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of atorvastatin bound to HMG-CoA reductase

(table S1, entry 2) revealed that the aromatic
C–F of the ligand approaches the guanidinium
Fluorine in Pharmaceuticals: side chain of Arg590, [distance d(F··C(N3) =
2.9 Å)], hinting at a favorable polar interaction
Looking Beyond Intuition (11) discussed in detail below. Although
published structure-activity relationships for
quinolone antibiotics (12) such as ciprofloxacin
Klaus Müller,1* Christoph Faeh,2 François Diederich2*
might again hint at a favorable polar interaction
of the essential F substituent at position 6, the
Fluorine substituents have become a widespread and important drug component, their introduction
absence of structural information limits confir-
facilitated by the development of safe and selective fluorinating agents. Organofluorine affects nearly
mation of any such hypothesis (for the structure
all physical and adsorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion properties of a lead compound. Its
of ciprofloxacin bound to the AcrB multidrug
inductive effects are relatively well understood, enhancing bioavailability, for example, by reducing the
efflux pump, see table S1, entry 3).
basicity of neighboring amines. In contrast, exploration of the specific influence of carbon-fluorine
single bonds on docking interactions, whether through direct contact with the protein or through Synthetic Advances
stereoelectronic effects on molecular conformation of the drug, has only recently begun. Here, we
Long after Moisson’s preparation of elemental
review experimental progress in this vein and add complementary analysis based on comprehensive
F2 in 1886, its extreme reactivity still limited
searches in the Cambridge Structural Database and the Protein Data Bank.
widespread laboratory fluorinations. This situa-
tion changed around 1970 with the introduction

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luorinated compounds are the least abun- above as examples, the CF3 group in fluoxetine of safe and selective fluorinating agents that

F dant natural organohalides (1). Most (table S1, entry 1) and the F substituents in
terrestrial F is bound in insoluble form, atorvastatin and ciprofloxacin enhance potency,
hindering uptake by bioorganisms. Until 1957, but this gain can be explained with confidence
were compatible with ordinary laboratory equip-
ment and therefore amenable to elaboration of
lead compounds (13–15).
no F-containing drug had been developed. Since only for atorvastatin, which has been structur- Today, an increasing number of such agents
then, over 150 fluorinated drugs have come to ally characterized bound to its target. Atorvas- are directly available to researchers from com-
market and now make up ~20% of all pharma- tatin (median inhibitory concentration = 8 nM) mercial suppliers. Examples of nucleophilic
ceuticals (2–5), with even higher
figures for agrochemicals (up to
30%) (4). Top-selling fluorinated
pharmaceuticals include the anti-
depressant fluoxetine (Prozac) (6),
the cholesterol-lowering drug atorvas-
tatin (Lipitor) (7), and the antibacterial
ciprofloxacin (Ciprobay) (8) (Fig. 1).
Chemists have known about F’s
inductive effects for decades from
small molecule studies (such as
Hammett linear free-energy relation-
ships). Also, F’s capacity to enhance O OH OH
metabolic stability (mainly by low- O N F 6
ering the susceptibility of nearby N COO-
moieties to cytochrome P450 enzy- F3C 1/2 Ca2+ N N
matic oxidation) has become increas- HN
ingly clear recently (9). In contrast, HCl
an understanding of how F affects
binding affinity and selectivity at the Prozac Lipitor Ciprobay
molecular level is just starting to Fig. 1. Major fluorinated drugs: the antidepressant Prozac (table S1, entry 1), cholesterol-lowering drug Lipitor (table
develop. Here, we highlight recent S1, entry 2), and quinolone antibiotic Ciprobay (table S1, entry 3). The molecular-model conformations are from
findings of F···protein interactions crystal structures. Ligand Cs, green; O atoms, red; N atoms, dark blue; and F atoms, light blue. Unless otherwise stated,
and complement the discussion with this color code also applies to the images in Figs. 3 and 5 and the supporting online material (SOM). Images generated
the analysis of structures in the Cam- with MacPyMol (68).
bridge Structural Database (CSD)
and the Protein Data Bank (PDB). inhibits 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme reagents used to form C–F bonds (Fig. 2A) in-
Structural information is essential for ratio- A (HMG-CoA) reductase, an essential enzyme clude diethylaminosulfur trifluoride (DAST)
nalizing F contributions to protein binding affin- in the biosynthesis of cholesterol. In an early (16), 2,2-difluoro-1,3-dimethylimidazolidine
ity. Taking the three pharmaceuticals mentioned stage of development, a series of inhibitors (DFI) (17), and bis(2-methoxyethyl) aminosulfur
featuring a pyrrole core similar to the one in trifluoride (Deoxofluor) (18); these reagents
Pharmaceuticals Division, Discovery Chemistry, F. Hoffmann– atorvastatin was screened. The 4-fluorophenyl transform alcohols into monofluorides and car-
La Roche, CH-4070 Basel, Switzerland. Laboratorium für derivative was found to be superior to ligands bonyls into gem-difluorides. A wide range of
Organische Chemie, ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg, CH-8093
Zürich, Switzerland. with hydroxy (by a factor of 2), hydrogen electrophilic reagents bearing a R2N–F or R3N+–
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:
(factor of 5), or methoxy (factor of 10) groups in F unit has also been developed and commercial- (K.M.); diederich@org.chem. this position; only the chlorinated ligand was of ized, elaborated from the first such agent, (F.D.) similar potency (10). The x-ray crystal structure pyridinium poly(hydrogen fluoride) (Olah’s SCIENCE VOL 317 28 SEPTEMBER 2007 1881

