dry nose at night that becomes runny during the day, and loss of smell and taste.

Other Remedies
Aconitum napellus

This remedy relieves high fever of sudden onset, with a hot face and dry skin, especially after exposure to intense cold.

Allium cepa

This relieves spasmodic sneezing and runny nose with an irritating, watery discharge, improved by fresh air.

Baryta carbonica

This remedy is indicated for people who frequently catch colds from getting chilled. A runny nose and swollen upper lip, swollen lymph nodes,
tonsils, and adenoids are typical symptoms. This remedy is often helpful to children who are bashful and slow to develop.


When a person comes down with a cold after getting wet and chilled, or if colds come on when the weather changes, this remedy should come to
mind. A stopped-up nose and face pain are likely. A person who needs Dulcamara also tends to have allergies.

Ferrum phosphoricum

This remedy relieves low-grade fever with weakness and tendency to nosebleeds and earaches.


Lethargy and aching, with headache and droopy eyes, often indicate this remedy. Fever and chills run up and down the spine, and heat or pressure
may be felt in the face and nose. A person who needs Gelsemium often trembles and is shaky, or feels extremely dull. This remedy is often helpful
for colds that come on in hot weather.

Hydrastis canadensis

This remedy relieves thick nasal discharge that irritates the throat.

Kali bichromicum

This helps relieve thick, greenish, irritating nasal discharge.

Kali iodatum

This remedy relieves runny nose with acrid watery discharge, with pain at the base of the nose.

Kali muriaticum

This helps relieve ear congestion with cracking sounds in the ear, worsened by the change in pressure.

Mercurius solubilis

A person who needs this remedy is extremely sensitive to temperatures, and experiences night sweats and drooling during sleep. Swollen lymph
nodes and bad breath are other indications. The person's nose may feel raw, and the tonsils or ears often become infected.


A person whose colds go easily to the chest often responds to this remedy. One nostril may be blocked while the other runs. Hoarseness, laryngitis,
and nosebleeds are other likely symptoms. The person often is thirsty for cold drinks and feels better from massage. People who need this remedy
often feel weak, "spaced out," and anxious or fearful when ill.
Rhus toxicodendron

If a cold begins with stiffness and body aches, especially during cool damp weather or weather changes, and leads to nasal congestion or sore
throat, this remedy should come to mind. The person feels extremely restless and often paces or fidget. Warmth and motion bring relief, both
physically and mentally.

Sulphur iodatum

This remedy relieves lingering symptoms (cough, nasal congestion) after a severe cold or flu

Top Homeopathic Remedies For Blocked Nose

The Homeopathy treatment for a blocked nose is very effective in removing the nasal blockage. The Homeopathy medicines, which are made of

natural substances and are completely safe with no side effects, are very capable and competent in the treatment of a blocked nose. The

medicines are decidedly more effective than nasal sprays and decongestants. The most suitable Homeopathy remedies are chosen after looking

at and analyzing the symptoms in each individual. The symptoms that are taken note of are the side of nose blockage, the time at which the

blockage is at its peak, peculiar worsening and relieving factors, any alteration of blockage with nasal discharges, the character of nasal discharge

and sneezing. Associated symptoms taken into consideration before deciding on the best Homeopathy remedy are a headache or any effect on

ears of a patient with a blocked nose. Lemna Minor, Nux Vomica, Sambucus, Arsenic Album, Gelsemium and Sinapis Nigra are the top remedies.

1. Lemna Minor: For Blocked Nose due to Polyp

Lemna Minor is the top natural remedy for removal of nasal blockage due to polyps. The symptoms guiding its use are nasal stuffiness and loss of

smell with difficulty in breathing. Posterior nasal dripping also accompanies nasal blockage. A few persons experience nasal discharges, while in

others, the nasal cavity remains dry. Another symptom is an offensive odour in the blocked nose. Lemna Minor is also the most effective remedy

for the polyp that worsens in wet weather. In polyp cases, Lemna Minor reduces the nasal blockage, providing relief from respiration trouble, and

the smelling power is regained.

