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my FIGURE 49 FOR REVIEW: ‘To review the properties of exponents used in this section, see Section R6, FIGURE 50 FOR REVIEW Recall from Section 2.2 thatthe graph of f(-x) is the refection of the graph of f(s) about the axis 24 Exponential Functions 109 Exponential Functions How much interest will an investment earn if interest is compounded continuously? Later in this section, in Example 5, we will see that determining the answer to this question depends on exponential functions. In catlier scetions we discussed functions involving expressions such as x, (2y + 1)*, for x71, where the variable or variable expression is the base of an exponential expression, and the exponent is a constant, In an exponential function, the variable is in the exponent and the base is a constant Exponential Function ‘An exponential function with base a is defined as Sx) = a, wherea > Oanda #1. (Ifa = 1, the function is the constant function f(x) = 1.) [Exponential functions may be the single most important type of functions used in practi cal applications. They ae used to describe growth and decay, which are important ideas in ‘management, social seienee, and biology. Figure 49 shows a graph of the exponential funetion defined by f(x) = 2° You eould plot such acurve by hand by noting that ™* = 1/4, 2% = 1/2,2° = 1,2! = 2,and2* = 4, and then dravingasmotheurve though he points (~2, 1/4), (1, 1/2), (0,1), (1,2), and (2.4) This grap is typical of the graphs of exponential functions of the form a> 1. The yintercept is (0, 1). Notice that as x gets larger and lager, the function also gets larger. Asx gets moze and mote negative, the function becomes smaller and smaller, approaching but never reaching 0. Therefore, the s-ans is a horizontal asymptote but the function approaches only the left side of the asymptote. In contrat, rational functions approach both the left and right sides of the asymptote, The graph suggests that the domain isthe set ofall eal numbers andthe range is the st ofall positive numbers [SEWIEESEN Graphing an Exponential Function Graph (x) = 2 SOLUTION. ‘The graph, shown in Figure 50, is the horizontal reflection of the graph of (x) = 2 given in Figure 49, Since 2* = 1/2* ~ (1/2)*, this graph is typical ofthe graphs ‘of exponential functions ofthe form y ~ a* where 0 < a < I. The domain includes all eal numbers and the range includes all postive numbers. The y-intercept is (0,1). Notice that this function, with f(x) = 2" = (1/2), is decreasing over its domain, = Inthe definition ofan exponential fnetion, notice thatthe base is restricted to positive values, with negative or zero bases not allowed. For example, the funtion y = (4) could not include such numbers as x = 1/2 or x = 1/4 in the domain because the y-values would. not he real numbers, The resulting graph would be at best a series of separate points having Tie practical use [SEGRE Graphing an Exponential Function Graph f(x) = 2° +3 SOLUTION The graph of y = —2" is the vertical reflection of the graph of y = 2%, so this is a decreasing function. (Notice that ~2* is not the same as (~2). In =2", we raise 2 to the x power and then take the negative) The 3 indicates thatthe graph should be translated 110 CHAPTER 2 Nonlinear Functions FIGURE 51 FOR REVIEW: Recall rom Sesion 6 that open YOUR TURN 1 Solve ras vertically 3 units, as compared tothe graph of y Since y = ~2 would have y-intereept (0,=1), this function has y-intereept (0,2), which is up 3 units. For negative values of x, the graph approaches the line y = 3, which isa horizontal asymptote. The graph is shown in Figure 51 — Exponential Equations tu Figures 49 and 50, which are typical graphs of expo- nential functions, «given value of x leads to exactly one value of a+ Because of this, an equation with a variable in the exponent, called an exponential equation, often can be selved using the following property Wa > 0,a# 1, anda‘ = a’, then x = y. The value a ~ 1 is excluded, since 1° ~ 1°, for example, even though 2 # 3. To solve 22" = 27 using this property, work as follows. wert aea7 [SENSES] solving Exponential Equations (@) Solve 9 = 27. SOLUTION First rewrite both sides of the equation so the bases are the same. Since 9 = 3% and 27 = 3), Mutply exponents. Setexponents equal to eachother. (b) Solve 32°) = 128". SOLUTION Since the bases must be the same, write 