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Siege of the International

Short Intro
Event: Siege of the International Legations

Time: Around the 1900s

Location:Peking (Today Beijing), China

Reason: Boxer Rebellion & 2nd Industrial Revolution

Belligerents: French, Italy, Japan, Great Britain, United

States, Russia, Austria, Germany.

Result: Eight-Nation Alliance victory

1st Perspective (China)
At 1984, because China loose the war between China and
Japan, China’s place at the international directly decreases,
which makes all the countries wants to crave up China at will.

So during that year, there is many wars happening between

China and the International Legations

In China people’s view, the International Legations were

their enemies who’s attacking their hometown, killing them,
and making them became homeless.
2nd Perspective (International
To the International Legations, China were like a big cake that
they’re craving for after China have lost the war between Japan.

There is many resources they can get for China.

But although China somehow badly hurt after the war with
Japan, but still is not easy to fight against.

So they combined 8 countries and became the International

Legations to fought against China.

Then, in front of the International Legations, China became the

soft potato which everyone can pinched on.
Positives and Negatives

• America use indemnity to build Tsinghua University at Beijing[1].

• China became more open-minded[1].

• A major milestone on China’s distance into revolution[1].

• The dynasty was overthrown for China after 11 years.


• People died during the war

• This event became a black history of China, not only because of

International Legation, but also because the emperor of the Qing Dynasty.
Is the Source Reliable

Yes, but I haven’t found a primary source to

Works Cited
[1] X, Lynne. "Siege of International legation." N.p., 16
Nov. 2013. Web. 03 Sept. 2017.

[2] “Siege of the International Legations." Wikipedia. Wikimedia

Foundation, 26 Aug. 2017. Web. 31 Aug. 2017. https://

[3] Grant, R.G. "Siege of the International Legations."

Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica, inc., 19 Apr.
2017. Web. 31 Aug. 2017.

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