2. Nux Vomica: For Nasal Blockage at Night

Nux Vomica is a natural remedy of great help in providing relief when the nasal obstruction is at its peak in night hours. Nux Vomica is very

beneficial in providing comfort to the patients with an extremely stuffy nose in night hours. The patients needing this remedy have acute nasal

stuffiness at night time. The person may also describe that during the day time, the nose is discharging while at night, it is blocked. Others may

complain of nasal obstruction on one side and free discharge on the other. Going in the open air also worsens the nasal blockage.

3. Sambucus: For Nasal Blockage with Excessive Dryness of Nasal Cavity

Sambucus is the best natural medicine for nose blockage with extremely dry nasal cavities. There is utmost difficulty in breathing due to blockage

and it forces the person to sit up. Mostly at night, the person has to sit up from sleep due to suffocation and difficulty in breathing. Sambucus is

also very beneficial when given to infants for nasal blockage. The blockage leads to suffocation and mouth breathing and the infant faces the

worst situation while taking the mother’s feed. In such cases, Sambucus gives promising results in reducing nasal blockage in infants.
4. For Blocked Nose due to Nasal Allergies

In nasal allergies, nasal blockage does not occur in isolation; rather, it forms a part of symptom picture that includes sneezing, nasal discharges

and watering from eyes. The best natural remedies are Arsenic Album, Gelsemium and Sinapis Nigra. Arsenic Album is mainly prescribed

when burning watery nasal discharges are present along with nose blockage. Gelsemium is the ideal remedy for a dull headache along with

stopped feeling in nose, and a fluent nose discharge. Sinapis Nigra is a natural medicine that can help when alternate nostrils are blocked due to

an allergic reaction. There is also discharge from nose and eyes.

5. For Blocked Nose due to Polyp

Nasal polyp is a growth in the nose arising out of its mucous lining. The foremost result of polyp is nasal blockage along with other symptoms

like post-nasal discharge or discharge from nose and sneezing. Lemna Minor is the top natural medicine for treating nose blockage due to the

polyp. The other useful remedies are Calcarea Carb, Sanguinaria Nitricum and Teucrium. Calcarea Carb proves to be most useful

when nose blockage due to polyp is accompanied by a yellowish thick discharge from the nose. Sanguinaria Nitricum, on the other hand, is an

efficient medicine when the nose is blocked along with watery nasal discharges. The discharges are extremely burning in nature and the person

experiences sneezing as well. Teucrium is ideal when offensive crusty discharges are expelled from the nose during nose blockage. The mouth

may also emit a bad odour. Watering from eyes and sneezing also accompany the blocked nose.

6. For Blocked Nose in Sinusitis

Kali Bichrome, Kali Lod, Pulsatilla and Silicea are top natural remedies for blocked nose due to sinus inflammation. Kali Bichrome is selected

when the main symptoms are nose blockage with posterior nasal discharges. Difficulty in breathing and loss of smell are also present. Extreme

nose stuffiness is felt at the root of the nose. Kali Lod is a medicine of great help when the nose is blocked with free discharge of a burning

character. For using remedy Pulsatilla, a specific greenish nose discharge with a blocked nose is the main indication. Silicea, meanwhile, is the

best remedy when the nose is blocked with dry, hard crusts in the nose. There is bleeding on trying to remove the crusts.

7. For Blocked Nose in Common Cold

The best remedies to relieve nose blockage in common cold are Arsenic Album and Nux Vomica. Arsenic Album is best suited when free watery

nasal discharges are present along with nose blockage. Sneezing also occurs. Nux Vomica is the ideal medicine when nose obstruction has been

acquired from an exposure to cold. The characteristic symptom for using Nux Vomica is nose discharges in the day and nasal blockage at night


8. For Nasal Blockage due to Adenoids

The best natural medicines for nose obstruction due to adenoids’ enlargement are Agraphis Nutans, Baryta Lod and Calcarea Lod. These

medicines are not selected and prescribed as per only one symptom of nose blockage, but rather a complete case is needed to be taken to select

the medicine to eradicate the condition.