32 a8 2° and 128 as 2”, giving 328) = 12g yp = yt 2S = 27431, Mutply exponents Now use the property from above to get lox — 5 =x + 21 ‘Verify this solution in the original equation, TRY YOUR TURN 1 im Compound Interest the catculation of compound interest is an important appli- cation of exponential functions. The cost of borrowing money or the return on an invest tent is called interest, The amount borrowed or invested is the principal, P. The rate of interest ris given as a percent per year, and isthe time, measured in yeats 24 Exponential Functions 11 Simple Interest ‘The product ofthe principal P, rater, and time ¢ gives T= Prt With compound interest, intrest is charged (or pa) on interest as well as om the prin- cipal. To find a formula for compound interest, st suppose that P dollars. the principal is deposited sta rate of interest r per year. The interest earned during the first year i found using the formula for simple interest First-year inerest = Por+1 = Pr [At the end of one year, the amount on deposit willbe the sum of the orignal prineipal and the interest eamed, or Pe pr=P ty) w If the deposit eams compound interest, the intrest cared during the second year is found from the total amount on deposit atthe end of the fist year. Thu, the interest earned daring the second year (again found by the formuta for simple intrest) is (PC + ANGI) = PO + nr, a so the total amount on deposit atthe end ofthe second years the sum of amounts from (1) and @)above, or (1 +r) + PCL + rr = PCL + rl +r) = PO + Inthe same way, the total amount on deposit at the end of thre years i PL +r)? Aer years, the total amount on deposit, called the compound amount, (1+ 1) ‘When inerest is compounded more than ance a year, the compound amnou forte is adjusted, For example, interest isto be paid quarterly (four imesa yea), 1/8 ofthe ieterest rate tvused cach time interests aleulated othe ate become 4, andthe murber of compounding periods in’ years becomes 4. Genealzing from this ides gives the following formula. Compound Amount ICP aller inverted ata yearly rate of interest per yeu, compounded m times pet yar for years te coompotnd amount i a= 2(1+ 2) datas : [SEIEESEY compound interest Morgan Presley invests a bonus of $9000 at 69% annual interest compounded semiannually for 4 years. How much interest will she earn? SOLUTION Use the formula for compound amount with P (ince interest is compounded semiannually), and 1 ~ 4 werli-zy 0.06)" = 9 00 + oy 1000, 7 06,m. = 9000(1.03)* YOUR TURN 2 Find the interest — ceatned on $4400 at 3.25% interest 11,400.93 Use acatcutatr. compounded quarterly for S years. The compound amount (investment plus the interest) is $11,400.93. The interest is = $11,400.93 — $9000 = $2400.93. TRY YOUR TURN 2 112 CHAPTER 2 Nonlinear Functions FIGURE 52 FIGURE 53 NOTE When using a calculator so compute the compound amount, store each partial result in the calculator and avoid rounding off until the final answer. The Number @ Perhaps the single most useful base for an exponential function is the number ¢, an itational number that occurs often in practical applications. The famous ‘Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler (pronounced “oiler”) (1707-1783) was the first person known to have refered to this number a8 e, and the notation has continued to this day: To see how the number e occuts in an application, begin withthe formula for compound _ dosh Suppose that a lucky investment produces annual interest of 100%, so that r = 1.00 = 1 Suppose also that you can deposit only $1 at this rate, and for only one year: Then P = 1 and 1 = 1, Substituting these values into the formula for compound interest gives neez) oa) (os) {As interest is compounded more and more often, m gets larger and the value ofthis expres sion will increase. For example, if'm = | (interest is compounded annually), (=3)-(- so that your $1 becomes $2 in one year. Using a graphing calculator, we produced Figure 52 (where m is represented by X and (1 + 1/m)" by Y,) to see what happens as m becomes, larger and larger. A spreadsheet can also be used to produce this table. ‘The table suggests that as m increases, the value of (1 + I/m)" gets eloser and closer to fixed number, called e. As we shall se in the next chapter, this isan example of a limit. Definition of e ate Asmbecomes larger and lager, (1 + 2" beams loser and closer he nb