Construction Site Visit

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Construction Site Visit


An assignment was given to us to visit construction site and write report.


 To get an understanding how the theoretical knowledge is fitted in practice.

 To gain experience in building material science.

Building Site:

The building site we chose for visiting was college new building being
constructed. We observed work there and asked some questions

Type of Building: A multistory building

Location : Sveri College Of Engineering Pandharpur

Resons for choosing site:

The main reson for choosing this site for observation process
and to see the therotical knowledge being fitted in practice is that this construction site
was implementing all theory we gone through at this stage E.g use of bricks, use of
different ratio mortor and cement etc.
Observations and Questions

As this was first construction site visit to learn something new. Tough we have seen many
building being constructed but to observe something as a Civil Engineer was a different
experience. We observed things and asked questions to the workers . Starting from basic
construction unit i.e. bricks


Bricks are the basic construction material widely used in almost all the bildings.
Bricks are of different types i.e. 1st class bricks , 2nd class bricks, 3rd class bricks. The bricks
used in construction at this site was 1st class bricks with red cherry color,sharp and

straight edges.

Question: What is the cost of the bricks in the market ?

Answer: There are different rates of bricks in the market e.g.8000 per 1000 bricks, 8500
per 1000 bricks,

Mortors may be defined as paste formed by mixing binding material ,fine

aggregate and water in specific proportion. This paste hardens on drying and binds the
bricks,stones or concrete blocks together. Mortors being used at the construction site

was cement mortor.

Question: What are different ratios of cement-sand in mortors and why they are

Answer: There are different types of mortors depending on the water/cement ratio.
The more cement , the more will be the strength so that’s why different mortors are

Cement: Cement is a bonding agent used to bind various construction materials

like bricks, stones , concrete blocks etc. Cement is mixed with water and coarse and fine

aggregate as needed.

 Name of company : Ultratech cement

 Type : Normal Portland Cement
 Weigth/ bag : 50 Kg

 Reasons for choosing OPC:

As the conditions there were normal , general construction
works with no special properties of other type were required e.g. high early
strength cement , low heat cement.

 W/C ratio: 22.5 liters water per 50 Kg bag


Aggregate are the inert materials mixed with binding material like cement, lime or
mud in preparation of mortor or concrete. At the site we were observed different type of

aggregates e.g. fine aggregate, coarse aggregate.

Question: Which coarse aggregate it is ?

Answer: It is margalla crush.

Question : What is the difference between sardodha and margalla crush ? which one is

Answer: margalla crush is better than Sargodha crush.

Question: What is the ratio of aggregates in concrete?

Answer: The ratio of concrete mix is 1:2:4.


Concrete is the mixture of cement , fine aggregate , coarse aggregate and

water in specific ratios .

At the site we observed different concrete being placed. The P.C.C. and R.C.C.

Being used. R.C.C. was used in colums and beam mainly.

 Ratios of concrete mix: 1:2:3

 Type : Plain cement concrete, reinforced cement concrete
 Setting time : 6-8 days for roofs and 8-12 days for R.C.C. setting depends upon
weather conditions too.

 Curing : Water is sprayed on R.C.C.

My personal expeience of this report and the visits to the building site is very good.
We learned lot by seeing the building being built and how it is made in real life. I have saw the
construction of building but now I saw it in different view, like some Civil Engineer which is
checking out buildings. During the visit to building site we were taking different pictures of
buildings. Also we asked some questions about construction . During these visits to the building
site we were trying to notice as we can.

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