Day 5

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DAY 5: The Challenge is On

Goals: ​Within students’ self-exploration day, they will discuss immune systems and their vulnerability, work
on their challenges by providing/receiving peer feedback, and as an optional exploration, assess their
understanding of the week’s content.

In Defense of Self ​Discovery Soiree

​ wo pre-selected students will practice their facilitation skills by leading a learning community discussion of
an excerpt from this text.

Challenge Workshop Day

Students will work on their challenge board and expo projects seeking feedback from at least two other students

Optional Take Home Exploration: “What’s My Understanding”

​I want students to have the opportunity to practice sharing their understanding of topics explored throughout the week and
receive feedback that will provide them with suggestions on things to consider in preparation for the Health and Wellness expo.
What’s My Understanding?

Being able to clearly express your ideas to others is an important skill to continually develop throughout your life. Below
is an opportunity to strengthen your voice. If you choose to partake, I’ll provide you comments for growth that can guide
you further in developing your ideas. In a few weeks, you will be interacting with folks at the Health and Wellness Expo
and this exercise can be helpful in preparing your thoughts so you can best convey them to your audience. Using
examples is helpful to further elaborate and highlight your understanding. Consider chatting with a fellow classmate
about these questions to better verbalize your ideas.

1.​ ​How can our choices prevent chronic diseases? What impact do these diseases have on our cells?

2. How can chemicals harm our cells?

3. Why might our cells ability to communicate to each other be important? How do they do this?

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