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Questions about Present Perfect Tense, Present Perfect Continuous Tense, and Past

Perfect Continuous Tense

1. When use the present perfect tense?
2. When use the present perfect continuous tense?
3. When use the past perfect continuous tense?
4. What is the adverb of time that commonly used with present perfect tense?
5. What is the adverb of time that commonly used with present continuous perfect tense?
6. What is the adverb of time that commonly used with past continuous perfect tense?
7. What is the difference between present continuous tense and present perfect continuous

Past Perfect Continuous

8. Rue had been playing basketball for 35 years before she decided to retire.
a. Played d. Had been playing
b. Plays e. Had played
c. Is playing

9. I finally arrived at home. I had been driving for 4 hours.

a. Have driven d. Drive
b. Had drove e. Drove
c. Had been driving

10. Last night I heard them breaking up. They had been dating since they were in high school.
a. Dated d. Have been dating
b. Dating e. Had been dating
c. Have dated

11. Kale who was the team captain knew the rumor just now. The boys had been keeping a secret
for 2 weeks.
a. Keep d. Had kept
b. Kept e. Have been keeping
c. Had been keeping

12. The agency announced that Pristin was officially disbanded. The girls had been performing
since March 2016.
a. Had been performing d. Performed
b. Have been performing e. Are performing
c. Have performed
13. The lion in Joe had been sleeping for ages before someone decided to trigger him with his
family issues.
a. Have been sleeping d. Sleeping
b. Had been sleeping e. Is sleeping
c. Had slept

14. It had been raining pretty hard that caused the flood to happen.
a. Rain d. Had been raining
b. Rains e. Had rained
c. Rained

15. I developed a backache because I had been studying for 9 hours.

a. Had been studying d. Study
b. Had studied e. Was studying
c. Studied

16. Her face was red like she had been running, instead, she flirted with the new guy.
a. Run d. Have been running
b. Is running e. Have been run
c. Had been running

17. Twice’s new song got stuck in my head. I had been listening to it for a week.
a. Listen d. Have been listening
b. Was listening e. Have listened
c. Had been listening

18. When we first met, you had been working in the company for a year which made you my
a. Work d. Have been working
b. Worked e. Had been working
c. Have worked

19. How long had you been waiting for her?

a. Have been waiting d. Were waiting
b. Had been waiting e. Are waiting
c. Had waited

20. It was fascinating to see the kids read books. What kind of book had they been reading?
a. Been reading d. Reading
b. Were reading e. Read
c. Have reading

21. Momo was officially debuted with the new girl group, Twice. How long had she been training
her dances under JYP Entertainment?
a. Were training d. Been training
b. Is training e. Will train
c. Training

22. To achieve the goal, how long had you been practicing your dunk?
a. Practice d. Been practiced
b. Practicing e. Been practicing
c. Were practicing

Present Perfect

Fill this blank space.

23. I … read the terms and conditions of traffic.

24. The writer … offered her three times the value of her book, but she isn’t interested.
25. … you ever seen the beautiful desert scenery?
26. … Mahessa been to New Zaeland?
27. My brother ... as a biomedical assistant for almost a year.
28. Someone … left the letter on your desk.
29. Sammie as well as her sister … used organic products.
30. One of the students … completed the final quiz.
31. My brother and I … just run out of gasoline.
32. They … resigned their current job this year.

Multiple choice

33. They … that film six times.

a. Have been seen
b. Have been see
c. Have seen
d. Have see

34. It … several times already.

a. Have been happen
b. Have been happened
c. Has happen
d. Has happened

35. She … them frequently.

a. Has visited
b. Have visited
c. Has visit
d. Have been visited

36. We … at the restaurant many times.

a. Have been eat
b. Have been eaten
c. Have eat
d. Have eaten

37. I … with you for 4 hours.

a. Have been walk
b. Have been walked
c. Have walk
d. Have walked

Present perfect continuous

Multiple choice

38. The boy … games for three hours.

a. Had been playing
b. Have been playing
c. Have played
d. Had played

39. Lara … English since 2010.

a. Have been learning
b. Have been learn
c. Has been learning
d. Has been learn

40. My Cousin … Singapore for a week

a. Have been visits
b. Have been visited
c. Has been visit
d. Has been visiting

41. She ... for you since 8 a.m.

a. Have been wait
b. Has been waiting-
c. Have waiting
d. Having wait

Read the situation and then write a sentence with the Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Example :
Alex is out of breath. (he / run)
– He has been running.

42. The little boy’s eyes are red and watery. (he / cry)
– ……………………………………………………………….
43. Luke is very tired. (she / work / hard)
– ………………………………………………………………
44. Bella has just come back from the beach. She is hot and very tired. (she / lie / in the sun)
– ………………………………………………………………
45. Farhan has a black eye and Dimas has a cut lip. (Bobby and Dimas / fight)
– ………………………………………………………………

Say how long something has been happening by a making sentence.

