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Jomhel R.




This story is so wonderful there are so many lesson in this movie. This movie have a related into
the trolley problem in ethical problem by philosopher Philippa foot in 1967 it is about the 5
person in a one trail and there’s a other trail that have a person who working in that trail. So this
movie is related into that trolley problem if there is no one person sacrifice many people can die.
For me there is no wrong about their actions about bombing that place they do all they can to be
safe the child. If they not bomb that place many lives will lose and they can start a war. Many
people says that they are so wrong but for me is not because like our heavenly father he sacrifice
his son Jesus Christ to save us. And do you think our heavenly father is wrong? It is not right?
Because you must sacrifice sometimes our love ones to save many people. Just like our heavenly
father he is a great example of us to be like him. When I watching this movie I was really amaze
to the pilot that he will not bomb the place until the girl out of that place. But it is too late so the
girl die it must be sacrifice the girl to many people.

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