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Dove is a personal care brand owned by HUL having a wide range of

products (soaps, body wash, deodrants, lotions, hair care etc.) When the dove soap
was introduced in the Indian market it was priced at a slightly higher range and this
they did so as to maintain the 'premium' tag of the brand. However, initially the
sales were not up to the mark considering the highly marked prices. Dove then
came up with their ad campaign's to promote the products and attract customers.


The Dove's 'Real Beauty' Campaign: This was launched after viewing the
results of a survey which showed that only 2% of the women considered
themselves to be beautiful. During this they put up billboards with portraits of
regular women and allowed the viewers to vote on how they perceived the
portrayed model as (see picture attached below), and with its report aimed at
creating a whole new definition of the word 'beauty'. Their mission was primarily
focused on spreading an awareness that beauty is a source of confidence.
As a result they received a very positive response from the population and
also a very significant media coverage. With this response they then decided to
broaden the media exposure by releasing print advertisements, television ads and
much more.


The brand is now in the maturity stage and has been here for a very long
time now. It is also considered among the top personal care brands. The continuing
innovations, the campaigns and the large number of satisfied and loyal customers
have helped the brand remain at this stage for so long and if Dove continues to
maintain its relationships with existing customers and carry out events so as to gain
new customers, it would not be wrong to say that the brand will continue to be safe
in terms of its market share.


The product reached the final stage so as far now the product should be under
downing process if the demand does not apply the product should face the very
serious problem

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