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• So, our main question is: How would you survive in the wild
when you get a accident?

• You might say that now the transportation now is really safe,
and not many people will die any more till the time today.

• But I have to tell you that, there is still many people that’ve died
because of transportation materials.

• When you are on a boat or on a plane, and then the accident

happens and you fell into a place that don’t have a city not
even a town or a house for you. And the rescue team will come
in like 5 days. In that situation, how will you survive for 5 days?
Why Should You Read
• Easy tips in this website is what you can see. Jays
to understand, and easy to know.

• Things you don’t even know before you read this

presentation, what should you be careful of, and
fun facts about the wild.

• And take care of the accident that might happen~~

• (๑•̀ ㅂ•́ )‫✧و‬

What is the First Thing You
Should Do?
1. Check and see where you are.

2. Make sure that you don’t got any hurt.

3. Gather what ever you’ve left after the accident.

4. Go look around, is there any water source like rivers or

lakes around.

5. Watch for claw marks and footprints. Cause that may

represent that there is dangerous animals around. Please
go look for a new resting point if you don’t want to be
killed by animals.
Building a Shelter
1. Shelters should be able to block the sunlight at least.

2. Take a look at the surrounding, see if there is animal marks left

from hunting. Some dangerous animals like tigers have their
own hunting areas. If you went into that area, you are becoming
one of his spare food. So you have to be really careful so that
you won't get into that area and get hunted.

3. Shelter, or at least the place you sleep should be uneasy to

attack and safe. Like some place above the trees.

4. Caves and some tree holes are a nice choice if you don’t want to
or don’t have the time build a shelter by yourself, just that you
have to be aware of the insects and animals and don’t let them
mix your materials up and oviposit on you.

5. A shelter that’s just fit for you to sleep and put your things is
enough, if it’s too larger, it will took up space and time. You still
have a lot more thing to do.
Different Shelters at
Different Place
What Should You do When
You Meet a Bad Weather?
1. Hide in your shelter

2. Hide in a tree hole

3. Cave

4. Dig a hole and hide inside

**You might no be safe hiding in the shelter that you

build or a tree hole.
What kind of Environment Might You Meet?
How & Where can you
Usually get Food and Water?
#1 Close Water Resource
You can usually hunt for fish and small animals like crabs in the rivers
and lakes, but be ware, there is some fish and animals that are
poison, some of them will cause death, or slow movements and
dizziness. Usually a small sickness will and can cause death in the
wild when you are not even used to the surrounding. Take a look if
there is some seaweed around, seaweeds are also available for
food. Also, when there is really no food at all, drinking water make
you full, just a bit unhealthy.

Check the water sources. Is there animals around getting water from
the water source? Which of the animals can you hunt? Which of the
water source should you get away from? Also, remember to dig in the
ice for clean snow and melt it for water. The outer layer of the snow is
not quite clean.
#2 Plants and Trees
You can get fruits usually on the trees and bushes, sometimes if you are
lucky enough, you can find some real veggies that grows naturally in the
places, and also mushrooms in some wet surroundings. Also, remember
to flip and look inside some died plants and inside some trees, cause
there may be some insects like worms inside. Climb up the trees, you
may find bird nests with bird eggs and birds, or some squirrels that’s
finding nuts, and even some snakes with or without poison for you to eat.

You can also get water from the plants. Some plants are really good at
storing water because of their surroundings and needs. You can get the
water form the plants.
#3 Insects
Insects are every where, be ware of where you build your
shelter. If you dig deep enough into the ground, you will still find
some insects underneath. If you flip some stone over, you will
found that there is a bunch of them beneath. Inside the trees
and some mortal remains of the animals you can find insects.
Yes there will be poison insects, but if you took out the poison
part of the insects, you’ll find that most of them are still able to
eat. Like bees and spiders.

Some parts of the body of the insects were for storing water,
and that’s where you can get water form the insects, and also
the same as animals. And most of them can lead you to a water
source that’s near by.
Other Facts
-The water in a snail’s shell can help a people survive for 1 1/2 days.
-Usually the place where the eyes were have a lots of water (like fish and frogs)
-Waters are not usually clean, you should either gather rain water (That’s clean)
or just renew the water by some easy way.
-The most easy way to clean water is to rip down a part of our cloth, put it
right on the mouth of your container. Although that don’t really clean up the
bacterias in the water, but it cleans the minerals in the water.
-Many animals are able to eat and not poison. But be careful, the more colorful
the animals, plants, or insects were, the more poison it is.
Fast Tips
• When you got all your cloth wet, don’t change the one you
are wearing and got the other ones hang out and dried.
Wear the dry cloth at night only.

• Remember this equation: Plant = Water. The plants has

many water inside. So most times when you found a plant,
you can eat it and get water.

• Insects are mostly full of protein, eating insects helps

more in the wild cause it give you energy.

• Bloods were also liquid, so in that case, you can drink

blood also as water.
Ways to Defend Dangerous
• Wolves:

• Wolves are gregarious animal, there is usually around 3 or

more wolves in a group. Don’t fight with wolves, cause they
won’t fight with you 1 on 1. The correct thing to do is to climb
up a tree, so they can’t reach you.

• Bears:

• Hold you two arms up and make a tiger-roar sound at it, it will
make the bear feels like that you are a tiger and will walk
away slowly, or you can just run away. (Pretending to be dead
is not a good idea, cause bears actually eats dead people)
How to Defend Dangerous
• Tigers

• There is not really any thing that the tiger is afraid of, the only thing you
can do is to scare it away. Like using fire.

• Snakes

• Snakes also have their own hunting area, so usually all you have to do is to
get out of its hunting area. But be careful not to leave your back to the
snake, cause it will just bite you when you are not facing it. Also, these
above mentioned about snakes only happens when the snake is not so
hungry and don’t need to hunt for food.

• The other things is, walking while having a stick in your hand hitting the
ground may scares some snake away. If a snake wants to hunt you for
dinner, the only thing you can do is to fight with it.
Rescue Message #1

• Making a fire cause smoke.

The smoke that went high up
to the sky or far into the forest
makes the rescue team more
easier to find you.
Rescue Message #2

• Making a rescue sign (like

sos) with what ever you can
find that shows off on a
Work Cited
1. Wild Food - Foraging for Food and Edible Plants. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Apr.

2. WikiHow. "How to Survive in the Wild." WikiHow. WikiHow, 20 Apr. 2017.

Web. 20 Apr. 2017.

3. "The Top 15 Insects You Can Eat to Survive ... and HOW." Top 15 Insects You
Can Eat to Survive. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2017.

4. "12 Ways You Can Be Seriously Injured in the Wilderness." 12 Ways YOU
Can BE Seriously Injured in the Wilderness. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2017.
The End

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