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Assessing Food Quality for Pilgrims of Indonesia in Medina, Saudi Arabia

(Case Study on Food Quality for the Indonesian Regular Pilgrims came from Bandung)
Atang Sabur Safari

The spirit of Indonesian muslims to perform hajj in Mecca Saudi Arabia as one of five
pillars of Islam, has risen significantly. In the year 2012 (1433 Hijriyah), about 221.000
worshipers or about 1% of the total Indonesian population went to Saudi Arabia to perform hajj.
In Saudi Arabia, Indonesian pilgrims has to stay for more than 30 days in Mecca, 9 days in
Medina, 2 days in Arafat and and 4 days in Mina.
The government of the Republic of Indonesia through the Ministry of Religion, continues
to improve their services for the Indonesian regular pilgrims, including catering service in
Indonesia before hajj departure, and in Saudi Arabia such as in Medina, Arafat and Mina.
However, the food served should have a good quality, so that consumer satisfaction is achieved.
In this research, the quality of food was assesed by pilgrims as panelists, whose used their
senses of sight, smell, tasting, touch and hearing to perform organoleptic test. In this study, the
panelists were 100 Indonesian regular pilgrims came from Bandung West Java, who performed
their hajj in 2012. The data was collected through observation, interview and questionaires. The
research was conducted to the Indonesian regular pilgrims whose experienced food service in
Medina, Saudi Arabia.
Key words: Indonesian regular pilgrims, quality of food, food quality aspects, organoleptic test

A. Research Background
From year to year, the spirit of Indonesian muslims to go to Mecca, Saudi Arabia to
perform hajj as one of five pillars of Islam has risen significantly. The government of Saudi
Arabia stated that every country in the world are allowed to send only 1% of their muslim citizen
to perform hajj. In the year 2012 (1433 Hijriyah), the Indonesian pilgrims quota approved by the
government of Saudi Arabia was about 221 thousand worshipers or about 1% of the total
Indonesian population, consists of about 190 thousand regular pilgrims or ONH and 31 thousand
special pilgrims or ONH-Plus (, 15 November 2012). Actually, the numbers of queued
muslim citizens of Indonesia who want to perform haj far above that figure and continue to
increase every year.
From year to year, the government of the Republic of Indonesia through the Ministry of
Religion, continues to improve the service for the Indonesian pilgrims. The area of services
given to the pilgrims, including the service in Indonesia before departure, transportation to and
from Saudi Arabia, accommodation in Saudi Arabia, catering services, health care, and other
services to the pilgrims until they return home to Indonesia. To provide these requirements, the
Ministry of Religion has arranged to prepare and serve the Indonesian pilgrims and set the costs
which included in a package of pilgrimage costs (called Ongkos Naik Haji-ONH) that should be
paid by the pilgrims.

