Energy Through Time - Summative Assessment Task

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Energy Through Time – Summative Assessment Task

In this summative assessment task, you will choose four machines developed throughout
human history that you feel were turning points because of the way they transformed
human lives (positive or negative). At least one of these must be a simple machine. For
each of the machines, you must include the following:

1) Describe how the machine works. You must include a sketch showing the energy
changes and explain your choices.
2) Discuss and analyse how the development of this machine impacted human lives
and greater human society.

You may choose your final product, pending approval from Mrs. Chase. You will be marked
on the following criteria:

Ai – Describe scientific knowledge

Aiii – Analyse information to make scientifically supported judgements
Dii – Discuss and analyse the implications of using science and its application to solve a
specific problem or issue
Diii – Consistently apply scientific language to communicate understanding
Div – Document the work of others and sources of information used 

1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8

Ai Recall scientific State scientific Outline scientific Describe scientific
knowledge about how knowledge about how knowledge about how knowledge about how
the machines work. the machines work. the machines work. the machines work.
Aiii Apply information to Apply information Interpret information Analyses information
make judgements about how the about how the about how the
about the energy machines work to machines work to machines work to
changes. Energy make scientifically make scientifically make scientifically
change sketches and supported supported supported
explanations are judgements about the judgements about the judgements about the
completed with energy changes. energy changes. energy changes in the
limited success. Demonstrated by clear Demonstrated by machine.
sketches and limited logical and clear Demonstrated by
explanations for the sketches and logical, complete and
energy changes explanations for the clear sketches and
occurring in the energy changes explanations for the
machine. occurring in the energy changes
machine. occurring in the
Dii State how the Outline how the Describe how the Discuss and analyse
development of this development of this development of this how the development
machine impacted machine impacted machine impacted of this machine
human lives and human lives and human lives and impacted human lives
greater human greater human greater human and greater human
society. society. society. society.
Diii Apply scientific Sometimes apply Usually apply Consistently apply
language to scientific language to scientific language to scientific language to
communicate communicate communicate communicate
understanding, but understanding.
does so with limited understanding clearly understanding clearly
success. and precisely. and precisely.
Div Document sources Sometimes document Usually document Document sources
with limited success sources correctly sources correctly completely

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