whose approximate value is 2.718281828. ‘The value of ¢ is approximated here to 9 decimal places. Euler approximated e to 18 decimal places. Many calculators give values of e', usually with a key labeled e'. Some requite two keys, either INV LN or 2nd LN. (We will detine ln x in the next section.) In Figure 53, the functions y = 2*,y = e!,and y = 3¥are graphed for comparison. Notice that the graph of e" is between 2° and ¥, because e is between 2 and 3, For x > 0, the graphs show that 3! > e* > 2 All three functions have y-intercept (0,1). Itis difficult to see from the graph, but 3" < ef < 2" when x < 0, ‘The number ¢ is often used as the base in an exponential equation because it provides a good model for many natural, as well as economic, phenomena, In the exercises for this section, we will look al several examples of such applications. Continuous Compounding tn economics, the formula for continuous ‘compounding is a good example of an exponential growth function, Recall the forrmula for conoid sin anne ey 24 Exponential Functions 113 here mis the number of times annually that interest is compounded. As m becomes larger and larger, the compound amount also becomes larger but not without bound. Recall that as, rmbecomes larger and larger, (1+ 1/m)™ becomes closer and closer toe. Similarly (+ aa) becomes closer and closer to e, Let us rearrange the formula for compound amount to take advantage of is fact. asa(ie2) rae ay (eran) T This last expression becomes closer and closer to Pe" as m becomes larger and larger, which describes what happens when interest is compounded continuously. Essentially, the number of times annually that interest is compounded becomes infinitely large. We thus have the following formula for the compound amount when interest is compounded continuously. Continuous Compounding Ifa deposi of P dottrs i invested at arate of interest r compounded continuously for 1 years, the compound amount is A = Pet dollars [SEES Continuous Compound Interest IMNVAPPLY IT 1 $600 is invested in an account caming 2.75% compounded continuously, how much ‘would be in the account after 5 years? YOUR TURN 3 Find the emount SOLUTION In the formula for continuous compounding, let P ~ 600, ~ 5, and ater 4 years if $800 is invested inan r= 0.0275 to get account caring 3.15% compounded continuously — or $688.44 TRY YOUR TURN 3 A= 600¢ 40) a 688.44, In situations that involve growth or decay of a population, the size ofthe population at a given time roften is determined by an exponential function of f. The next example illustrates atypical application ofthis kind, [SEES oxygen Consumption Biologists studying salmon have found that the oxygen consumption of yearling salmon (Gn appropriate units) increases exponentially with the speed of swimming according to the function defined by lx) = 1002", where x is the speed in feet per second, Find the following. 114 CHAPTER 2 FOR REVIEW: Refer to the discussion on linear regression in Section 1.3.A simi- Jar process is used to it data points to other types af functions ‘Many of the functions inthis chapter's applications were deter- ‘mined inthis way, including that sven in Example 6. FIGURE 55 Nonlinear Functions (a) The oxygen consumption when the fish are still SOLUTION When the fish are still, their specd is 0, Substitute 0 for x roo) = 100-1 = 100, S00) 1006! ‘When the fish are still, their oxygen consumption is 100 units, (b) ‘The oxygen consumption ata speed of 2 ft per second SOLUTION. Find f(2) as follows. F(2) = 100e(°% = 1008! = 332 Ata speed of 2 ft per second, oxygen consumption is about 332 units rounded to the nearest integer. Because the function is only an approximation of the real situation, further accuracy is not realistic, [SEES Food Surplus ‘A magazine article argued that the cause of the obesity epidemic in the United States is the decreasing cost of food (in real terms) due to the increasing surplus of food, As one piece of evidence, the following table was provided, which we have updated, showing U.S. corn pro- duction (in billo s of bushels) for selected years. Source: The New York Times Magazine. Production Year (illions of bushels) 1930 1157 1940 2.207 1950 2.764 1960 3.907 1970 4152 1980 6.639 1990 71934 2000 9.968 2010 12.447 (a) Plot the data, leting 1 = 0 correspond to 1930, Does the production appear to grow linearly or exponentially?” SOLUTION