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Catering services for Indonesian pilgrims in Saudi Arabia, were provided in Medina,
Arafat and Mina. The service is very important, because being away from home, it will not be
easy for the pilgrims to prepare their own food. Mondschein (2009:xi) stated that “Food is a
human universal. No matter who they might be or where they might live, everybody has to eat”.
Indeed, food is very important for the pilgrims during they stay in the Holy Land, and so they
can focus on worshipping.
If the food want to be enjoyed, the food served should have a good quality. The meaning
of quality according to Besterfield (1986:1): "Quality is all of the feature and characteristic of a
product or service that's contribute to satisfaction of a customer's need". In other words, that
quality is an overview and characteristics of a product or service that is intended to meet the
needs and satisfy consumers. Feigenbaum (in Kandahjaya, 1996:4) described the definition of
quality as follows: ”Quality is something that is decided by the customer, not by the engineer,
nor by general marketing. Quality is based on the actual experiences of customers for their
products and services, as measured by customer requirements, disclosed or undisclosed, realized
or not realized or only perceived, worked as a technical or subjective, and often represent a
moving target in a highly competitive market”.
In assessing the quality of food, Moehyi (1992), mentioned two main aspects to be
considered, namely the appearance and taste of food, while Stokes (1974:26) mentioned 6 (six)
main aspects, are : appearance of food, cleanliness and food hygiene, flavor of food, taste of
food, food texture, and nutritional value of food
In practice, food quality assessment can be done through organoleptic assessment that is
assessed through the senses or sensory evaluation. This method of evaluation is very common
and widely used because it can be implemented quickly and directly. In some cases, evaluation
by the senses has better accuracy compared with other measuring devices. Application of
organoleptic evaluation in practice called organoleptic test which is done with a specific
procedure. Human’s senses role in the organoleptic test is the sense of sight, smell, tasting, touch
and hearing (Soekarto, 2002). In organoleptic evaluation, there is a group of people called
panelists, who test certain foods, and the perception or opinion of the panelists is then used as
data. According to Rahayu (1998): "the organoleptic evaluation, where the panel needs to
perform organoleptic assessment in the evaluation of the quality or sensory characteristics of a
commodity, or instrument panel acts as tools. This panel is made up of people or groups working
to assess the nature of a commodity, the panelists referred to a panel".
In 2012, the writer was also performing hajj to Saudi Arabia, and after having some
observations to Indonesian regular pilgrims in Medina, the writer found out that some of them
were complained about the quality of food. Based on the information, the writer conducted
small research and distributed 100 questionaire’s sheets to Indonesian pilgrims (from Bandung
city) who had returned to Indonesia. The results is reported in this paper titled: “Assessing Food
Quality for Pilgrims of Indonesia in Medina, Saudi Arabia (Case Study on Food Quality for the
Indonesian Regular Pilgrims came from Bandung)”.
The writer believed that they were hundreds or even thousands researches have been
conducted by scholars and other researchers to asses the quality of food, such as in hotels,
restaurants and other catering services. However, yet, the witer has never found or read such
research conducted to asses the quality of food for pilgrims in Saudi Arabia.

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Due to the limitations of time, cost, and opportunity, this study was only be implemented
on the Indonesian regular pilgrims who came from Bandung, Indonesia, and to those who had
food service at accommodations in Medina, Saudi Arabia.

B. Identification of Problems
The aim of this study was to find out the impressions, responses or opinions of the
Indonesian pilgrims concerning 8 aspects of food quality served to them in Medina Saudi Arabia,
which was based on Moehyi (1992) and Stokes (1974:26) opinions, are:
1) the packaging, portion size and appearance of food,
2) the temperature, flavor, taste and texture, and
3) the nutritional content of food.

C. The Purpose of the Research

This research has two main purposes. The first purpose was to accomplish part of tasks
and functions of the researcher as a part of faculty member of Bandung Institute of Tourism.
Secondly was to identify problems associated with the quality of food provided by the Ministry
of Religion of Indonesia for Indonesian pilgrims in Medina, Saudi Arabia. The result of this
study was expected to be useful as a feedback for the representatives of Indonesia’s Ministry of
Religion, and catering companies that cater Indonesian pilgrims in Medina, Saudi Arabia.

D. Research Methodology and Data Collecting Techniques

In this study, the research method used was descriptive research method, because the
researcher wants to describe specific behavior as it occurs in the environment or when the
researcher wants to describe the situation (Chris Clause, 27 Sept 2011). The purpose of this
descriptive research is to get a picture of actual condition of the subjects being observed and
investigated. In this research, the researcher will examine the quality of food served to pilgrims
from Indonesia during stay in hajj accommodations in Medina, Saudi Arabia.
The data was collected through observation, interview and questionaires. At the begining
of the research, the researcher visited the objects and observed the situation at the premises, and
every necessary information was recorded as data. Other technique used was by interviewing
some pilgrims from Bandung and their leader to obtain more information about quality of food.
Other data was collected through a combination of closed-ended and open-ended questionnaires,
as mentioned by Dawson (2009:30-32). The questionaires contain 8 questions with boxes to tick
by the respondents, and they also were asked to give additional comments on the subject being
researched. The researcher distributed 100 questionnaires to the Indonesian pilgrims (in Medina
and in Bandung), and 81% of respondents returned the completed questionaires.
To get basic theory and concept relating to objects being observed, and to provide
guidelines in analyzing the data, the researcher conducted literature study as mentioned by
Cahyono (1996:181). By this way, the researcher try to find the concept of food quality, how to
assess food quality and also how to analyze the data.