9. For Blocked Nose due to Exostosis of Nasal Bones

The enlargement of nasal bones (exostosis is bone enlargement) is a rare cause of nose blockage, but it can be corrected with natural remedies

Phosphorus, Merc Sol and Aurum Met. A thorough case inquiry of the patient is made to choose the most suitable remedy out of these three.
Here are 5 of the most frequently used homeopathic remedies for colds:

1. Eupatorium perfoliatum: This remedy is indicated for colds accompanied by sore bones and hoarseness, along with sneezing, a runny nose, or a
dry, stuffed-up nose. Hoarseness may be accompanied with a dry sore throat, and patients will often lose their voice. The chest becomes sore,
especially behind the sternum. There is a hoarse cough, with a tickling in the larynx; the cough will be worse while lying on your back. It may
hurt to inhale; the bronchi will feel raw and hot.
2. Sabadilla officinalis: This remedy has an amazing effect on the mucous membranes of the nose. It is great for allergies, hay fever, and colds.
Indicated for colds characterized by lots of sneezing with copious watery discharge, which worsens from pollen or the smell of flowers. Itchy
nose feels like a tickling inside. It may feel like there is a lump in the throat, with a constant need to swallow.
3. Allium cepa: Derived from onions, this remedy works best for people who feel worse in a warm room or in dampness, and better in the open air.
Typical symptoms include watery discharges from the nose and eyes that can burn the skin, and sensitivity to the smell of flowers. Inhaling a cut
onion will give you a good idea as to what these symptoms feel like. So the idea that diluted onion extracts can remedy these symptoms is a
perfect example of the homeopathic principle of "like cures like."
4. Euphrasia officinalis: This remedy works best on colds or allergies that mostly affect the eyes. Symptoms include thick, yellowish discharge from
the eyes and burning pains in the eyes that worsen in bright light. The nose runs copiously during the day, but is stuffed up at night. Coughing is
caused by irritation in the larynx and produces phlegm.
5. Pulsatilla nigricans: This remedy is indicated when mucus discharges are profuse, bland, thick, and yellowish-green. The patient may have a dry
cough in the evening that worsens lying down. If the cold is accompanied by an ear infection, it will worsen at night and produce yellowish-green
discharge. The eyes can have yellowish-green, thick discharge as well.


Nasal congestion or "stuffy nose" occurs when nasal and adjacent tissues and blood vessels become swollen with excess fluid,
causing a "stuffy" feeling. Nasal congestion may or may not be accompanied by a nasal discharge or "runny nose."

Nasal congestion usually is just an annoyance for older children and adults. But nasal congestion can be serious for children
whose sleep is disturbed by their nasal congestion, or for infants, who might have a hard time feeding as a result.

Causes--Nasal congestion can be caused by anything that irritates or inflames the nasal tissues. Infections — such as colds, flu or
sinusitis — allergies and various irritants, such as tobacco smoke, may all cause a runny nose. Some people have a chronically
runny nose for no apparent reason — a condition called no allergic rhinitis or vasomotor rhinitis (VMR).

Less commonly, nasal congestion can be caused by polyps or a tumor.

Potential causes of nasal congestion include: Acute sinusitis, Allergies, Chronic sinusitis, Common cold, Decongestant nasal
spray overuse, Deviated septum, Drug addiction, Dry air, Enlarged adenoids, Foreign body in the nose, Hormonal changes,
Flu, Medications, such as high blood pressure drugs, Nasal polyps, Non allergic rhinitis, Occupational asthma, Pregnancy,
Respiratory syncytial virus, Stress, Thyroid disorders, Tobacco smoke, Granulomatosis with polyangiitis



Nux Vomica the effective Homeopathic remedy of great help in providing relief when the nasal obstruction is at its peak in night
hours. Nux Vomica is very beneficial in providing comfort to the patients with extremely stuffy nose in night hours. The patients
needing this Homeopathic remedy have acute nasal stuffiness at night time. The person may also describe that during day time,
the nose is discharging while at night, it is blocked. Also patients may feel nasal obstruction on one side and free discharge on the
other. Going in open air also worsens the nasal blockage.