Figure 54 shows a graphing calculator plot of the data, which suggests that ‘corn production is growing exponentially, (b) Find an exponential function in the form of p(r) ~ poof that models these data, where 1 is the year and p(7) isthe production of com, Use the data (0,1.757) and (80, 12.447), SOLUTION Since p(0) = pea” ‘Thus p(s) 1,757. Using # = 80, we have p(80) = 1.7570" a Divide by 1.757 (2 sn) ine Take the $0%h root 11ST 1.0248, 1.797(1.0248)" Figure $5 shows that this function fits the data well 24 Exponential Functions 11S (©) Determine the expected annual per period SOLUTION Since ais approximately 1.0248, the production of com each year is 1.0248 times its value the previous year, for a rate of increase of about 0.0248 = 2.48% per year. (@) Graph p(1) and estimate the year when com production will be double what it was in 2010. SOLUTION Figure 56 shows the graphs of p(1) and y = 2+ 12.447 = 24.894 on the same coordinate axes. (Note that the scale in Figure 56 is different than the scale in Figures 54 and 55 so that larger values of ¢ and p(t) are visible.) Their graphs intersect at approximately f = 108, corresponding to 2088, which isthe year when com produc- tion will be double its 2010 level. In the next section, we will see another way to solve such problems that does not requite the use of a graphing calculator. — .ge increase in corn production during this time 2 9 = 757.0288) 10 FIGURE 56 ‘Another way to check whether an exponential function fits the data is to see if points whose s-coordinates are equally spaced have y-coordinates with a constant ratio. This smust be true for an exponential function because if f(x) = ab, then f(x,) = a= b* and Fly) = ab, 50 fly) arb Fly) ae be ‘This last expression is constant ix; ~ x, is constant, thats, i the x-coordinates are equally spaced. In the previous example, all data points have f-coordinates 10 years apart, so we can ‘compare the ratios of corn production for any of these fist pais of years. Here are the ratios for 1930-1940 and for 1990-2000: 2.207 1.757 256 9.968 SOS8 1.280 ‘These ratios are identical to 3 decimal places, so an exponential function fits the data very well. Not all ratios are this close; using the values at 1970 and 1980, we have 6.639/4.152 = 1.599. From Figure 55, we can see that this is because the 1970 value is bbelow the exponential curve and the 1980 value is above the curve. FE Tecunotocy Nore Another way to find an exponential function tha isa set of data isto use a graphing calculator or ‘computer program with an exponential regression feature, This ts an exponential function through set of points using the least squaxes method, introduced in Section 1.3 for fitting a line trough a sot of poinss, On a I-84 Plus C, for example, enter the year (with = O comtesponding to 1930) into ‘he list I, and the corm production into I... Selecting Exp’eg ffom the STAT CALC mens yields 1y = 1733(1.0253)5 which is close tothe function we found in Example 7(b). 116 CHAPTER 2 Nonlinear Functions A ARMA] EXERCISES, $m $m Simplity. (Sec. R6) wh Ws. ssh wa. ore mmm 2-4 exercises ‘A ream of 20-Ib paper contains 500 sheets and is about 2 in hhigh. Suppose you take one sheet, fold it in half, then fold i in ‘half again, continuing in this way as long as possible. Source: The AMATYC Review. 1. Complete the table eae 2. Aller folding 50 times (this were possible), what would be the height (in miles) of the folded paper? 10. 50 For Exercises 3-11, match the correct graph A-F tothe funetion ‘without using your calculator. Notice that there are more functions than graphs; some of the functions are equivalent, ‘After you have answered all of them, use a graphing calculator to check your answers. Each graph in this group is plotted on the window [—2,2] by [4,4 Byae tye sy=( fy ny =30)' By Byars wy Aya © o » © SS ta tn Bxeries 3-11, there were mae formulas fr fuetons han there were paps Explain how this i possible Solve each equation. 1.2 We 16.’ 