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What You Can Do To Help Your Acid Reflux

Do you have an acid reflux problem? If you do, then you likely have suffered through many
days with that feeling in your throat. It can lead to larger problems, and it's time that you took
control over your life and your acid reflux. There are ways to make sure this problem is gone
for good, so keep reading.

When you want to reach for a natural treatment for heartburn, consider licorice. You need to
choose DGL licorice which doesn't contain glycyrrhizic acid and therefore will not cause
hypertension. Chewable tablets are your best bet before meals, and they can be found
affordably at natural food retailers and health supplement shops.

There are certain foods that trigger acid reflux. Therefore, it's in your best interest to avoid
these if possible. One example is chocolate. While dark chocolate doesn't appear to be as
bad as high-fat milk chocolate, they both contain caffeine and cocoa, which are both known
to cause acid reflux.

If you have been taking antacids over an extended period of time, chances are you have acid
reflux. While it will not hurt you to take tums every now and then, continuing to take them
when the problem may be more serious is a mistake. Go see a doctor if you have had
symptoms for quite some time.

You want to avoid foods that contain a high amount of acid in order to reduce acid reflux
attacks. Examples of foods that are known to have a high acidic content are grapefruit,
tomatoes, and pineapple. If you do have a history of issues after eating these foods, it may
be best to avoid eating them late at night, or entirely.

If you would like to reduce acid reflux, avoid alcohol. Drinking alcohol can cause acid reflux
and damage the lining in your stomach. Whenever you go out for a night on the town with
some of your friends, limit your intake of alcohol. If you don't, you may have trouble sleeping
due to your acid reflux.

If you often have acid reflux, avoid drinking during your meals. A glass of water will add to the
volume of food in your stomach and make digestion harder. You should wait until you are
done digesting to drink and avoid drinking just before having a meal or a snack.

Eat any meal three hours prior to sleeping. If bedtime is at 11 then make sure you aren't
eating anything after 8. Why you may ask? Because when you lie down completely with a
stomach filled with food, it places pressure on the LES muscle. This leads to the unpleasant
effects of reflux.

Now that you've been told the tips that have been given to you in this article, you need to
focus on a good plan for making sure that you bring them to fruition. You don't want to suffer
through your acid reflux any more of your days. Put the information you've read to good use
as you work towards a better life without acid reflux.
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