reagent) (13). Examples (Fig. 2B) include 1- substantial gain in potency of cathepsin K into enforcing the most favorable conformation
chloromethyl-4-fluorodiazoniabicyclo [2.2.2]octane inhibitors (28). The C–F and C–O dipoles can through rigidification. When binding a preorga-
bis(tetrafluoroborate) (Selectfluor) (13) and N- undergo similar multipolar interactions with nized ligand, no enthalpy loss occurs to reach the
fluorobenzene-sulfonimide (NFSI) (13). Tri- neighboring dipoles. favorable binding geometry, and there is no need
fluoromethyl groups are conveniently introduced Bioisosterism of C–F, C–OH (29), and to freeze out the desirable binding conformation
with trimethyl(trifluoromethyl)silane (Ruppert- C–OMe (where Me is methyl) was also ob- in an entropically unfavorable way. Conforma-
Prakash reagent) (13) or the more recently de- tions of free ligands are usually determined
served for a series of tricyclic inhibitors of throm-
veloped trifluoroacetamides (Fig. 2C) (19). bin, a Ser protease from the blood-coagulation experimentally in solution by 1H NMR measure-
Protocols for asymmetric fluorinations are also cascade (30). Similar potency was found for ments, and this information is frequently com-
expanding (20). Nevertheless, most of these inhibitors in which any of the three groups were
plemented by gas-phase theoretical calculations
reagents are too expensive for plant-scale pro- bound at specific positions on the central scaffold
and conformational searches in the CSD (31, 32).
duction, where traditional methods such as the so as to point into the region of the catalyticInformation on the conformation of bound
use of elemental F prevail. triad and the oxyanion hole of the enzyme. C–F,ligands is usually extracted from protein-ligand
cocrystal structures.
Physical and Substitution of H by F can pro-
Pharmacokinetic Properties foundly change the conformational
Fluorine is the most electronega- A preferences of a small molecule
tive element. The C–F bond is one SF3 because of size and stereoelectronic
of the strongest known (table S2), N N effects. A comparison between
and adjacent C–C single bonds are methoxyphenyl and trifluorome-
also strengthened, whereas allylic thoxyphenyl groups illustrates the