Sambucus is another top Homeopathic medicine for nose blockage with extremely dry nasal cavities. There is utmost difficulty in
breathing due to blockage and it forces the person to sit up. Mostly at night, the person has to sit up from sleep due to suffocation
and difficulty in breathing. Sambucus is also very effective when given to infants for nasal blockage. The blockage leads to
suffocation and mouth breathing and the infant faces the worst situation while taking the mother’s feed

ARSENICUM ALBUM 30—Arsenicum album is prescribed when the blockage of nose is due to nasal allergies.It is mainly
prescribed when burning watery nasal discharges are present along with nose blockage. There is copious watery and excoriating
discharge from the nose.There is intense thirst and the patient feels worse in open air.
GELSEMIUM 30—Gelsemium is prescribed when there is dull headache along with stopped feeling in nose blockage , and a
fluent nose discharge.

SINAPIS NIGRA 30- Sinapis nigra is another best remedy for nasal congestion due to allergy. It is prescribed when alternate
nostrils are blocked due to allergic reaction. There is also discharge from nose and eyes.

CALCAREA CARB. 30-Calcarea carb is very effective for nose blockage due to nasal polyp. Carb is yet another excellent
homeopathic medicine for nasal polyps. It is mostly indicated for left sided nasal polyps. The left sided nostril feels blocked. This
may be attended with fetid yellow discharge from nose. Soreness and ulcerated sensation in nose is also felt. Offensive odor in
nose is also marked. There is much swelling at the root of nose.Calcarea carb is prescribed when persons who tend to take
easily.The change of weather worsen nasal complaints. Calcarea carb is more suitable to fat , flabby persons, who has a craving
for eggs.

LEMNA MINOR 30--Lemna Minor is the top Homeopathic remedy for removal of nasal blockage due to polyps. The symptoms
guiding its use are nasal stuffiness and loss of smell with difficulty in breathing.Posterior dripping also
accompanies nasal blockage. A few persons experience nasal discharges, while in others, the nasal cavity remains dry. There is is
offensive odour in the blocked nose. Lemna Minor is also the most effective Homeopathic remedy for the polyp that worsens in
wet weather. In polyp cases, Lemna Minor reduces the nasal blockage, providing relief from respiration trouble, and the smelling
power is regained.

SANGUINARIA NITRICUM 3X--Sanguinaria Nitricum, is also effective for nasal congestion due to polyp and also it is an
efficient Homeopathic medicine when the nose is blocked along with watery nasal discharges. The discharges are extremely
burning in nature and the person experiences sneezing as well.

KALI BICHROMICUM 30-Kali bichrimicum is an excellent remedy for nasal congestion due to sinusitis, where the
discharge drops back into the throat despite coming out of the nose. The discharge is very thick and mostly yellow. It can be
ropy too and the patient experiences pain and heaviness in the root of nose. The nose can smell and is blocked with an inability to
breathe through it. Kali Bichrome is also the best Homeopathic remedy for headache above the eyes due to sinus infection. The
eyes may also get swollen up

SILICEA 30 Silicea is the best Homeopathic remedy when the nose is blocked with dry, hard crusts in nose. There is bleeding
on trying to remove the crusts. Silicea is one of the best homeopathic remedies for sinus infection. The sinus headache mainly
on the right side is best treated with Silicea. The patient requiring Silicea feels chilly and is very sensitive to cold air. Covering up
warmly provides relief. One prominent indication for using Homeopathic medicine Silicea in sinus cases is nasal stuffiness. The
nasal discharges get clogged in hard crusts. On attempting to loosen these crusts, there is bleeding

PULSATILLA 30-Pulsatilla for stuffy nose, if thick, yellowish or greenish bland mucus is produced. If congestion intensifies in
the evening, and if the patient feels worse in warm, stuffy rooms and better upon going outside, this is another indication that
Pulsatilla negricans might be the correct remedy

KALI IODIDE 30- Kali Iod is the best homeopathic medicine for treating thin nasal discharge due to sinus inflammation that
blocks nose. The discharge is watery in a large quantity and leads to an intense burning sensation.

