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Righteous Christianity Facts

 “Christ,” a title that comes from a Greek word meaning “Anointed One.”[2]
 Many Christians believe in “The Trinity,” the idea that God has always been Father, Son, and
Holy Spirit. Jesus is sometimes referred to as the “incarnation” of God as a human.[2]
 According to the Bible, Jesus was born to a virgin named Mary, who was impregnated by the
Holy Spirit.[2]
 Jesus' father, Joseph, was a carpenter. He is the patron saint of Mexico, Canada, and
 According to Christian tradition, Jesus performed several miracles during the years he taught,
including walking on water, feeding a crowd of five thousand with only five loaves of bread and
two small fishes, and raising multiple people from the dead.[2]

 Despite Jesus preaching multiple times about taking care of the poor and needy, 49% of
Christians believe government aid to the poor does more harm than good.[5]
 Muslims also consider Jesus a prophet, although they do not believe he was the son of God.[2]
 Many Christians use the symbol of the Cross as an image for their faith. Jesus was killed by
being nailed to a cross, an act Christians believe paid the price of their sins and allows them to be
one with God.[2]
 After being crucified, the Bible says that Jesus was resurrected after three days of lying in a

 Christians believe Jesus will return to the earth to judge humanity for their actions. This is
often called the "Second Coming" or the "Final Judgement" and is depicted most famously in the
Sistine Chapel in Rome.[2]

 The two major Christian holidays—Christmas and Easter—celebrate Jesus' birth and death and
resurrection, respectively.[2]
 In 64 AD, a fire raged through Rome. Emperor Nero wanted to deflect the blame and accused
Christians of setting the blaze. Many were tortured and killed because of his accusations.[4]
 The earliest celebration of Christmas dates to 336 AD. The holiday replaced a pagan tradition
of celebrating the winter solstice after Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity.[11]
 In 392 AD, Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire, replacing
thousands of years of pagan worship. Many Roman temples were converted into churches in the
 Marcion of Sinope was an early Catholic who believed the God of the Old Testament was
actually a devil, inspiring Marcion to collect Christian writings that supported his radical new
theology. His work helped create the Bible, Christianity’s main religious text, that most read and
follow today.[8]
 The Bible is split into two parts—the "Old" and the "New." The Old Testament tells of the
creation of the world and the history of the Israelites, God's chosen people. The New Testament
details Christ's life and teachings, and includes the writings of apostles after Jesus died.[10]

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