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DAST DFI Deoxofluor
C=C double bonds are weakened influence of F on conformation.
by F substitution (21). The very low Methoxy groups lie in the plane of
polarizability of organofluorine sub- B Cl the phenyl ring because the p
stituents also impacts intermolecular N+ orbital of the sp2-hybridized O is
interactions (22). Further, the nucle- N +
2BF4 - S S in p conjugation with the aromatic
ar magnetic resonance (NMR) ac- F O OO O p system. This conformation is
tivity of F’s sole natural isotope, preferred by ~3.0 kcal/mol (33, 34).
19 Selectfluor NFSI
F, is convenient for characteriza- In contrast, trifluoromethoxy groups
tion (23). tend to turn out of plane because of
Fluorine often replaces H in their larger size and, presumably
organic molecules but the size and more substantially, stereoelectronic
stereoelectronic influences of the F effects. Orienting C–F bonds anti-
two atoms are quite different (for F Si N CF
periplanar to the lone pairs of the
bond lengths and van der Waals O 3
now sp3-hybridized O results in an
radii and volumes, see table S2). O anomeric nO–s*CF conjugation with
The bond length of C–F (1.41 Å) Ruppert-Prakash Trifluoroacetamide concomitant lengthening of the C–F
is actually more similar to C–O bonds (35). This effect reduces the
(1.43 Å) than to C–H (1.09 Å), conjugation between O and the
although packing-radius compari- Fig. 2. Examples of safe and selective fluorination agents. (A) Nucleophilic aromatic p system and eliminates
sons are a subject of ongoing agents, (B) electrophilic agents, and (C) reagents to introduce CF groups. the energetic preference of a planar,
research (24). The van der Waals in-plane conformation.
volume of the trifluoromethyl (CF3) group (as in C–OH, and C–OMe thus appear to be bioisosteric Computational studies and searches in the
fluoxetine) is similar to that of the ethyl group (in terms of binding efficacy) if the negative CSD (fig. S1) (31, 32) and the PDB (36) were
(CH3CH2) but the shapes of the two groups are poles (O, F) interact with the positive pole of carried out to investigate the conformational
very different. Despite suggestions that CF3 and another dipole or a positively charged center, preferences of aromatic OCH3, OCH2F, OCHF2,
isopropyl [(CH3)2CH] are interchangeable (21), provided that the Me group of C–OMe can be and OCF3 groups. Only cases in which at least one
isopropyl has a larger volume and is axially accommodated without strain and that the OH ortho position of the aromatic ring was un-
anisotropic (25). group finds a H-bond acceptor. A striking ex- substituted were considered, as two non-H ortho
Bioisosterism is an important concept in ample of this analogy between C–OH and C–F groups lead to orthogonal orientations of all
lead optimization. It refers to the capacity of has also been noted (11) in a crystal structure of alkoxy groups for steric reasons. Neither CSD
atoms or functional groups with similar sizes or a HIV protease complex with a bound peptidic nor PDB searches yielded any structures with
shapes to be interchanged without substantially inhibitor containing a central a-difluoroketone aryl–OCH2F motifs; computational studies
altering biological behavior such as binding hydrate unit (table S1, entry 4). revealed (33, 34) two conformational energy
affinity (26). Thus, the fluorovinyl group minima with dihedral angles q [Caryl –Caryl –
(C=CHF) has been used as a replacement for Conformational and O–C(H2F)] of 24° (∆Erel = 0.0 kcal/mol) and 0°
the peptide bond (27). Fluorine takes the posi- Stereoelectronic Influences (∆Erel = 4.2 kcal/mol). Whereas the high-energy
tion of the carbonyl O, and the planarity of the Knowledge about the energetically most favor- conformation is predicted to be planar without an
vinyl unit makes it quite a good match in size able conformation of a ligand is essential for anomeric effect, the low-energy twisted confor-
and geometry, as shown in the inhibition of optimizing the binding efficacy, which increases mation has the C–F unit in an anomeric arrange-
dipeptidyl peptidase IV. The C–F bond length with the ligand’s degree of preorganization: The ment. Overall, the change from OCH3 to OCH2F
and the total extension of a C–F unit are similar more closely the geometry of the bound ligand reduces the in-plane conformational preference.
to the values for the C=O group (table S2). The resembles the lowest-energy conformation of the The CSD search provided seven aryl–OCHF2
C–CF3 fragment has also been introduced as a free ligand, the stronger the gain in binding free fragments, with torsional angles [Caryl–Caryl–O–
substitute for the C=O group, providing a energy. Ligand preorganization usually translates C(HF2)] between 1° and 90°. Thus, there seems