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The research took place in Madina Saudi Arabia (observation, interview and some
questionaires) and in Bandung (by questionaires). This research activity commenced with
compile draft and propose research in January 2013, followed by primary data collection that
took place in February and March 2013. Collection of secondary data including literature studies
and writing research reports carried out from March to May 2013. Research report was submitted
in May 2013. Overall this study took approximately five months. Research schedule is as
Table 1: Research Schedule
Year 2013
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May
1.! Compilation of draft research
2.! Submission of Proposed Research
3.! Implementation Research
4.! Data Processing Research
5.! Writing a Research Report
6.! Delivery of Research Results

F.!Data Findings: Food Services for Indonesian Pilgrims in Medina Saudi Arabia
Catering services for Indonesian Pilgrims in Saudi Arabia, was organized by the Ministry
of Religion the Republic of Indonesia in Medina for 9 to 10 days, at Arafat for 2 days and at
Mina for 3 to 4 days. Meanwhile, when the pilgrims living in Mecca for about 22 days, they
provide food by themselves, either buying from the shops or cooking by themselves.
In 2012, catering services for the Indonesian pilgrims in Medina, carried out by at least
12 catering companies, including Al-Ahmadi, United Regional, Al-Andalus, Al-Jabeer, Al-
Arabian, The Golden Fork, Al-Madinah, Al-Ikhwan, Al-Fatani and Al-Haidary Catering
Services. In Medina, every catering company has to prepare between 6,000 and 32,000 servings
of food per day.
Food service for Indonesian pilgrims in Medina is delivered two times per day, for lunch
between 11.00 to 13.00 local time and for dinner between 17:00 to 19:00. The food is delivered
by trucks from catering locations to the hajj accommoations, and in hajj accommodations, the
food is received by the hajj group leaders and then forwarded to the team leaders to be
distriburted to pilgrims.
To avoid food poisoning, it is written on every pack that lunch should be consumed
before 15:00 and for dinner before 21:00. Thus, food is left stand in the room temperature for a
maximum of about 4 hours after it is produced and packed. The food is packed in single portion
in disposable aluminium container, and eqquiped with plastic spoon.
Indonesian pilgrims menu for regular hajj, usually contains rice, with side dishes of beef,
chicken or fish, and vegetables. The menu variations presented to Indonesian regular pilgrims is
very limited, and this because of the difficulty to purchase raw materials in large quantity at the
same time. For a source of carbohydrates and dietary habits according to the Indonesian people,
the food should contain rice. The rice used was of Thailand origin, although it was marked

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Rojolili or Pandawangi (popular brands of Indonesia types of rice), the rice was slightly yellow
in color and less 'fluffier' compared to those produced in Indonesia.
In general, sources of animal protein in large quantities (for mass production), which was
easily obtained and considered adapt with consumer tastes, derived from chicken, beef, and fish.
These items were usually purchased in frozen condition, and then cooked in Indonesian spices.
Sometimes, they served chicken or fish nuggets and sambal in sachets.
The vegetables used was fresh vegetables, but mostly consists of carrots, string beans,
green beans, Kusha (white zuchinni), eggplant, and cabbage. If fresh vegetables was not
available, then frozen vegetables that have been processed by the factory were used as
replacement. As an addtitional, or perhaps as ‘dessert’, every dish served with an orange, apple
or banana, and a bottle of plain water. In the following pictures can be seen examples of
chicken, beef, fish and fruits used for menu.