KALI MUR 6X-Kali mur is an excellent remedy for nasal blockage due to cold. Here the nasal discharge is white and a white
coating is seen on tongue, and sinus problems.

AGRAPHIS NUTANS 3X—an excellent remedy for nasal blockage due to adenoids. Obstruction of the nostrils. Child breathe
through the mouth. Enlarged tonsils. Much clear mucus discharge—are the main symptoms.

MERCURIOUS SOL 30-Merc sol is used for blockage of nose due to exostosis of bones. Here the nasal discharge is yellowish-
green with a burning feeling. The nasal membrane gets corroded and ulcerated due to the offensive and thick acrid discharge. The
patient has a headache with heat in head along with nasal discharge. An increased saliva in mouth is a prominent feature to look
for in patients requiring Homeopathic medicine Merc Sol. It is also very beneficial if the mouth lets out an offensive smell.
RHUS TOXICODENDRON 30-Rhus toxicodendron for nasal congestion, especially when the condition occurs during cool,
damp weather or changing weather. The patient is restless, fidgety and pacing, with both motion and warmth bringing some
relief, this is another indication for Rhus toxicodendron.

Sinus headache
The following are remedies commonly prescribed for sinus congestion and headache:

 Arsenicum album. For throbbing, burning sinus pain that is relieved by lying upright in a cool room with open windows.

 Belladonna. For throbbing headaches that come on suddenly and feel worse with motion and light; pain is partially relieved by

pressure, standing, sitting, or leaning backwards.

 Bryonia. For headaches with a steady, sharp pain that occurs most often in the forehead but may radiate to the back of the head;

symptoms tend to worsen with movement and light touch, but firm pressure alleviates the pain; the person for whom this remedy
is most appropriate is usually irritable and may experience nausea, vomiting, and constipation.

 Hepar sulphuricum. For headaches described as "a nail being driven between the eyes," these types of headaches are often

accompanied by thick, yellow nasal discharge; symptoms tend to worsen with movement and light touch of the scalp and

improve with pressure.

 Iris versicolor. For throbbing headaches that occur on one side of the head, especially after eating sweets; visual disturbances

may also occur; these headaches are worse in the early morning, during spring and fall, and symptoms tend to worsen with


 Kali bichromicum. For sinus headaches and congestion; pain often occurs between and behind the eyes; symptoms typically

progress throughout the morning, worsen with cold and motion, and improve with warmth and pressure.

 Mercurius. For raw, swollen nostrils; this remedy is most appropriate for individuals whose pain feels as though the head has

been placed in a vise; pain may also extend to the teeth; symptoms tend to worsen at night and the individual may alternate

between sweating and having the chills; nasal discharge may be bloody.

 Natrum muriaticum. For headaches and congestion associated with allergies.

 Pulsatilla. For headaches triggered by eating rich, fatty foods, particularly ice cream; pain may move around the head but tends

to be concentrated in the forehead or on one side of the head and may be accompanied by digestive problems or occur around the

time of menstruation; symptoms tend to worsen at night and with coughing and blowing the nose; children often develop these

symptoms while at school.

 Silicea. For sinus pain that improves with pressure, head wraps, and warm compresses.

 Spigelia. For stinging, burning, or throbbing sinus pain that often occurs on the left side of the head; symptoms tend to worsen

with cold weather and motion but may be temporarily relieved by cold compresses and lying on the right side with the head

propped up.
 Indigestion and Gas (Homeopathy)

 Carbo vegetabilis

 This remedy relieves bloating and gas in the stomach, with belching.