1882 28 SEPTEMBER 2007 VOL 317 SCIENCE

to be no orientational preference, as was also 3-fluoro- substituents is maintained in protonated effect augmented by a depolarization and desolv-
confirmed by calculations that afforded equal- 3-fluoro-N-alkylpiperidinium salts and even in ation effect by the orthogonally oriented OCF3
energy minima at q = 33° and 90°. The orthog- quaternary 3-fluoro-N,N-dialkylpiperidinium group, partially shielding one p face of the
onal conformation has both C–F bonds in an salts, despite steric congestion. aromatic ring.
anomeric (endo) orientation similar to the tri- Also somewhat surprisingly, (3-fluoropropyl)-
fluoromethoxy group, whereas the twisted con- Influence of logD and pKa Effects benzene and (3,3,3-trifluoropropyl)benzene are
formation is predicted to have only one C–F Biological absorption and distribution are large- markedly less lipophilic than nonfluorinated
bond in an anomeric position (with a slightly ly controlled by the ionization state and balance propylbenzene, with DlogP = –0.7 and –0.4, re-
longer C–F bond length than the nonanomeric of lipophilicity and hydrophilicity in a drug spectively (fig. S2). This result can be explained
C–F bond). This prediction is particularly nicely molecule. Enhanced lipophilicity can increase by the introduction of polarity to a highly hy-
borne out by a crystal structure (table S1, entry 5) the measured binding free energy through more drophobic domain. In this example, the polarity
in which the asymmetric unit contains two favorable partitioning between the polar aque- effect is stronger for the monofluorinated analog
independent molecules, one with an approximate ous solution and the less polar receptor site. A than for the trifluorinated one.
orthogonal conformation (q = Fluorine introduction also
86°) with two anomeric C–F strongly reduces amine basicity,
bonds, the other with a twisted A B impacting membrane perme-
arrangement (q = 58°) and only Gln369 Ser195 His57 ability (45), the potential liabil-
one anomeric C–F bond. This Thr333 ity for phospholipidosis (46),
structure provides experimental and interference with the hERG
evidence that the two conforma- Trp332 (human ether a-go-go–related
tions cannot be largely different gene) K+ channel associated with