G.! Assessment a quality of food and a meaning of organoleptic assessment

The quality of food should be sought and taken care of, so that consumer satisfaction is
achieved. In assessing the quality or food quality there are some key factors that can be measured
and evaluated. In assessing the food, according to Moehyi (1992), there are two main aspects to
be considered, namely the appearance and taste of food. Both are equally important to be
considered in order to produce a truly satisfying meal. It is arguably that for some people, they
are quite satisfied if the food is eye apealing and has good taste. However, broader aspects of
food quality was mentioned by Stokes (1974:26) who argued that in assessing the quality of
food, there are 6 (six) main aspects that can be evaluated. Those 6 aspects are: appearance of
food, cleanliness and food hygiene, flavor of food, taste of food, food texture, and nutritional
value of food. The appearance, cleanliness and flavor of food are very important and can attract
someone to consume it. Whilst the taste, and texture can only be known when someone consume
the food. Nutritional value of food ussualy known by laboratoy tests, however most of the
consumers have experiences and might known the nutritional value of the food by seeing the
ingredients used in it. Chicken, meat and fish are the ingredients which have high protein, fat,
and other nutrition contents that essential for the body.
According to Soekarto (2002), the quality of the food can be assessed by organoleptic
assessment or sensory assessment. This assessment method has been known for a very long time
and is still very commonly used. This evaluation method is widely used because it can be
implemented quickly and directly. In some cases this assessment method is even better and more
accurate compared with other measuring devices. In this organoleptic assessment, there is a
group of people who taste or consume certain foods, or panelists, where their impressions,
responses or opinions are then used as data. In practice, the application of organoleptic
assessment called organoleptic tests carried out with a particular procedure, and in this method,
senses of sight, smell, tasting, touch and hearing play role in the test. To conduct the
organoleptic assessment, Rahayu (1998) stated as follows: "in the organoleptic assessment, the
panel is required to carry out an assessment in the assessment of organoleptic quality or sensory
characteristics of a commodity, or instrument panel to act as a tool. This panel consists of a
person or group incharge of assessing the nature of a commodity, people who become members
of the panel referred to the panel". In organoleptic assessment, according to Rahayu (1998)
recognized seven kinds of panels, amongst others are individual panels, limited panel, trained
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panel, consumer panels and children panel. Consumer panel usually consists of 30 to 100 people
depending on the objects to be assessed.
In this study, consumer panels and panelists was selected from the Indonesian regular
pilgrims who live in Bandung and surroundings area, who performed hajj in 2012 and whose had
returned to their homes. Based on Moehyi (1992) and Stokes (1974:26) opinions, 8 aspects of
food quality will be assesed. Although this study was not conducted laboratory testing to
calculate the nutritional content of food, but the opinion of pilgrims as consumer panelists is
worth to be considered. In this case, their opinions are considered adequate to assess the
nutritional content of food based on their knowledge and experience. During staying in Medina
for 8 to 9 days, the pilgrims received at least 17 meal times for lunch and dinner only, without
breakfasts. By observing the ingredients shown in the composition of their meal containers such
as rice, with meat, fish, or chicken and vegetables along with fruits and plain water, the pilgrims
can judge the nutrient content available in their meals. They can judge wether the meals have
good sources of carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and other minerals or not.
For Indonesian pilgrims in Medina, food was delivered to pilgrims two times a day, along
with mineral water in 500 ml bottle, and fruits such as apple, orange or banana. Samples of the
dishes and packaging for Indonesian regular pilgrims can be seen in the pictures 5. The pictures
shown that rice and side dishes were placed in disposable containers and covered with
alluminum lids. Printed on the top side of the lid was the logo of the Indonesia’s Ministry of
Religion and caterings details, including name, logo and phone number of catering. Green stripe
on the lid indicates lunch meal, and red stripe for dinner meal. On the lid of left picture was
written Al-Jabeer Catering and on the middle and right pictures were written Al-Andalus
Catering, proved that the food were provided alternativelly by these two catering companies.
In this study, the panelists were the pilgrims under the coordination by one of appointed
Kelompok Bimbingan Ibadah Haji (KBIH) or Hajj Coaching Groups, such as KBIH Siliwangi,
KBIH As-Syakur, KBIH Arofah and KBIH Al-Hajjan. In this study, the researcher distributed
questionnaires to 100 pilgrims from above KBIH’s, from which 81 completed questionnaires
were qualified to be treated and processed. Table 1 below shows the results of processed
Table 2: The Opinions of Indonesian Regular Pilgrims on Food Quality served in Medina
N/n = 100/81
No Aspects Assesed Very Good Good Not Good
f % f % f %
1. Packaging of food (clean, neat, eye appealing) 21 25,93 60 74,07 0 0,00
2. Portion size of food 7 8,64 59 72,84 15 18,52
3. Appearance of food (clean, neat, eye appeal) 9 11,11 64 79,01 8 9,88
4. Food temperature 6 7,41 75 92,59 0 0,00
5. Food flavor 3 3,70 45 55,56 33 40,74
6. Food taste 3 3,70 39 48,15 39 48,15
7. Texture and doneness 3 3,70 78 96,30 0 0,00
8 Nutritional content of food 12 14,81 54 66,67 15 18,52
Source: Results of processed questionnaires, March 2013

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As an additional information, majority of panelists confessed that the portion size of rice
was too small, fish served only once or two times, and the variation of vegetables were poor.

