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All the President’s Men is a film that came out in 1976 about the infamous Watergate

scandal. The story is told from the perspective of two journalists, Bob Woodward and Carl
Bernstein, as they investigate the scandal.

At the beginning of the movie the two journalists were assigned, by the Washington Post,
to investigate five burglars who have been keeping a big secret. As the protagonists continue to
dive deeper into the issue they start unraveling the huge scandal. The movie showcased the
integrity of the journalists not only as they encounter the attraction to money, but also the
challenge from higher up officials.

The Movie is very enjoyable and is a good example of how to make an important social
and political statement within the framework of the unpretentious detective story for themselves.
However it did get confusing from time to time when making the connections between the
culprits and during the interview. The movie does do a good job at keeping interest as it moves
along with the story and shows off the good side of journalism.

The film then ends on a great scene where the two journalists are seen typing out the
story as the television was showing Nixon taking the Oath of Office. It left us as viewers with a
strong impact but showing how investigative journalists are important for society.

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