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in energy as they coexist within θ =19° 3.2 Å cardiovascular toxicity (47–49).
the same crystal. Seven struc- Useful predictive rules have been
tures in the PDB feature ligands θ = 81° developed for tuning the pKa
with aryl–OCHF2 fragments values (where Ka is the acid dis-
(table S1, entries 6 to 11). The Gln192 sociation constant) of basic amine
measured dihedral angles vary centers through s-transmission
from q = 0° to 50°. Three of the effects of F, O, N, and S func-
seven x-ray crystal structures Fig. 3. (A) Aryl–OCHF2 fragment (q = 19°) of roflumilast bound to phosphordiester- tionalities (38, 50). Thus, the
were complexes of phosphodi- ase 4 (table S1, entry 7) shows a multipolar C–F···C=O contact with the backbone pKa value steadily decreases
esterase 4 with roflumilast amide of Trp332. (B) Aryl–OCF3 fragment (q = 81°) of an inhibitor bound to the Ser upon F introduction in the series
(DAXAS), a drug against respi- protease trypsin (table S1, entry 13). Protein Cs are shown in gray (also applies to Fig. C H 3 C H 2 N H 2 ( 1 0 . 7 ) →
ratory diseases that was with- 5 and the SOM). FCH2CH2NH2 (9.0) →
drawn from the market in 2005 F2CHCH2NH2 (7.3) →
(Fig. 3) (37). convenient measure of lipophilicity is the loga- F3CCH2NH2 (5.7) (38). A sufficient number of
Thirteen structures with aryl–OCF3 frag- rithmic coefficient (logD) for distribution (D) of nearby F atoms can leave an amine unprotonated
ments were found in the CSD. The majority a compound between octanol and water at pH at physiological pH, resulting in higher bio-
show a preference for a dihedral angle Caryl– 7.4. In general, H/F exchange leads to a more availability, as shown for inhibitors of the human
Caryl–O–C(F3) of q ≈ 90°. Thus the O–CF3 bond lipophilic molecule. The logD values of nearly 5-HT1D receptor (39). In alicyclic systems,
seems to prefer an orthogonal orientation to the 300 compounds have been measured, and they substantial conformational and stereoelectronic
aromatic plane, although the calculations suggest followed this trend (43). A single H/F exchange effects are only beginning to be identified and
that the energetic differences in the dihedral- raises the logD value by approximately 0.25. A understood (38, 51). For example, s-transmission
angle range of 0° to 90° are small (~1 kcal/mol). large increase in logD is usually seen when F is effects in five-membered rings (such as pyr-
The PDB contains eight structures with aryl– introduced nearby a basic N. Amine basicity is rolidines) are only 70 to 80% as efficient as
OCF3 fragments (table S1, entries 12 to 19); six decreased because of the s-inductive effect of F, those in six-membered rings (such as piper-
have a dihedral angle q between 81° and 86°, so and thus the ratio of neutral to protonated idines), in which perfectly staggered conforma-
here too we see a preference for orthogonal molecules increases. tions, similar to those of aliphatic chains, can be
alignment of the O–CF3 bond (Fig. 3). The one However, there are exceptions wherein the adopted (38).
structure in the CSD (table S1, entry 20) with an introduction of F, in particular into aliphatic chains Over the past 5 years, we have conducted a
aryl–SCF3 bond also shows a 90° dihedral angle. and rings, leads to a reduction in the logD value. “fluorine scan” of tricyclic inhibitors of thrombin
The introduction of F into piperidine rings LogD values sometimes decrease when F is to map the fluorophilicity and/or fluorophobicity
decreases the basicity of the N center (38), introduced near O (43) or N atoms (30). Such a of the enzyme active site (30, 52–56). Fluorine
thereby improving oral bioavailability, as has decrease was observed when the O···F distance was systematically introduced at various posi-
been shown for ligands of the human 5-HT1D of at least one low-energy conformer in a mol- tions of the inhibitor skeleton to explore specific
receptor, a target in migraine therapy (39), and ecule was smaller than 3.1 Å, and this finding interactions of the halogen with active-site amino
for antagonists of the h5-HT2A receptor, a target has been tentatively explained by solvation acid residues of the enzyme. The binding mode
in schizophrenia therapy (40). Fluorine in pro- effects. On the other hand, replacement of a of the tricyclic inhibitors at the thrombin active
tonated 3-fluoro- and 3,5-difluoropiperidines methoxy group by a trifluoromethoxy group site was confirmed by several crystal structures of
strongly prefers the axial position in aqueous attached to an aryl unit may result in a marked protein-ligand complexes and is schematically
solution, whereas after deprotonation, the F sub- increase in lipophilicity as seen, for example, in shown in Fig. 4 (30, 52, 56, 57). Remarkably, the
stituent adopts an equatorial position (41, 42). In the DlogP of 1.1 between trifluoromethoxy- pKa value of the tertiary-amine center in the
the axial orientation, the polar C–F and N+–H and methoxybenzene [the logarithmic partition inhibitors can be tuned from the usual value near
fragments undergo favorable antiparallel dipolar coefficient logP (octanol/water) and logD are 10 to less than 2, through s-transmission effects
interactions. These intramolecular interactions identical for nonionizable solutes] (44). This of remote Fs. The pKa value of the tertiary-amine
are quite effective, and the axial preference of finding can be explained by a primary H/F center in tricyclic (±)1 is 7.0, 3 units below the SCIENCE VOL 317 28 SEPTEMBER 2007 1883