 LycopodiumThis remedy relieves discomfort and indigestion, with bloating around the waist and gas, especially after

eating onions or garlic.

 Natrum carbonicumThis remedy can be helpful to mild people who have trouble digesting and assimilating many

foods and have to stay on restricted diets. Indigestion, heartburn, and ulcers can occur if offending foods are eaten.

Milk or dairy products can lead to flatulence or sputtery diarrhea that leaves an empty feeling in the stomach. Cravings

for potatoes and sweets are common; also milk, but it makes these people sick, so they have usually learned to avoid it.

 Nux vomicaThis homeopathic remedy relieves nausea and cramps from indigestion, especially after excessive eating

of spicy foods or drinking of alcohol.

 PulsatillaThis helps relieve gastric discomfort caused by eating too much fatty food, cakes and ice cream, with

bloating, belching and slow digestion.

 Other Remedies

 Antimonium crudumThis relieves indigestion from eating too much, especially rich or acidic foods or cured meat.

Symptoms are relieved by applying heat to the abdomen.

 Arsenicum albumThis remedy may be indicated if a person feels anxious, restless yet exhausted, and is worse from

the smell and sight of food. Burning pain is felt in the stomach and esophagus, which often is relieved by warmth and

sitting up. Vomiting and diarrhea are possible. Upsets from spoiled food or from eating too much fruit often respond to

this remedy.

 BryoniaWhen this remedy is indicated, the stomach feels heavy, with rising acid and a bitter or sour taste. Pain and

nausea are worse from motion of any kind. The person may have a dry mouth and be thirsty for long drinks, which may

increase discomfort. Bryonia is strongly suggested if a person is grumpy and wants to stay completely still and not be

touched or talked to.

 Cinchona officinalis
 This remedy relieves bloating of the abdomen and foul-smelling gas, sometimes with painless, but exhausting, diarrhea.

 Colocynthis
 This relieves abdominal cramps improved by bending over, with strong pressure and heat.

 Magnesia phosphorica
 This remedy relieves abdominal cramps improved by heat and bending over.

 Natrum phosphoricum
 A sour taste in the mouth, an acid or burning sensation in the stomach, sour vomiting, regurgitated bits of food, and a
yellow coating on the tongue are all indications for this remedy. The person may have problems after consuming dairy

products or too much sugar. Another indication for Natrum phos is a craving for fried eggs.
 Phosphorus
 Burning pain in the stomach that feels better from eating ice cream or other cold, refreshing foods suggests a need for

this remedy. The person is usually thirsty for cold drinks, but often feels nauseous or vomits once liquids warm up in

the stomach. People needing Phosphorus may have a tendency toward easy bleeding and sometimes develop stomach

Mode of Action of Main Ingredients Dr. Reckeweg
R 1 Anginacid
Inflammation Drops

Apis mellifica: Inflammatory infiltrations, edematous swellings.

Barium chloratum: Chronic diseases with swelling and suppuration of the glands in different scrofulous affections
of children.
Belladonna: Inflammatory hyperemia of skin, of mucous membranes and glands. High fever. Aridity of the mucosa,
delirium, moist feverish skin.
Calcium jodatum: Chronic tonsillitis of children, scrofulous increase of Lymph nodes on neck and nape.
Hepar sulfuris: Tendency for catharzic inflammations and pyesis.
Kalium bichromicum: Plastic exudation of mucous membranes in nose, pharyngeal cavity and pharynx. Viscous,
stringy mucus. Mucosae ulcer.
Marum verum: Adenoid vegetation, chronic catarrh of the postnasal space.
Mercurius sublimatus corrosivus: Acute inflammations of the mucosa involving the glands, sticky perspirations.
Phytolacca: Swelling and dark reddening of the pharynx and tonsils, radiating pain up to the ears.