H.! Discussion on the panelists opinions

Food service for Indonesian pilgrims in Medina, the food was packed in disposable
alluminum containers, and equipped with plastic spoons. After the consumption, the containers
were then collected in a plastic trash bag by the catering company for disposal.
Based on the data in Table 2, it was known that all panelists or respondents (Indonesian
regular pilgrims), judged that the cleanliness and tidiness of food packaging was good. But
approximately 9.88% of the respondents stated that the contents of the food was not appealing. It
was likely that because they received almost similar menu set as they have consumed previously,
so they feel bored. However, most of the respondents (90.12%) stated that the contents of the
menu was good enough. Concerning the portion size, most of the respondents (72.84%) said
quite good and even some said very good (8.64). However, there were about 18.52% respondents
stated that the portion sizes was not good or too small. The latest statement was mainly came
from young male pilgrims.
Based on the data in Table 2, all consumer panelists stated that they did not complaint on
food temperature. This happened because the food was likely packed while still hot, and was
stored in hot trolley cabinets. The food was delivered and distributed out from hot trolley
cabinets to pilgrims’ hands immediatelly. However, there were about 40.74% of pilgrims rated
that the aroma of food was poor. They argued that the aroma of food was not familiar with their
senses of smell, but about 59% of the respondents accepted the aroma of food. Concerning the
taste of food, about half of the respondents (48.15%) stated that the taste of food was not good.
They confessed that the taste of the food was not well seasoned and tasteless. To improve this,
they added sauce, chili sauce or ketchup. As previously discussed, that the taste of food is very
important, so that consumers will enjoy the food and consume adequate portion. Most of people
in Indonesia are very common to consume spicy food, therefore they appreciate food with rather
strong flavor and taste. Regarding to the texture and doneness of food, no one of the respondents
complained, because the food received was quite tender, easy to chew and easy to digest.
One characteristic of good quality of food is if the food contains enough nutrients and
beneficial to the body. Most of the respondents (87.48%) considered that the nutritional content
of the food they received was good. However, there were about 18.52% of pilgrims who
considered that the nutritional content of the food was unfavorable. This was possible because
they felt bored with the menu, and because of this reason, they had no appetite to consume all of
the food. During staying up to 9 days in Medina, the respondents received around 17 meal times,
lunch and dinner, but the side dishes given were only three types, they were beef, chicken and
fish. The fish served was only crocker fish, and no other types of seafood, such as prawns or
squids, or other type of fish such as perch, mackerel, or tuna. Based on this facts, the
respondents received the same side dishes more then 6 times, eventhough the side dishes were
cooked and seasoned in slightly different ways. Fruits given to the pilgrims were only apple,
orange or banana, but the pilgrims also expected other kinds of fruits such as grapes, pear, plum
or apricot.

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I.! Conclusions and Recommendations
The Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia tried to provide good catering
services for Indonesian regular pilgrims in Saudi Arabia, eventhough up to the present date, the
catering services provided only in Medina, Arafat desert and Mina. While in the city of Mecca,
pilgrims must find the food by themselves. Food for pilgrims in Medina served for up to 9 days,
for lunch and dinner, while for breakfast, the pilgrims must provide by their own.
The results of this study indicate that:
1.! Packaging or container of food for Indonesian regular pilgrims were clean and neat.
Informations on the lid of the containers that contains the logo of the Ministry of Religion of
the Republic of Indonesia, the identity of the catering company, eating schedule, as well as
the expire time of food convinced the pilgrims to consume food without worrying consuming
stale food. On the other hand, most of the pilgrims considered that the portion sizes of food
was good, although there were some pilgrims who considered that the portion size or amount
of food was too small.
2.! The temperature, aroma, taste and texture of food, were assessed through organoleptic test.
All of the pilgrims’ respondents as consumer panelists did not complain on food temperatures.
But almost half of the respondents rated that the aroma and taste of food were poor. They
perceived that the food was tasteless and lack of flavor. Concerning food texture and doneness
of the food, no one of the respondents complained.
3.! Although the assessment for nutritional content of food was done merely based on
respondents’ knowledge and experience after observing the composition of the food, majority
of them assumed that the nutrients content of the food was good. However, there were about
18.52% of respondents considered that the composition of the food were not appealing and
bored them, and because of this reason, they did not consume all of the food.