approximate value for a simple trialkylamine counterpart CF3SO2NH2 (pKa = 5.8, Ki = 2 × the observed change in conformation. This
(~10.2) and some 4 units below the pKa of 10−9 M) (60). distance is well beyond H-bonded contact dis-
heliotridane, a methylated hexahydropyrrolizi- tances, but the conformational change and the
dine that is the closest comparison compound for Selective Protein-Ligand Interactions resulting gain in potency provide particularly
the bicyclic fragment that incorporates the Electronegativity considerations would suggest strong evidence for energetically favorable dipo-
tertiary-amine center (38). This pKa lowering that C–F behaves similarly to C–O and C–N lar interactions.
results from the electron-withdrawing effects of fragments and acts as a good H-bond acceptor. Orthogonal multipolar C–F···C=O interac-
the two imide carbonyl groups. The phenyl- However, an extensive search of the CSD and tions were nicely revealed during the fluorine
amidinium moiety in (±)2 reduces the pKa value the PDB revealed this not to be the case (61). scan of tricyclic thrombin inhibitors (52).
further by 2.5 units. Adding one F to the terminal The C–F unit is a poor H-bond acceptor: Introduction of F in the para position of the
five-membered ring [(+)3 to (+)6] lowers the Organic F has a very low proton affinity and benzyl ring occupying the D pocket of thrombin
pKa value to ~3.3. In each of these compounds, is weakly polarizable. Nevertheless, the large (Fig. 4) enhanced the binding affinity by a factor
F is in both b and g positions of the tertiary number of C–F···H–X (where X = O, N, S) as of 6 (∆∆G = –1.1 kcal mol−1, where ∆∆G is the
amine and thus draws electron density through well as C–F···H–Ca (Ca carbon of a amino acids) difference in binding free enthalpy between para-
two s pathways. The pKa reduction by OH [(+)7] contacts points to the fact that it is favorable for F-substituted and -unsubstituted ligands) (52).
and MeO [(+)8] groups is much less effective. the C–F dipole to undergo multipolar interactions X-ray crystallography revealed (table S1, entry 23)
The protonated difluorinated compounds (+)9 (11). C–F···H–N (backbone amide) interactions that the C–F residue interacts not only at short
and (±)10 are even moderately strong acids are abundant in the PDB (36). Out of 788 C–F distance with H–Ca [d(F···C 3.1 Å)] but also in
(pKa < 2). containing structures, constraining the F···N sepa- an orthogonal fashion, with the backbone C=O
Carbonic anhydrase II is another enzyme for ration below the van der Waals contact distance group of Asn98 (Fig. 5C). Such orthogonal
which organofluorine effects on physical proper- of d1 = 3.1 Å and the angles a1 ≥ 150° and 90° ≤ multipolar interactions were subsequently shown

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ties and binding efficacies of aliphatic and a2 ≤ 150° gave 11 structures in which the C–F to be abundant in both small molecule x-ray
benzenesulfonamide-based inhibitors have been moiety of the ligand points toward the H–N crystal structures and in protein-ligand com-
extensively studied (58, 59). The introduction of bond (Fig. 5A). In the case of two thrombin plexes (11, 54), although they had not been
F near the sulfonamide (RSO2NH2) moiety inhibitors that differ by only one H/F substitu- recognized as such [for an early example, see fig.
increases the acidity of the N–H bond, facilitat- tion (43), the F-containing inhibitor is more po- S4 (62)]. Investigations of a model system in
ing deprotonation and stronger binding of the tent by a factor of 5 and shows a dramatic chemical double-mutant cycles subsequently
resulting anion to the Zn(II) ion at the active site conformational change in its bound state when confirmed the attractive nature of the orthogonal
of the enzyme. This point is nicely illustrated by compared to the nonfluorinated ligand (Fig. 5D C–F···C=O interaction, with a contribution in
comparing the inhibitory potency of weakly and fig. S3). The crystal structures (table S1, binding free enthalpy in apolar environments of
acidic methylsulfonamide (CH3SO2NH2) [pKa ≅ entries 21 and 22) reveal for the fluorinated ∆∆G = –0.2 to –0.3 kcal mol−1, about a third of
10.5, inhibition constant (Ki) = 10−4 M] to that analog a dipolar C–F···H–N interaction with a the gain from a neutral H bond (63). Such
of the much more acidic trifluoromethylated distance of 3.5 Å, which could be responsible for contacts are observed for both aliphatic and