Example :
It is raining now. It began raining two hours ago.
– It has been raining for two hours.

46. I am learning English. I started learning English in August.

– I ……………………………………………..
47. Kailee is studying. She began studying one hour ago.
– She …………………………………………
48. Anna is looking for a job. She began looking five months ago.
– ……………………………………………… for five months.
49. Anjar smokes. He started smoking three years ago.
– ……………………………………………… for four years.

Present Perfect Tense

50. I … watched movie for two hours.
a. Have
b. Been
c. Has
d. Had

51. We … here since two days ago.

a. Has been
b. Have been
c. Had been
d. Has

52. I have … a song for 5 days.

a. Write
b. Wrote
c. Written
d. Writing

53. I have … music for 1 hour, it’s very nice.

a. Listen
b. Listening
c. Listened
d. Listens

54. I have … this new novel and its make me sad.

a. Read
b. Reads
c. Reading
d. Readed

55. I have … delicious pizza for my father.

a. Cooked
b. Cooks
c. Cooking
d. Cook

56. He has … this movie since last night.

a. Watching
b. Watched
c. Watches
d. Watch

57. They have … me about this sad story.

a. Tell
b. Told
c. Telling
d. Tells

58. Zahwa … sung this song.

a. Had
b. Has
c. Have
d. Having

59. We have … in Surabaya since 2006.

a. Live
b. Lives
c. Living
d. Lived

60. We … Prepared this surprise party special for you.

a. Had
b. Has
c. Have
d. Having

61. I … him last night.

a. Calling
b. Calls
c. Call
d. Called

62. Ica has … to the campus for 1 hour.

a. Go
b. Goes
c. Gone
d. Went

63. Deva has……..for three hours.

a. Sleep
b. Slept
c. Sleeping
d. Sleeped

64. We have…….this book since yesterday, but we still confuse.

a. Learned
b. Learn
c. Learning
d. Learns

Past Perfect Continuous

Multiple choice.

65. I had been … salt.

a. Eat
b. Eating
c. Ate
d. Eats

66. Nanda had been … playing basketball since two years ago.
a. Stop
b. Stopping
c. Stopped
d. Stops

67. The girls had … football for about an hour when it started too rain.
a. Playing
b. Been playing
c. Plays
d. Been played

68. She was tired because she …

a. Has been jogging
b. Had been jogging
c. Have been jogging
d. Is been jogging

69. Anjar … holiday because he had been working hard for six months
a. Need a
b. Needed a
c. Needed
d. Needs a

Change in to past perfect continues.

70. I was be your friend in junior high school

71. No one come to the class yesterday
72. They have met my friend in the bathroom
73. Who caughts that lizard patiently
74. I love you when I was be a young man.

Fill in the blank.

75. When you got sick, ______________ (you/eat) enough?

76. There was rice everywhere. What ____________ (the children/do)?
77. _______________ (it/rain) when you left the restaurant?
78. How long ______________ (she/live) in London when she found that job?
79. Why ____________ (you//study) so hard?
80. Why was the class so messy? What ___________ (she/do)?
81. How long ____________ (we/wait) when the bus finally arrived?
82. How long ____________ (he/play) football when he was injured?
83. ____________ (I/work) that day?
84. ____________ (she/see) him for long when they moved to Paris?

Present Perfect Continuous

Question: What has she been doing?
Answer: She's been helping her mother.

85. Question: ____________________________all day?

Answer: He's been playing soccer all day
86. Question: Where ____________________________?
Answer: I've been working at a movie theater.
87. Question: Where ____________________________?
Answer: She's been living in California.
88. Question: How ______________________________?
Answer: Jose has been studying English for the last two years.
89. Question: Why ______________________________?
Answer: They've been going to a doctor because they are sick.
90. Question: How ______________________________?
Answer: I've been paying $900 a month for rent.
91. Question: What _____________________________?
Answer: She's been driving a Honda Accord.
92. Question: How ______________________________?
Answer: It's been raining for the last two hours.
93. Question: How ______________________________?
Answer: My mother hasn't been feeling very well.
94. Question: Who _____________________________?
Answer: I've been talking to my brother.

Make sentences in the present perfect continuous tense using the verbs given in the brackets.
In the case of questions, the subject is also indicated in the brackets.

95. The workers demand higher wages for a long time. (demand)
96. The girl have been learn her lessons. (learn)
97. The children have been play in the garden. (play)
98. ‘She looks tired.’ ‘Yes, She has been running since 8 AM.’ (run)
99. Who has been sleeping in my bed? (sleep)
100. Her boyfriend have been waiting for her even though it’s raining. (wait)

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