Several suggestions and recommendations to the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of

Indonesia and to the catering companies in Medina, Saudi Arabia, are as follows:
1.! Packaging or container of food for Indonesian regular pilgrims, including cleanliness and
tidiness need to be maintained.
2.! Aroma or flavor and taste of the food should be adjusted with the taste of Indonesian people.
Data of the pilgrims is very important to be known by the catering companies, so that they can
prepare food in accordance with the preferences of pilgrims. For examples, for the pilgrims
who came from Central Java, the taste of food should be sweet, but for the pilgrims from
Padang, the food should be more spicy, and rather hot.
3.! Though no significant complaints were occured, the nutritional content of food served needs
to be improved by adding more various menu and food composition. For example for fish side
dish, other types of fish such as snapper or perch can be given. The vegetables given should
be more variety, for instance by giving cauliflower, broccoli and other vegetables.
4.! In addition to apple, orange, or banana, other fruits such as pear, plum or apricot can be given
as a dessert. Other products such as pudding, cake or other sweet foods, can also be served as

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5.! In preparing the menu for Indonesian regular pilgrims, culinary experts may be involved to
design the menu, and so the pilgrims will be served with more variety of menu. Some
nutritionists may also be involved to calculate the nutritional content of the food pilgrims.
6.! In the future it is suggested that similar research will be conducted to the food (or even at a
broader scope including food services) for Indonesian pilgrims in Arafat, Mina and also in
Mecca, Saudi Arabia.


Besterfield, Dale H. 1986. Quality Control 2nd Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall International
Cahyono, Bambang Tri. 1996. Metodologi Riset Bisnis. Jakarta: Ikatan Penerbit Wanita
Chris Clause, May 2013, Descriptive Research Design: Definition, Example & Types.
Dawson, Catherine, 2009, Introduction to Research Methods, 4th edition and 1st publication by
electronic form by published by How to Content a Division of How to Book Ltd,
Begbroke, Oxford OX5 1RX United Kingdom.
Kandahjaya, Hudaya. 1996. Kendali Mutu Terpadu. Jakarta. Ghalia Indonesia.
Moehyi, S. 1992. Penyelenggaraan Makanan Institusi dan Jasa Boga. Jakarta: Bharata Press.
Mondscein, Ken (2009) Food and Culinary Arts; an all in One Guide to Navigating Toward a
new career”, USA: Ferguson Publishing
Rahayu, 1998. Prinsip-prinsip Ilmu Gizi. PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Jakarta.
Stokes, John W. 1974. How to Manage a Restaurant 2nd Edition. USA: Waveland, Brown
Company Publisher.
Soekarto, 2002. Pengendalian Mutu Makanan. Jakarta. Ghalia Indonesia, 15 November 2012, Jemaah Haji Indonesia Terbanyak di Dunia, Thursday,15
November 2012.

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Picture 1: Container trucks transporting food for Indonesian Regular pilgrims

Source of data: Observations, October 2012

Picture 2: Rice used for Indonesian Regular Pilgrims

Thailand’s rice Pandanwangi Thailand’s rice Super Rajalili

Source of data: Documents of researcher at Al-Jabeer Catering, Medina 2012

Picture 3: Chicken, beef and frozen fish

Frozen chicken Frozen meat Frozen fish

Source of data: Documents of researcher at Al-Jabeer Catering, Medina 2012

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Picture 4: Orange citrus and apples served for regular pilgrims

Orange citrus Apple Apples

Source of data: Documents of researcher at Al-Jabeer Catering, Medina 2012

Picture 5: Food packaging for Indonesian Regular Pilgrims

Aluminium packaging Rice with nugget Rice with beef stew and
mixed vegetables
Source of data: Documents of researcher took in Medina, 2012

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