F Tyr60A
P pocket
R2 R3 D pocket
O Trp60D
H H R5 Asn98
O R1 O
NH H N Ser195
X: • HCl N N
H Oxyanion
Trp215 hole
Compound R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 pKa
(±) -1 H H H H H 7.0 O H O Gly219
(±) -2 X H H H H 4.5 N H N H
N +
(+) -3 X F H H H 3.4 Gly216 H
(+) -4 X H F H H 3.3
(+) -5 X H H F H 3.3
(+) -6 X H H H F 3.3 - O
O S1 pocket
(+) -7 X OH H H H 4.1
(+) -8 X OMe H H H 3.7 Asp189

(+) -9 X F F H H <2
(±) -10 X H H F F <2

Fig. 4. (A) pKa values for the tertiary-amine center in tricyclic inhibitors of the Ser protease thrombin. (B) Binding mode of the inhibitors as confirmed
by x-ray crystal structures of protein-ligand complexes.

1884 28 SEPTEMBER 2007 VOL 317 SCIENCE

A B able halogens Br and in particular I, for which
such linear C–X···O=C alignment is observed
(“halogen bonding”) (11). Tricyclic thrombin
inhibitors directing fluoroalkyl and alkyl resi-
dues of appropriate and similar size into the
narrow P pocket of thrombin, which is lined by
Backbone Sidechain the side chains of Trp60D, Tyr60A, and His57
amide amide
(Fig. 4), gave similar binding affinities. How-
ever, overlays of crystal structures suggest that a
CHF2 group in the P pocket points away from
the electron-rich p surface of the indole ring of
F α3 α5 F α6
Trp60D lining the pocket (55). A preference for
F α1
d2 d3 positively polarized environments is consistent
α2 d1
α7 α8 with F’s high electronegativity.
α4 This conclusion also finds support in a PDB
O O search for C–F interactions with the guanidi-
nium group of Arg, inspired by observations for
the complex of atorvastatin bound to HMG-
C D CoA reductase (table S1, entry 2). In many
protein-ligand complexes, C–F bonds point
Leu99 toward the guanidinium moiety of Arg (fig.