20. {e') 3 auare (4) is 2s. 5 26, 8 = 24 m9 gi oe ee oy Graph each of the following. D.y=se42 30.9 My=-3e"42 shy sew ‘N33, tn our definition ofan exponential function, we ruled out megs tive values ofa The author of textbook on matematicaleco- nomics, however obtained a“graph” of y = (2) by plating the following pint and drawing a smooth curve though tem. “The grap oscillates vey neatly from pestve to negative values fof y. Comment on this approach. (This exercise shows the dangers of pint ploting when drawing graphs.) Explain why the exponential equation 4 = 6 cannot be solved ‘using the method described in Example 5 -4 16 3 -1s. 2 ua “0 1203 “121 2 4 Nu N55. apain why 3¢> ef > 2 when x > 0, but 38 < et <2 when x < 0 FEB 36. a friend claims that as x becomes large, the expression 1 ++ Mx ts closer and closer o 1, and I eased to any power is sil 1 Therefore, f(x) = (1+ His) gets closer and closer to. 1 as x gels larger Use a graphing ealulator to graph fon 01 = = 50. How might you use this graph o explain tothe feted why f(s) doesnot approach 1 a x becomes large? What does it approach? APPLICATIONS Business and Economics 37, Interest Find the interest earned on $10,000 invested for 5 years at 4% interest compounded as follows (a) Annually (b) Semsnnually (wice a yeas) (©) Quarterly (@) Monthly 38, Interest Suppose $40,000 is borrowed for 5 years at 3% interest. Find the interes pal over this period if the interest is ‘compounded as follows. (a) Annually (b) Seamiannually (©) Quarterly (@) Monthly 38, Interest List McNeil needs to choose between two invest ments: One pays 6% compounded annually, and the other pays 5.9% compounded monthly If she plans to invest $18,000 for 2 years, which investment should she choose? How much extra Interest will she eam by making the better choice? 40, Incevest Find the interest rate required for an investment of, '$3000 to grow to $4000 in 6 yea if he interes is compounded as follows. (Round percent 0 nearest hundredth} (a) Annually 41 Inflation Assuming continuous compounding, what will i costo buy a $10 item in years atthe following inflation rates? (a 3% 4% (©) si 42 Interest Taneli Bitor invests 8 $25,000 inheritance ina fund paying 5.5% per year compounded continuously. What will be {Ge amount on deposit after each time period?” (a) 1 year (by 5 years (©) 10 years 43. Incerest Andrea Davis plans to invest $720 into a money mar- ket account, Find the interest rate that is needed for the money {o grow to $1800 in 17 years if the interest is compounded monthly 44, Incerest_ Lauren Snowden puts $10,500 into an account to save money to buy a carn 12 years. She expects the car of her reams to cost $35,000 by then, Find the interest rate tat is nec- essay ifthe interest is computed using the following methods. (a) Compounded quarterly (b) Compounded monthly 45 Inflation Inflation is generally described asthe increase over time of the cost of a particular product or service, The rate of| inflation depends on many factors and does not remain coa- sant, Tnfation causes the value of a dollar to decrease over time. Over the past ten years, the average rate of inflaton was 2.4 % Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics. (6) Continuously (©) Continuossly () Semriannually 24 Exponential Functions 117 (a) Suppose «house costs $165,000 os I the average rate of inflation continues hs sme rat, estimate the oof 4 similar hose in 10 yer. (b) Find the cost of «$50 pir of ean nS yours ‘So. Explain why thes timate may or may nt be acura. 46, Interest On Jamar 1, 2010, ac deposited $100 int Bank > tocar ners a the ale of pr ann compounded sian ‘lly, On January 12015, he transfered hs account o Bank Y to eam interes atthe rte of k per annum compounded quately ‘mJy 12018, he alice Bask wo $1990 76.1 Jack coud have eared ners tthe rat of per anni compounded ‘patent rom Fanuary 1, 2010 through Janay 1,218 is ba tce would have heen $2203.76, Whch of te following repre Sent teri? Source: Society of Actuaries. (@) 125) 130 @) 1385 @) 140 fe) 148 47. Gross Domestic Product The US. Gross Domestic Pract (GDP i the ouput of goods and service produced by labor lind propery Iced inthe United States Te folowing table {pve the GDP (a lions of current dollars) for sleted years. Source: US. Department of Commerce 1930 2, 1940103 1950300 1960 S43 19701076 19802863) 19905980 2000 10,285, 2010 14,965, (a) Plot the data, Leng # = 0 cerespond to 1930, Does the [GDP appear to grow lineal ox exponentially? (©) Find an exponential fonction sn the form of f(0) = ft that ls the data at 1930 and 2010, where isthe amber of seats since 1930 and fi the GDP. (© Approximate the average ann ‘GDP during this time period FE ca) Graph $(0) and estimate the first year when the GDP will ‘be double whats was in 2010 percentage increase in Life Sciences 48, Growth of Bacteria Staphylococcus aureus bacteria grow rapidly ina nie warm place, just afew hundred bacteria are preseat on the culling board when a chicken ie ct up, and hey {et into the potato salad, thir population begins compounding. Suppose the number of bacteria in the potato salad after r hours is given by §(0) = 300-28 (a) How many bacteria were presen initially? () Arte potato salad is Ieft out on the cable, ow many bacte- ria ate present 30 minutes later? 