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Teacher Rubric for Fruit Fly Population Explosion Project

✔ = element is present
✔+ = element is present and is ​exceptional
✔- = element is present but exhibits minimal effort
(no ✔) = element missing
The comment section will elaborate on the quality of each element
Element of interest ✔ Comments
Free write Reflection
Mentions current conditions and makes
some predictions about the future
state of the fly population
Visual representation Presentation of results

Displays quantitative data

Can be interpreted with little

background knowledge

Is attractive, and neatly done

Tells the story of population growth

Questions Critical Analysis

Open ended
One about the process, one about the
Well written

Evaluate peers Critical Analysis

All parts of the rubric are filled in

Comments are thoughtful and helpful

Group participation Collaboration

Completes fair share of the work
including, but not limited to 2-3 log
book entries and 2-3 journal entries

Participates in group problem solving

Cooperates with and encourages others

Journal Reflection
The overall state of the system and
struggles and successes are
recorded for every week of the
Entries are thoughtful and well written
(specific to your entries)
Data log Keeping good records
Records a population count,
modifications, and the reasoning
behind the modifications for every
week of the project

Is organized and easy to read (specific

to your entries)

Paper Understanding the concepts

Uses sound evidence and clear
reasoning to support predictions

Applies concepts of carrying capacity

and limiting factors

Draws on experience from fruit fly

project to support reasoning

Understands the limitations and

strengths of the concept of carrying
Expresses an understanding of limiting
Understands how populations behave in
the face of limited resources
Additional comments

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