Adel 39 Apo Sciatica, German Homeopathy drops for Sciatica Treatment

ADEL 39 Apo-Sciatica drops for treatment of sciatica, pain in the legs/arms, low back pain and soft tissue
About Sciatic Pain Sciatica refers to pain that radiates along the path of the sciatic nerve, which branches
from your lower back through your hips and buttocks. It is a large nerve extending from the lower back
down the back of each leg. The nerve pain emanates from irritation of the sciatic nerve. Common
symptoms include lower back pain, Pain in the rear or leg that is worse when sitting, Hip pain, Burning or
tingling down the leg, Weakness, numbness, or difficulty moving the leg or foot. A constant pain on one
side of the rear, a shooting pain that makes it difficult to stand up. Causes of sciatica or degenerative disc
disease can be narrowing of spinal canal in lower back (lumbar spinal stenosis), discs breakdown etc.
Sciatic is the largest nerve in the body. It controls the muscles in back of the lower leg and knee that
provides the feeling to back of thigh and sole of foot. degenerative disc disease or sciatica refers to the
pain that affects the hip, back and outer side of leg that further owes to the degeneration of intervertebral
disc. The pain is typically felt from the lower back till behind of the thigh that can further radiate below
the knee. Inflammation or irritation of sciatic nerve can generate symptoms of sciatica.
Symptoms of sciatica are as follows Pain in one side of leg or buttock
Worse pain when sitting
Tingling, burning or tearing leg pain.
Numbness or weakness during leg movements
Other factors that make the back pain more worse can include overweight, inactiveness, high heels or
sleeping on mattress which is very soft.
Oral medications include: Over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen, aspirin, or NSAIDs
(such as ibuprofen, ketoprofen, or naproxen, Prescription muscle relaxants to ease muscle spasms.
Antidepressants are indicated for chronic low back pain.
About Adel 39 Sciatica Drops Sciatica drops are a proprietary blend of several homeopathic herbs like
bryonia cretica, colchicum autumnal etc., selected for their ability to address sciatica, pain in legs/arms,
inflammation and pain in soft tissue (rheumatism) and pain in lower back.
INGREDIENTS: Adel 39 apo-Sciatica drops for degenerative disc disease contains: Arnica Montana 6x, Bryonia Cretica
6x, Colchicum Aurumnale 4x, Solanum Dulcamara 4x, Guajacum 6x, Gnaphalium Obrusifolium 4x, Lachnanthes
Tinctoria 4x, Taraxacum Officinalis 4x, Rhus Toxicodendron 8x.
How the ingredients in Adel 39 Sciatica Drops work The key properties in Sciatica drops are derived
from the following ingredients in treatment of degenerative disc disease or sciatica
Bryonia cretica –
it acts against tearing pain in muscles that may be accompanied by inflammations. It is also used to
treat disease in which defective metabolism of uric acid causes arthritis (gout), rheumatism of joints and limbs.
Colchicum autumnale –
it acts as best active substance for treating gout, inflammation and swelling of a tendon
especially in wrist (tenosynovitis) and low back pain syndrome (lumbalsyndromatic) processes.
Gnaphalium obtusifolium –
it functions against Ischia (curved bone forming the base of each half of the pelvis) syndrome
and pains in lower back.
Guajacum –
it treats the displaced infections that show the gouty inflamed rheumatic process of all limbs and
muscles that are accompanied by symptoms of burning in effected region along with feeling of lameness and
sticking pains.
Lachnanthes tinctoria –
it treats symptoms of sciatica or degenerative disc disease such as pains in rheumatic states,
cramps in neck and stiffness.
Solanum dulcamara –
it treats muscle and neuralgia (intense pain along the course of nerve) rheumatism. It also
treats the feeling of stiffness and battered feeling pain.
Taraxacum officinale –
treats the sticking rheumatic pain. It regulates eliminating power of kidneys and metabolism of
Rhus toxicodendron –
it treats rheumatic symptoms. It also treats pain in the muscles and joints of the lower back
(lumbago), sciatica, pain or loss of function in the nerves that carry signals to and from the brain and spinal cord
(brachial neuritis) and Inflammation of a tendon and its enveloping sheath (tend vaginitis).

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