118 CHAPTER 2 Nonlinear Functions (©) How often do the bacteria double? (@) How quickly will dhe number of bacteria increase 10 76,8007 lation Growth Since 1960, the growth in world popula- 3) elogely fits the exponential function defined by (i) = 31006", er of years since 1960, Source: United where is the au Nations. (2) World population was about 3686 millon in 1970. How closely does the function approximate this Value? (b) Use the function to approximate world population in 2000, (The actual 2000 poplation was about 6115 million.) (©) Estimate world population in the yeat 2015 450, Physician Demand The demand for physicians is expected to increase inthe future, as shown in he table. Source: Associae tion of American Medical Colleges. 72006 6805 2015 7586 2020 8058 2025, 8593 (a) Pet the dt tng r= 0 carrespand 200, Does i ting an exponential eure tothe data seem casos? (b) Use te daa for 206 and 2015 to Hind a funtion of he form f(r) ~ Ce* that goes through these two points, (©) Use your fenton om part to predict th demand for payin in 2090 and 2085" How well do hese ped Sons ike dat eo tr yoe have « raping cava oc compute proram til an exponential etesson fete we if find an Cxponeaia function tha ppeximatey Rs the at How tests answer compare with he answer pa 0)? 51 Minrty Population Acconling othe US. Ceass Brea, the United Sats is becoming nore aves. Based on US Cons popuiton projections for 2000 to 2050 te projected spac popula mls) an be modeled byte expo ental faneton AU) = 37:79(1.021), where 1 = 0 corresponds (© 2000 and 0 = 1 = 50. Source US, Census Bureau. (a) Find the projected Hispanic popslation for 2005, Compare (hist the actal value of 42.69 milion (b) The US. Asian population is also growing exponentially sand the projected Asian population (in millions) can be sodeled by the exponential function a) = 11.14(1.023), where 1 = 0 corresponds to 2000 and 0 = r = 50. Find (he projected Asian population for 2005, and compaze this to the actual value of 12.69 milion. (©) Determine the expected annual percentage increase for Hispanics and for Asians. Which minonty population, Hispanic or Asian, is growing ata faster rte? (@) The US. black population is growing ta linear rate, and the projected black population (in mullions) can be maod- led by the linear function b(e) = 05116 + 35.43, ‘where 1 = 0 corresponds to 2000 and 0 = 1 == 50. Find the projected black popiaton for 2005 and compare this projection tothe actual value of 37.91 million. FES ©) Graph the projected population fonction for Hispanics and S\,__tstimate witen the Hispanic population wl be doublets ac- > tualvalu for 2005.Then do the same forthe Asia and black ‘populations. Comment on the accuracy ofthese numbers Physical Sciences 52, Radioactive Decay Suppose the quantity (in grams) of a radioactive substance present atime tis 2(1) = 1000(5°*%, where #¢ measured in months (2) How much willbe present in 6 months? () How long wil i take to reduce the substance to 8 g? 53. Atmospheric Pressure The atmospheric pressure in mill- bars) aa given altitude in meters) sisted in the table, Source Elements of Meteorology. o 1013 1000899 2000195 3000701 4000617 5000 Sat 5000472 0004 8000387 9000308 10,000 265 (a) Find functions of the form P = ae! P = mx + b, and P= (ax + b) that tthe dataat x = Oand x = 10,000, ‘where Pi the pressure and xis the altitude FEV ©) Prot the data in the table and graph the three functions found in part (a). Which function best fits the data? (©) Use the bestfiting function from part (b) to predict pressure at 1500 m and 11,000 m, Compare your answers to the true values of 846 milbars and 227 milbars,re- spectively. FE ca) tr you ave a graphing calculator or computer program with an exponential regression feature, use it to find an exponential (unction that approximately fs the dat, How does this answer compare withthe answer to part (6)? 