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S5). However, no linear C–F···H–N interactions
were observed, in agreement with the poor H-
Asn98 3.5 Å bond-accepting capacity of F. Instead, C–F
bonds were found to orient either parallel to or
more orthogonally to the guanidinium plane
Trp215 with its delocalized positive charge. A high total
of 32 structures showed distances below 3.8 Å
3.5 Å (the distance cutoff takes into account the
longer range of interactions involving charges)
between the F atom and the central C atom of
the guanidinium residue, which clearly high-
Gly216 lights the fluorophilic character of the Arg side
Fig. 5. (A) Fluorine interacts favorably with peptidic N–H (ligand Cs in green) and C=O (ligand Cs Fluorine also affects the aromatic interac-
in purple) moieties. (B) Fluorine undergoes dipolar interactions with side-chain amides of Gln and tions of the phenyl ring to which it is attached.
Asp (ligand Cs in yellow). (C) The C–F residue of a tricyclic inhibitor undergoes a multipolar The positive polarization of neighboring ortho H
interaction with the backbone C=O of Asn98 in the D pocket of thrombin (table S1, entry 23). (D) A atoms is increased, strengthening C–H···X
dipolar N–H···F–C interaction induces the shown conformation of a thrombin inhibitor within the (where X = O, N) and C–H···p interactions.
enzyme (fig. S3 and table S1, entry 22). Upon moving from benzene to hexafluoroben-
zene, the quadrupole moment changes with
increasing fluorination from a large negative to
aromatic C–F and are also seen for CF3 groups. The new search also revealed a specific a large positive value (64–66). In benzene, the
In the structure of an inhibitor of the trifluoro- geometric preference for the interaction between negative poles are on the p surfaces and the
acetyl peptide class bound to porcine pancreatic C–F and side-chain amide residues of Gln and positive poles on the C–H residues; in hexa-
elastase (table S1, entry 24), all three F atoms of Asn. In 17 out of 23 hits, C–F points frontally fluorobenzene, the charge distribution is exactly
the CF3CO group interact in an orthogonal onto the H2N–C=O moiety, with the F···N opposite. This distinction has strong implica-
fashion with three backbone C=O groups of the distance as the shortest (d3 ≤ 3.1 Å). The tions for aromatic interactions. Benzene and
protein. At short contact distance, orthogonal O···F–C and N···F–C angles amount to 120° ≤ hexafluorobenzene undergo efficient eclipsed
C–F···C=O interactions are much more frequent a5/6, whereas the CC=O–N···F and CC=O–O···F face-to-face stacking interactions, which have
than the energetically more favorable antiparallel angles have values of 60° ≤ a7/8 ≤ 150° (Fig. been used as a construction principle in supra-
dipolar alignments (11), which can be explained 5B). An example for this preferred interaction is molecular chemistry (67). In medicinal chemis-
by reduced steric hindrance. found in the complex of endoglucanase Cel5A try, it was shown that face-to-face stacking
An earlier search for orthogonal C–F···C=O bound to a fluorinated inhibitor (table S1, entry interactions between the pentafluorophenyl ring
interactions in the PDB (11, 54) was repeated 25); here, the F···N distance is 2.9 Å. of a 1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-thione-based inhibitor
with an upper cutoff limit for the F···C distance Beyond highlighting the favorable character and Tyr155 of the metalloprotease stromelysin
of d2 = 3.3 Å (Fig. 5A) and angles set to values of orthogonal C–F···C=O interactions, the fluo- (table S1, entry 26) strongly contribute to the
of a3 ≥ 140° (C–F···CC=O) and 70° ≤ a4 ≤ 110° rine scan of the thrombin inhibitors leads to protein-ligand binding affinity. Nevertheless, a
(F···CC=O=O). This search yielded 20 hits shown some general conclusions about fluorophobic variety of electrostatic forces such as dipole-
in Fig. 5A. Most of these hits also feature addi- environments. C–F bonds pointing into highly dipole, dipole-induced dipole, or dipole-quadrupole
tional favorable C–F···H–Ca interactions below polar environments such as the oxyanion hole of interactions may dominate quadrupole-moment
the van der Waals distance. An overlay of both thrombin were found to reduce binding affinity. interactions and induce other orientational pref-
C–F···H–N and C–F···C=O interactions illus- Also, C–F bonds avoid pointing directly at the erences between aromatic and fluoroaromatic
trates how F organizes around backbone amides, O atom of C=O groups. Thus, the behavior of F rings. Thus, a rare edge-to-face interaction be-
which clearly provide a fluorophilic environment. contrasts with that of the larger, more polariz- tween Phe131 and a perfluorophenyl ring was SCIENCE VOL 317 28 SEPTEMBER 2007 1885

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1886 28 SEPTEMBER 2007 VOL 317 SCIENCE

Fluorine in Pharmaceuticals: Looking Beyond Intuition
Klaus Müller, Christoph Faeh and François Diederich

Science 317 (5846), 1881-1886.

DOI: 10.1126/science.1131943

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