24 Expenencial Functions 119 increasing number of transistors on a single processor chip. The 2001 322 — from part (c), predict the total world wind capacity in 2007/_Pessrs m0 2012. Compate these with tbe World Wind Bnerey Asso- 2009 Nehalem 100 ciation’ prediction of 282.275 56, Carbon Dioxide The table gives the estimated global carbon (a) Let be the year whee = 0 corresponds to 1985, and y dioxide (CO,) emissions fom fossil-fuel burning, cement be the numberof transistors (i mins). Find fonctions ‘rodsction, and gas faring for selected years. The CO, est ofthe form y = mt + b,y = at! + b,andy = ab’ that it rates are expressed in millions of metric tnt. Source: Carbon the data at 1985 and 2009 Dioxide Information Analysis Center. EE ob) ie a graphing catelator to plot the dita in te table tod to graph he tre foncone fund in pas (6). Which Ea function best he dat? (6) Use the besfiting function from part (b) to predict the L900) ss suber of ransstrson chip inthe year 2015. 1910 819 FE @ i you have a graphing calculator or computer pro- 1920 932, tam with an exponential regression feature, us it to 1930 1053 find an exponential function that approximately hts the F540 1299 data. How does this answer compare with the answer to part (by? 1950 1630 Se in 1965 Gondon Moore wrote « paper predicting how ia) Ge) the power of computer chips would gro in the fui. 1970 4053 Meote's law says thatthe numberof tansstors that ean 1980 315 be puton chip doubles roughly every 18 month. Dscase the extent to which the data inthis exercise confi ot we een refutes Moore's lw. 2000 676s 2010 9167 © 55. Wind Energy The table in the next column gives the total world wind energy capacity (in megawatts) in recent years Some World Weed Energy Aswockeion (2) Plot the data, leting 1 = 0 correspond to 1900. Do the emissions appear to grow linearly or exponentially? (2) Let be the number of years since 2000, and C the e2- pacity (in MW). Find functions of the form C = mi + b, (b) Find an exponential function in the form of f(t) far +, and C= ab! that 6t the data at 2001 and 2011 FED @) Use a graphing calculator to plot the dat in the table and hal fe thete data at 1900 and 2010, where isthe number of yeas since 1900 and f(s the CO, emissions. (©) Approximate the average annual percentage inc to graph the three functions found in part (a), Which fane- (COs emissions during this me period tion best fits the data? FED (a Graphs (0) and estimate the first year when emissions will FEV © If you have a graphing calculator or computer progr be atleast double what they were in 2010, with an exponential regression featute, use it to find an exponential function that approximately fits the data in YOUR TURN ANSWERS lm the table, How does this answer compare with the answee 1. 9/2, 2 S77297 topan (ay? 3. $907.43 120 CHAPTER 2 2:5 YOUR TURN 1. Write the equa- tion 5 = 1/25 in logarithmic form, Nonlinear Functions Logarithmic Functions APPLY IT With an inflation rate averaging 5% per year, how long will it take for prices to double? ‘The number of years it will ake for prices to double under given conditions is called the doubling time. For $1 to double (become S2) in years, assuming 5% annual compounding, 2(ue'8) 2 = (1.05)' becomes ‘This equation would be easier to solve ifthe variable were not in the exponent. Logarithms are defined for just this purpose. In Example 8, we will use logarithms to answer the ques- {ion posed above, Logarithm Fora > 0,a% lands >0, 92 0B means a = (Read y = log, x as “y is the logarithm of x to the base a") For example, the exponential statement 2° =" 16 can be translated into the logarithmic statement 4 = log, 16. Also, in the problem discussed above, (1.05}' = 2 can be rewritten with this definition as ¢ = log, os 2. ‘A logarithm is an exponent: log, x is the exponent used with the base a to get x. [SEIEESE Equivalent Expressions ‘This example shows the same statements written in both exponential and logarithmic forms. Exponential Form Logarithmic Form @s Tog. 9 = 2 (b) (1/5) og)s 25 = — (10° ogo 100,000 a = 1/64 og\(1/64) = -3, (2 = 116 log,(1/16) = —4 Meat og, 1 = 0 TRY YOUR TURN 1 Sm [SEES Evaluating Logarithms Evaluate each of the following logarithms. (a) log, 64 SOLUTION We seek a number x such that 4" = 64, Since 4? = 64, we conclude that log, 64 = 3.

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